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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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I felt and still do feel that the dungeon finder in wow really hurt the game. My reasons are you can literally stand in one spot and participate in 95% of the game w/o having to move at max lvl. The lack of a dungeon finder increases your chance to interact with people on your server and find good players. Being a wow veteran, I experienced a server transfer of my entire guild and the time it took to get to know ppl on the new server was much longer due to the implementation of systems like raid and dungeon finders.


Please keep this out of the game. Allow players to actually play an mmo and interact with fellow players on their server. For those of you that say you can still do that with a dungeon finder, I say that unless you require a gaming community to do something they will not do it. Try to get a same server grp going on wow right now. Its not impossible, but it is difficult when players can simply que for a guaranteed run.



Like it has been pointed out more times than anyone could ever hope to count, it doesn't need to be cross-realm, nor does it need to teleport you anywhere.

Edited by LasherC
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how exactly, you havent said how it destroys ?


I don't think it destroys communities, I just think it hinders them. When you run with people you will never see again you don't make in game friends with them. Some people are jerks because they know they will never see you again. If I spend serveral hours running flashpoints with cross-server people I don't meet anyone new on my server.


I don't like looking for groups either, so I understand both sides of the argument. I am just speaking from my own experience that I had more friends outside my guild when there wasn't cross-server stuff. My guild isn't huge so it's nice to have additional friends. I enjoyed the game more because I always had people to do things with. That may not be as important to other people, I get that.


I especially like pvping with my server! I always know most of the people in my WZs and it makes coordination and team work really smooth.

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I've had nothing but issues trying to find groups for Flashpoints and Heroics and I experience many of the same problems as other folks. It's to the point now to where if I cannot solo the content, I just skip it which is a shame because I'd like to experience these places.


If Bioware is unable or unwilling to provide even a simple tool to help players form groups quickly and efficiently for content, then as the newness of SWTOR fades, so will subscriptions.

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If Bioware is unable or unwilling to provide even a simple tool to help players form groups quickly and efficiently for content, then as the newness of SWTOR fades, so will subscriptions.


The current LFG system is indeed a simple tool to help players form groups quickly and efficiently for content.



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No idea what you're talking about, there is no current LFG system.


You should probably look around your interface then. There is indeed a LFG system where you can set a note as to what you are looking for a group for and other players who run across you in the world will see a flag next to your name (3 purple people) indicating you are LFG. In addition, you can search for folks who are LFG.

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You mean the one that no one uses, only shows a maximum of 100 results, that doesn't show results properly if you're trying to sort by LFG and that doesn't show more than 2 words of the comment people included ? I'll give you simple, but it's neither quick nor efficient.
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That's an argument against general chat, not one for the LFG tool.


A game with a good community would forsake world/zone spanning channels all together.


This would mean you MUST socialize and befriend people.


A lot of today's MMO players didn't play in the golden age of MMOs, where people made long term friendships and sometimes even met their future wives/husbands.


Two of my best gaming friends met online, moved in together and have now been married for 5+ years.


That kind of stuff doesn't happen in modern MMOs because of the push for LFD tools, world spanning LFG channels and other such community destroying mechanics.


There was a time when people used /say to talk to each other in MMOs, and it was a beautiful time.



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Sorry if this is repeated because I didn't read through the entire forum aside from the OP really.


The 1. con you listed isn't entirely true, People think wow's lfg function ruins the community. I would be all for a server only lfg type of tool but totally against a cross server "wow type" version.


I thought aion's lfg tool worked fairly well(may be changed now), or at least better than the current swtor lfg comment. Those that played probably know what I am talking about. For those that didn't-It had the easy of use of the current swtor comment except there was a dedicated ui panel to it and it had a link to chat type of ability. Players could open this ui and pick one of two tabs, either to lfg or lfm. You could see a list of current groups looking for more and what classes they already had in the group and this was by default set to show only groups of your level range. Not just in your current zone. You could search other level ranges as well. I had a friend that I played with alot and we would put our group in the lfm, then check back on the lfg list regularly and hit the button to link our comment to chat. If we found someone looking for the same thing as us we invited them right from the lfg tab, if we found a group that we could fill up we whisper the person in lead and they invited us. Also we both played dps classes and I really can't remember ever waiting long looking for a tank/healer, and never had any reason to just stand around waiting.


To me it was handy, and I typed way too much explaining(hopefully not just repeated from an earlier post).

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You mean the one that no one uses, only shows a maximum of 100 results, that doesn't show results properly if you're trying to sort by LFG and that doesn't show more than 2 words of the comment people included ? I'll give you simple, but it's neither quick nor efficient.


"I refuse to use the LFG system!"


"You mean the LFG system that no one uses LOL?"


Troll logic.

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Your post is so pointless and annoying I'm having trouble replying to it. Read the actual arguments I wrote and comment on those, not just one thing that wasn't really an argument, just a fact.


You refuse to use the LFG system because no one uses it.


Troll logic.

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That's like saying I refuse to play a multiplayer only game because no one else is playing it. If that's troll logic to you, then you're wrong, for lack of a better word.

Also, you're continue to ignore my actual arguments.

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I do not want to see this function in game. So since both our minds are made up, I will agree to disagree. If they implement this in game I will use it ofc. I just like the idea of not having it.


The idea of a same server lfg system I felt has merit. That seemed reasonable and not too community threatening.

