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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. Rude? The only rudeness here is you inviting someone 4 times after they declined. If you are doing blind invites, it's even more rude.


    Do you just open your car door and tell someone to jump in for the ride?


    Do you text random phone number expecting a full conversation?


    Do you come to forums and make outlandish statements and threaten people with "machine gun" invites?


    Oh wait...I guess you are that kind of guy. What server are you on? I want to avoid you.

  2. I made this statement because most people are leaving this to go back and fufill there content needs with a 7 yr old game.

    I call BS. You made the comment because you don't like WoW. It's obvious in your post that you have great disdain for the direction of that game.


    Like I said though, TOR should stand on its own merits. If people continue to sub, it will be because they are having fun with this game, not because they don't like a different game. If someone chooses to unsub, you should care about what in TOR was missing, not what game they are going to play.

  3. When Mists of Pandaria drops all of the more mature players will realize WoW has went down the drain and is now made for kids. By this time all the bugs will be ironed out and ToR will a content rich MMO with lots to do.


    Would you rather have 3 50s now? Or level a year from now? up to you.

    Really? People should stay with TOR because another game may or may not cater to them later this year?


    TOR should stand on its own merits rather than your opinion of another game's expansion that isn't even in beta yet.

  4. Saber of Exar Khun. Just to give you an example. I logged into Narshada this morning and I was the only player on there. :confused: Other times, I've logged into the Republic fleet and there was 11-20 players on. On the Imp side it's around 80 to well over 100. The Republic vs Imperial ration is pretty bad.

    Wow. Your imp numbers are about where the Rep numbers stay on my server. I hope they do something soon for servers that have a severe imbalance like that.

  5. you would be surprised how little time they have to play this game..

    They commented in a recent article or blog entry that all of the developers play the game on the live servers.


    thats why they have a test server..and peopl who can submit bug reports..

    It's not worth anyone's time to go to the PTS because you don't have level 50 characters. Low level toons don't have enough skills to adequately test the changes.


    Bioware needs to grow up as a game developer. I give them credit for trying to fix issues quickly. Unfortunately, they are missing too many massive bugs in their haste to make changes. They need better testing protocols ASAP.

  6. Just to whine and spread negativity? Im just curious. Lets get some good intelligent answers in b4lock.

    I want the game to get better. I want BioWare to get their heads out of their arses and figure out how to implement proper testing protocols. I want this game to be as engaging at level 50 as it was at level 45.


    I answered your question. Now answer mine: If you love the game so much why aren't you playing it right now?

  7. I think the biggest issue with this game is the fact that a large part of the player base have come over from other MMOs because of being burned out on them.


    This game has a somewhat innovative leveling grind, however, once you hit level 50 its just the same old same old. People are tired or running PVP battlegrounds over and over or some heroic to get gear upgrades. Its old news, that is why I left playing WOW. I DON'T WANT TO RUN THE SAME STUPID WARZONE OR HEROIC 10000000 TIMES. PLEASE SOMEBODY MAKE AN MMO THAT IS NOT THE SAME BORING LAME END GAME....\


    /end rant

    /dons flame retardant suit



    The real problem with the game is BW thought they could get away with a half-arsed end game design while making leveling obscenely easy.


    It is not the player's fault that they want the same engaging story elements in end game that they have during the leveling process.


    Also, it is not the player's fault that BioWare QA makes Atari QA look functional. BW needs to grow up fast and fix their testing procedures.

  8. What all you nay sayers fail to realize is this. MMOs are never ever released with end-game in mind. The game grows, just as the community. The sheer amount of man power needed to produce patch after patch of end-game content is incredible...almost unfathomable.


    What all of you WoW players NEED to realize is this:

    WoW was empty when it first game out. It had a huge following from the WCI, II, III and starcraft series. The game had zero endgame potential. It took more than 4 months to implement an honor system and even longer to implement Battlegrounds. I could go on and on giving you more content-over-time examples, but I think my point is proven.


    The 1-49, as you said, is a GREAT experience. Guess what? The SAME developers that created that are now, as we speak, working on more end-game content of equal greatness. I can't wait to be a part of it and see it, personally.


    This game has a ton of room to grow and it WILL.


    Go back to WoW, but realize you're only playing a dieing beast. I will stay here and enjoy the next 6-12 months immensely, and can't wait to see what is to come.

    What you fail to realize is this is 2012, not 2004. You can't compare WoW at release with SWTOR now. The MMO market is completely different now. The EQ grinders no longer dominate the western MMO market. There needs to be something else. BW needs to understand they aren't competing with WoW-2004. They are competing with WoW-2012 and Rift and Guild Wars 2, etc. The MMO landscape has changed. If BW wants to keep subs going, they need to execute on a better end game strategy than they have shown so far.

  9. See sig.



    Originally Posted by Alundo

    This game succeeds because the game starts at level 1, and not 50.

    What about playing at 50? Is the only point of this game to re-roll and run the content again from 1-50?


    If that is the point of the game, why is it a MMO? Most people level solo and engage in the more social aspects of MMOs at max level. If all they wanted was the 1-49 experience, they should have released this 3 years ago as a single player game. Have one side's story in the original game and release and expansion for the other side.

  10. So...let's see if you know what a fact really is.....


    Fact: This game is incomplete, Bioware has maned up and admitted that.

    Yes, that is a fact. BTW, it's manned up. Maned up sounds like that have some serious hair. I've seen the dev interviews, I doubt any of them could mane up.


    Fact: The reason this game is incomplete is NOT because of the makers of the game being slack half-arsed or slow in the head.

    Sorry, that's an opinion. I doubt you know the devs on a close enough level to actually state that as a fact.


    Fact: The reason this game is incomplete is because some ***** CEO pushed it to the shelves before it was ready for release. Probably because they aren't making a whole lot of money while the game sits in development.

    This might be a fact, but EA and BW have never confirmed it. So....that means this is your opinion.


    Fact: If the developers had their word on it, games would not be released until they were fully complete, tested, and playable in all aspects.

    Wow..again, you don't know the devs well enough to state this as fact. This is your opinion.


    Opinion: Give the devs a few months before barfing all over them about how the game is crap on release. If the game progress stops dead flat in that time frame then have atter!

    At least you identified this one correctly.


    Overall, you got 2 out of 5 (40%). I think the score speaks for itself.


    Please sticky this because people need to stop and take a look at all the good things that Bioware has done for this game and has planned for this game before making flame-posts about quitting the game before it's been given a fighting chance.

    My opinion: I will rant and rave about whatever I want. As long as I do it within the rules, BW says they will listen to me. I seriously doubt they actually listen though.


    BW has made a series of enormous mistakes since launch that should have been fixed in testing. Slicing, Ilum and bad patch notes are all examples of not properly testing the product before release.


    That said, I am still enjoying the leveling game. When that gets boring, I doubt I will continue to subscribe as the features required to keep me happy are non-existent or function very poorly.

  11. Most of us don't mind the robes. The fact that we can't have robes without hoods is really annoying.


    And if I want trooper armor, I should be able to wear trooper armor. There are a significant number of orange robes that are not limited to Jedi only.

  12. Newton's First Law:


    Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


    This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


    Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


    You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


    IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


    If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


    NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


    The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


    Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


    I demand a fix.

    Um...I know you're upset, but you're actually wrong. If you are on an elevator and it is going down and you jump up with sufficient force to counteract the elevator's momentum, it is theoretically possible to hurt yourself on the landing depending on how far the elevator traveled down before you landed.


    In other words, if you jump high enough on an open elevator, you can hurt yourself from the fall.

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