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    Warhammer 40K, wargames in general, computer gaming
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    Sr. Systems Technician
  1. So, let me get this straight. With the 1.2 LEGACY patch out Bioware is giving any account with a level 50 character 30 days of game time. Even if that account has just ONE level 50 character. However, if you have multiple ALTs on multiple servers, but none of them have reached level 50, you get nothing. Ok, at least we know what community Bioware is catering to.
  2. Thanks for the explanation. However, I don't understand why this is all or nothing. Why can't my character, at least, and companion be rendered high-rez? Or just the members of my group? Or just characters within a few meters of my character? We want options, not excuses!
  3. First, I find it strange that an Armormech can't repair his own gear, but a medical droid can. Why can't the appropriate crafting professions (Armormech, Synthweaving, Armstech) repair their damaged items? Even if it cost the same amount of credits it would be very much worthwhile to be able to do repairs in the field; Even better if we could repair group-mates items as well. Second, and maybe I just haven't been observant enough, why don't the various vendor offer different prices depending on the items you sell them? For example, why do I get the same price for selling some heavy armor to a medical droid as I do selling to the heavy armor vendor? I would expect to get a slightly better price selling an item to the appropriate vendor. Finally, I would like to see vendors put items I sell them up for sale, for a limited time, to other players. Since there isn't a GTN on every planet I tend to just sell everything to the nearest vendor. This would give everyone an incentive to actually visit those vendors, and maybe find a rare item of two, that you can actually use, at the same time. I liked this function in other MMOs I've played. Anyway, just some ideas I had.
  4. The screen after alt-tabbing is so much a loading screen as it is a blind to keep you from seeing the game-world being rebuilt. One of the beta-tests I was in didn't have that screen and you could watch all of the terrain being constructed. That said, other games I play don't do that, or not to that extent. It's probably an optimization issue and is on the low-priority list.
  5. I agree with others that say we need to be able to enter our ships without leaving the spaceport. Since your ship is a zone, then they just need to load the hangar along with your ship, and not the entire planet as some think. Also, if they did this, when you do a space mission it should just return you to orbit rather then to the hanger (longer load) so you can do more space missions without the load time (although I would like to see space missions go away as a user selected mission and make them a random event when you travel between planets). As for the spaceports, they don't feel right to me. Very long walks, no crowds, just empty. I was expecting spaceports to be the hubs on each world. I was wanting to see them lined with vendors and such. I was especially disappointed with Nar Shaddaa as I was expecting every peddler in the galaxy to be greeting me when I stepped off my ship - nope, just two vendors in an empty room. I want to see a GTN in each spaceport, lining entire walls with giant screens above each with long, scrolling, ticker tapes (another pet peeve – the GTN terminals need to be long, 20' bench types in a , line, “U” or semi-circle formation for easier access). I think there should be a cantina (with bind point) in each spaceport as well. They need to give us other reasons to go there other then to board our ship. As it is they feel like a muggers paradise.
  6. I want to enjoy all of the conversations, and I haven't had anyone ask to speed through. It seems to me that the person the OP is referring to was being up-front about their intentions. I actually prefer that someone be upfront about their play style so I can avoid their group, rather then be surprised later on. I don't see how BioWare failed. You haven't tested the option to see if it works (I haven't either), yet you say you doubt it works and thus BioWare has failed. Anyway, judging by the comments in this thread most players want to hear the conversations. The only failure, IMO, is by those that want to speed through the content to the lonely top.
  7. I was in a couple of beta tests and didn't have the problem. I played EGA and the first week with no problem. This week I've had the problem a couple of times. As for my sound card drivers, well Creative hasn't issued a new driver in over a year so they haven't changed and probably won't be. BioWare made a change to companion sound volume in the last patch and I believe that had more consequences then they anticipated. Just my opinion though. So, on that thought, does anyone that has experienced this issue recall having it before the last patch?
  8. I sent in a bug report on this during last beta and it still isn't fixed. I seen this bug in verious places on Tython (including the starting area, Jedi temple, and the village), Coruscant (only once though), and a couple of times on Balmorra.
  9. No, I and friends had this problem last night on Coruscant. One friend complained that the music got really loud. My other friend and I noticed we had no music. I then began to notice that the music would cut in and out on occasion for no reason. Later all sound cut out completely. I thought I hit the mute button (no music, ambient, combat sounds, nothing). But, then the sound came back, only to cut out/in a couple of more times.
  10. I don't know what else to say, other then this: One of my biggest gripes about realty is that we have all of this technology, but you want to make it so we can't access our car in a mall? This is a society where cars are kind of common, malls are huge, and walking from place to place is old and outdated. Does anyone know if motorbikes are allowed in the Pentegon?
