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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. That battlemaster grind is quite the task unless you took advantage of being Empire on many servers during the reforming of Ilum content.


    WoW had about the same stuff this game does at launch. WoW actually had less quests and around 50ish you kind of had to start grinding out levels by killing mobs or running dungeons repeatedly. Outside of running dungeons, doing world PvP, working on professions and doing those tricky questlines there was really nothing else to do. Molten Core I thought was in launch but that place is like dipping your eyes in acid kind of fun in my opinion. You spend like 6 hours just clearing the trash and another 6 killing the bosses.

    That is what a MMO was about in 2004. It took months for the hardcore to get to max level, much longer for the average player.


    This is 2012 now. Most MMOs make leveling insanely easy. If you are going to make leveling that easy, you need to have more end game content at release to keep people busy at max level.

  2. Weak excuse? x-server queues greatly increase the pool for warzones and flashpoints. Along with those increased numbers will come many more bots and drones working for power leveling services.

    They also reduce queue times for regular players, especially if the server has a severe faction imbalance.


    I have heard some terrible stories about how the drones who work for power leveling services are treated in certain countries. There is a human cost for the drones employed by power leveling service to play others characters. I am not exaggerating when I call some power leveling services out for exploitation of their workers and violations of human rights. Are these practices that BioWare as a company wishes to turn a blind eye to?

    Now you've gone off the deep end. Leveling services are against the TOS. Bioware does not support them or turn a blind eye towards them. Unfortunately, Bioware can't do much to eliminate them. Every MMO in existence has tried to get rid of them and failed. The real culprit and people you should be lambasting are those that purchase the leveling services. They are the real problem, not Bioware or x-server queues.

  3. Ok so after completing a storyline and getting to level 50 why do we need to do all those little quests again?


    Why not be able to just do your storyline quest and be able to level accordingly or have the quest scale to your level. I really do not care about those 50 other quests per planet and Just want to crank out the storyline.

    Because this is a MMO. Time sinks are good for business.

  4. Again, all that x-server queues will add to the game is more bots from power leveling services. Expect there to be 1-3 power leveling service bots in every x-server warzone. They will be there 24/7.

    That's a pretty weak excuse. The bots are already in WZs.

  5. NO, those features are not standard, they are from WoW, does that make it a needed feature? A needed feature is gun. Thats like saying a needed feature in shooters is PERKS just because the biggest shooter MW3 has them.

    Rift launched in 2011 with all of those features except a dungeon finder. Stop burying your head in the WoW hate sand and look at the current MMO market. The great story only lasts so long. Once the player base has matured to being mostly max level, the great story during leveling is meaningless.


    Those features I mentioned are critical to sustaining subscriptions and competing in the genre. This isn't 2004. The MMO player has changed since the EQ is king days. This hardcore mentality that a segment of this player base possesses is counterproductive to maintaining the more casual MMO subscribers.

  6. Because all of that early feedback helped Bioware so much.....


    The diehards who came here because they hated WoW pushed Bioware into decisions that are not good for the long term health of TOR. Things like an adequate group matching utility, customizable UI, dual specs and macros are standard features in a modern MMO. TOR was released with none of these features. Now they have to rush to get them implemented to retain subs. Quality of life features may not make or break a MMO released, but they will make or break a MMO's ability to sustain subscriptions.

  7. Two things that aren't really gamebreaking. Trion also has a game that's just as linear as this game but doesn't nearly have the Immersion factor of the engaging story and characters.

    Those features are not game breaking in the respect that they do not make the game fail to run. However, they are definitely quality of life issues that keep people subscribing to the game. More subs means more money to implement new features. Implementing good quality of life features is critical to the long term sustainability of TOR.

  8. I think he may have been reacting to the username realID which was a WOW thing

    Real ID is a Blizzard system introduced for Starcraft 2. Even if his name is some sort of homage to Blizzard, it is not unique to WoW. Don't be surprised if EA does the same thing with our user accounts.

  9. Options! Holy crap options! Bioware that's been one of my biggest complaints about you. Making the choice for the players... Keep giving us options, let us find something that works for us individually instead of implementing one system and saying that's good for everyone.



    So, speaking of options... hi-res graphics please. I don't care if 90% of the population can't handle it, they don't have to pick the OPTION.


    So, realID.. I notice your namesake system in that other MMO still doesn't have an 'invisible' option. And about ... what, three years or so? after the initial 'real name' furor, they've mentioned a nebulous future option to use .. gasp, your not-real-name. They'll all be having fun for the next nine months of killing Deathwing till MoP comes out!


    We won't even mention the 5+ years it took them to get the hint about appearance customization. Meanwhile, here in SWTOR-land, three months in and we're getting blazingly fast feature development. Hehehe.

    ***? Why are you even mentioning another game? His post had nothing to do with WoW. Get off your WoW hate soapbox and talk about TOR.

  10. You see, I have this issue with people re-posting things that are posted in 3 different places just to let people know it exists. Rather than post the existence of the upcoming new feature (that will most likely be riddled with horrible bugs), why don't you discuss it in one of the threads that already exist?
  11. Then make an effort to simply google up any interview from BioWare about GTN and you will find that they are working on it and implementing changes.


    It's not that hard.

    Does it really matter? I'd rather they left it alone than try to fix it. BW has this nasty habit of breaking things when they try to implement fixes and "enhancements".

  12. I am dreading 1.2. With so much new content and BW's recent track record, I doubt it will be tested enough to catch all of the major bugs. I'm afraid the game will be unplayable at that time. Hopefully ME3 will be out before then as I plan to temporarily discontinue my sub when it is released.
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