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But I'm Having Fun....


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I blame level 11s for losing all the time, I play the warzones 110% perfect and Master my class within seconds.


this is why we cant have nice things.


Never said I did. In fact, I said I had plenty of practice before with the warzones themselves (albeit not in TOR, but Huttball=typical "assault" game, commonly played in Halo, ACW=AB or BfGN, and voidstar just feels like strand). I also said that I waited until 25 so that I had about 10 levels to figure out how to play (and again, I said I should have waited longer, because trickshot makes SS just better).


I also never stated that I played warzones 110% perfect, just that it's extremely difficult to win if you have a team of 3-4 10-13's because they don't have all of their abilities yet, therefore they aren't really as helpful as somebody who at least has sprint in their arsenal. Especially when it's very common to have a team of lowbies on Republic vs a team of high leveled characters on Empire. I'm going to retract my statement about 10-13s being "useless" and instead call them as useful as a hunter in WoW. They can soak up a bit of damage for a little while while the other people can do things, but not much else unless the other team just sucks majorly.

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Yep totally, theres 2 50s on my server you know there teams gonna lose because they fight off to the side.


Also sick of people in huttball going "ffs pass it" while they are A. behind you or nowhere near you, b. your stunned due to 5 enemys around you and C not using anything to actually help you. LIfe grip me out of there? too hard..shield me? too hard.


Skill isn't level associated. id rather have 10 good players that are 10 then 50s just because they are 50.

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this x100. Who the hell cares? Let him play how he wants to play. You can't tell him to go level before playing because he doesn't meet YOUR expectations. He paid for the game too.


I'm not asking for him to level to 50 before playing. In fact, I'm not even asking him to wait until he's level 25. I'm asking him to wait until he has sprint. At least then, he has some abilities.

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I'm not asking for him to level to 50 before playing. In fact, I'm not even asking him to wait until he's level 25. I'm asking him to wait until he has sprint. At least then, he has some abilities.




When his free 30 days are up start paying for his sub, then you have the right to tell him when he can or can't queue for PVP.





I'm sorry for posting on your forums my lord, I hope you don't think I'm selfish because I posted here with Firefox instead of waiting until I installed whatever amazing browser you use. I'm having fun.

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I'm not asking for him to level to 50 before playing. In fact, I'm not even asking him to wait until he's level 25. I'm asking him to wait until he has sprint. At least then, he has some abilities.


Guys, I hear sprint is a class defining ability, and that it is super important to have in warzones, which involve being locked up in combat almost constantly.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYi930LZx5U the match starts around 7:00


He lost his huttball, but im posting this to prove another point.I can guarentee most of you havent done as much damage as he did, Would you say that this player is cannon Fodder? lol....What a joke. The bolster system makes the winner of warzones come to down to skill and teamplay, except for full 50 premades, those can get out of hand vs. pugs. The reason you think they're cannon fodder is because by lvl 10 MOST new players arent very battle hardened, and obviously arent pvp experts. You are getting qued in with those people, and theres nothing you can do about it. Posting this thread wont change the ppl you play with, or how good they are.

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I wouldnt call the guy in that video battle hardened. Most of what I watched was him beating on a healer so longer time on target doing damage thats healed through of course your stats are going to be up.


I do bit more on average with the same class. But the major difference is I get more kills.


I also wish I had your luck of getting into packs without being targeted -_-

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So, who votes for OP to get off his high horse?


Seriously. Don't care how often you lose or how badly you win. You have absolutely no right to dictate another person's game style. You have no right to tell them what they must or mustn't do.


To do so is a testament to your own rotten personality.


And may fate have mercy on anybody who gets stuck with you as a teammate.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYi930LZx5U the match starts around 7:00


He lost his huttball, but im posting this to prove another point.I can guarentee most of you havent done as much damage as he did, Would you say that this player is cannon Fodder? lol....What a joke. The bolster system makes the winner of warzones come to down to skill and teamplay, except for full 50 premades, those can get out of hand vs. pugs. The reason you think they're cannon fodder is because by lvl 10 MOST new players arent very battle hardened, and obviously arent pvp experts. You are getting qued in with those people, and theres nothing you can do about it. Posting this thread wont change the ppl you play with, or how good they are.


The highest level in that warzone was level 22. Your point is moot.


So, who votes for OP to get off his high horse?


Seriously. Don't care how often you lose or how badly you win. You have absolutely no right to dictate another person's game style. You have no right to tell them what they must or mustn't do.


To do so is a testament to your own rotten personality.


And may fate have mercy on anybody who gets stuck with you as a teammate.


If a person's game style is causing everyone else to lose (and not have as much fun) then I think you do have a right to tell them off. It's an MMO, one would think it's pretty important to play cooperatively. If someone wants to be Rambo they can go get cowadooty.

Edited by Omniana
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When his free 30 days are up start paying for his sub, then you have the right to tell him when he can or can't queue for PVP.





I'm sorry for posting on your forums my lord, I hope you don't think I'm selfish because I posted here with Firefox instead of waiting until I installed whatever amazing browser you use. I'm having fun.


OT: I actually use firefox as well. But the web browser you use doesn't dictate how many abilities you have in TOR at level 14.


And to the guy who said sprint wasn't important... lol.


While sprint isn't the end all be all, it DOES help you get around to where the combat is faster rather than running at a slower speed to get to the ball carrier. +35% movement speed out of combat does help. It's like mounting, except instant and with less of a movement speed bonus. It doesn't help DURING combat, but it does help GET to the combat faster so that maybe the ball carrier doesn't die. It does help get to the node faster so maybe you can shoot that guy at 7.5/8.0 seconds. It helps the same way in Voidstar.


