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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. The only add on we need and one Bioware would probably approve of is a My Roleplay add on. It's easy to use and it doesn't turn good people into number jerkwads.

    Good players turn into numbers jerkwads for lots of reasons...the existence of add-ons is not one of those reasons.

  2. Easiest explanation: Computer hardware and software is not 100% predictable.


    There's nothing they could say that would satisfy you so just accept the fact that sometimes things go wrong.

    Your explanation is a little off. Computer hardware may not be 100% predictable, but there are sufficient redundancies in today's server farm that the hardware is almost never the problem. Software is 100% predictable. The code is the code.


    We are the only unpredictable factor. We are creative people and will find ways to do things that the devs don't predict.

  3. So the game didn't live up to insanely high expectations, and years later ppl still hold a grudge basically? It has nothing to do with the game itself?

    The game had a very long and very public development cycle. BW/EA drove too much hype and the Star Wars theme carried certain expectations. In my opinion, here were the biggest problems at release:


    1. Single-player MMO - too easy to play & advance without interacting with other people (still a problem today).

    2. No group/dungeon finder - love it or hate it, games on significantly lower budgets (like Rift) were releasing with this feature when SWTOR was released. BW had 3 months to get it out before the largest group of subs expired. They failed and tons of people unsubbed to return to WoW (like me) or find other games.

    3. Too much hype - the very public and long dev cycle created hype that the actual game could not sustain. They had to release with the polish of today's WoW and the amazing story to come close to meeting expectations.


    BW/EA will never win back the people that hate the game. It is better for BW/EA to focus on people like me. I left SWTOR after 3 months with a very ambivalent attitude towards the game. I returned recently and am enjoying the game. I liked it so much I decided to sub for 60 days and see if I like it long term.


    Don't worry about the haters...the Internet breeds them like mosquitoes breed in the south. Their hate doesn't impact your love for the game.

  4. I've looked at some leveling guides but I've already done the bonus quests on most of the other planets like Taris.

    I believe the Nar Shada bonus series is close to your level range. There should be someone on the fleet or in the Nar Shada space port with a bread crumb quest. Not all of the bonus series are available when you complete the planet.


    You can also do space missions or PvP. Unfortunately, space missions at your level are not ideal for leveling. PvP might be good. Flashpoints are also a good alternative.

  5. Oh, hello again.


    Not sure, where you get the idea that the CEO says there are NOT 1.7M. He states in no uncertain terms that there are currently 1.7M recurring subscriptions and that is a vast majority of the active subscribers in this game.


    "We're two months into the launch, a lot more to go, but 1.7 million, vast

    majority now, are recurring subscribers."

    I believe he's referring to the 85% retention rate. Since EA/BW sold 2 million units by the beginning of February and had 1.7 million subscribers, they had an initial retention rate of 85%.


    However, since they are holding steady at 1.7 million for the last month, they are only breaking even. Further, they said that most of those subscribers are not in the free month. That suggests sales are dropping extremely fast since new sales would be int he free month.


    That is not good news for a MMO trying to expand its base. Sales are stagnating and the three month subscriptions are coming due this month. Even if they retain 85% of the three month subs, the overall subscription numbers will probably fall since they are not selling new copies. There is a reason they are giving away free weekends. They need new people to try the game and get hooked on the early story lines.

  6. Yes....another one of these. You cannot have my stuff. I may want it again someday.


    I leaving to play Mass Effect 3, WoW and Diablo 3.


    At this point, I'm disappointed in the content variety and the lack of a accessible end game for solo play. Even the beginning Ilum PvE starter quests are much harder than Corellia. At end game, the game seems to lack focus. You can grind you way to better gear in a few weeks.


    There needs to be better gating tools to keep the contect fresh longer. Maybe remove the gating as the contect gets older.


    Also, after being in WoW where i can pickup a group and go to a dungeon and still do something other; I am disappointed that attempts to get groups result in spamming fleet for a group.


    Last, your combat log decision is baffling. You have not committed to having a log in game. This is horrible. I want to look back at my log and see who I died or what I did to make it a close call. I really don't want to use a third party tool just to figure out what I'm doing as a player. Further, not covering the entire group in the external game log is a frustrating design. This game may not fully support elite games, but it should make better efforts. The world firsts race are always entertaining and create positive press for Blizzard.


