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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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I got in at 7:00 this morning, and I'll agree 100% with OP. You guys saying he's just pissed for not getting in early need to piss off.


While running around with my sw, there were like what... 80 people total in the starting area. Also no Phasing.


It was a ghost town in there. I mean come on, this is stupid.


I'm sure they could have added WAY more people and the servers would be just fine.


Maybe they'll learn from this, and do better starting tomorrow.


Support from a first day head-starter, thanks :rak_grin:

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Early access isn't meant to be a stress test. Someone from BioWare even made a post not long ago specifically saying that.


What ?!?! srsly .. who are you ppl ..


this is so beyond not a stress test .. this is almost like a "lets see how few people we can have on a server before people complain" test.

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You all should stop crying. They opened the servers 2 days earlier than promised and will have everyone in for the full 5 days hopefully. Wow! Looks like you got a BONUS because instead of "up to 5" your getting up to 7 days early access. They are using these two extra days to make sure the servers are stable as they come up, and we should be happy they are using two extra days to do this instead of using two of the promised days to work it out. Edited by Hextor
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That is all nice and dandy if everyone had access today. Your not going into it on a equal playing field when many people are barred from playing the game till a certain date.


Nobody wants to jump in on the 19th just to be ganked by high levels that had access days before they did.

This would be true with early access or no early access. Someone will always level faster than you, be a higher level, and have better gear. What you're asking for is everyone to play at the same speed so everyone has equal opportunity. Sorry, that just isn't the way it works, early access or no early access.

Edited by Posiden
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It is SUPPOSED to be that way. It is the entire point of early access.


The point is to let in too few people, so that it's hard to find groups for heroics/fps/ops and warzones are virtually empty, guaranteeing massive xp every few mins?


Somehow I don't think so.

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OP - Don't you dare post logic, the people who have gotten in will call you a troll, say you are a QQer, yada, yada.


The truth is your dead on. It's how it's playing out that has people so upset, the realization that at the current rate (they haven't even made it through 4 days of pre orders, 80% of people who pre-ordered will get nothing more then 1-2 days EGA while others will have upwards of 7, then those will run into the mass population of release day...


Well, at least we got one question answered. Blizzard/WoW/anyone else in the industry has nothing at all to fear from this game or BW. After this epic fail I'm pretty sure that we can all see just how inept BW is, at least those of us without fanboi BW glasses on, and I'd be surprised if this game last a year without being closed or going F2P as a last resort.

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Maybe they'll learn from this, and do better starting tomorrow.


Which is the whole point of today. To learn. To analyze. I mentioned it in another thread, but my guess is they are monitoring the servers overnight, and if all goes well, they will have more then 5 waves tomorrow.


Much smarter to start small and work your way up, then to go all out have it all fall down around you.

Edited by Skoobie
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This is a rage thread? Are you serious? lol


no rage here, bro. and none in my OP


And do you honestly believe for one second that they gave us 2 days out of the kindness of their hearts? It was probably because they knew they would NEVER get all the pre-orders in before launch.


"Rage thread" = straw man.


From Wikipedia: To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position....[t]his exaggerated or distorted statement is thus easily argued against, but is a misrepresentation of the opponent's actual statement.

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I'm just getting irritated at the possibility that people will be level 50 and have enough money to control the markets before I even get in the game.


Talk about 1% of the population controlling 99% of the money...


^ this more than anything


As an avid crafter I hate the thought of people getting the jump on schematics and resources and flooding the market with their wares before I even get in game!

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You all should stop crying. They opened the servers 2 days earlier than promised and will have everyone in for the full 5 days. Wow! Looks like you got a BONUS because instead of "up to 5" your getting 5 days early access. They are using these two extra days to make sure the servers are stable as they come up, and we should be happy they are using two extra days to do this instead of using two of the promised days to work it out.


