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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. For the life of me I cannot believe that people are complaining about virtual items in a video game.


    I just can't wrap my head around it.



    If ever comes a day that I start making forum posts complaining about the in-game "fluff" items, will be a day that I walk away from gaming forever.


    You got what you paid for. Now enjoy the game, there are more important things to cry about in this life.

    We paid extra money (the real world kind) for that fluff. The items that resulted for that money are underwhelming. I feel like I wasted the extra cash.

  2. Thanks for the reply. That's what I tried, but I couldn't get it to recognize any of my mouse buttons. I bind my mouse buttons to different things in pretty much any game I play, but it just doesn't seem to work in ToR.


    I'll try it again when the servers come back up.

    I had to hold my mouse button down longer than normal. It seems to want a longer press of the button to recognize the command.

  3. This game is not brutal, unforgiving, or primitive. You're just having a temper tantrum because you can't have a hello kitty styled UI. Seriously, there is absolutely nothing missing from this UI that is required for game play. You can't rate someone based on what armor they have at level 10? Cry me a *********** river. As I said before, grow a pair and learn to play like a grown up. This isn't dance dance revolution. Adults don't need to be told what keys to push in what sequence so you don't have to think.

    Some of us are quite grown up. My Jedi Sage is only level 20 and the number of abilities available is maddening. Having macros or a re-sizable/customizable UI is a huge quality of life issue for me.

  4. Not gonna read this huge thread, so maybe this has been said:


    WHY can't I bind my mouse keys to the buttons on my bar?? Please add this in!


    Also, customizable unit frames would be nice. And an alert system for proc-based abilities like Retaliation - I want to be able to watch the fight, not stare at my bar for a button to light up :(

    You can do that in key binding interface. When you go to modify a key, use a mouse button instead of a key press.

  5. I do not understand your post, if you entered the key from your game the free month is included.....you should be aces.

    You need to setup a subscription before your first month is activated. You need to enter a valid credit card or buy 30 days of game time at launch (60 days total).

  6. I'm not sure how you've hit 3 maintenance periods in EGA. This is the first one I've seen.


    BTW, you can play tomorrow evening after the game officially launches. The next maintenance on Dec 22 is at 2 AM CST. Is that more to your liking?

  7. So tired of all these self entitled Obama-babies who just want everything done for them. Stop occupying this forum and start learning how to use the UI as it was meant to be.

    The UI is meant to make game play better, not stand in the way. In my opinion, the current UI stands in the way.


    And, as a life long Republican(almost Libertarian), I would appreciate it if you left politics out of my gaming. There's a reason I don't watch the Sunday talking heads anymore...

  8. Also, PLEASE DO NOT ADD MACROS. This will ruin the game because people are too lazy to push buttons and it will cause "Chinese Famers" to camp the servers.

    Wow. That is such an ignorant statement.


    Macros are not about being lazy. They are about efficiency. I would love to see target of target functionality and macros so I can heal a tank without fumbling over clicking their portrait or hitting the correct F# key. Some of us don't have twitch reflexes anymore.


    You really think there are Chinese farmers these days? That went away a long time ago. Most of the gold in the for profit gold sellers is from account compromise, not farming. Nobody farms anymore. It is too inefficient. It is better to prey on stupid people who click on things they shouldn't.

  9. One, more flexibility with GUI, I would love to put hotbars and minimaps where I like to put them....


    2, ability to respec my toon.

    3. To be able to respec all my keys.

    4. Well these are but a few any one else?........

    You can respec. They don't have dual specs yet.


    I want a functioning LFG tool that is not cross server. Something like WoW or Rift, but only on for my server. Hopefully that will reign in some of the ******s since they will need to live with their reputation again.

  10. Dear Bioware,


    Part of the reasons that the queue's are not moving are because people are not logging out due to macros, or the old pen in the keyboard trick. Please do something for the people that play the game legitimately.


    I'm noticing more and more people doing this and having Aion flashbacks. Meanwhile a lot of players that are not afk running are waiting in your queues.



    The Community

    How would you like Bioware to detect someone has stuck a pen in their keyboard?

  11. In the Code Redemption section, you should have something like this:


    12.15.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play

    11.02.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

    10.03.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order


    If you don't have that, you should go over to the customer service forum. They have some active threads about pre-order code issues.

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