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swtor is still new, so theres loads of players leveling, so lfg in gen chat is mainly



wait a couple of years when theres less ppl leveling, then youll be crying out for a way

to do flashpoints quickly instead of struggling to find a grp. (for leveling alts i mean)


b4 lfd in wow, it was quite a chore to find the people on the same quests/same dungeons.

and that was just for my main.


now with lfd, its easy to get a grp, the biggest bonus is that its easy for all your alts to get

a raid, b4 lfr only my main raided reguarly now all my alts can raid anytime i want.


as for socialising, i get enough socialising with my guild.


as i said earlier, gen chat is still full of lfgs anyway, so ppl are still meeting new ppl on their

own servers.

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You don't think it's fair.


I think it is.


MMO communities were good when you were forced to do this.


MMO communities today are hives of scum of villainy BECAUSE of stuff like LFD tools.


I could care less about your enjoyment, I want a good community.


If people can't socialize, they have no business playing an MMO.


This genre was superior when it was a niche genre BECAUSE it only attracted social players.


Now we get everything from console kids to people without the simple skills to spell properly.


We gained better graphics and bigger production values, but we lost the heart of the MMO genre.



This sums up my thoughts. +1

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Looking for groups is a completely different thing from socializing. There is absolutely no "socialization" involved in looking for groups other that the act of grouping itself.


Any more "socializing" that may come about is done AFTER the group is formed.


Thus a LFG/LFD tool promotes "socializing" in a mmo given that it facilitates people getting into groups faster and more often. A LGF tool does the job much much better than spending inordinate amounts of time spamming a chat channel, and the completely wasted act of putting on the LFG tag in the utterly useless LFG mechanism that's currently in the game.


The anti LFG/LFD tool people have yet to show any definitive evidence that a LFG tool is either destructive to any game, or to any game's community. The only thing we ever see is sketchy anecdotes that are most often written by people that clearly have never even actually played the game they're talking about.


The definitive evidence that is available actually shows the exact opposite of what these people maintain. LFG/LFD tools have proven themselves out to be very popular in the games that have them, they've added to those game's subscription numbers because of their customer retention attribute, and all those games still have vibrant communities.


This LFG/LFD destroys community argument is a fallacy at best, and an out and out lie at worst.

Edited by Umbral
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I'd like to see an LFG tool, but I'd like to see it pull people just from your server. That gives you the best of both worlds - quick grouping AND it prevents destroying the community. If it only pulls from a pool of people on your server, then you can meet other interesting people you can add to your flist and group with later.


LFG tools only ruin server communities when they pull from multiple servers, because then it ruins the ability to make "friendships" with people. What's the point in making friends with someone to group with later if you'll never be able to see them again? An LFG that's only server wide fixes that. It'd also have the added bonus of letting you block any clownshoes you meet up with who spoil your fun or ninja loot stuff.

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The current LFG system is indeed a simple tool to help players form groups quickly and efficiently for content.





Simple to use, sure... adequate? Absolutly not.. all you can do is post a comment that says you want to run something.


It doesnt allow you to form a group, request certain classes or level ranges, or define what quest(s) you want to run. It does not allow you to specificy other comments like companion looting ok or that zerging is the plan.


So yes, It *COULD* work but its not adequate..


I mean technically you could drive across the country in a beat up station wagon, but it would be much quicker and easier to get to the other side by hoping on a plane (Pre-TSA of course)

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No one is saying that this tool have to do everything for you.

I would be totally satisfied with something similar to "hosting a game" mechanics.


One player decide to 'host' a team, and in this LFG tool he can input:

(think about this as putting an advert into newspaper)


1) Team description (what is the purpose), example: Black Talon HC

2) Required level of a player, example: level 50

3) Required role and maybe specific class, example 1 Tank, 1 any DPS, 1 sorc DPS


And other players browsing this LFG tool would be able to see this "hosted" team (this advert) and be able to request an invite for a free spot.


Something simple as that.

In stead of spamming general chat, you can create 1 permanent announcement that all players, across a single server, can see no mater where they are.


And lets say give them 3 buttons:


A) Apply as tank

B) Apply as healer

C) Apply as DPS


And upon clicking this button, this LFG tool would automatically send a PM to group leader stating:

"Hi I want to join your group, I am level XX class YY and I can TANK/HEAL/DPS".


So group leader have still full control on who is invited to the team. But he may also freely do dailies while he wait for someone to apply for his party.


Whats anti social about system like this?

Same system can also be used while looking for groups for team PVP and with lil modification for operations.

Ofc this is only example.

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Honestly I think it is needed myself. People say its destructive to the community. That is a complete crock. Whether there is LFG or not people can and will be ******es if they are so inclined. Case in point look at the people griping about people needing gear for their companions. Acting like the group is going to be more social because you spent X amount of time spamming General chat for a group is just stupid honestly. I've already been in a few groups where nobody said a word to each other other than what had to be done for the boss, or somebody taking loot for their companion, or just acted like an ***. It happens with or without LFG as we are already seeing.


All that aside what about the light servers? If you dont have a character on one I suggest you do and see how easy it is to do even the simplest Flashpoint. One in particular I'm thinking of at PEAK times had 9 people on the fleet. So is the message to them sorry, your out of luck?


Also I've heard one of the arguments, is it would too much like WoW where you sit in one place waiting for your next instance to come up and you port there. Um, its like that now, but worse, you sit on the fleet, spamming for a group, basically praying you can find a healer or a tank(assuming you aren't one of them yourself), and then run to the FP which every single one of the Flash Points are right there. Do you really think there is that big a difference for a player being ported to a dungeon vs. you walking to all the Flashpoints in one confined location. (and yes Im aware there are other FPs on the other ships but travelling between the three takes no time and again they are right there)

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