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The story based gameplay is flawed and might kill the game.


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Mmmm yes it is sooo banal. You must teach us naive fans of the game why you are so right and cool, because there is no way that other people enjoy it if you don't.


Is the weather nice all the way up there on your high horse?


many ***** bought the game thinking it was going to be either swg2 or the second coming, all while BW kept saying it was a story based themepark


Now they are angry that BW didn't create the game THEY wanted and because BW isn't listening to their whines and rants, they have to express their anger and hate by posting insulse posts all over the forum. Add him to ignore list, because unfortunately this one isn't going away soon

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This game will live or die by it's future content and the rate at which that content comes out. As far as the story goes....new expansions will probably add new chapters. When it comes to voice acting, some of it is not as grand, but when you take a look at all six of the Star Wars movies, exactly how often did you see cheesy acting? I'd say lots. I still love the movies. I'm looking forward to more content. I'm looking forward to the UI fixes and everything else that will make this game so much better. If yall would rather play a game like RDR and ME, then go play em. Maybe this game is not for you. It's nothing that other MMO's havn't been doing for years, but with a new twist on quests. End game needs new content, I'm sure they havn't forgotten that. Probably the next big update not dealing with bugs will see a totally new Operation.

Seriously, I don't think they spent 200 mil to make this game for it to not get new stuff added. Probably a large portion of that is being spent still on future content updates.


Imp side so far has a ton of really tough, adult choices. Play Agent. It's very brutal at times and very relevant to the times we live in.

Edited by Prenavo
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many ***** bought the game thinking it was going to be either swg2 or the second coming, all while BW kept saying it was a story based themepark


Now they are angry that BW didn't create the game THEY wanted and because BW isn't listening to their whines and rants, they have to express their anger and hate by posting insulse posts all over the forum. Add him to ignore list, because unfortunately this one isn't going away soon





Exactly. We knew what we got when we paid for it. I find it hilarious too that people complain that the game is not up to their expectations. Remember: You pay to play BioWare's game. Not your game. If you don't like it, feel free to get out and please, be responsible and send myself and Mutharex your stuff. :D

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I highly disagree. If you don't want a story based MMO (Which is something that has never been done on this level), go play one of the "me too" MMOs out there and leave this game alone. If it was another "Power level mindlessly to level cap and then gear grind" type MMO, I'd have just stuck with WOW.
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Uh... as a Jedi Knight, you can choose the dark path and have sex with a story related character before you hit level 8! That's not adult themed? Heck, on the Esseles, you can send people to their deaths to quickly open the bridge... is that a choice for kids to make?



Some people will complain about anything.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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1. Sharding isn't a bad thing since it is only partial sharding. You are free to move between "shards" as you see fit if your area is too crowded, or if noone is participating in world PvP (hah) at your location.


2. Rockstar's GTA/Read Dead series hasn't moved an inch in years. It is still the same old boring "rags to riches" story being told in such a predictive manner that by the end of the tutorial you already know exactly where you'll end up by the end of the game.


Bioware IS evolving both genres by bringing them together - showing that MMO's can actually have real stories besides 700 pages of quest logs you'll skip because they don't have any bearing on your feelings towards a faction or individual.


3. I will agree though that some of the planets seem vague and unscripted compared to the early ones. Some streamlining and more "consistensy" is welcomed by me.


4. You've clearly missed the big fat label on the packaging saying "Rated T for Teen" - you can't have "adult/unsafe" situations in a game marketed at teenagers, as long as parent guidance organisations cry bloody murder the second you see a piece of naked skin, or a scene with REAL emotions in them.


Even if they wanted to go darker, they could not because of these limitations. Why market it at teens you ask? Because anything higher than that isn't globally acceptable (see Australia) and isn't as profitable (more subscribers, more content). As for the "Good Vs. Evil" argument - did you watch the movies? The entire universe is built around the eternal Good Vs. Evil struggle. In the end evil always fails, and the empire of this age is no different if you follow the story.


Baseline: If you want darker, more realistic stories play a singleplayer RPG such as the Witcher series. Never expect such themes in an MMO in this day and age.


PS: Some of the things mentioned in (4) do happen - you may want to explore some other classes for those particular events.



Could not have said it better!

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Nope pretty sure it's content. WoW is about as deep as a half-empty kiddie pool, I played it for a long long time. They have so much content, they have become a literal juggernaut in the gaming industry by dwarfing any other game in content. But the gameplay itself is stale and old. Star Wars admittedly is a new skin on a lot of those mechanics, but you sir are missing my point. If I like it, why the flaming f*** do you care? I happen to enjoy my Inquisitor and my Imperial Agent story and I recognize video games as the story telling medium of today. It is engaging, exciting and bringing that to an MMO shouldn't threaten you. But apparently it does.


