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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop the nerf calls for Operatives.


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Seriously NERF PLX.


I play sith assassin, ive got 5x more keys to press to do the same **** operatives do...

im in almost full champion gear, 32% Crit Rating and 89% Surge Rating, bas attack of maul

is over 2k. its just ridiculous to get bashed for 5600 Crit dmg with one hit, while i'm doing

around 4300k and i have to wait on a proc else im depleeted.


The guy has around the same gear then I do, seriously BW Assassins are meant to be the

Onehit Wonders not Operatives, nerf them to be at least on our range with the base dmg.

Edited by Rizzit
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This is true, but some are more obvious then others....


PvP gear is really throwing everything out of whack balance wise... Stats are to high on the gear and pretty much make anyone in PvP gear God over people who don't have any...


Aion did this and it caused a lot of people to leave out of frustration...


PvP armor should give you a slight advantage, not make it a "I Win button" against people who don't have any..


yes but it takes days to get a few pieces in this game unlike aion where you had to grind for months.

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Since when did "rogues" bursting down people become standard? WoW? MMOs before WoW (IE. Dark Age of Camelot) made rogue classes work for their kills. I relied on positionals and "must be used after dodge" moves. My fights lasted up to a minute. Since when did 3 seconds kill-locks become the acceptable norm?


I miss MMOs where people had to work harder to get kills. :\


IMO, any class that can make a player totally lose control of their character 100-0 needs a fix. Period. No one should have the power to blow cooldowns and destroy someone before popping Vanish and doing it all over again in 30s-1 minute. Totally unacceptable. Not EVERYONE plays one of these classes, and no one wants to lose total control over their character for an entire fight. It's just not fun and games ARE meant to be FUN.

Edited by Sugarpill
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Seriously NERF PLX.


I play sith assassin, ive got 5x more keys to press to do the same **** operatives do...

im in almost full champion gear, 32% Crit Rating and 89% Surge Rating, bas attack of maul

is over 2k. its just ridiculous to get bashed for 5600 Crit dmg with one hit, while i'm doing

around 4300k and i have to wait on a proc else im depleeted.


The guy has around the same gear then I do, seriously BW Assassins are meant to be the

Onehit Wonders not Operatives, nerf them to be at least on our range with the base dmg.


Uhhh, my level 17 Shadow hits for 3500-3700 damage crits with Hidden Strike.. lol


Much more than my Scoundrel does with Back Blast, that's for sure.. and both have the same positional requirement.


Scoundrel/Operative have more initial burst, Shadow/Assassin has better out of stealth damage. Get over it. Every class can't be exactly the same.

Edited by Ashanor
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IMO, any class that can make a player totally lose control of their character 100-0 needs a fix. Period. No one should have the power to blow cooldowns and destroy someone before popping Vanish and doing it all over again in 30s-1 minute.


Nobody loses control of their character. The knockdown FILLS your resolve bar. Understand?

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They get hit hard already, when competent players fight them how they are supposed to be.


I don't have a problem with Operatives.


Every class is OP. Get over it. Your own class whatever it is is OP in some way.


Really? Sith Warriors aren't op, not in any fashion.

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will be cancelling my sub if bw nerf concealment. It takes me 12 seconds minimum to kill a lvl 50 expertise kitted out player and longer if they are tank or healer. As the OP states it is level brackets that are needed, not a nerf to operative. Not only this we cant use cloaking screen to any viable effect due to evasion not removing all types of damage, such as tech. That means we have to use evasion, then toxic scan then cloaking screen while being stunned, damaged (fail evasion) and hit with pushback, aoe to bring us out of stealth which 85% of the time succeeds. So dont think for 1 second we have it cushty and we are far from OP, unless you take into the fact we can kill low level players under 6 seconds which is why there should be level brackets Edited by Zoraida
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Seriously NERF PLX.


I play sith assassin, ive got 5x more keys to press to do the same **** operatives do...

im in almost full champion gear, 32% Crit Rating and 89% Surge Rating, bas attack of maul

is over 2k. its just ridiculous to get bashed for 5600 Crit dmg with one hit, while i'm doing

around 4300k and i have to wait on a proc else im depleeted.


The guy has around the same gear then I do, seriously BW Assassins are meant to be the

Onehit Wonders not Operatives, nerf them to be at least on our range with the base dmg.


***.....lvl 28 shadows did crit me for around 5000 dmg altogether (melee + shock) with just one hit when I reached lvl 24...I died to them in one stun almost. When I talked about that people said L2P...:rolleyes:

Edited by BobaFurz
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I mention this in my own topic but it should not be possible for ANY class to kill another character, both at level 50, in the span of < 5 seconds. It just shouldn't. God forbid 2 of you guys show up at once cause I've gone from full health to dead in all of ONE second before when thats happened.


A nerf is required in some way or some form. Period. Other classes need balancing too but this is the most blatantly obvious one atm.


That's funny, because I've had 50 sorcs kill me in under 5 seconds, and I'm 50 as well.

Edited by Dodia
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Since when did "rogues" bursting down people become standard? WoW? MMOs before WoW (IE. Dark Age of Camelot) made rogue classes work for their kills. I relied on positionals and "must be used after dodge" moves. My fights lasted up to a minute. Since when did 3 seconds kill-locks become the acceptable norm?


