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The Best View in SWTOR contest has returned! ×

Let's be real, let's be honest here....


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Awaiting response.


Actually voice acting, being extremely story driven, and a great companion system. And yes, those are features, whether you wish to believe or not. But it doesn't matter, because as I said, no two mmos really launch with all the features another has, and what matters, as another poster has said, is if swtor is an enjoyable experience, even without the so-called "basic" features it doesn't have. According to most people who play the game, it is. So..... *shrug*


If you guys want those features so badly, hope you get them in an upcoming maintenance. Or maybe a mod.

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If we are being honest, I think people take playing MMOs way too seriously, and put way too much drama into deciding whether to play a computer game. It can't get any more simple than if you like it, then play it. Otherwise, it's ok to not play it, or even like another game more.


^Words of wisdom that will be entirely lost on the majority of these forums sadly.





And BTW, WoW may have "set the bar" in a lot of people's opinions, but it was most definitely not at launch, it was years later after they had time to add content and fix things. I was there, they had one of the worst launches I can remember (the year is irrelevant , a launch is a launch). Some things from launch are still not fixed afaik, like vanish not working properly. Rose colored glasses people. ;)

Edited by Malefactor
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Swtor not having decent UI is more of an opinion than a fact. As for customizable UI, I've played a ton of mmos and super-customizable UI out of the box is not really all that cmmon. And graphics adjusting seems fine to me in this game. *shrug*


The lack of being able to add Anti Aliasing seems fine to you? The lack of being able to adjust the draw distance is fine? The lack of being able to adjust ground clutter and the range at which it is drawn is fine to you? The lack of being able to adjust shadow quality so it does not look like shadows from a 2007 game is fine by you?


If so, you must be gaming on a really old computer that would have a hard time with even 2xAA then. Those things I mentioned are common PC gaming graphic settings that almost EVERY game has had in the last 2-3 years.

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While I agree there are alot of issues to work out, I do disagree with the constant comparisons to when WoW launched. That was a long time ago. Now, some might take what I just said as if I am defending EA/BioWare, I am NOT!


The fact is that Rift made by a small company named Trion delivered an MMO with a TON more features, better visuals and a lot of support. I would think that a game coming from a top developer like BioWare and supported by EA with a license like Star Wars would of been a bit better. in Rift some of the "basics" like UI adjusting was out at launch, but not with Star Wars.


Rift had basic graphical options like supersampling, terrain draw distance and plethora of other sliders to customize the game and yet Star Wars does not have these two basic things and is missing several of the smaller ones?


It is puzzleing to think that a game released at the end of 2011 would be lacking is such basic features.


I love the game, hell I paid for a 6 months Sub, bought the collectors, bought 2 more collectors for X-mas gifts and I know that in time things will get better, but what I dont defend is some basic stuff. Duel Spec and those other things can come in time, but launch day stuff like graphical tweakes, scalable and moveable UI are so basic fundenmentals in a MMO it is shocking not to see them day 1.


I know there has been a lot talk about bugs and such and those need to be addressed very quickly. I also know to do a voiced MMO took some serious time to do, but when your game is lacking simple, almost "expected" features like UI/Graphic Settings you have to wonder what the hell is going on?


I have had enough of people defending the game and comparing this launch to the WoW launch. That was 7 years ago, things have progressed. The best comparison is to Rift since that was the most recent big MMO released and Trion figured out how to incorporate a lot of the "basic" things on launch day.


Bottom line is that to me the game is pretty damn good, but a lot, I mean a lot of work is needed and some stuff is needed very quickly. Scalable UI, Graphical Options, Performance improvement and any game breaking bugs should be top priority (not in the order I put them mind you). The game has so much potential and you can see that what they have done so far is pretty damn good. It just needs a lot of fine tuning right now and I hope this happens fairly quickly. As mentioned, if other "recently" released MMO's can have "basic" features on launch day, there is no reason that EA/BioWare couldnt have done the same thing.


Dude why are you trying to convince me I need to be disappointed in (x) feature of the game.

You spent 4 paragraphs talking about UI options, sliders and graphic options bla…bla…bla.


