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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. All I want is for people to stop jumping from MMO to MMO and support something with potential.. it's like the thought process is "Nope, this isn't perfect. Time to go back to WoW".. as if the laws of capitalism don't exist.


    Support someone other than blizzard is all I'm advocating.

    WoW is a nice and polished game, but it's no longer fun because it's to damn casual.


    Give another company some money, let them grow/correct mistakes, and allow some competition to develop.

    If the game were F2P, I can understand you saying people should accept the bugs and crap features. Unfortunately, this game costs the same $15 a month as WoW. If you want to charge the same as WoW, then you need to deliver a game of better quality.


    The great leveling process will only hide the warts for so long. Blizzard figured this out a long time ago. Bioware should have learned from Blizzard's path.


    PS The only thing that isn't casual about SWTOR is finding a group. TOR is old style, hardcore in that respect.

  2. Even if you don't believe the dev team, even if you think they LIED to their shareholders breaking federal regulations, even if you think that independent news sources have been bribed to hide the "truth" from us that play this game, even if you think all of these insane tin-foil hat conspiracies, all you have to do is /who 1-5, /who 6-10 etc etc etc and you can easily see that server is not dying, I do this about once per week, and my server Crucible Pits, is definitely growing. Go troll somewhere else.

    They did not lie to their shareholders. I firmly believe they had 1.7 million subs on Feb 1. Considering they played games at release by forcing people without credit cards to buy an additional 30 days of service before their account would activate, their sub numbers were a little artificially inflated on Feb 1.


    If you read between the lines though, they sold more than 2 million copies of TOR. That means they lost at least 300K subscribers before the 20th of January. That's a drop of 15%. That's not the direction they want to go.

  3. SWTOR is marketed toward the KOTOR/Star Wars/Bioware fan, not WoW clients. Rift is more of a WoW-target audience.

    BS. TOR is a fantasy MMO. It is aimed at the same target audience as WoW.


    I can understand that even MMOs can be completely different.

    The MMO market isn't big enough for that level of differentiation. Right now, the MMO market is divided by monthly subs and F2P/microtransactions. There are a few outside of the norm, but SWTOR is not in that realm. TOR is very much a traditional MMO in the same market space as EQ, EQ2, Rift and WoW.


    Again, they are two different games and markets. WoW might have the best value to YOU, but the fact that WoW has this while ToR does not have this will not affect the general public.


    Most people that I know that play this game and play WoW love this game. Why? Star Wars. That is the primary target audience.

    Ask SWG how the Star Wars theme worked for them. It will carry sales for a little while, but better features are required to sustain subscriptions after the Star Wars theme wears off.


    Right now, SWTOR is well behind competing MMOs in feature set. It may take them the entirety of 2012 to catchup to Rift or WoW today. By then, it may be too late.

  4. The fact is you complainers are fans of wow, and thats it and you want other game to be just like it.

    I dont blame you it was the easiest and most convenient game released (well it came to be, it wasnt like that until post BC) and now you think somehow they are industry standards lol

    Dude, this game is WoW(Vanilla or TBC) with a Star Wars theme, more cut scenes and less friendly features.


    And I will give you a real comparison. I work for an auction company. The company is now 4 months old. Do you think at any point in time that we said well this year we are going to put ebay or sotheby out of business? absolutely not. Get some logic people

    Your comparison doesn't work. E-bay is a completely different business model from the normal auction house. And you probably aren't handling the same clientele as Sothebys.


    SWTOR is marketed at the same clients as WoW. It has the same monthly fee with a larger upfront investment for the base game. Comparisons for two products are closer to cars or TVs than auction houses. If TOR was priced at a lower spot than WoW, then most of us wouldn't complain as much about the lack of features. But it isn't priced lower. It is the exact same monthly price as WoW or Rift. For my money, I will go to the game that gives me the best value.


    TOR has my attention right now because the leveling is great. In its current state, TOR won't hold my attention once I get bored with leveling.

  5. They're completely different games made by completely different teams. One has nothing to do with the other.


    Have you even had a job at a major corporation?

    It doesn't matter. The average player for TOR is probably interested in the ME series. Why would BW/EA release new content for TOR that might cause people to delay purchasing the new RPG hitting the streets? That is counter productive to their goal of making as much money as possible.


    ME3 will be released March 6. I doubt we will see 1.2 until March 27. It is far enough out to not impact the first 2-3 weeks of sales, but close enough that most people won't unsub while they play ME3.

  6. How does that make sense?

    Companies don't usually have major releases at the same time. Releasing 1.2 near the ME3 launch could negatively impact sales. So, 1.2 will probably be a few weeks after the ME3 launch. It won't be far enough that people will unsub, but it won't be close enough to compete with ME3.

  7. you can not compare years of development to a new game, besides the DEV's never claimed to be a wow killer or anything else, no new game made by anyone is going to launch with the same level of devlepment as a game that has been out for years, where do people get this these crazy ideas.. this is a /facepalm moment

    So compare it to Rift. SWTOR is missing almost all of the customization options Rift had at launch. BW spent so much time and effort on the leveling experience (which is fantastic) that they ran out of time to add the features people expect when they get to max level.

  8. You're playing Empire. Did you fail to realize your were basically base camping ther Republic?


    Of course you don't see any issues with Ilum. Your faction imbalance makes it a futile effort for the Republic.

  9. Go log onto a wow server and see how much of a ghost town the leveling areas are. As with that game, most people are pooling at level cap now. Get to 50 bro, that's when the MMORPG begins.

    Level cap may be the beginning of most MMOs, but Bioware didn't have any budget left to make level 50 game play engaging. They spent everything on voice overs.

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