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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you think story is really what MMO players want?


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No, you don't try to be constructive.


You are bellyaching and being a loudmouth, in simplest terms. Do yourself the biggest favor you can do, save your fifteen dollars, and move on. It sounds like you don't like the game and you aren't accomplishing anything at all by venting.


This thread isn't even about that. It is about whether you find story important to you or not. Period.


Again I make a well thought out post as to why I see problems with this game and you retort by attacking my person and telling me to quit,something I already informed you of in the post you replied to, that I already did.


I suppose you are against all kinds of improvments then or just those of us asking for it?

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lol well I was not asking for more raids, I am not a "raider". It is just I got 200 more hours worth of quality RPG in Skyrim and KOTOR 1 and 2 than I got from this games RPG element that I applaud for an MMO to add but once finished then what? No RP, no community support, bad UI, bad pvp, not even chat bubbles in the game. So unless they can add same value for my buck that those other games gave me for RPG experience it is not worth it, I doubt they can release proper RPG stuff on frequent basis enoughto warrant my sub every month. Also their customer support is the worst I have ever seen in an MMO, something I can solve 90% of the time with /console commands and mods,more stable release and the extensive patches they released for single RPG games.


So far I do not feel Bioware or EA address this at all, except for promise of a flashpoint, picture of a boss and talk about banned ilum players. Alsowhere is the patch we were suppose to get today? Downtime lasted less than an hour and now it has been postponed, not so stable I guess that I applauded them for being my first 30 levels of this game, now at 50 and another char soon done with tickets deleted without so much as a word to me and more downtimes, bad for EU zone etc. I canceled and deleted the game.


Now I try and be constructive, but it is hard and difficult to be and get BW/EA to fix their problems when fanboys troll and flame and insult every request by gamers to IMPROVE the game.


I want to repost this since it would be nice if one sane person can actually adress my concerns since I am obviously misstaken regarding all of it.

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I love sandbox games as a concept as well, and would love to see some great successful sandbox games.


But I just don't see this as realistic. They are not as popular and developers don't want to get behind them. They want to go where the money is. Statistically people prefer the themepark game. That doesn't mean the themepark game is better, but it is where the development focus is going to be.


When you look at all those games you mentioned the thing they have in common is that very few people play them.


You need to back that claim with a source.

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If you like story, play this game. If you don't, play something else. If enough people like story, this game will survive and succeed. Making up statistics as to who likes storytelling won't do any good. If this game survives and does well, that's all the evidence you need.
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A lot of people dont seem to quite grasp this and just go all defensivemode on anyone critizising a story based MMO. It will be very interesting to see how this game will do in terms of longevity and replayability.


I grasp that quite fully, and I would disagree that others fail to.


It's just logical that with the legacy system and things others have mentioned about actors being on contract that they do in fact intend to keep adding content to the game.


On the contrary it seems just as bizarre to me to assume that they wouldn't be planning to.

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If you like story, play this game. If you don't, play something else. If enough people like story, this game will survive and succeed. Making up statistics as to who likes storytelling won't do any good. If this game survives and does well, that's all the evidence you need.


and what if next installment of great story is not due for another 3 months? Will game die and player base move before it arrives? I feel this is something EA/Nioware overlooked. And if it does make it, will there be enough subs/money for a third installment and will the gamers wait foritin order to fund a fourth. I like their idea, I see where theyare going, but not enough game between big content releases and it being questionabe if they can deliver on time, I think this game will fail, shame, no real KOTOR 3 and closest thing to it might die.

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Story is very important to some folks, like myself, who don't simply want to exercise the functionality of a game - BioWare made book on engaging story lines, voice talent, and immersive plots.


If this game doesn't work for you, if story isn't as important as, say, raid progression, then there are actually dozens of games out there that do cater to the "succession of hamster wheels" gameplay characteristic of current MMOs.



This. Makes the game far more intriguing and immersive...a VERY pleasant change from the grinding, grinding and more grinding without any real purpose like most of the other MMO's I've played.

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Again I make a well thought out post as to why I see problems with this game and you retort by attacking my person and telling me to quit,something I already informed you of in the post you replied to, that I already did.


I suppose you are against all kinds of improvments then or just those of us asking for it?


You need to rethink your evaluation of what a "well thought out post is."


