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10 Good
  1. This sign is everywhere on Corellia, i'm just curious, what does it mean? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/337/whatthew.jpg/
  2. Screw this dungeon finding tool crap, make some friends!
  3. My brother and I just hit 50 on Ven Zallow. We were blown away when we started and now that we have reached the cap our impressions have not changed. Some amazing planets, quests, people, and all in all a really great game. Yeah some will say " You'v only been playing for 48 hours blah blah blah", " And when you reach 50 they will be saying " the endgame is blah blah blah " but damn it people, the OP came in here with a decent posting praising something he is enjoying and I for one say good on him. The game is what it is, as far as a great story telling interactive device, it rocks. Too much hate from these forum posters, it's nice to see a refreshing post. Asarian
  4. This seems like an odd number of points to receive and has now turned my lightside/darkside bar into a mass of long digits. Is this normal? And the droids response after failing the mission also seems, odd. http://imageshack.us/f/443/examplexqzfkv.jpg/ Regards Asarian
  5. The force is strong with this one. Agreed & signed.
  6. Another quote yes, but hey. Dude, a true hardcore PvPer would choose the underdog, the side with the least amount of support, the least amount of resources, and little to no hope of victory. Bad wins cause they have more numbers. Anytime you want a lesson in this, feel free to approach me or my guild.
  7. " really realistic " Yes, it is really realistic that some people are not corrupted by the dark. The idea that Jedi are monks is crap. Monks are reclusive and take little to no part in state, golbal or intergalactic issues. Jedi are very different from monks. As to how often on any given day I think about hurting other people. You worry me, people like you worry me. And the only thing i'm thinking about right now is hurting you so you don't hurt any more people. .
  8. Greetings Alot of talk going around about this being too hard or that being too long or blah blah blah. Obviously the games going to change alot over the next few months and years, but it's this sort of talk that gets games completely nannied. I like whisky, I like rum. I don't like cordial. Please Bioware, I hold the hope that you do understand that all the complaining crap about things being too hard is just people leveling in the wrong area, not understanding the chosen class, or maybe they are just crap. Please my fellow Republicans and Imperials, it's not hard, bits are challenging yes, but challanging is good, it likes you, and you should like it back! Regards Asarian
  9. Very awesome news. We ask for very little downunder and are very capable of adapting. Being acknowledged means alot though. Thankyou
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