  11. These are all reasons that mailboxes should be removed from the game. 1. Yes, my idea does the same thing...and more. 2. WOW doesn't have access to holocommunicators either. 3. When you have to spam an item to make it usable then there is likely a problem with it's implementation. When I fail to pick-up packages at UPS then tend to return then after 3 days. I think you misunderstood the concept. Your mail, and they way it works, would not change. Only the physical mailboxes would go away. Thus, your “extra inventory” would still be there and items would not suddenly appear in you character inventory either. To rephrase, the idea is to get rid of the thousands of physical mailboxes and access your mail via a data pad. Essentially, the little mail icon in the upper left would always be there and clicking on it would bring up the mail interface. Thus, you could access your mail from anywhere; from you ship; from a cantina; from an instance; etc. There would be no need to go find a mailbox to check you mail. And it would work pretty much as it does now. The only difference would be in receiving and sending items, in which I envision your companions do the work for you. For receiving, I imagine the only change would be to the package button at the top of the mail interface. Instead of it saying “Get all checked message attachments” it would say “Send companion to get all checked message attachments”. Your companion then goes away for a minutes then returns with your items...and you could do this from ANYWHERE. Sending mail would work the same, except the send message button would say “Send companion to deliver attachments”. A quick example: You are in a instance when a friend, in chat, says they found a item you might like. You see the stars from the chat link and it is something you really could use. But, alas, you are in the middle of an instance and don't want to quick travel back to a hub only to run through the mods again to get to the instance. Currently, you would probably wait until your questing in the area is done and yo u make your way to the next hub and find a mailbox. But, using my idea, you simply send your companion off to get the item. In a minute you have the item your friend found, equip it, and continue your instance uninterrupted. If that is duplicating the functionality of the current system, please show me how to do that. Something else that has bothered me lately is Bindpoints. Maybe I missing something here, but is there any other purpose to a bindpoint other then a quick travel beacon? I find it rather annoying to have to find and click on one of these just for the sole purpose of being able to quick travel there later. If there were some interactive welcome terminal, like Avina from Mass Effect for example, then that would be fine. But, currently, they do nothing. And if they do nothing then why can't I just auto-discover the bindpoint when I discover the area? I feel the same way about the taxis. Why aren't they “discovered” when I enter the area? Seriously, they show up on the map as undiscovered, but I have to actually go click on then to “discover” them. Both of these should just be automatic when you enter an are where they are located.
  12. I don't know if any of this has been discussed before (which means it probably has), but I wanted to bring up the topic just in case it hasn't. These are just a few things that I believe should be changed to increase immersion and efficiency. Obviously Bioware has higher priority changes to work on right now, but down the road I would like them to consider these changes. 1. Holocall available for more mission turn-ins. Before anyone gets bent out of shape, hear me out. I know it's not practical to actually turn in each mission that way. Some NPC's may not even own a holocron (poor settlers). Others may not want to use it, such as corrupt senators (I can imagine calling a senator and them telling me this business cannot be discussed over an open channel). But, it would be more practical if more NPC's did have the option to turn missions without actually talking to them in person (most military come to mind). I just think this is a wasted opportunity to make the game feel different from its competition. This mechanic was used a little on Tython, but it needs to be greatly expanded in my opinion. 2. Remove all mailboxes and replace with a datapd and a Galactic Parcel Service vendor. Who at Bioware thought mailboxes were a great idea? Seriously, who? First, remove every single one of them and allow us to access mail from anywhere via a datapad. This alone will make the game feel much more sci-fi. Second, to overcome the package delivery problem, either install a Galactic Parcel Service vendor where we can pick-up and ship packages, or, even better, give us a companion option for them to go pick-up or ship packages (or both to accommodate starter worlds). 3. No speeders on the fleet ships or any indoor area. I just added this one in. I don't know how everyone else feels about this, but I find it annoying. So, what does the community think? Do you guys think something like this would be helpful, or do you like the way things are currently? Edit 12/26 - thought I would add bindpoints and taxis to the list. 4. Something else that has bothered me lately is Bindpoints. Maybe I missing something here, but is there any other purpose to a bindpoint other then a quick travel beacon? I find it rather annoying to have to find and click on one of these just for the sole purpose of being able to quick travel there later. If there were some interactive welcome terminal, like Avina from Mass Effect for example, then that would be fine. But, currently, they do nothing. And if they do nothing then why can't I just auto-discover the bindpoint when I discover the area? I feel the same way about the taxis. Why aren't they “discovered” when I enter the area? Seriously, they show up on the map as undiscovered, but I have to actually go click on then to “discover” them. Both of these should just be automatic when you enter an are where they are located.
  13. I too just found out that all the orange items have the same stats, and I also sold Flashy the other day. But luckily I went to a vendor the next day and found Flashy on the buy-back tab. You might want to check and see if it hasn't been too long for you as well. Anyway, there is still a reason to go with Armstech for guns as the barrel (power tech) is the main stat booster for guns. That is what ups the Min/Max damage. The other mods just boost your character stats (cunning, aim, endurance) or add crits, etc. For my gunslinger I chose to go with cybertech for the mods, and salvaging as that's the main gathering skill. Underworld trading is the main mission skill, but I chose slicing instead as I thought it fit my character better (he's a cyborg) and I'll use the extra credits to buy any of the material I could have got from UWT. I hope that helps a little.
  14. "My name's Scar...Captain Scar."
  15. Put it in your inventory then right-click it. You can drag it to a hotbar as well.
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