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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. so you are saying that you enjoy the game, but are planning to unsub because of the negativity towards the game from people here on the forums?


    Keep playing if you enjoy it, like I do.


    If you are still content on unsubscribing then you can do that through your account > subscriptions.

    As far as I'm aware you can't delete your forum access.

    Someone forgot to read the fine print from the OP.


    I tried that, but I still remember the URL! Is there some sort of memory wipe system I could use?



    Maybe electro-shock therapy?

  2. Nobody is getting a migrane from the flashing ability bars that already weren't getting migranes from the countless flashing spell effects and visual effects throughout this entire game.

    That is not true. The intensity of the new cooldown UI is significantly worse than the spell effects on the screen. The spell effects are somewhat muted by the background textures and variety of colors. The contrast isn't as intense.


    For the ability bars, having 20-24 buttons suddenly light up brighter than the already white UI is extremely jarring to people. Many people don't realize they are sensitive until something like this occurs to trigger their migraines.

  3. I play republic on a standard to heavy server. I'm leveling my second toon. The population was a little lower than the first time around until I finished Act I. There was a serious population drop on planets once I hit Balmorra. I went from 50-70+ players per planet to 35 or less. I'm on Voss now and there were only 25 people on the planet last night during prime time.


    The fleet is significantly lower than January. In January, there were always 100-120 people at the fleet. Now it is more like 80-100. Also, in January there were more options on the GTN, especially for crafting missions. You used to always be able to find level 300 and 340 crafting missions at below 10K. Now, those missions only drop below 10K on the weekends or when someone just pops it up there for the default price.

  4. Nice post. As a person who suffers from migraines, I appreciate you posting these suggestions to help people who do not experience migraines regularly. All of those suggestions are very good and will help people minimize the impact of the UI. In particular, I recommend the sun glasses option. You don't need a really dark set of sun glasses. I use a set of amber lenses to mute bright lights when I'm having issues. The most important thing is to have good anti-glare protection so it softens the sudden brightness of the GCD.


    Another suggestion is to play a character with less reliance on procs. Right now, I can't play my Telekinetic Sage because I would spend too much time staring at the buffs for my procs. I'm playing a Guardian right now and the more predictable rotation allows me to keep the bottom icons in my peripheral vision while I'm in combat.

  5. This game has in total 16 classes, which is quite alot compared to wow. Also, adding more classes requires different voice acting on a WHOLE new story. This will take just too much time and money. Agreed on the gear thing.

    No. This game has 8 classes. Each faction has a mirror class that performs almost equally. The differences are flavor, not systematic.


    OP: This isn't the "WoW" model. The gear up to beat something model goes back forever. In reality, that is what every computer RPG has boiled down to. Progress through the story (quests, etc), get better gear and beat the big baddie at the end. The only difference between MMOs and single player games is that MMOs require other real people to help you beat the big baddie of the time. Think about Dragon Age or Mass Effect for a minute. At the end of the day, it was the same exact gaming model as WoW, Everquest and TOR. The only difference is you played alone instead of with other people.

  6. I know you cant mail an item between factions but can you trade face to face with a player of the opposite faction? My main is a republic player. I have loads of Darkside relice/armor that i would like to get to my Imperial player. Is this possible? If not then it needs to be implemented!!

    You cannot do that. Use the GTN on Nar Shada. It is neutral and usable by both factions.

  7. /sigh


    This discussion again?


    You can't compare WoW at launch to SWTOR at launch. The industry and consumer expectations are completely different. It would be like comparing Castle Wolfenstein or Doom to BF3 or MW3. The games industry has completely changed over the last 10 years. In particular, the MMO industry has matured and more is expected from MMOs at release.


    A more apt comparison would be Rift or Aion. Both of those games were released in the current market.

  8. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2649417#post2649417


    If you guys respond to this thread he wins ! click above

    The fact that the OP is a troll doesn't mean the rest of us can't have a thoughtful discussion.


    So what is the relevance of this for SWTOR?

    Heck, the moderators are allowing a thread about why WoW is declining. Why can't we discuss EA's stock performance?


    Edit: Sorry, forgot to insert a quote.

  9. Wow!!


    The stock crept below its 52 week low today.


    This is not what investors had hoped to see on the heels of the biggest game release of the year.


    Not good, hope things change here.



    That's what happens when you miss analysts estimates.


    Are people really this dumb?


    Stocks go up and down all the time for ALL companies for all sorts of reasons, I like how some of these Einsteins seem to think EA stock is tied exclusively to SWTOR lol..


    Right now with the issues in Greece almost all stocks today are dropping... Please stop making posts like this, I'm embarrassed for you..

    Actually, the major indexes(DJ, Nasdaq, S&P) closed at multi-year highs yesterday. Today is a profit taking day. While the general market has been rising, EA stock has been falling all month.


    Because stocks are reliable...

    Stock prices are reliable when gauging investor confidence in a company's ability to make money(which is why they are in business). It is not a reliable indicator of whether a product will be good or not, but it is a good indicator of investor confidence regarding a company's ability to deliver on their promises. Low investor confidence is a market expression of EA's overall ability to deliver and continue making money.

  10. Rolling need/greed on loot is NOT a ninja move. Its a game mechanic to allow players to show their desire for gear or items that have dropped. Simply put you are there with your character and companion. If something drops your companion could use it, you could be nice and roll greed or as you tend to rely on your companion roll need.

    Rolling need for a companion against someone who can actually equip it on their character is rude. This is especially the case if you are rolling need for a companion at level 50. There is nothing in end-game (FPs, Ops, PvP) that is designed for you to bring a companion.


    BW should expand the Need/Greed system to take companions into account. They should have 2 need options: one for PCs and one for companions. The PC always gets priority.

  11. I'll just throw this out there as an extra thought. You might even WANT to skip some space combat dailies and whatnot. On my alt, I had so much rested xp, pvp'd pretty often, and did space combat that I out leveled a lot of the planets to the point where even my class quests were too low for me. I think I was level 38ish before the NPCs were about on par with me.


    So if you want to see the planets and content, might not be a bad idea to skip it.

    That's actually pretty common without rested XP. On my first 50, I did the Taris bonus series and half of the Tatooine bonus series. I was playing way too much during the holidays and didn't have much rested XP. I out leveled most of the content until I hit Voss.

  12. Something isn't right about this...



    Looking at the Corellia commendation mods, there are two mods that give the same stats. One is called Discipline Enhancement which gives 26 end, 13 pow, and 34 surge. The other is called Efficient Enhancement. This one gives 26 end, 13 pow, and 34 surge. I think they messed up and one is supposed to be power and crit and the other one is supposed to be power and surge.


    They should fix that.

    That actually starts around Balmorra (maybe a little later). It's very annoying.

  13. I like when people call the game broken because of some minor bug


    example would be how people keep claiming the last two patches "broke" the game when all they did was create a small bug that in no way made any of the game unplayable

    Minor bugs? :eek:


    They've screwed up their primary level 50 world zone in every patch since 1.1 went live. People aren't getting credit for WZ wins. A major part of this game is completely broken and you think it is a minor bug?

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