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DataCrons, Jumping and Platforming...why its terrible...


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Anyone who spends the many hours needed to get them all, your have too much time on your hands. Period.


I could accept missing a jump point if I only had to start over from that jump point. Having to start from scratch 10 15 20+ jump points?? Stupid.

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yea always a good excuse x3 cause sure pushing 1 and hitting spacebar is completely differant mechanical function... just opened my ports see if was issue, but i am betting just engine they are using again... love the game but seriously are huge issues when comes to devs wanting platforming with terrible controls.


Edit: if port opening doesn't fix laggy responsiveness to jumping then i can be fairly sure not my connection and not my rig...which means something on there end of things. We'll see when i get back into game.


I'm fairly certain that it it just your personal preference. You simply don't like the way jumping "feels".


Jumping is fine, and works very responsively. I'm not instantly at peak height, and I don't hang in the air for an excessively long time. I have to time things, just like I do in any other game with platforming. Not every game "feels" the same, so you just have to adjust your play to match the mechanics of the game.

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I think the animations may fotz up some of the jumps, usually the jumps go fine if I take one step back and one step forward, then jump (spacebar + w at the same time), while doing this without backward/forward makes my char just fall down.


Incidentally, I play a bounty hunter with a rocketpack on my back. Why the blazes should I have to jump around on pipes like some kind of testlab/portal guinea-pig? Same goes for jedi/sith, who in movies can leap high and far... but no.. not us. We're restricted to jumping 2 feet and navigating idiotic pipes and ledges..

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So i love TOR but from get go i thought jumping felt laggy and bad BUT i was like well not a big issue not like i have to jump over acid pits or anything! what slowly begun to realize is that, not only is jumping short, laggy and unresponsive and terribly slow, they expect us to be able to use this terrible jumping system to actually get things in game.


No problem on my end with this. Maybe its your computer that's the problem.


Are many datacrons require you to platform to get access to, which basically amounts to having to use horrible laggy jumping to get around. So going to be as nice and blunt as i can. I really can't be bothered to fight your jumping system to platform around for datacrons the terrible thing is... anyone that doesn't is a statistical disadvantage... so going to say one finaly thing...


Datacrons are a reward for those willing to invest the time and effort in getting them, not a disadvantage to those who are not willing to. You are not required to get them, it is a choice you make. It's no different than getting high-end gear: if you want it, work for it.


Put datacrons in a place everyone can easily get to, or fix your broken jumping system.


Again, most people are not having your problems. Put them in easily accessible places and you might as well just hand them out at the start.


We are jedi for ****s sake... why can we only jump 2 feet in the air? why is it so laggy and unresponsive? and what made you think was a good idea to put platforming into a game had horrible jumping system to begin with...anyone is an avid gamer can see how bad this is when combined...


Your opinion, not fact. Again, most have no problem with it.



If you want the datacrons, be willing to work for them. If not, ignore them.

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I have now obtained every datacron from my starter planet to Belsavis.


Jumping is fine and that's with me missing one on Belsavis a couple times. It wasn't the jumping that was the problem. It was my timing and that's not bioware's fault.


It's called user error. Probably the same as the OP. Learn to cope.

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I usually get the datacrons as well. Dont have jump lag usually. The only real issue I have is how the characters will 'catch' on some objects/locations by some invisible snag.


For all the griping about jumping and how easy most of them have been to get. This ^ is about the only brip I could agree with and it doesn't happen often but yea, I've ran into that invisible snag. Annoying as it is it's not stopped me.

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I'm fairly certain that it it just your personal preference. You simply don't like the way jumping "feels".


Jumping is fine, and works very responsively. I'm not instantly at peak height, and I don't hang in the air for an excessively long time. I have to time things, just like I do in any other game with platforming. Not every game "feels" the same, so you just have to adjust your play to match the mechanics of the game.


I agree with this completely. I am not having any problems that I have not had in other games that were not overcome in those other games by simply learning the optimal timing for that game.

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I love the datacron hunt. Walking into an area, seeing the glow of the datacron, and wandering about puzzling how to reach it is fantastic fun to me. Not to mention the feeling of satisfaction I get when I finally reach that datacron I've been trying to get for 30 minutes!
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Jumping is horrible. Trying to do a forward jump from a standstill near a ledge usually results in me just walking off the ledge. I assume it's because moving puts me on a .5s GCD until it can register to jump, and if I don't hit the jump button right after those .5s it registers me as moving forward and unable to jump for another .5s.


Like the game, really wish it wasn't built on a platform designed for turn-based games.

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I'm with the OP. The point of datacrons was supposed to be to reward "exploring". They don't end up doing that. The locations were fixed back in beta, it's well known where they all are and there are guides and videos all over the internet showing where they all are. So basically it's just a matter of timing jumps...although a few actually require you to get the help of other people just to obtain them. If they wanted to make datacrons about exploring, then they should re-spawn to random locations on the planets every few days. Then you'd actually have to explore to find them.
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I'm with the OP. The point of datacrons was supposed to be to reward "exploring". They don't end up doing that. The locations were fixed back in beta, it's well known where they all are and there are guides and videos all over the internet showing where they all are. So basically it's just a matter of timing jumps...although a few actually require you to get the help of other people just to obtain them. If they wanted to make datacrons about exploring, then they should re-spawn to random locations on the planets every few days. Then you'd actually have to explore to find them.


Just because someone else went out and found them and now you don't have to look doesn't mean they should be handed to you.

Edited by Biscuitninja
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Atleast i know why it is terrible! I still remember the year: 1995! Super Mario. It was on a gameboy! You had to jump and at the end of it i fell in lava and nobody did hold my hand.

And now 2012 the datacrons! This is to much for my brains in this short time frame.


Bioware: I demand justice being served and all datacrons being added to any and all characters of my account permamently! Dont think you can butt your way out of this one!

Edited by Ommm
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Just because someone else went out and found them and now you don't have to look doesn't mean they should be handed to you.


Just because something needs to be worked for, doesn't mean the the difficulty needs to stem from poor implementation, of a mechanic not intended for the engine. Maybe if the platforming was even remotely well implemented, or enjoyable, it would be fun.


Instead, it's just trying to luck out and not **** up do to the horrible physics, combined with lag, combined with a terrible camera.


Yes, that's work, but it's not fun.

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Maybe if they offer another way to get them such as fighting through an instance. I have no lag but the jump mechanism here is pretty bad compared to other mmo's. I have spent several hours trying to get 2 different ones, and had to finally give up. They just aren't possible for folks who never played mario kart. Heck, I would be willing to pay 50k each for them from a vendor, I would make the cash to get them. That would be as much work as all that jumping.
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