I miss MMOs where people had to work harder to get kills. :\


IMO, any class that can make a player totally lose control of their character 100-0 needs a fix. Period. No one should have the power to blow cooldowns and destroy someone before popping Vanish and doing it all over again in 30s-1 minute. Totally unacceptable. Not EVERYONE plays one of these classes, and no one wants to lose total control over their character for an entire fight. It's just not fun and games ARE meant to be FUN.




After your whining request, they have to remove, Force Pull and BH Lasso too, because the can pull people into Flame traps dropping 100-0. Oh Wait force Throw and Knockbacks are also out btw... so while we are here we need to take out stuns,slows,mess,paralyze & KD's

since you could get caught by one of these effects while your walkin over a flame trap.



Ridiculous, i play online since 99 EQ. there were many games that had classes with burst

dps. even MXO after CU i 2 Shotted ppl, disabling shield while in stealth, neurodart: Suplex &Ki charged footsweep = 100/0 in 2 Moves. it was epic, it was OP, and it felt so fukking great xD

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I dont mind them nerfing our burst. Just give us heavy armor and more defensive cooldowns.


We cant do **** if our opener fails.

You guys who keeps whining need to make an operative and try playing it.

A straight up fight with a powertech/mercenary/jugg or maruder will kill me 80% of the times. If tehy have the same amount of gear and a brain they will kill me.


Well played sorcs can easily kill me aswell with force speed, stuns and roots.

Sure our burst is high, i've been up at 7k crits BUT. We have no aoe whatso ever we die faster than a sorc and we cannot win a straight up melee fight with any other classes if they have a brain and some gear.


People are just whining about our burst should just get some PvP gear and a brain.

Besides, most ops grabs the pvp buff, pops trinket and attack adrenal then do our opener.

So tanks crying that we do to much damage should just gear themself, evne with all my buffs running on a 50 tank with pvp gear max crit i've done is 3.8k. And thats VERY high on a tank.


We soley rely on our high burst to survive in PvP, if we dont burst someone down we die 90% of the time.


So people QQing you have some major L2P issues. Make yourself an operative and see for yourself.

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Geared-out, max-level burst DPS classes are going to make a mess of undergeared lower level folks, bolster or no bolster. Almost no combination is more likely to produce complaints and forum threads calling for a nerf. I am sure Bio realizes this. Presumably, they know the solution is in brackets.
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Less QQ and more L2P.


I have played mmo's 6 years and in wow reached 2300+ rating every season 2v2 3v3 with 4 different chars and some of the harder classes/specs. If I play my BH I can easily rack up more medals and get more mvp and higher amount of kills... why might this be? because its OP


my operative is far from OP, not even close and I do know how to play it perfectly

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This class is ruining pvp.


Ive saw myself. Got stunned, my break cc was on cd, once i got free i had around 20% of 13k left. Finish off and rince and repeate. Does rep side even have a class that can almost kill opposite side withing one stun? That includes even having 5 peices of expertise stats, and not talking about fresh lvl 50's.

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I miss MMOs where people had to work harder to get kills. :\


That is true, but this counts for every class in this game here...dmg is just way too high. Look what ranged classes dish out...


But its funny that so many classes seems to be overpowered....Bounty Hunter is overpowered or Commando, Juggernaut/Guardian, Sage/Sorcerer, Shadows, Sniper,.....you will find for every class such a thread.


Scoundrel/Operative is probably one of the most squishy class ingame....go and create one, get into BG´s at 10-15lvl and see if you like the playstyle.

Edited by BobaFurz
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This thread is so stupid i had to make my first post ever as a reply to it.


I am a level 50 healing sage with a few pieces of pvp gear (around 200 expertise)


the other day i got 100->10%d during the knockdown stun by a level 43 operative. after that it was no problem to finish me off easily.


shortly after my team lost the battleground, i rerolled scoundrel and am now in the process of leveling up. (level 25)


so please, please, dont nerf operative/scoundrel, as I am now one of them. please dont nerf me so i can wreck level 50 healers when im only level 40.


inb4 bad player

inb4 troll

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I say how about we wait a few weeks before we yank the nerf horn ?


Agents/Smugglers can dish out insane damage, but we're also the squishiest class by quite a margin.


Until we can get a good picture of lvl 50 pvp geared people fighting other lvl 50 pvp geared people there is ABSOLUTELY NO USE in balance changes. It'll only make things worse.

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You know, I came prepared to agree with the OP, but the sheer amount of CC he listed and the lengths actually argued FOR nerfing Operatives lol.


not really we have to much useless cc, use 1 and your left with a resolve bar

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You know, I came prepared to agree with the OP, but the sheer amount of CC he listed and the lengths actually argued FOR nerfing Operatives lol.


He left out the fact that the the Operative can just vanish if anything goes wrong for him in the opening second. That means all he has to do is wait at most another 30 seconds to go up behind the target's back and rinse-repeat while still having the benefit of having debilitate off the CD again while the target would have already blown their CC break just to minimize the catastrophic damage they received on the opener.

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