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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. BW added 45 servers today. Expect more until they think enough servers are open to handle the load.


    pvp queue exploit folks.

    According to BW, there is no exploit. Questing is granting faster XP than PvP.

  2. By even mentioning a date tomorrow, they had better deliver. This place will be a million times worse if they don't invite people with pre-orders in late November.


    Sometimes, it is better to not say anything than to risk the wrath of the community. They're damned either way, might as well not make a promise you can't keep. Many MMOs have learned this lesson. Bioware will learn the lesson too.

  3. My point is, is that nobody can really answer this question!


    All I hear is how SWTOR has no innovation and doesn't add anything new to the genre and so on and so fourth....and how it is just WoW in a Star Wars skin.


    Well then how come SWTOR drew so much attention?


    Well how come people such as myself who NEVER would have thought to play an MMO, decided to get into MMOs with SWTOR? Yeah, you might say because it is SW and SW is popular and draws people. But Galaxies was SW but yet that game didn't bring me into MMOs.


    I LOVE SWTOR, but if it is simply just WoW in SW skin, then how come I am not flocking to WoW to play that as well? I mean, WoW looks BORING to me and I do not plan on reading walls of text to get a mission.




    People just cannot give SWTOR the credit it deserves......

    From my limited experience in beta, the story telling in TOR is the new innovation. The way the class missions work and the different story for each character adds immense value to the game.


    If you don't care about the story, then it is just another MMO where you kill things until max level, then form a raid and kill more things. You might PvP too.

  4. RE my last post, its incredibly hard to get a job in this economy. Besides I'm a student and I need to pay for rent, food and other things and even then I can't afford it.

    Then why are you paying $50+ to buy the game and $15/month to play it? Save the money and use it on rent, food and the other things.

  5. Of course servers are going to be light now. The majority of the pre-order player base is at school or work. During prime time last night (around 8-ish CDT), most of the servers were normal. There were a number of light pop servers and 2 heavy pop servers. Hopefully this trend continues and they let lots of people in today.
  6. http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/586/swtorheadstart300x250.jpg


    Nothing in this ad is technically false, but I think we all know what is being implied. This really isn't cool.

    That ad isn't dishonest. That is pretty mild in comparison to some of the things I've seen on the web.

  7. Guys, there was like a 4 day period where the servers were down the first month. It was sooooo bad. It's funny how in hindsight everyone can make WoW's launch a bed of roses. Read these exact same posts when AoC, Aion and Rift came out about how much greater WoW's launch was.

    WoW was decent when compared to the other launches of the era (EQ, EQ2). Compared to today, WoW was a horrendous start. The difference is Blizzard did not expect 250,000 people to join on day 1. No MMO had ever seen those numbers.


    Bioware has a good idea of the number of peopl eentering on day 1. They know how many people pre-ordered and have pretty good data about the ratio of pre-orders to day 1 subscribers. Given the information available in 2011, they better pull off a better launch than WoW in 2004.

  8. Q1: Can you 2 man Flashpoints?

    A: All flashpoints can be 2-manned if you are over-leveled.


    Q2: <bunch of needless but kissing, loves hutt ball> Will there be more war zones?

    A: Yes. We plan to implement more war zones.


    Q3: Will there be competitive PvP (ie Arenas)?

    A:Yes. We olan to create laddered PvP.


    Q4: Are there plans to allow pre-formed parties in PvP?

    A: Yes. pre-formed groups will play against each other.


    Q5: How will new players know what "new" servers to start on?

    A: There are population indicators next to each server so people can see if the server has a queue.


    Q6: Will there be a raise in difficulty compared to beta?

    A: Normal and Hard Flashpoints. Normal, Hard and Nightmare Operations.


    Q7: Pod racing?

    A: We're looking at ways to improve vehicles post launch.


    Q8: Dual Specs?

    A: We're thinking about it.


    Q9: When will the Juggernaut/Guardian be revamped?

    A: We are looking at it now. Shortly after launch.


    Q10: Schedule for future content?

    A: We plan regular updates. No specifics.


    Q11: When does the server week end?

    A: Operations reset on Tuesday morning.


    Q12: how will the cover system work in 8m flashpoints or w.e raids are named?

    A:"We'll be resetting Operations on Tuesday morning." <ed: yes, same answer as Q11 >


    Q13: Why is TOR different from other MMOs?

    A: We feel that the elements of Story, Choice, Cinematic, Presentation, Companion Characters, Dynamic Fast paced Star Wars Combat and multiplayer dialogue all make The Old Republic stand out amongst other MMOs. <ed: gag on PR>


    Q14: World bosses for max level players(ed: wants to grief people on pvp server)?

    A: We have world bosses with artifact loot that you can fight over. Considering adding more including Illum and Outlaw's Den.


    Q15: Target of Target in the UI?

    A: Soo....er will add later.


    Q15.5 <missed it originally>: Wow! this is so awesome! EGA is so smooth! <ed: wow...that was just bad. did this guy miss the entire forums blowing up today?>

    A: Thanks! We've worked really hard.


    Q16: Will space combat be improved? Maybe go 3D?

    A: We will add new space missions in content updates. We also have a secret project on expanding the space experience.


    Q17: New races/classes?

    A: Yes, soo...er...in the foreseeable future.


    Q18: Why are female characters call Sir or Lord?

    A: Part of SW lore.


    Q19: Macros?

    A: Soo...er...we have a large list of smaller feature we want to implement in the future.


    Q20: I want Ewoks! Why won't you give them to me?

    A: Lots of people are fans of Ewoks. Maybe in the future.


    Q21: Why did you write so much great content for the game? What were your inspirations?

    A: Bioware has always taken storytelling seriously. Star Wars movies were inspirations.


    Q22: Can we have moddable orange weapons?

    A: Yes.


    Q23: Are hard and nightmare operations available at launch?

    A: Yes.


    Q24: I don't like doing the same raid over and over again. Will there be more than 1 raid per tier?

    A: We have 2 Operations in the same tier at launch and we will be expanding on this tier as well as releasing others.


    Q25: Are you planning to bracket off the level 50s in a separate war zone?

    A: Yes. Stay tuned for a future Developer's Blog about PvP.


    End of chat. Transcript of this riveting experience will be posted at http://bbyurl.us/SWTORChat.

  9. Q24: I don't like doing the same raid over and over again. Will there be more than 1 raid per tier?

    A: We have 2 Operations in the same tier at launch and we will be expanding on this tier as well as releasing others.


    Q25: Are you planning to bracket off the level 50s in a separate war zone?

    A: Yes. Stay tuned for a future Developer's Blog about PvP.

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