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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you think story is really what MMO players want?


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Here in lies the problem. No game caters to every player type. If you came to this game looking for a loot grind for once a week raids then more than likely this game is not for you. Most people have been doing that for a decade. The fact that this MMO was built around a storyline and leads you into Flash points and Operations through storyline is a direct indication that is what will drive this game in the future.


If you are looking for instant gratification I want it now gameplay there is a game that is very polished in that area. For those of us who are looking for a MMORPG and not a instant queue dungeon finder, then we are happily playing SWTOR. Not saying either way is right or wrong but for myself I haven't had this much fun playing a MMO in quite some time. Good luck finding the game that will offer you the level of fun that you are seeking.



I was going to say exactly this. BW has made a game that is exactly what I and many others were looking for in an MMO. We're sorry that it's not what you were looking for, but honestly, from what you're saying, what you want has been available for quite awhile. May i suggest you go play one of those games and let us enjoy our story driven game that you detest so much?

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To me, the class stories are awesome. Worth the entire price of admission. As a fan of KOTOR and ME this is what I was looking for here with SWTOR. Story story story.


The planet story lines are also really well done, however there is limited replay on those.


The "side" missions? Not my favorite. I space bar through a lot of those... and I'm as big of a fanboi as they come...

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Story is why I game. The story elements in other MMOs were a lot more work than they are in SWTOR The lore in Everquest and Everquest 2 was amazing, however, it was mostly reading and searching for books, items and clues. SWTOR does a great job of making the MMO the story instead of making the story something that must be sought out.

Bravo Bioware!

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They always said it'd be story driven. From the very start that was the idea. They pulled the Mass Effect lead writer into the SWTOR project to create an immersive story for several character classes. As an ME fan, I was not happy at all. I never wanted to play an MMO, and since I'm not a SW fan, either, I thought I'd skip this one, too.


They've been working on it for what, 6 years? There have been so many news and announcements and interviews and reports about it, that I wonder why people even bothered to pick it up when they don't like story. It's not like you didn't know or weren't warned.


If other games are so much better and do it so much better, why don't you stick with them?


You picked it up, anyway, there was an effectively open beta, you knew what you'd get and you were willing to go with it, 'endure' the story and fight through it to the end. Stand by your decision and stop whining.



I for my part followed the development news and picked it up because in the end I was sure there'd be enough story and PvE experience to match the money I'd have to pay.

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Story being important is nothing new. Everquest has one of the most rich stories you will ever find, and it has since 1999. Their focus is on making the story matter to the everyday user, and I think it is an important aspect of/draw to the game.
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Why play games if not for the story?


I don't get what some people are asking for. Maybe they expected too much, or never played a Bioware game.


People are getting bored because they just spent 80+ hours on this game. Of course you are going to get bored when you spend that much time on something. The game has been out less than a month. Take a break, go get drunk, get laid, just do something else for a bit and the game will pull you back.

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I am very critic against this game but the story is really good. And no, MMO players wants content since even this very good story has low replay value since even with another class you play more that 90% of the same quests over again.


MMOs also wants community. And when I say community I do not mean people like fanboys that see nothing wrong on this game nor like myself who may be more harsh than it deserves. I mean in-game events (RP things that make people laugh and take screenshots) and content in the form of blogs, forums etc. Although the Star Wars game thingy is not new (there is an established lore already) there are very few resources in the internet. I see diablo3 resource all over even tough the game has not launched already!


This. I still wish though they make it a better game since I want to have the option to swtor as well.

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Counter-question to the OP: isn't it a good thing that not all MMOs try to provide the same kind of experience?


Sure, focusing on story will make SWToR quite different from most MMOs, with different strengths and weaknesses. It will not be everyone's cup of tea.


But why is that bad?


There's no Vanilla MMO formula that beats all other. Not all MMOs should be the same. It's like asking "Do you really expect Eddie Vedder to be able to appeal to all Gaga fans?". Of course he won't, but his fans are prolly quite happy about it.

Diversity is great.

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I just hit 50 today and am about to finish up my main class quest line. I honestly have to say that I am going to miss the story. I've grown attached to my little warrior and all his ******ness.


I used to race to level cap and then push for "omgl33tness" but really this time, I just wanna keep rolling around and exploring. This may be the first game where I hit cap and end up spending all my time on alts when not required to be on my main to raid. Its a different MMO experience and I think it may be the best one sense I first stepped into a MMO and was blown away by a whole world full of real players and things to explore.


UO(back in the day) > SWTOR > other MMO's. In my personal opinion.

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Here in lies the problem. No game caters to every player type. If you came to this game looking for a loot grind for once a week raids then more than likely this game is not for you. Most people have been doing that for a decade. The fact that this MMO was built around a storyline and leads you into Flash points and Operations through storyline is a direct indication that is what will drive this game in the future.


I don't know if you've reached 50 yet, but I'm afraid this is exactly that sort of MMO. The storyline does not lead you into flashpoints or operations other than the Black Talon/Esseles or at a pinch the two on Ilum.


