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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. I have no problem with how it is, the people complaining just want macros so they can set everything to one button and mash it all day. :rolleyes:



    So many people don't really understand how macros work. Even in WoW, where macros and add-ons have been very powerful, one button game play died an expansion or two ago.


    Macros are a quality of life thing. If done properly, you can create a button that replaces 2-3 buttons for things like on use relics to be used with a certain ability (the classic IWIN button :p). Macros don't have to be something that reduces game play to a small amount of buttons.

  2. They are just way to big, particularly before you get a vehicle. What were they thinking. It's to big with to much space for no reason.

    I think it's because Bioware hates you. I can't think of any other logical reason they didn't do as you wanted.

  3. Where is the feature to go anonymous? If I just want to log in and solo without guildies or friends or whoever else bugging me I would like to be able to.


    Is there a command I a missing? In the other games I've played /anon worked and that doesn't seem to do anything in Swotor.


    Thanks for the help.

    Roll a character that isn't on your server. When you want to be anonymous, play that character.

  4. Going super fast to max level is still a choice, it's not an automatic procedure to rush to the end. Just like saying that the system is at fault and not the user, there is no clear truth to that either. It's usually a combination, rather than some kind of ultimatum. There is still a choice involved, even if you have to work to not level up fast. :p



    On my second toon, I didn't rush. I've played about 15 hours a week since the first of the year. Some of that time was spent on my first level 50 managing crafting and aucrtions. Yes, the leveling went a little faster because I knew where to go, but it also went a bit slower because my character was not a healer, so I couldn't handle the heroic 2's solo.


    Anyway, I still made it to max level yesterday. Less than 40 real days since I created him. It's a bit sad that I can level to max level in less than 2 months on 15-ish hours a week .

  5. Love how a question about when 1.2 coming turned into this rage fest.


    The forums are sooo depressing because all the haters come here, while all the people actually enjoying this game are playing it.


    "Then why did you post?"


    Because I'm at work...when I'm home I play instead of gripe.


    To the OP: Hope its early March for 1.2 cause I want to move forward with Alts and being at lvl 28 Legacy should open up some sweet stuff.

    It will not be early March. Bioware/EA will not release a major TOR patch at the same time as the ME3 launch(3/6). They don't want to divide their potential player base like that. I think I said this earlier in this thread or another similar thread: The end of March makes the most sense. It is far enough away from the ME3 launch that it will not impact the sales, but soon enough that people won't unsubscribe while they wait for 1.2.

  6. First off, a lot of people said that EA was lying about the numbers, your little spin on the words doesn't change that.


    Second, your reasoning in regards to the numbers is ridiculous, you seem to make the assumption that everyone now in their free month will quit and you make vast assumptions about what the 1.7 million subscribers are made up of. You actually don't know if the people that have cancelled but still have game time left are counted. Furthermore, how can you discount people who have put themselves up for multi month subscriptions? They resubbed just like the 1 monthers just that they did it for longer.


    Unless you have something to back up your assumptions with there is no way to take you seriously. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you're doing your "best" to try and twist and discredit the announced subscription numbers.

    As of Feb 1, Bioware had lost 15% of their potential subscriber base. That's a pretty significant chunk for a monthly subscription game that was released for less than 45 days. to put that in more relevant terms, that would be like Blizzard losing 1.8 million subscriptions since their high water mark of 12 million. Bioware lost the equivalent percentage of players in 1 month that WoW lost in 2011.

  7. yes, because rift has such a large playerbase right?

    It has enough of a player base to secure $80 million in venture capitalist money. They're doing something right on 10% of the budget for TOR.


    If TOR had released with Rift features(features, not game play or story), the subscriber numbers would have increased in the first month instead of decreasing by 15%*.


    * In case you're wondering, they sold 2,000,000 copies but only have 1,700,000 subscriptions. That's a 15% loss of total sales in the first month.

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