And personally I prefer my game improvements to come from things that actually are well thought out, not barely comprehensible temper tantrums based on lies and exaggerations.


But hey, that's only my opinion...

Edited by savagepotato
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I'm not big on story usually in general, I tried to get into the story on 2 separate classes but realized it is inefficent to try and watch all the cutscenes and listen to the people talk. I just want to get to 50 and get phat loots.


That doesn't mean after I'm 50 and have a good income flow and have everything I wanted to experience while basically just PVPing and skipping all the cutscenes I won't go back and actually enjoy the cut scenes and story with an alt, I'm personally hoping that the legacy system has something like EQ2 where based on what lvl your legacy is you get cool new gear for leveling or an 50% XP boost so you can still enjoy the story but it shortens the grind to level an alt.


I don't think this game is resting solely on it's story. The story is a main attraction for a lot of players that don't play MMO's and don't have the must get endgame mentality. I think a lot of people are crying about there being no endgame but what MMO that has released recently came with a fully thought out endgame? None.


If you look at WoW at launch it's endgame was not fully fleshed out, and if they both launched simultaneously wow would have nothing on this game. People that think a game is going to have everything that WoW had because they started playing late into BC and WoW had everything already because it had time to develop, think that every game needs to com out complete are just unrealistic. What this game has at the moment is a good step, there are 3 levels of difficulty in end game raiding. There are 3 tiers of PVP loot, and there are 2 tiers of PVE dungeons. What else do you want? Did you really expect there to be 10 end game raids, and 10 different battlegrounds and multiple tiers of everything before people got through the first one?


Please, people that are 50, understand that you rushed there you get to experience everything first and that's awesome for you. I wish I could take a week off work and do the same thing, but don't start QQ posts about how there is no end game when there is a single teir of endgame and you feel like you've done it all already. Just go back and play an alt and enjoy what you skipped, or if that's not for you there is always that 7 year old game that has everything your looking for, it will have pandas soon :rolleyes:

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Let me start by saying...I did not read the first post in this thread. It was very long, and well...I'm kind of hungry.


So..."do you think story is really what MMO players want?"


Yes. That's why I'm here. So far, I've been in love with the story. Yeah, it's not the deepest of any story ever, but I'm really enjoying it. It's giving me motivation to finish quests on a planet I otherwise hate, and it's made me want to try all 8 character classes. I think they did a really good job on it.


And you know what? IF you don't want to play the story, slam on that space bar and skip as much as you can. Treat the class quests as quests that give you decent leveling gear instead of story-based quests.

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You haven't posted anything yet that is worth addressing. Just a mishmash of complaints exaggerations, lies, and overall venting of your displeasure.



[Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah]


I think I did it again.I made you believe

We're more than just friends.

Oh, baby;

It might seem like a crush,

But it doesn't mean

That I'm serious.

'Cause to lose all my senses...

That is just so typically me.

Oh, baby; baby.



... I did it again.

I played with your heart.

Got lost in the game.

Oh, baby; baby.


... You think I'm in love.

That I'm sent from above...

I'm not that innocent.


You see my problem is this:

I'm dreaming away;

Wishing that heroes, they truly exist.

I cry watching the days.

Can't you see I'm a fool

In so many ways?

But to lose all my senses...

That is just so typically me.

Baby, oh.



... I did it again.

I played with your heart.

Got lost in the game.

Oh, baby; baby.


... You think I'm in love.

That I'm sent from above...

I'm not that innocent.


[Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah]

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Again I make a well thought out post as to why I see problems with this game and you retort by attacking my person and telling me to quit,something I already informed you of in the post you replied to, that I already did.


I suppose you are against all kinds of improvments then or just those of us asking for it?


Then why are you here? You're obviously not enjoying yourself, so leave. Do something else. You're either a troll or a person with nothing better to do. Either way, you appear to solicit pity, but deserve none. The game came out only recently and Bioware still has improvements to make, but that is the case with any MMO worth playing. As for your gripes with the lack of story, there are eight distinct character classes that each have their own personal campaign missions, complete with distinct companions (and all of the side missions for the companions). That may not interest you and that is fine, but your grievances with the game are either issues that can and will be addressed (the UI is terrible, but easily fixed and a stable community takes time to develop) or purely your opinion (saying something is "bad" without further elaboration makes you look even more like a troll). And as far as RP elements go, the players set the level of RP on a server. I'm not saying there aren't issues and problems with this game, but I am impressed so far (and I was really skeptical about it at first). So if you've already canceled the game, go away. And really, if you're gonna try to goad people into arguing with you in long posts please work on your form and spelling. Here's a tip, spell check is a built in function on the forums reply feature. Nobody likes an illiterate troll. :D

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I don't have time in my life to wait on a healer, or deal with someone else telling me how to play.


