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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What is the Appeal of the Empire?


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But... WoW isn't TOR. For my own reference, why do you expect the "good side" of TOR to mirror the "good side" of WoW?


Also, I've played only a bit of WoW. Is Alliance really that underpowered?


No. Horde hasn't had an ingame PvP advantage since Classic, but the mindset has lasted since then. On top of that Tichondrius <sp> was the de facto best of the best US PvP server and it was heavily horde dominated. This is just one of those things that when the snowball starts rolling one way it is hard to stop it or change its course.


I played both Republic and Empire in beta (currently playing Republic only), but I'll say I feel that the light/dark side choices are much more interesting on the Sith side. It's very black and white on the Republic. I wish they'd make it more grey, like the Empire. However I'd imagine most people didn't know that when they bought the game. So if I was to guess it's just the "bad guy is cool" mentality.

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The darkside is NOT the force. The force has no side, it is simply the force. To say that it is one side or the other shows your ignorance of the lore of this universe.


You also reinforce my opinion about people who choose empire (or the 'evil' side in any game) from your statements in your post. Thank you for confirming my opinion, I shall keep this opinion close to heart :)

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i've always wanted to play games as a Bounty Hunter ever since I bought my first Boba Fet toy as a kid. Also the Sith Warrior' story was so good that I wanted to finish it this time.


However, I'm going to play a Jedi Consular also because I really really liked that class. Next I'll do a smuggler because the story so far sounds awesome.

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I've been playing a dark Jedi Knight and a light Bounty Hunter so I'm not sure where that leaves me. I've found the Empire story lines more interesting and the Republic ones to be shallow or too self-righteous. My two favorite story lines so far are the Sith Warrior and the Bounty Hunter - they are interesting, believable and not cut and dry. Compared to my Trooper that pretty much follows orders, my Jedi Knight that tracks down a series of over-the-top super weapons or my Jedi Sage that looking for a cure for a friend.
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The darkside is NOT the force. The force has no side, it is simply the force. To say that it is one side or the other shows your ignorance of the lore of this universe.


You also reinforce my opinion about people who choose empire (or the 'evil' side in any game) from your statements in your post. Thank you for confirming my opinion, I shall keep this opinion close to heart :)



The force is strong with this one.


Agreed & signed.

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No. Horde hasn't had an ingame PvP advantage since Classic, but the mindset has lasted since then. On top of that Tichondrius <sp> was the de facto best of the best US PvP server and it was heavily horde dominated. This is just one of those things that when the snowball starts rolling one way it is hard to stop it or change its course.


I played both Republic and Empire in beta (currently playing Republic only), but I'll say I feel that the light/dark side choices are much more interesting on the Sith side. It's very black and white on the Republic. I wish they'd make it more grey, like the Empire. However I'd imagine most people didn't know that when they bought the game. So if I was to guess it's just the "bad guy is cool" mentality.


I think there's plenty of grey in the republic, saving the lives of a few or help the war effort to stop the (evil) empire? Kill the bad guy so he can never commit such atrocities again or capture him and give him a trial?


What does the sith have? Kill him or capture him and have him tortured, yeeeah I'd say that's a choice of dark or dark, yet the game pretends one of them is a good choice.

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If the force is a part of life, it is obviously not peace, as there is next to no peace in all of existence, and even less in life; even the best of relationships are rarely entirely peaceful. Additionally, emotion drives all of us; if your logic were severed from your emotions, you could never make a decision. The "dark side of the force" relies upon this emotion, these passions, in order to wield the force. The "dark side" is thus more in tune with humanity; being more in tune with humanity, it can be considered the true manifestation of the force as far as humans are concerned -the light side is not the natural manifestation within humans. You could argue that the unnatural light side is superior, and you might be right, but it isn't likely to convince the vast masses of humanity; most people do not easily believe that we should sacrifice everything to meet some ideal that might not even be ideal.



On another note, though I'm playing Republic, it is only so that I may play with family members who were determined to do so. It is easy to play a good guy within the imperial faction, and you are not so hemmed in by the strictures of the Republic. There is a genuine ability to do good as an Empire player, but there is nothing making it so that you must; true character is not displayed merely in acting good when it should be expected of you, but in doing so when it gains you nothing, or even loses you much.**



*There is a benefit to this; it is hard to totally screw up the country no matter how idiotic the plans of those in charge are, and it makes changes of power relatively smooth.


**As a smuggler, I am much less hemmed in than I would be by the other selections within the Republic. When my smuggler does something good, it is because that character 'wants' to do something good; as a Sith, this would be magnified.

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The same reason that villains are usually far more entertaining in movies than good guys.


I also find the voice acting/writing/quest lines to be much better Empire side. I played all of the other side quests up to at least 10, and found every one of them to be pretty snoozeworty. On the Empire side, almost all of them are good, and some of them are fantastic.


Betrayal, intrigue, power struggles...it just makes for more interesting game play for me.


I also find the republic to be more full of crap and self delusional. To me, a lot of the things that go on republic side aren't any better that what the empire does, but it's couched in this self rightious attitude that really bugs me. At least Sith are up front about their evil. As funny as it sounds, I find the Empire to be much more honest lol.


/shrug. It's more fun to play Hannibal Lechter, than Joan of Arc.

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I think one reason is the Republic is not very well developed at all. Except for Jedi, the Empire has the most recognizable character types.




Sith Sorcerer = The Emperor

Bounty Hunter = Boba Fett

Double Bladed SIth guy = Darth Maul

Sith Juggernaut = Darth Vader



Jedi = Luke SKywalker/ Obi Wan

Smuggler = Han Solo


Also, almost every MMO to ever be released forces you to be a good guy, playing an evil character is a refreshing change for most people.

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Empire superiority has nothing to do with 'being edgey badguys' or wanting to play Darth Maul or Darth Vader, or Boba Fett.


There's one very important reason to play empire, and it is the source of all imperial power.




Imps are snappy dressers. Black uniforms and soft caps, shiny boots. Classy as hell.


Maybe when those lazy Jedi goons decide to put on some real clothes instead of just loafing around coruscant in their pajamas, we'll see a little balance in the Force.

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My main is an Agent. Empire is interesting, because they aren't necessarily villains, just people trying to bring order to a filthy galaxy. :p


Sith is another matter, and I'm not sure what appeals to people there. They seem silly to me-- like Snidely Whiplash. Just evil for evil's sake, even when it isn't practical.

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My main is an Agent. Empire is interesting, because they aren't necessarily villains, just people trying to bring order to a filthy galaxy. :p


Sith is another matter, and I'm not sure what appeals to people there. They seem silly to me-- like Snidely Whiplash. Just evil for evil's sake, even when it isn't practical.


You do realize that the agent you play is just a lap dog to these sith lords who are evil for evils sake? They are your rulers that can do whatever they want without repercussions.

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It's not about being younger or whatever.


It's about PvP prowess. The 'bad side' always attracted the better PvPers.


So good PvPers want to team with other good PvPers for the... challenge?... of taking on people they presume are poor PvPers?


How sporting of you! It takes guts to join the overdog.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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