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  1. ^This. As a Sage, if I am on a good team who protects me by keeping the other side busy, I do great.. If I am on a weak team, I get focused and slaughtered quickly, with no chance to kite effectively against multiple opponents.
  2. I do play a Sage, which essentially is a Sorc. And it's not too bad. But without a strong team to keep the enemy busy, a few focus on me, and you cannot really kite in a warzone when more than one is on you. I die as soon as my CCs and sprint are on cooldown.
  3. Some specs are very powerful *if* they have team support. I PuG almost exclusively due to an erratic work schedule. When you are in a Pug you are *always* at a disadvantage because the best-performing PuG teams only have 4 slots open for random players. That's because the other 4 are a premade. SO..for people like me who are usually going to end up on an underdog PuG team (made up of ALL randoms), and who can not count of team support.... What class is the most self sufficient? Thanks for thoughtful replies from people who have played the class.
  4. I just have to laugh at people in this game who say that even though they have three times better armor, three-times more DPS per hit and three times the tools at had against a lower-level player, they are a superior-skilled player because they kill the lowbie easily. <shakes head>
  5. I am on a RP-PvP Eastern server, and with Patch 1.1, suddenly the Republic is winning many matches 10-49. Without the hardcore 12-hour-a-day Empire geared 50s, it's a different story out there, I observe.
  6. This is pretty much true. What is their largest paying customer: the hardcore PvPer? or the casuals and the PvE crowd? I think the hardcore is only made up of the people who are now geared at 50. How many is that compared to all the rest? And how long will the hardcore play now that they have maxed out? Not all that long. Because GW2 is coming.
  7. Name one that is not a first-person-twitch-shooter, please. Something that requires strategy rather than pure twitch?
  8. The idea is to avoid grinding for a few hours 1-14 on the same quests. No need for that. Been there, earned that. What be forced to a pointless run and kill mobs for even 3 or 4 hours? I pay $15 for fun, not drudgery.
  9. We are talking 10-49 warzones here. No expertise is available 10-49.
  10. ^^^ That's huge. I think people get frustrated when they feel they never had a chance from the start in 1.0 warzones up against geared 50s.
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