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33 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

The amount of Conquest points earned for the Reputation Conquest Objective was reduced. This particular objective was over-represented in objectives completed and needed to be balanced. We've added new objectives to help offset the loss that encourage you to play Galactic Seasons in the same manner that the Reputation one did but lowered the effect that the Reputation objective gave in its place. 

Honestly, I'm not sure what this accomplishes? Are people exploiting this in some way that has an impact? What is the harm that was being done? You can only use a rep token for CQ once a day so the impact should be relatively minimal. Why are we "fixing" problems that are not really problems? That's an honest question. 

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I really didn’t enjoy GS5 or whichever the one with the evil droid and dark spores was, I’m not really that bothered about whether there’s a reputation task with it. What I am concerned about is the sheer drop in value from Advancement Reputation in terms of conquest provided.

What is the rationale behind reducing it so significantly? I find that when you’re trying to hit your 100k each week this is a big help when you’re strapped for time. I don’t see why you wouldn’t have put it down to 20k/35k. 

I think this will probably be it for me. My sub was already cancelled last month and I don’t think I can commit the time each week to trying to get 100k without things like this, especially considering I’ll spend so long trying to make that across a number of characters that I won’t have a chance to enjoy the new content.

Please reconsider.


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35 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Reputation Conquest Objective

The amount of Conquest points earned for the Reputation Conquest Objective was reduced.

So ... what was already a CHORE (no Sir, grinding galactic points is not fun) has been made even worse !

I'm a solo player who does no group content and you've made galactic season uninteresting for me. I was already on the verge of quitting (sub runs out next month) and I think you've clearly shown me the exit sign.

Thanks, but no thanks !

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I'm very confused by all of the people who are suddenly now dissatisfied with the Galactic Seasons grind. 


Hasn't always been a grind? What changed recently to make it "too much" of a grind?

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3 minutes ago, septru said:

I'm very confused by all of the people who are suddenly now dissatisfied with the Galactic Seasons grind. 


Hasn't always been a grind? What changed recently to make it "too much" of a grind?

There's a tiny line between acceptable grind and too much grind. While most MMOs are stepping from heavy grind to acceptable grind, SWTOR is going the other way ... the wrong way. As I said in my previous post, Galactic points grind was already a chore before that change. Now it's downright boring and stupid ...

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24 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Reputation Track
Galactic Seasons 6 does not have a Reputation track like previous seasons. There is still an item to collect the same way you collected Reputation currency in the past. However, it is for Achievement tracking only and progress is granted when you collect it - you're safe to sell them for credits! It’s worth noting that these will cease to drop when you’ve unlocked the achievement.

Thank you for clarifying. Why is this the first time we are getting this information? This is a major change and should have been communicated at the same time you announced GS6.

27 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Reputation Conquest Objective
The amount of Conquest points earned for the Reputation Conquest Objective was reduced. This particular objective was over-represented in objectives completed and needed to be balanced. We've added new objectives to help offset the loss that encourage you to play Galactic Seasons in the same manner that the Reputation one did but lowered the effect that the Reputation objective gave in its place. 

So you just stealth-nerfed it in? This seems short-sighted as well as just plain rude. We complete Conquest Objectives and GS objectives for different reasons - unrelated to each other. The way most of us used Reputation Conquest Objective specifically (only available once a day on one toon, as a reminder) was to meet Conquest objectives on more alts, and often on the ones we don't play that much. Would lack of it all of a sudden "encourage" players to play the toons they don't normally play? In most cases, NO. When we play Galactic Season objectives, we do it for GS rewards (and sometimes GS story if it's worth it - this part has been declining so far from season to season). Can we sometimes complete one while doing the other? Sure. But that's usually a side effect rather than intent.

The nerf would definitely limit the ability of smaller guilds to complete the conquest objective goals. Oh, yeah you know that don't you?

40 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

These changes will be reflected in future Seasons as well, however, we know they can have an outsized effect on smaller guilds and will be keeping a close eye on the data over time and make adjustments as needed. 

So, you consciously decided to actively hurt smaller guilds as well as individual players. Wow, Slow clap 👏.