    Finally, I didn't expect you to take all of WoW's systems and copy them. I did expect you to look at their successes and failures and try learn from them. You seem to make many of the same mistakes and didn't know how to get out of them until things were out of control. You needed to do more listening in beta and you need to severely improve your testing systems and protocols.

  7. I think I will unsub this month. I enjoy the leveling experience, but the only engaging part of it is the class story lines. I'm on my third character (I like to level 1 at at time) and I'm finding that I don't have the same urge to login. I tried one of my other level 50's in Ilum yesterday to see if I just needed to shake things up a little bit. That didn't help. The end game just isn't satisfying and I seem to be losing interest in leveling an alt. I'll take off some time and come back to TOR in the summer or next fall.
  8. UI customisation, yes. Mods, no.


    Combat log, yes.

    Too bad it is a crappy implementation of a combat log. They aren't even committing to a decent in game combat log for me. All they've said is we will know what we killed and what killed us. NEWSFLASH! I already know who/what killed me, I'd like to see how it happened during combat so I can do better the next time. I don't want to leave the game, parse my log and then log back in just to figure out what happened during combat.

  9. As previously stated, Blizz customer support at the start was probably about the same level as BW's is now, "Thanks for the report, we'll look into it and get it fixed in future". You have to remember, that BW's CS teams are probably quite small at the moment, they will probably expand in future once the game gets a steady footing and begins to grow, and then we'll most likely see an increase in the level of support.

    There is a major difference between WoW customer support in 2004 and TOR support in 2012. In 2004, the 250,000 people who joined WoW at launch were completely unprecedented. No MMO in history had ever had that many customers. While TOR's 1.7 million subscribers is impressive and a record at launch, it is not a historical number for total subscribers. They are treating this game like Mass Effect or Madden. The customer support required for a single player game is significantly lower than a MMO. EA/Bioware didn't learn from previous MMO failures (hello there Mythic) and provide sufficient customer support for this game.

  10. Alright the game just came out not a few months ago. For those that are starting this what WoW does better and what not you should really stop. Considering this is Bio's first their very first mmo they are doing good. Really the only complainers are those that have played the mmo's of the past and are expecting the same service and quality appearance.

    They charge the same amount of money every month. I expect the same service. So far, Bioware/EA has failed at customer service. They even have a dev trolling people yesterday. Bioware needs to get a clue and improve their customer service.

  11. Hey,


    We're perfectly aware that this difference exists.


    It's because, shockingly, Agents are not Inquisitors.


    The mirror class for the Agent is the Smuggler, the mirror class for the Inquisitor is the Consular.


    Just in case it wasn't clear: We have different classes in the game - that means they actually have different abilities, energy systems, costs, etc. In short: It's working as designed.





    edit: fixed a typo where "Consular" should have appeared!

    Really? The best response you have is to troll the OP? Don't you have something better to do? You could create a blog detailing the 1.2 changes for people who have jobs that don't let them watch live feeds during the middle of the day?

  12. Yeah Blizzard allowed Curse to sell out to hackers and did nothing to stop that.

    Please stop. If you hate Blizzard, that's fine. But there is nothing Blizzard can do about a third party hosting site. If you used Curse or any other website on the Internet without having virus scan and malware protection, then the problem is with you, not Blizzard.


    Bioware just needs to make a program to do it and keep all the gold farmers out of this game. I would prefer no mods made by third parties for this very reason, you can't trust people.

    I hate to break this to you, but there are already credit farmers in TOR. I get mail every week or so offering to sell me credits cheap. Unfortunately, MMOs have little power to eradicate secondary markets like gold selling.


    Anyhow, as I said earlier, 1.2 will be on the PTS soon. We'll have be able to see the format during testing.

  13. Fair point, but even a cursory skim of the boards reveals the information on this. It's one of the most discussed topics at the moment after all, mainly because everyone's getting their facts mixed like we see here.

    Since the information is not consistent, the random forum user doesn't know who to believe. All they see from Bioware is a video clip showing force choking Smugglers and flame throwing Marauders.


    Bioware needs to release an official guide to the features being implemented in 1.2.

  14. If you simply don't like it, I got news for you.. there's the door.

    The problem with your stance is this game won't survive if too many people follow your advice. Rather than insulting them by saying they should get out, engage your fellow players and look for opportunities to make TOR better.


    You are part of this community too. Your rhetoric isn't helping and is just as destructive and trolling as the people you are railing against..

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