The UI options are what they are to likely prevent you from screwing up your own experience and then blaming the game. There are no UI mods in the game to prevent them from introducing their own set of bugs or unbalancing other elements of the game or crashing you to desktop.


If you want to twist knobs, slide sliders and screw with buggy UI mods and that’s what’s important to you that’s fine and dandy they have a customer support forum for you to make your case, don’t try and convince me however that that’s what I should be concerned with because that’s not even on the my list.


So let’s be real honest here, ...your just looking for a mob of players to jump on your bandwagon and support what you happen to personally want in the game.


I’m so tired of the grandstanders and drama queens that think it’s all about them. I’m having fun with the game, do I like every element in its present state … NO, but I will report my concerns to Bioware and let you all make up your own minds.

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Dude why are you trying to convince me I need to be disappointed in (x) feature of the game.

You spent 4 paragraphs talking about UI options, sliders and graphic options bla…bla…bla.


The UI options are what they are to likely prevent you from screwing up your own experience and then blaming the game. There are no UI mods in the game to prevent them from introducing their own set of bugs or unbalancing other elements of the game or crashing you to desktop.


If you want to twist knobs, slide sliders and screw with buggy UI mods and that’s what’s important to you that’s fine and dandy they have a customer support forum for you to make your case, don’t try and convince me however that that’s what I should be concerned with because that’s not even on the my list.


So let’s be real honest here, ...your just looking for a mob of players to jump on your bandwagon and support what you happen to personally want in the game.


I’m so tired of the grandstanders and drama queens that think it’s all about them. I’m having fun with the game, do I like every element in its present state … NO, but I will report my concerns to Bioware and let you all make up your own minds.


Um WoW. I did not realize that I addressed this personally to you. I thought I posted this in a FORUM where people discuss things..actually I thought I put this thread in the "GENERAL FORUMS" where people are permitted to post just about anything "GENERAL". I did not realize that I sent it DIRECTLY to YOU!


WIth that out of the way, who is saying that I am trying to make people feel disapointed about the game? Yes, I spent 4 paragraphs about sliders and UI becuase graphical settings like Anti-Aliasing is so common that EVERY game that has been released in recent memory had a slider to ajdust it. Just like the many features I also mentioned. The fact that they are not present in the current version of the game is what my topic is about.


If I wanted to make you feel/convince you to be "disapointed" in the game, I would email you, PM you and tell you the game sucks and you should hate the game cause I said so.


Lastly, game companies have Forums so their fanbase can discuss the game, talk about issues or things they like about the game. They are also used to listen to feedback and concerns from paying customers as well. While support tickets are also used to address concerns/issues, forums are very powerful as they are used to keep a pulse on the community and what they are saying about the game.


If my post generates interest and someone reading it thinks of some good ideas or suggestion or like you said decideds they too will log a ticket to raise these issues, then the thread has servered it's purpose. Like you, I am a paying customer of this game and I am using the FORUM that BioWare has offered me to use to post what I feel like posting. If my or anyones post is used to better the game, then great. But to try to use a "drama free" original post by me and take it as a personal attack against you, then maybe forums are not the place for you to be visiting if you think people are trying to convince you of things.

Edited by Ogitrev
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Both a decade hence and admitted as mistakes.


Eh you just aren't getting it. EA has a track record of developer quality decline post-acquisition, undeniably, if you have followed market trends and researched the matter. Even Bioware has suffered from this pre-swtor, actually. All I am saying it that it is not unreasonable to assume they pushed it out for the christmas date, which by logic, sounds plausible.

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I have been in a few MMO launches so far, an every time do people shout “It is still beta”, “It just released”, “It is only 2 months old” and constant refer to the golden patch that is right around the corner. I think people who say this is so much in love with the thought of the perfect game that they are in denial.

This games is lacking some very serious basic features, but what I am afraid of is that this will never be added, as this take a long time to make, and they have to dig deep into the code to correct/add it, and will therefor never happen, because a large percentage, can live with it right now, but if they lack behind on game content will it be a quick game killer, instead of a slow decay!

I just hate when people say “WOW didn’t have this and that at launch, so why should this game?”, think about it people! WOW was launches almost a decade ago! The difference in time between SWTOR and WOW launches is greater than Duke Nukem 3D and WOW!

