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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. I love how people have this skewed notion of the kinds of testing that are possible.


    Some issues will never come up until you hit live. You cannot create true live circumstances in testing - it's an actual impossibility.

    I understand that. You don't see me screaming about frame rate issues or game stuttering in places like the fleet. Certain issues are very difficult to replicate until the servers are under sufficient load. I know it is difficult to replicate that load in testing environments. It's a reality of the IT world.


    Now, let's look at two examples that didn't get fixed until after there was a **** storm from the live game:


    1. Ilum 1.1 - The game breaking bug was you didn't die when you entered an enemy base. All they had to do was add that to the testing list and have an intern try to enter the enemy base. There is no reason that bug made it to live.


    2. Slicing 1.0 - There were tons of reports around the Internet about how lucrative slicing was in late beta. Simple excel simulations would have shown the earning potential per hour of slicing. They still went live with it. Another example of bad testing protocols.


    These two issues were easily avoided. They either didn't listen to their testers (slicing) or didn't do enough testing after making changes (Ilum). In both cases, Bioware is to blame for the issue and it is a disturbing trend.

  2. Something broke, they fessed up, shutdown the ability to grief/exploit once they realized it and then immediately patched the problem AND rolled back Valor points.


    Did they fix EVERYTHING overnight?


    No, but they did the right thing here.


    Some people never want to see the positive.


    Tell me what part of this particular fix did they do the WRONG thing?

    They won't roll back most of the valor points. You can't punish people for pvp-ing and taking advantage of a bug that BW only announced in the forums.


    Besides, BW deserves to be skwered for it because the game breaking bug was easily avoidable with adequate testing. They are showing a trend in the first month that they don't pay attention to issues in testing until they blow up something in the live game (slicing 1.0, Ilum 1.1).

  3. Because if you want to back up the claim "large," you'd need to know the following:


    Number of subscribers.

    Percentage of those subscribers who PvP.

    Percentage of those subscribers who are effected by this issue.


    Then you can make a judgement on how "large" it is. But you don't know any of these things. Not one.


    Yet you still use the words "facts" and "reality" like you have any idea what those things mean.


    So yeah, I dismissed it, because it was so very dismissable.



    According to Bioware's blog entry from Gabe Amatangelo, Principal Lead PvP, Operations & Flashpoints Designer, nearly 50% of all players have engaged in Warzones. There are also dozens of PvP servers. If only 20% of them are experiencing the issue, that is still 10% of the entire player base.


    Also, Bioware recognizes there is a problem with combat gameplay. Here is the statement from the blog entry:


    Combat Gameplay: You’ll see several optimizations come online in January, and we are going to continue to tune this as time goes on.


    We aren't pulling this out of thin air. Now, start paying attention to the dev tracker and inform yourself.

  4. You're wrong.


    Ability delay is a huge issue that impacts 90% of the game.


    PvP balance impacts a large segment of the player base.


    Economic issues (like slicing 1.0) impact everyone.


    Frame rate issues impact 100% of the game for the people having issues.


    These are not small issues. They are huge and impact more people than you realize.

  5. The vitriol here is nothing. This is the Internet. Vitriol should be expected.


    The reason it has gotten worse in recent days is the idiotic way they implemented Ilum PvP. All they had to do was look at the history of other games to see how the faction imbalance was going to play out in Ilum.


    Additionally, their testing was crap and they let a game breaking bug(going into an enemy base to camp spawn points) go live. Their response has led people to believe there would be account action against them because they PvP'd on a server with a ridiculous faction imbalance.


    Add these issues to the pathetic LFG tool and more people hitting 50 and being bored standing at fleet trying to make a group and you have a significant portion of the player base that is unhappy with BW's response to issues.

  6. So when the power company makes a mistake and starts to send your "bill" to the wrong address for several months do you think that you should not have to pay for the months you used energy?


    Welcome to the real world tike. This isn't kindergarden anymore. Part of being a big boy is understanding that individuals or companies are not the only ones who pay for their mistakes.

