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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. That's not the original developer message.


    It's not a conspiracy. There's no web of half-truths. The first developer response was lost with the beta forum wipe, though I haven't bothered to dig through posting histories. It was Georg who originally spoke to general testers about this issue. He's the one who said they were testing our reactions to missing features (paraphrasing again).



    It may not be the first response, but it is the current response. If you want to know about color matching, the blog entry from December is the latest update.

  2. Or else what? You'll go for another car, right?


    You won't keep riding the car you think is crappy, pissing and moaning to everyone passing by about how crap it is.


    If you don't like SWTOR, go play another MMO that's better, there are tons of them out there to try out.






    What, still here? Well, maybe your complaints are just trolling and childish QQ-ing after all, eh?


    (Generic "you" here of course :) )

    These are Internet forums. QQ is the norm.


    Personally, I want TOR to succeed. I am really enjoying the leveling content. However, there are many things that irritate me about the game. Once I get bored by the leveling content, it will be harder to gloss over those irritations.

  3. Thats the thing though, they are not required. It might be the best feature they could ever add to the game, but is it required? No. We can do everything we can in the game without them.

    Leather seats aren't required either, but if you want to sell you car in the same market as Lexus or BMW, you need to have them.


    If you want to sell an MMO at the same price points as WoW, you will need to have many of the same features to compete. Right now, SWTOR is good because the level up experience is extremely compelling. However, in 3-6 months, this game will be in trouble if max level features are not implemented. Quality of life features are extremely important to MMOS retaining subscribers once the player base matures and is not in leveling content anymore. Features like macros, dual talent specs and a functional group queuing system are incredibly important and will make or break TOR in the long run.

  4. Yes, and no.


    At end game, crafting doesn't really produce anything that won't be replaced with raid drops, etc.


    While leveling up? It can provide you with some nice stuff.


    I happen to enjoy crafting.


    It could be the fact that during the day, while I sit at work, I can cycle through alts and craft all day.


    My next baby character right now is in all purples until level 35 and will probably have all purples to 50 by the time I actually get around to leveling again. =D

    Your end game comments are only half true. Most people don't raid. End game crafting, especially purple loot, sells very well. The hard part is getting a recipe that people want from RE.

  5. I bet WoW had people compare it to other games when it launched.


    So cute that this one does, just like WoW at first.

    Absolutely. WoW was heavily compared to Everquest. EQ was the king when WoW was released.


    Now, WoW is the king. It is natural for everyone to compare TOR to the king. TOR does many things better than WoW. Unfortunately, they are missing some features that are becoming requirements in the industry (i.e. dual specs, functional group finding tool, macros, customizable UI). Until those imbalances are fixed, TOR will not overtake WoW as king.

  6. If you are looking for gear, crafting isn't the greatest choice. I think Cybertech and Biochem are the best choices for leveling gear. Once you get a third companion, you can level the crafting skills past you level very easily and be ready to equip blue or purple gear when you hit the next level.


    If you want to make money, Biochem seems like the best. My consumables and implants always sell. Artifice might be a good choice too because hilts and relics are rare during questing.

  7. As consumers, we don't really care if it is a first generation car or not. The car needs to have the features we want and work. Poorly implemented first generation products can impact a product for years. To look at the car world, go back and look at Hyundai when it was first introduced to the US market. It took a decade or more for them to recover their image from the quality issues they had in the first generation cars.
  8. Really? Seriously? A Chevy to a BMW?


    The last time I looked, the BMW has all of the features of the Chevy and some extra stuff to make it a premier car.


    The last time I looked, this so called BMW is missing many features that are included in Chevy class MMOs like Rift.


    And don't forget, the big daddy of them all(WoW) is more like a top of the line Mercedes than a Chevy.


    It is completely appropriate to compare games in similar genres. Just like you can compare BMWs, Chevys and Mercedes to see which car is the best one for you.

  9. What difference does it make where the bars are? I mean, it's not like you have to move your mouse off to the edge of the screen to try to click on individual abilities every time you want to use them. That would just be dumb.

    Because the default placement is ugly and doesn't fit where I like to look for information. I would love for all of my bars to be smaller and centered in the bottom middle of my screen.


    I can't wait for some UI customization. Unfortunately, BW is developing it, so it will be buggy as hell and poorly tested.

  10. You can add a left and right action bar from the UI menu...


    Put the ones you dont use during combat there.


    You can then also add hotkeys to the bars.


    Hope this helps a bit.

    The left and right action bars take up too much screen real estate. The right one in particular is really bad because it shifts all of the quest text over by the width of the bar. And, if you want to control some of your companion's abilities by key bind, you have to expand it across one of the other bars.


    The best solution is to allow key binds to work on bars when they aren't displayed. That way I can hide more UI elements, but still use some of the key binds.


    And get rid of some abilities. Our characters have too many.


    A lot of folks have gaming keyboards with G-Keys and such, plus mouses with 50 bindable buttons :p

    The people using that hardware are a relatively small % of players.

  11. Well, I lasted to lv41. But I've just about had enough now I'm on Hoth. The 'travel-to-action ratio' has just got to the point where the game is no fun.

    In my opinion, Hoth is by far the worst travel-to-action ratio of any planet. On my first toon, it wasn't as bad because I took Bioanalysis and killing monsters along the way for "skinning" broke up the travel. Now that my second toon is on Hoth, it is painful. The xp for killing the silvers isn't worth the time delay. Hoth either needs more quests or less traveling between questing areas.

  12. Despite the fact you have a legitimate question, this thread is about to get trolled by the "zomg Guild Wars is better than SWTOR!" folks.


    As for Guild Wars in game, do you mean rated Warzones against rival guilds?

    zomg Guild Wars is better than SWTOR!


    Sorry....I couldn't resist. :p

  13. That is interesting. I thought maybe my Logitech mouse was a problem.

    it is not your logitech mouse. BW released a buggy interface, Thankfully they included an option to reset the interface. Hopefully they will fix the issues when they release the UI customizations.


    Unfortunately, Bioware is doing the work, so they won't test it and the new customizations will be buggier than the current UI.

  14. WE don't want dual spec, YOU want dual spec.


    I'm fine with what I have. People can't even master one single spec, and you want them to have two? Pfffffffffffff, please!


    Oh, and stop talking in plural, you don't represent the community, I can't remember having an election for community presidency, and you winning it!

    Maybe you should look around....there are plenty of us who agree with the OP and think WE was the perfect pronoun for representing our request.

  15. Why do you care? It's only a few thousand credits.


    Granted, if they farmed there for hours on end then yeah, that could be an issue. The only people who would do that I think are credit sellers, and level locking wouldn't really solve the issue, only delay it.


    I'm pretty sure you get more credits though by doing daily quests, getting the items offered by vendors, and putting them on the GTN, along with selling Biochem items.

    Hacks and exploits are bad for the game. They cause inflation and economic instability. Legit players get tired of sky rocketting prices and unsub to play a different game. Early economy issues will destroy TOR faster than anything else.

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