I just wanted a game that has a full single-player experience, but at the same time allows me to interact with others as I see fit, to the extent of which I see fit. In TOR, I can do meaningful things without other people's required assistance (and scrutiny). That's the key for me.


TOR couldn't be more brilliantly designed for me. The question is, are most like me? I'm just a 30-something with a family and a job that enjoys video games.

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Somewhere it seems that people got the impression that MMORPGs need to be designed for everyone, regardless of their playstyle.


The story, and whether or not voice-acting makes it better, is simply another element in the MMORPG that developers are going to weigh when making their decisions about how to construct their game.


You could ask the same question with a different mechanic:

Do you think PvP is what MMO players want? (could even separate this by asking instanced vs. world based)

Do you think repeatable content is what MMO players want?

Do you think gear-based progression is what MMO players want?

Do you think end-game content consisting of only raids as a means of progression is what MMO players want? (could be separated by small group or large group)

Do you think punishing death penalties or perma-death is what MMO players want?

Do you think FFA servers is what MMO players want?

Do you think questing progression to end-game is what MMO players want?

Do you think near-photo-realistic graphics is what MMO players want?

Do you think most sand-box elements is what MMO players want?

Do you think that RP/social elements is what MMO players want?


And you can add story to that list and that list is by no means exhaustive.

And replies back are going to vary on who you ask. MMO players now number well over 10 million and considering all the games that are played, probably closer to 15-20 million worldwide. You are NOT going to get a unanimous consensus on any of those.


So some basic questions get asked very early on about design philosophy, business model, etc. Are they trying to be the "next WoW" (regardless of how close they come to the same numbers) in that they want to appeal to a wide array of the masses vs. just a smaller niche? And what are they doing to implement/try to differentiate themselves from other products on the market?


So in short, YES, story is what SOME mmo players want and want as much, if not more, than many of the other things I listed above? But, NO, it's not going to be universally loved by all. Which, at the point you discover that the story isn't important to you and is mostly just wasting your time, you should ask yourself "Is this game for me?" and realize that not every game is going to be everyone's cup of tea. Nor should it be.

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Then why are you here? You're obviously not enjoying yourself, so leave. Do something else. You're either a troll or a person with nothing better to do. Either way, you appear to solicit pity, but deserve none. The game came out only recently and Bioware still has improvements to make, but that is the case with any MMO worth playing. As for your gripes with the lack of story, there are eight distinct character classes that each have their own personal campaign missions, complete with distinct companions (and all of the side missions for the companions). That may not interest you and that is fine, but your grievances with the game are either issues that can and will be addressed (the UI is terrible, but easily fixed and a stable community takes time to develop) or purely your opinion (saying something is "bad" without further elaboration makes you look even more like a troll). And as far as RP elements go, the players set the level of RP on a server. I'm not saying there aren't issues and problems with this game, but I am impressed so far (and I was really skeptical about it at first). So if you've already canceled the game, go away. And really, if you're gonna try to goad people into arguing with you in long posts please work on your form and spelling. Here's a tip, spell check is a built in function on the forums reply feature. Nobody likes an illiterate troll. :D


please, use more paragraphs my eyes bleed.


Anyway,I will attempt at a short answer, as I stated in previous post that you all ignored because you rather troll and tell people to F off the game than to adress any of their concerns here it goes.


Maybe,just MAYBE, Bioware listens to community and will improve the game more if needed if players ask, or demand of it. Even something as simple as better working customer support.


Instead people like yourself goes to extremese to flame and troll people asking for improvments including trolling my 10000+thread in customer service section over lack of CS and bad experiences just because it looks bad for the company.


Why? Do you get payed for protecting company interests? if not then please stop. Take a moment read the complaints, maybe adress them when YOU are level 50 and walk in our shoes, then make a constructive post other than "whaaah aaaaa waaaah" on every forum thread.


Thanks if you took the time to read this, all those that it relates to.

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