I love the story in TOR, it makes leveling fun and interesting. It would, and probably does, make for an excellent single player game. However this is 1-49, 50 is a whole new ball game in which you have Flashpoints, Raids or PvP exactly like any other classic MMO and there is nothing else. If you don't like that, then as soon as your character walks off into the sunset at the end of his class quest the game is as done as any singleplayer offering.


I'm enjoying TOR and I PvP so I'm not personally too affected by it, but don't expect the story and the MMO to go hand in hand. It's a singleplayer story you can share with friends and then it's a loot grind MMO. I'm not bashing it, just trying to describe it as accurately as I can.

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I am very critic against this game but the story is really good. And no, MMO players wants content since even this very good story has low replay value since even with another class you play more that 90% of the same quests over again.

While that's certainly an opinion, I've got to disagree about replay value. Especially compared to other, similar MMO's that don't even attempt that 10% of wholely unique content.



MMOs also wants community. And when I say community I do not mean people like fanboys that see nothing wrong on this game nor like myself who may be more harsh than it deserves. I mean in-game events (RP things that make people laugh and take screenshots) and content in the form of blogs, forums etc. Although the Star Wars game thingy is not new (there is an established lore already) there are very few resources in the internet. I see diablo3 resource all over even tough the game has not launched already!


This. I still wish though they make it a better game since I want to have the option to swtor as well.


In-game events such as what? NPC discussions? I've stopped what I was doing to listen in on several, they were pretty hilarious. RP events? Watched a couple of people doing one the other day....it was quite interesting. Force-choking a Jawa? Yep, definitely got a screenshot of that one.


If you can't find TOR blogs and forums.....you're very clearly not even attempting to look, much less not looking hard enough. Though I do find it interesting that you're comparing TOR to Diablo 3 in terms of fan discussion....considering that Diablo 3 has been in development for over a decade now. Diablo 3 is almost the new Duke Nukem.

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Story in an MMo is irrelevant.


Sandbox is the only thing that is important in an MMo. As this is not an MMo then it isnt a issue. For this game a story is nice as it is a theme park not an MMo. So all's good really.


But the answer to your origional question IMHO is that a story is totaly irrelevant in an MMo as the players make the story in an MMo the game dosnt make the story for the players.

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Nah, I'd rather keep it so my companions don't hate me.


The other thing they screwed up with is no middle ground on light and dark........it's called Balance, not everyone is squeaky clean and not everyone is just a royal douche, some people do good things and bad things all in the same lifetime.


What makes you think they screwed this up? You're basing this off what, light side/dark side vendors? I have no characters that 100% light or dark sided. They make choices depending on my perception of them as a character. I drive how I want my character to be and so far nothing in the game has interfered with my ability to progress because of it. If you allow yourself to be pigeon holed then that is your mistake. The game won't hold you back because one of your companions thinks you're a douche. ;)


Specifically light / dark side story choices... Can some of the choices be better, sure but when you have 3 to pick from there simply isn't the the latitude for every nuance of personality. Pick the one closest again to your "character" and watch it play out. If you don't like it, hit the ESC key and chose a different option.

Edited by KelricAlpha
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Anyone who is expecting loads of end-game content at launch is nuts. I may have expected a bit more, definitely from the PvP end of the spectrum and from what I hear the difficulty (or lack thereof) of endgame PvE leaves something to be desired, but MMOs on launch aren't well-known for having a ton of endgame content.


I may give this game a B- or C for endgame, but at least the grind to 50 isn't god-awful. Endgame can always be patched in.

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Story in an MMo is irrelevant.


Sandbox is the only thing that is important in an MMo. As this is not an MMo then it isnt a issue. For this game a story is nice as it is a theme park not an MMo. So all's good really.


But the answer to your origional question IMHO is that a story is totaly irrelevant in an MMo as the players make the story in an MMo the game dosnt make the story for the players.


You dont even make sense.. EVERY good game out there had a good story.. (Im not thinking like CS1.6 trolol, i mean Games. not multiplayer mods for a epic game [Yes CS is a mod for HL])

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I believe this is an MMORPG. RPG. Role playing game. While most games of this genre add character customization and call it a day, I'm glade BioWare is adding actual role playing elements. If you don't want the ROLE PLAYING elements of an MMORPG there are plenty of Gen 2 Combat MMO's coming out. As well as WoW.
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Could not disagree more. The only reason I am playing this game and decided to play it is because of the story. I hate all the grinding mechanics of MMO's and have lost interest in reaching max levels since EQ. I don't even care about GW2 because the story aspect looks like ****.


Sure the pvp will be awesome, GW has the best pvp but as a lover of literature give me story any day of the week.


With that said I think story has a great chance of carrying this MMO because it has cornered the market for people like me.


Myself and all 12 of my friends have all agreed that this is one of the best mmo's we have ever played. Next to EQ it is my favorite by far. That's because we are just story type people. Different strokes for different folks.

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First of all, this isn't just a MMO... It's a MMORPG.


And in RPGs story and dialogue do matter.


It sounds to me you just want Call of Duty with magic/the force or swords/light sabers. MMORPGs just aren't for you.

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