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  • Location
    Outside of New York
  • Interests
    Being awesome
  • Occupation
    Stable Master for the My Little Pony cast
  1. I never had a problem playing as one, although doing even more damage would make it so I couldn't be stopped I feel like high damage isn't suppose to be what the class is all about. They have great survival-bility and do good amounts of damage when other classes would die. They are suppose to stay on the battlefield and keep things in their team's favor. I have seen some awful mara/sent that don't know what they are doing and they get owned. Really it is all about how good you are about the class.
  2. I actually switched factions because one, end game OP gear looks stupid and two so does Sith gear (I don't like the robot look) Wearing robes is so much more awesome, I just wish the Sith gear were just black robes and OP gear looked less stupid.
  3. You do realize the quests for each class is different. Jedi Knight has a different quest than Sith Warrior. I feel like you haven't even played the game...I personally love the stories so far. Agent quests were awesome, same for SI and Sith Warrior. I am sorry if you still haven't hit 50 yet and didn't get to the climax of the stories.
  4. Wouldn't neutral mean you have no opinion one was or the other? So when given an ultimatum like kill someone or spare them...you what...walk away? Doesn't seem very heroic.
  5. I think you should be able to level up PvPing like you could in the beta. That way you can level up however you want.
  6. You do realize CTF and base capturing/defending and the like have existed way before WoW. Also WSG is a two flag game as apposed to Huttball which is a neutral capture point. You're just one of those people who complain about WoW because you were awful at it.
  7. So tanks get MVP all the time? You can do a good amount of dmg to the get the dmg medals. Then use your guard. Then use a health pack that heals for 2.5k then sit at an objective. People will attack you at the objective so you can work on getting kills and such. Medals are easy to manipulate.
  8. Brutal_Lobster


    I feel like most people that complain about macros don't know what they do...it is normal however to be afraid of something you don't understand as long as you eventually stop being ignorant.
  9. Brutal_Lobster


    You obviously don't understand how macros work...it let's you play the game smoother so it is more about I don't know tactics and skill than who can click/press buttons faster. I would love some "mouse-over" mods for healing. The actually challenge in the game should be knowing what to do and reacting quickly, not what you're purposing.
  10. Brutal_Lobster

    Republic PvP

    I only get mad at Hutt ball when it is Empire vs Empire because it means I have to try and it isn't a free win.
  11. We can all agree here that Jawas need a nerf. Blizz out DPS-es me all the time. My statement is more logical than yours because it is at least true.
  12. Not to mention they can see you stealthed from "forever" away. Not only can they see through my Op stealth, but if you rezz by them they can break your safety stealth too.
  13. I usually see MVP go to top defenders, healers and dps-ers. Only problem is I can crank out 250k healing easily, but that doesn't really mean I was useful. If I kept the ball-runner alive to get the game winning point then I would be more of an MVP, problem is how can you really score someone on their usefulness just by using numbers?
  14. Are you sure he wasn't using the key bind? (Default being the "x" key)
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