Quit talking out of your rear. I know you are bored and want to come off as smart guy, but please think before you post.




First, I never mentioned WoW nor did I refere to it as "deep". So I have no idea why you are even addressing that to me.


Secondly....nothing about you threatens me I assure you lol So if anyone is talking out their rear it's you.


Now my point, and the other guy's point for that matter is pretty simple. When a game chooses to make their game so "story-driven" and puts all of their emphasis on making voiced acted cut scenes, the game runs the risks of losing out in other areas.


SWTOR is basically like an interactive movie, and like a movie - it's going to be over when the story ends. After a few months and you've finished all your cutscenes, there isn't going to be much there to like. That was his, and my point.


Now go take a deep breath and maybe get some fresh air. I think you need some :)

Edited by JeremyDale
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I agree with this wholeheartedly. We need more grownup situations in this game.


I propose a quest linein which a high ranking Sith Lord dies, leaving his estate the child of his first wife. As the child of his second wife, you're left with naught but a small inheritance. And even though your Sith father made your half-brother promise to take care of you, his womanizing and drinking ways get the better of him and his own selfish apprentice convinces him to reneg on his father's dying promise.


Your involvement would begin as you set out from the comfort of what was to be your legacy with no one to trust but your sister and widowed mother as you seek out your fortunes in order to marry above your current station, thereby legitimizing your existence. Much of the action of this series would revolve around such things as courting, playing music on the piano, small dogs, harsh winters, and rain storms as well as a need to maintain countenance and propriety at all costs.


Brilliant lol

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Everyone keeps hanging on to the story as the one huge redeeming factor in the game. The story won't even be talked about in 6 months. Most of you will be completely done with it and done leveling alts for a while. In fact, you can only even get 4 unique stories. If you decide to play the other 4 classes, you'll get the same story.


The voice acting is sub par. The story line itself, is sub par, even compared to some of Bioware's other games.


People are just enamored by the fact that it exists in an MMO, so they're obsessed with it.


You do realize the quests for each class is different. Jedi Knight has a different quest than Sith Warrior. I feel like you haven't even played the game...I personally love the stories so far. Agent quests were awesome, same for SI and Sith Warrior. I am sorry if you still haven't hit 50 yet and didn't get to the climax of the stories.

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"SWTOR is basically like an interactive movie, and like a movie - it's going to be over when the story ends. After a few months and you've finishes all your cutscenes, there isn't going to be much there to like. That was his, and my point."






You really are a bad troll, you know? It's been a month and Bioware has ALREADY added additional end game content to this game. You have 8 unique classes/stories in the game and it being an MMO, new content will be coming out every few months. For those of us who don't space bar through every cut scene (probably you seeing how you don't care for story) and power grind to 50 in a week and then refuse to play any alts for their story... well, the game's obviously not for you. All bigger games like Wow have at the end is a daily gear grind. You run the same content over and over and OVER hoping a new piece of gear drops or that you can save enough points to buy gear. Oh and PVP.. THAT'S IT! TOR also has this at end game on currently a smaller scale, but the "getting there" part is much, MUCH better thanks to the story aspects.


And this is coming from someone with 3 level 85's in WOW. Bioware did something very right with this game. If you don't like the main drawing point of the game, instead of saying that it will "kill" the game, how about you just stop playing and go back to an MMO with no story?

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You really are a bad troll, you know? It's been a month and Bioware has ALREADY added additional end game content to this game. You have 8 unique classes/stories in the game and it being an MMO, new content will be coming out every few months. For those of us who don't space bar through every cut scene (probably you seeing how you don't care for story) and power grind to 50 in a week and then refuse to play any alts for their story... well, the game's obviously not for you. All bigger games like Wow have at the end is a daily gear grind. You run the same content over and over and OVER hoping a new piece of gear drops or that you can save enough points to buy gear. Oh and PVP.. THAT'S IT! TOR also has this at end game on currently a smaller scale, but the "getting there" part is much, MUCH better thanks to the story aspects.


And this is coming from someone with 3 level 85's in WOW. Bioware did something very right with this game. If you don't like the main drawing point of the game, instead of saying that it will "kill" the game, how about you just stop playing and go back to an MMO with no story?


Galbat....to /facepalm yourself. The only one "trolling" is yourself.


I don't even like WoW, deffinitely don't have 3 level 85s....


You are simply making crap up and have no idea what you are talking about.


I've barely been on this game for a month. I'm already almost level 50 and have seen all but one planet. Introducing a new flashpoint every month or so isn't going to fix the problems on this game. It doesn't take a genius to know unless some major game-play elements are added this game isn't going to last long.


