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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Knewt

  1. nope not at all, just saying that that's what happens to stories you do the last mission then poof nothing more to do with the story, but SWTOR has done something that other MMOs haven't, given you a good story, be happy with that

    As was pointed out earlier, a single player game doesn't have a monthly fee. Having a complete story is what I expect.


    The story in SWTOR is both their greatest success and greatest failure. It's a fantastic and engaging story from 1-50. Unfortunately, once Corellia ends, so does the story. The major innovation they showed from 1-50, is gone when you get to end game. The max level game is standard MMO fare that is poorly executed. Many of us won't see the next step in our story because we'll get bored by the poor max level experience and move to a different game.

  2. and what happens in single player games after you beat the last mission? Your story is over. Mass Effect for example, you beat the last mission then what? You go do side quests that don't grow the story in the long term.

    I guess you're just pointing out that SWTOR is really a single player game with a monthly fee.

  3. Ok. Bioware can't stop kill trading. At some point, the community needs to police itself and do what's right.


    On the WZ issue, there is a patch for it on the PTS. When you see it happen in live, open a ticket with Bioware. They can look at the logs and punish the people who intentionally exploit the bug.

  4. WoW is -in my opinion- more of a endgame experience, where the fun starts at the end.

    While TOR is more about the journey to the end, not saying its not fun in the end, but its not like the so called "journey"

    I think that is a very good description of the current philosophy for both MMOs.


    In my opinion, the problem with TOR's philosophy is it does not capture the player at level 50. We get to 50, very proud of our accomplishment, and say "that's it?" For TOR to retain subscriptions, they need to address many of the deficiencies at max level. Players like me who just want to run a dungeon or two a few nights per week and maybe level an alt or two are probably the majority of the player base. At this point, TOR has made the end game experience painful for us. It is too time consuming to find groups for flashpoints. Gathering is kind of pointless since you can send people on missions. Ilum gets old really fast. Warzones are a mess with the population imbalance. There aren't enough engaging time sinks at max level to capture our interest.


    After 50 levels of a fantastic story, when you finish Corellia everything seems to grind to a halt. The game doesn't feel lively at max level after you've finished the leveling content. My story feels like it's over.

  5. Small quality of life features does not make a game more content rich. More content does.


    This game is meant to last years, and you think them not being implemented for 2-3 months makes it too late?

    Quality of life features will determine the staying power of this game. People will only re-roll alts for so long before giving up on this game because there is no progression for them. In the current market, subscription based MMOs depend on the more casual players to sustain their subscription base.


    Dedicated raiders and PvPers make up relatively small portions of the player base. If you look at some of the sampling MMO-Champ has performed on the WoW Armory, you'll see people performing raids on the current content(normal and heroic) make up 10-20% of the population.


    So, if raiders are 20% and PvPers are 20%, that means the other 60% are what most people call casuals. It's the people like me who only play 2-3 hours an evening. I don't want to spend 45 minutes trying to find a group. I want to be productive for those 2-3 hours of game play. Quality of life features like dual specs and a better dungeon finder are extremely important to keeping me engaged when my characters finish Corellia.

  6. OP, if a game launched with everything that is being whined about then people would complain (and they still do already) that this game is exactly like xyz game.


    Really, the developers cant win, they are coming out with the LFG tool and I am sure when they do we will see a number of threads about how bad it is, how good it is, how it is like another game, etc, etc.


    People also believe that every game that comes out now should have everything in it that xyz game has. Of course if a game does have all of that then it is said to be a copy of that other game. So again its a no-win scenerio.


    The bottom line is, if you like playing this game and are willing to wait until they add and fix things then please do so.

    You'd think EA/Bioware would have the resources to implement similar features as Trion Worlds implemented in Rift.

  7. I don't think there is a way to do that within the game. You can only modify real keys on the keyboard not mouse clicks. You might be able to use the Razer software to set the key to replicate a modified key stroke.


    I'm afraid you are limited to 40 hot keys for abilities. You can't access a hot key for a hidden bar.

  8. So I don't know if this has been answered, but amongst my Aussie buddies, they are claiming they are receiving free server Transfers to the new Oceanic server on release. My Question is what happens to those of us that are U.S players on the Swiftsure, especially those with multiple characters. Are we stuck upon the Titanic of a server, slowly sinking as the population seeps away to the oceanic servers? or will we also get the option of transfers to other servers?

    Finally a reason to use the Tortanic jab. :p


    Anyhow, the US players are probably stuck.

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