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10 Good
  1. norfpole


    u better believe that
  2. why dont YOU go do something else instead of harassing someone very entitled to his (imo correct) opinion on this game? The squeaky wheel gets the god damned oil... i played beta and the amount of **** that made it through boggles me. get your act together bioware.
  3. if you werent let into a group in wow because you didnt have omen or healbot or gearscore, they were lying to you. its because you sucked, and you werent properly geared/skilled for the group. stop pretending that no mods = your green goblin s.h.i.t. character gets carried now.
  4. prime example of someone who has no idea what theyre talking about.
  5. cool made up stats bro, thanks for contributing your valuable data.
  6. man you guys will forever be the guys picked last in sports. some things happen for a reason.
  7. referring to OP's post: this is a logical, well written post that should be looked at by devs. the amount of flaming homosexual fanboys "defending" their precious new favorite game is overwhelming. face it people, the game has problems, and he has every right to ***** about them. I just hope the dev's read this post only from this thread and with an open mind.
  8. logging in for the first time since i bought this game to qft this post.
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