Only to stop sending invites 18 hours before the start of the next day .. leaving ghost towns that 100s or 1000s of people are dieing to occupy ... and somehow ... still ... plenty of fanboys to tell them what a good idea that was. :confused:

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People wouldn't have a issue if proper information was provided, Tell us when we are in. Don't drag it out. Have people waiting. We've been waiting sense 08. Yes people have a reason to be MAD. there are many people who were IN that preorder late. Or Media sources that are in that didn't spend a dime. You give two extra days and you say server can't handle it. WERE not in beta anymore. MAN up you got 4 million players....
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It was the first day. They already said they'd add more folks tomorrow. You have no idea why they allowed the # they did. As IT and someone that works with network infrastructure, you just have no idea the complications and possible issues that can crop up. After almost every MMO lags and crashes on launch, I think a staggered launch is fine. I was hoping to play today, even had the day off. But no dice.. but I'd rather have a solid, stable, balanced (population-wise) experience once I do get in.
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I get to play for one day before I have to wait for my box to arrive in the mail (estimated delivery of 12/31).


1 day because of an issue with my August purchase early access code not working ... December 1st was the day that my issue got resolved.


Buying the CE was a huge mistake ... but I really want it so I will take my punishment like a champ.


Some will have 18 days in before I get my 2nd day in. Where did I go wrong? :(


yeah, bunch of lame stuff adding up, I'm sorry. :(

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While I am not discrediting Bioware. I'm sure they have reason's to why they do this. That being said I took part in the Rift Open Beta and it wasn't as polished as this one or had as many zones but they were able to invite everyone. Just like Bioware did with the last beta. But can you blame them?


EA invested around 130 million dollar's into this project. They have been writing the storys for nearly a decade. Maybe they just want to play it safe rather then gas on the pedal. Besides we waited this long. A few more days to ensure stable server isn't that bad.


We all are going to get into the game. The matter is "when' tomorrow? day after? I'm likely not looking at one untill 19. The guy said to me on the phone "I would be getting one day early access if that"


So on other hand press pedal to metal and let everyone in.

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Only to stop sending invites 18 hours before the start of the next day .. leaving ghost towns that 100s or 1000s of people are dieing to occupy ... and somehow ... still ... plenty of fanboys to tell them what a good idea that was. :confused:


You should make a game a roll it out.

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The point is to let in too few people, so that it's hard to find groups for heroics/fps/ops and warzones are virtually empty, guaranteeing massive xp every few mins?


Somehow I don't think so.


What did people expect? They are not letting everyone in at once, so naturally yes it will be harder to find groups. This is not launch, its early access. People need to remember that. More and more people will get access day and guess what? Every day it will be easier and easier to find a group.

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Only to stop sending invites 18 hours before the start of the next day .. leaving ghost towns that 100s or 1000s of people are dieing to occupy ... and somehow ... still ... plenty of fanboys to tell them what a good idea that was. :confused:


I won't complain for two more days. This is bonus time.

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Try to cancel your pre-order, Origin has made it impossible. You have to email SWTOR, who in turn tells you to email EA, who in turn tells you to go to live chat on Origin. ***.


At this point I will use the 60$ for something more productive, like beer.


I will wait to play this game later, maybe a few months down the road.


So you get delayed 1 maybe 2 days of time not even promised and had a break down?


Enjoy your beer. I'll be playing SWTOR at least within 2 days and enjoying myself without a hangover.

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Servers were full today, lots of them. And this is just after the first day. They are taking time to let the 1st day EGA players get out of the zones so they can let in the next day.


none of the servers were full, the server status page wasn't accurate apparently (until the last few hours or so)

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These guys launch a multi-million dollar MMO and disappear at 2:30 pm CST.


Bioware hours are worse than the *******st of banks. Real professional.


And with that I'm clocking in. For the record, in at 4:30am and out at 8:51pm.


That does not look like 2:30 to me. Just because they stopped inviting waves at that time doesn't mean they packed up and went home. They have many other things to do.

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