If people had thought like this would we all still be playing Pac-Man.

I would love for this game to succeed, but I sadly think it is to late already! Things will get polished, but nothing basic in the game play will be changes from now on!

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Dude why are you trying to convince me I need to be disappointed in (x) feature of the game.

You spent 4 paragraphs talking about UI options, sliders and graphic options bla…bla…bla.


The UI options are what they are to likely prevent you from screwing up your own experience and then blaming the game. There are no UI mods in the game to prevent them from introducing their own set of bugs or unbalancing other elements of the game or crashing you to desktop.


If you want to twist knobs, slide sliders and screw with buggy UI mods and that’s what’s important to you that’s fine and dandy they have a customer support forum for you to make your case, don’t try and convince me however that that’s what I should be concerned with because that’s not even on the my list.


So let’s be real honest here, ...your just looking for a mob of players to jump on your bandwagon and support what you happen to personally want in the game.


I’m so tired of the grandstanders and drama queens that think it’s all about them. I’m having fun with the game, do I like every element in its present state … NO, but I will report my concerns to Bioware and let you all make up your own minds.


Pretty much sums up the state of the SWTOR cry babies. Chat bubbles are the most important to playerX, swimming is what playerY demands, player0 says he is going to rage quit if he doesnt get some g-d UI sliders. It pretty much comes down to a bunch of spoiled brats that are not getting exactly what they want. The real issues are getting addressed. Your preferences are just that.

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That is kind of funny, even when using "wow" regularly, you still capitalized the two w's.


lol...you know I always have done that even when texting friends. Thing is that I only played the game WoW for a week or so, just did not get into it...but for some reason when I use "wow" I always capatilize the "W's.". I think I need therapy.

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Now, if you guys wanna see a REAL **** launch then take a good look at FF14. Thats honestly the worst MMO launch I've ever seen and I honestly don't think an MMO will ever match it.


Amen to that, just thinking about FFXIV sends a shiver to my soul :eek:

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Pretty much sums up the state of the SWTOR cry babies. Chat bubbles are the most important to playerX, swimming is what playerY demands, player0 says he is going to rage quit if he doesnt get some g-d UI sliders. It pretty much comes down to a bunch of spoiled brats that are not getting exactly what they want. The real issues are getting addressed. Your preferences are just that.


There is a difference between UI scaling, or being able to have Anti Aliasing which are basic staples of PC gaming for the last 2-3 years versus swimming. Swimming is a whole other dynamic in the actual game play, enviroment that would allow swimming etc. I am talking and have been are BASIC graphic and UI stuff that is considered "BASIC" in 2011, hell 2009 and 2010 to be honest.


I think everyone of us has something that we wish would be better, but I think most agree that basic graphical sliders that has been common place for years and a 2011 game does not have is rather odd. Especially coming from such a large developer.

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pretty much sums up the state of the swtor cry babies. Chat bubbles are the most important to playerx, swimming is what playery demands, player0 says he is going to rage quit if he doesnt get some g-d ui sliders. It pretty much comes down to a bunch of spoiled brats that are not getting exactly what they want. The real issues are getting addressed. Your preferences are just that.



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I'm not sure how you disagree with what I said....?


They are not in the game, give them time, and you will see them? Regardless if it was supposed to be there day 1, it wasn't there.


What else can you possibly do at this point?


So what is time? Next patch? The patch after that? Six months from now?


Perhaps if instead of saying they were working on it they gave a time frame people would stop bringing it up

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I think one thing BW is really shooting for with TOR is STORY STORY STORY.. And so far I think they have done an exceptional job on that..


A lot of complaining I am hearing is that "this does not have the feature of some other MMO I played before"... But if you sit back and look from story perspective.. You can see they are focusing on something completely different here while the traditional MMO experience (xp,loot,FP,raid) are more or less compliment features..


Now I do agree we need those features in 2-3 months (when everyone hits 50).. but right now I am not too concern about this because there is SOO MUCH story/dialog it's absolutely overwhelming..


I have never played an MMORPG where I am already thinking what would have happened if I play a different alt with a different choice.. SWTOR does a fantastic job on that.

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