Now this game did a good job on some things. The companion system for example is really cool. But they didn't do a good job on others - such as bringing to life a long-lasting an interesting world that gives players plenty to do for years to come. There is no way this game is going to last a decade like the devs said was their hope on the current game design. It's just not. It will need a huge overhaul if it's going to be a long-term success.


The "rush to the end" and spam instances or "flashpoints" over and over again is not going to work. It's too repetitive and players are going to get bored and move on.

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Let me know how the story is in a year, bro. If you can take your eyes off the nearest shiny object long enough.


You do realize that story is going to be added through patches. For example, in patch 1.2 we are getting a new planet. Do you think that there won't be an overall arcing story while we are on that planet?

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On Ord Mantell, you can leave orphaned children to their fate by threatening the doctor that takes care of them to make him come with you.


In one of the class stories, an entire planet gets obliterated, basically.


On the Imperial side on Balmorra, you can murder an innocent woman in cold blood for pure financial gain.


You can have sex, it's just not shown on the screen. If you want real **** instead... well we're on the internet, I'm sure you can find some.



How much more adult do you need?

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Only if you refuse to play on both sides of the divide. The 4 Imperial stories are distinct and different from the 4 Republic ones.


Just because you've screamed(??) to 50 and are now bored doesn't mean everyone else has done the same, and there won't be many people with 8 50s, one of each base class, by 6 months in. There might be a few, but it won't be even a sizable minority.


Are we still pretending that only people who spend all day every day playing non-stop have a level 50? Is everyone supposed to be level 30, and that's why they released new endgame content recently?


Quit it.

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Tabula Rasa, Asheron's Call 2, Star Wars Galaxies, Earth & Beyond, Never Winter Nights, Matrix Online, Ragnarok Online, and Shadowbane.


Those are just a few over the years that have closed down, that I know of. No doubt, there are many, many more that have closed. So yeah, it can happen.


I am aware of closed games although NWN (still being played and modded;not being a MMO at all) and RO (still existing) shouldn't be on the list. However none of these died because of a single isolated game-crippling issue only. There's always more to that and it often takes a while. With games like APB being more of an exception to the rule. As no sudden death scenarios.


My point is I have read too many reasons about what will/might kill this game that I was more interesting into how this looks like from a semantic angle rather than in examples.

Most MMOs die slow enough that on their way out they have gathered a heap of reasons where none sticks out too much unless it has been neglected from the beginning.


In case of this game I find it is too early to announce a death sentence of any kind or do a preliminary pre-mortem analysis of why this game will have failed.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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You do realize that story is going to be added through patches. For example, in patch 1.2 we are getting a new planet. Do you think that there won't be an overall arcing story while we are on that planet?


Adding new cut scenes and planets is fine, but they are going to have to add more game-play elements as well for this game to be a success.


Right now the game just isn't very interesting. Once the novelty wears, you are pretty much stuck with a single/player action/adventure game with a co op mode at the end, which is how an earlier poster aptly described it.


It needs some depth badly. HOpefully when they introduce the Legacy feature in March it will help some. That's what I'm waiting for anyways, because if they fail to deliver any new gameplay elements and stick to this rather dull "watch cut scene" - kill stuff - "watch cut scene" - kill stuff approach I know I'll start looking elsewhere. That's just not a winning formula, least not from my standpoint.


If I want a good story I'll go read a book. When I play games, I want interesting gameplay with depth and challenge mixed in. Voice-acted cut scenes are fine, but aren't a major factor for me.

Edited by JeremyDale
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WoW is the only game ive ever seen than releases content slow as molasses, and convinces people that every mmo does the same.


Its been a month and we have a new raid and a new flashpoint.


**** with this "running out of story" nonsense.

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Adding new cut scenes and planets is fine, but they are going to have to add more game-play elements as well for this game to be a success.


Right now the game just isn't very interesting. Once the novelty wears, you are pretty much stuck with a single/player action/adventure game with a co op mode at the end, which is how an earlier poster aptly described it.


It needs some depth badly. HOpefully when they introduce the Legacy feature in March it will help some. That's what I'm waiting for anyways, because if they fail to deliver any new gameplay elements and stick to this rather dull "watch cut scene" - kill stuff - "watch cut scene" - kill stuff approach I know I'll start looking elsewhere.


I havent experienced this. Never seen a single player game that offers Co Op in the form of 8v8 warzones and 16 man raids...


Maybe you should get off of Korriban.

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You do realize that story is going to be added through patches. For example, in patch 1.2 we are getting a new planet. Do you think that there won't be an overall arcing story while we are on that planet?


There, I highlighted the main problem with your post. You assume he is capable of rational thought. have you actually read is ludicrous rants?!? How can you make such an assumption??

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