    That's a horrible comparison. He already is paying Bioware.


    A better comparison would be if the newspaper boy started delivering the paper to him everyday. He picked up the paper and read it. The newspaper can't come back and charge him for their mistake.

  7. They warned people.

    How were people who were playing the game supposed to know?


    They didn't broadcast it to everyone.


    They didn't include it in a breaking news on client startup.


    They didn't send everyone with a level 50 toon an e-mail telling them to avoid Ilum. (but they did send me a not about all the "cool" things I can do now that I'm 50)


    They posted on an Internet forum that only a small percent of the player base will read on any given day.


    Bioware failed and now they are blaming their players for playing the game.

  8. I read they were fixing the issue and taking ACTION against those who abused it. Now everyone has made assumptions, so what do you think they are doing to those who have abused it? Do you think they will "rollback" their points and take away their titles, in order to fix it? No one thought about that, now did they? No, instead they complained and wanted a complete rollback that would destroy even the ones who legitimately earned the rank.

    How are they going to undo the damage? It will be very difficult to do anything to everyone who benefited from a poorly implemented zone. You can't roll back points for everyone. It is not their fault that BW let this pile of dung go out. Before 1.1 went live, I don't recall seeing a patch note or announcement that going inside the enemy base was supposed to be instant death. It's human nature to camp spawn points in PvP. It's been happening forever in every game with PvP. Those people weren't exploiting a known bug. They were playing the game.


    BW needed to test more before putting this half-baked pile of dung into production. A couple of weeks on a lightly used PTR doesn't really cut it.

  9. I think you're making the false assumption that making some kind of fix was an instantaneous process.

    I am not. I am making the assumption that they should have foreseen these issues in testing by listening to the people testing or implementing better testing procedures. Instead, they shoved a half tested Ilum into 1.1. They tried to change a major thing too quickly and are paying the price for it.


    They didn't listen to all of the beta testers who said slicing is too good to pass up. You have to take it because it makes so much money. Instead, they let an unbalanced profession go live and then they acted surprised that it was causing the game's economy to crash in the first week.


    BW deserves to be skewered for their pathetic testing procedures. I'm ok with bugs and gameplay not being perfect. I am upset that they don't listen and too many fanboys are giving them a free pass.

  10. now they are doing the UI custom thing, if they add marcos I'll be so annoyed.

    Their UI is insufficient. Trying to watch for procs on proc heavy class (like Tele Consular) is painful. You end up staring at the bottom of the screen the whole time.


    And they aren't really allowing a custom UI. They are letting us resize the UI and move things around. Not exactly the same as a custom UI like other games(you know, the one with 10 times more subscribers) allow.

  11. One day after the patch was released, sure.

    If they tested better (you know, listened to testers) or just looked at other games, Ilum 1.1 would never have happened. Instead, they let Ilum blow up in their faces before doing something about it.


    And it was fairly common knowledge throughout the final beta weekends that slicing was the best money making in the game. They didn't nerf it until everything blew up in their faces and threatend to destroy their server economies.

  12. Really? Everyone is supposed to stop complaining about an unfinished game because BW released a trailer where they essentially say, " Trust us, we'll make it better"?


    Yeah, right. They had their chance to earn my trust. Slicing 1.0 and Ilum 1.1 proved they don't deserve my blind trust. They have to earn it now.

  13. They really need more UI customization. I doubt we'll ever see third party mods though. They are pretty careful about controlling the playing experience and third party mods might disrupt their control.
  14. Do you think they started on Rise of the Rakghouls in December? It takes time to develop content. Every MMO releases with some content waiting in the wings. Usually that content isn't released because it wasn't quite done for the release, so they finish it post release and patch it in.


    RE PVP, they have already stated they want to create a PvP ranking system and separate pre-mades from randoms. They also intend to implement cross-server pvp with the ability to compete against the same faction. Those features weren't ready at release.

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