And even then, sprint isn't even the main reason people should wait until they have sprint to PvP, it's that they don't really have all of their abilities yet, even when they get sprint. They just have more of them at 14 than they do at 12, which does help.

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real problem in game often enough seems like the one's who do the complaining are the one's who know what to do "BETTER" and/or are easily frustrated, often enough they're the ones who seem to not be accomplishing much, by huttball's current rules. Maybe suggesting a BETTER way for players to earn rewards would have more of an effect on improving gameplay and making it fun. right now why win when you get the same or more for doing most damage/kills?








some signs people are frustrated:


"you can't ******** score in the pit!!!!!!!!!!"

"like I jumped in here on purpose :P"


"Fire BURNS!!!!! STAY OUT OF the FIRE!!!!!"

"Like I jumped in here on purpose :P" (I have jumped into fire on purpose, hoping to respawn and be in position to protect goal line faster than running, 5 successes so far out of 6)



the ones I do have a "???" moment are the ones who run in the wrong direction, but hopefully with MORE time in huttball they get to figure it out (fingers crossed but not holding breath)

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real problem in game often enough seems like the one's who do the complaining are the one's who know what to do "BETTER" and/or are easily frustrated, often enough they're the ones who seem to not be accomplishing much, by huttball's current rules. Maybe suggesting a BETTER way for players to earn rewards would have more of an effect on improving gameplay and making it fun. right now why win when you get the same or more for doing most damage/kills?








some signs people are frustrated:


"you can't ******** score in the pit!!!!!!!!!!"

"like I jumped in here on purpose :P"


"Fire BURNS!!!!! STAY OUT OF the FIRE!!!!!"

"Like I jumped in here on purpose :P" (I have jumped into fire on purpose, hoping to respawn and be in position to protect goal line faster than running, 5 successes so far out of 6)



the ones I do have a "???" moment are the ones who run in the wrong direction, but hopefully with MORE time in huttball they get to figure it out (fingers crossed but not holding breath)


While I feel for you, that wasn't exactly what I was posting about.


I can sympathize with the frustration, though. I feel a lot better after venting in the OP.

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I wouldnt call the guy in that video battle hardened. Most of what I watched was him beating on a healer so longer time on target doing damage thats healed through of course your stats are going to be up.


I do bit more on average with the same class. But the major difference is I get more kills.


I also wish I had your luck of getting into packs without being targeted -_-


The guy in the video wasn't me, but I was trying to prove a point. Lower lvl's arent cannon fodder if there good players, and your team utilizes each player right.

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how selfish this behavior is. If you're under 14, no matter how skilled you are, you're a hindrance to your team. You're not helping..


Oh? I guess my BH who was top heals-10kills-3KBs and such level 13 wasn't helping? That's just one game, yes. But let's see I've done quite a few Warzones since and that BH has done fine every WZ. Grant it I don't have sprint or any speed boosting ablities, but that doesn't hinder me that much. I can still get from Point A to Point B fairly easy and keep people alive doing so.


Huttball... if you have the ball you should be throwing it. Thinking someone needs sprint to score is bad on your part and SELFISH. Yeah, the key to winning that game is passing the ball. Barely any running should be involved.


So keep up the complaining and I'll keep on getting more medals and such than you :)

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you want a team of players that has an even chance of winning and a pointing out what you believe to be the cause. you point at "level" related powers and skills as opposed to ego, individualism, cooperative ability and general knowledge of field layout. the Examples you've given are much easier to find as a solid "reason" for losing than what I and others have. Frustration was fairly evident.


I believe, that with and increased knowledge of huttball, even the level 10's can make a positive addition to any huttball team. splitting them off from higher level players would rob them of experience- people who play longer will also play differently and have different tactics. newer player's should be allowed to see/experience these tactics firsthand- would also help if we had a stadium mode where we could watch games, I would.


p.s. my first thought on reading the OP was..."ooh a new way to troll people, roll an alt, get to level 10 and play huttball..." not that I would do that just to make people mad. I play to win.

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Playing video games is about having fun just fyi, that's why we play them.


You are taking your pvp way too seriously.


Fun is not the same for everyone. To the OP, fun is facestomping people and winning. To the other guy, the level 12? Roleplaying like a BAUSS.

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I hate jerks who bash their own PUGs. Easiest way to demotivated people and kill your chances of winning.


Level 25s who haven't PvP'd with their character before hurt as much as level 10s. I'm often lead on teams with much higher levels because my valor was the same as my level - one of my worst warzones was with mostly level 40-45s who had less valor than I did. But you know what, I'm happy to have anyone in a WZ, level 10, level 25 with no experience, or a higher level with more experience, if they try to put up a good fight and are positive to their teammates :).

Edited by Delton
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I understand your frustration. I get there myself. The only way to avoid this is to have premades. Excluding players to 15 isnt a good answer, but brackets may be now that the player base is growing. I will point out that its not just the lowbees that play poorly. I see the WoW mentality in all level brackets: HKs and damage done is > than objectives in PvP. I see people fighting in the pits on the other end of the hutball arena from the ball carrier just to get that kill. I see people leaving turret controls unguarded because "the fighting is over there". I cant tell you how many times I have placed a bomb on a door because everyone is fighting far away from it. People fighting under the turrets, in the fields between the turrets, and where but AT the turrets. I watched a guy running from mid, see two enemy come from the other side. Instead of running to us so its would be three to two AT the turret we were guarding, he ran straight for them and died.
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We're not exactly at end game are we?? The game is still new and everyone is still trying stuff out. If I get myself a new game you know I'm going to be trying out the stuff that's of interest to me. Telling him not to queue was ridiculous, you've been max level yourself for how long? Give it a rest.
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