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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. They could make it 1 question per account!

    There are still hundreds of thousands of us and a very limited number of them. This board is overrun on a regular day...imagine how fast things would move (and the web servers crashed) if they did an ask the devs session.

  2. Dual spec always forced people to play 2 roles, while they dont want to do this. So I definately dont want to see it in Tor.


    But I dont mind if people could safe their tree´s, so that they dont need to fill out the tree each time. But the wow system I definately dont want here, it did more bad than good.

    Dual specs doesn't force you to do anything. If you don't want to heal or tank, then nobody can force you to do it. The fact that you bow to peer pressure is not a valid reason for excluding dual specs.

  3. Agreed, I don't need a ton of skill to get gear in SWTOR, BUT.... I do need to at least move around. I literally went into an LFR in WoW and watched Netflix on my other monitor.


    First time I did it I got vote kicked, second time no one cared, and I did it 3 more times after that. Does it make me a good guy? No, but it proved a point before I unsubbed.

    It proved that you could be carried by other players. You couldn't just stand there and complete a heroic dungeon when nobody outgeared the content. Once people outgear everything in SWTOR, they'll be able to carry you through dungeons too.


    Stop being a tool and have a real discussion.

  4. If you spent a DAY in software development in your life you'd know that it takes TIME to flesh out and implement new features. If you can't be patient, that's cool. But never buy an MMO at launch again in your life. You're not cut out for it.


    There are TONS of things wrong with this game that need to get fixed.


    -Ability Delay

    -Low FPS Performance Issues


    -Broken quests

    -Broken Ops

    -PvP balancing needs


    This is going to take priority over adding 7 years of WoW fluff to the game. It's like some of you forgot "meeting stones" and how much trial and error it took Blizzard to get things right for their game.

    All of those things should have been handled in BETA testing, not after the game went live. BW's QA is bad or the developers aren't listening. Slicing pre-nerf and Ilum 1.1 should never have made it out the door.


    BW has a roadmap. Fixes will come. Updates will come. Features will come. Screaming "NOW NOW NOW NOW!" isn't going to alter that timetable, I promise you.


    They're working on ability delay, that's a good thing and brings us closer to "soon".


    If you can't be patient, move on and play something you actually enjoy.

    Most of the features being requested are the types of things all MMOs need to have to compete in today's market. A good LFG tool; a properly sortable GTN and a resizable/customizable UI should have been in this game at release. Trion figured out how to implement those at Rift's launch and they are a much smaller studio with a much smaller budget.

  5. The animation issue is huge. I noticed it quite often on my Jedi Guardian last night. In particular, sunder and blade storm seem to be the worst offenders. All of the abilities are instant cast, but there is a noticeable delay if an enemy is attacking me and I parry an attack. The parry animation seems to be higher priority and it makes me wait for my ability to go off. It's really annoying when I'm solo-ing equal level elites.
  6. completely and entirely untrue.


    Yes, there is a minuscule amount of people doing that but believe me, most people have not THAT much dispensable, irretrievable pure lifetime to just go waste it in spades.


    this is an absolute non issue and it has been a non issue in every other game I played.


    You are just making up stuff, god knows why.

    Uh no. All you need to do is look at the old days in WoW when server farms used to go offline during peak times. All of us would make alts on another server and either grief the population or overload it. People who can't play on their regular server will roll toons on another server that is available, then complain that they can't play on their original server.

  7. Yes, because WoW has bucketloads of problems with this exact issue.


    Or, wait, no, they don't. I can't even ROLL on a US server to the best of my knowledge..

    WoW doesn't allow people to connect across regions. You can't connect to the EU servers with a NA client(game key) and vice versa. If you want to connect to NA servers, you have to buy the game from NA. If you want to connect to EU servers, you need an EU game key.

  8. The only way people got a roll back on valor was if they went from low level to Valor 50+ in the matter of hours. I went to illum got my daily and left and i never got a valor roll back.


    The exploiting that was happening was spawn camping which clearly is griefing because they could go somewhere they were not intended to go. This did not get tested very well in the test server or by Bioware.


    Regardless this was an exploit that people took advantage of by being in the opposite faction base when that was not supposed to happen.

    The problem with this is BW never made it clear that you weren't supposed to go in the enemy's base until after the **** hit the fan.

  9. How does one foresee an unforeseen bug?


    Testers have a bit of a different mentality then most players. Sure they have a better understanding of what they should do to brake something but they had little pvp updates in that patch. They had no reason to go to ilium and look around.


    And even if they did they don't get paid to have the mentality of trying to win by any means just play a normal game.

    This bug should have been seen in normal testing by the qa dept. How hard is it to run to the enemy base and see if you die?

  10. I was told to post this idea I had in the forums.. Moderators if this isn't the correct forum, can you please let me know where to post these.. Thanks


    My idea has to do with repair. When I am out questing I use all of my companions. I'll use my healer for one type of fight, my tank for another, my DPS when I want some burst killing etc. However we all suffer durability damage.


    When I go to a repair station can you please make it so everything gets repaired, my stuff and all of my companions active or not. I have noticed that those who are not active don't get their items repaired. While the amount of repair cost for them is minimal, I would like to not have to cycle through the companions that I have used while at the repair station.



    The Repair All won't repair companions who aren't out, but you can still repair them at a vendor without cycling through. Go to the repair tab at a vendor and the gear for your other companions should be available to repair manually.

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