Do you guys have some internal competition going on who would enrage your players the most? Cause that's what it felt like for the last can't even say how many months.

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Just now, septru said:

I'm very confused by all of the people who are suddenly now dissatisfied with the Galactic Seasons grind. 


Hasn't always been a grind? What changed recently to make it "too much" of a grind?

I won't speak for everyone but for me the grind is the CQ nerf for the reputation gain. Previously you could have multiple characters across multiple servers and hit the 100k without too much time needed, literally doing the 2 rep + 1 companion level up would bring you over 100k per character. Now, with the rep CPs nerfed, you have to spend a lot of time grinding the conquest to reach that. I understand why they did it: they don't want us to get the extra free CCs from the season and want us to buy them instead, first they lowered the total CC rewards, and now this. Honestly, devs, if that 200k CP season objective is giving you so much trouble that you decided to introduce this change just remove the objective and give us back the reputation CP reward.

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I don't care if the season has a repuation track or not even thou I prefered to have it but the nerf to the conquest points that we always have available its just to much not to mention they did it and "forgot" to mention about it.

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52 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Hey folks!

We are seeing reports from players who are confused with how the Galactic Seasons 6 currency functions. This was not originally included in the GS6 article, but the two intended changes below will be reflected there and in the patch notes as well. 
Reputation Track
Galactic Seasons 6 does not have a Reputation track like previous seasons. There is still an item to collect the same way you collected Reputation currency in the past. However, it is for Achievement tracking only and progress is granted when you collect it - you're safe to sell them for credits! It’s worth noting that these will cease to drop when you’ve unlocked the achievement.

Reputation Conquest Objective
The amount of Conquest points earned for the Reputation Conquest Objective was reduced. This particular objective was over-represented in objectives completed and needed to be balanced. We've added new objectives to help offset the loss that encourage you to play Galactic Seasons in the same manner that the Reputation one did but lowered the effect that the Reputation objective gave in its place. 

These changes will be reflected in future Seasons as well, however, we know they can have an outsized effect on smaller guilds and will be keeping a close eye on the data over time and make adjustments as needed. 

For seasons, I think I am fine with the reputation change it makes sense and adding a rep track for the sake of a rep track doesn't make a ton of sense to do every season -- but that really should have been communicated ahead of the patch.... it is a fundamental change to how people interact with seasons.

I think the CQ objective change, is at best, ill advised. What does "over-represented" even mean in this context and further why does it matter in the first place? It is by nature finite and limited already. Reducing it to 3/4 or 2/3 of what it was probably would have been okay and would have been met with a "meh whatever" but nuking it all the way down to this... well it is a kick in the gut to all of the player base. To say that it has an "outsized" effect on small guilds is kind of slapping them in the face.

I just don't see any reason why it matters how many times it is completed or how much it accounts for the total CQ points generated.

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Just now, TheFiveOhFirst said:

What does "over-represented" even mean in this context and further why does it matter in the first place?

That is actually a very good question. I'm pretty sure that if we get the average statistics of the conquest points gained per week then the top % would go to the PVP and GSF objectives, but they didn't nerf that did they?

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16 minutes ago, septru said:

I'm very confused by all of the people who are suddenly now dissatisfied with the Galactic Seasons grind. 


Hasn't always been a grind? What changed recently to make it "too much" of a grind?

It's not a seasons that's a grind, it's a grind to reach 100,000CQP points all year round on multiple characters, or help smaller guilds with inactive players reach 5,000,000CQP per week.

Past seasons offered reputation, which was something to look forward to every season. You knew there was a reliable source of daily CQP. I've maxed my rep with nearly every place in the game including Ruhnuk. Killing FR3-DOM for example was something I did because I knew it paid reputation for "Price of Freedom". Now the rep has been entirely removed from seasons. But on top of that, the rep obtained from elsewhere is now a measly 8k. What use to be 315,000CQP per week is now 56,000

Edited by Traceguy
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1 minute ago, SithLikeTraps said:

That is actually a very good question. I'm pretty sure that if we get the average statistics of the conquest points gained per week then the top % would go to the PVP and GSF objectives, but they didn't nerf that did they?

I don't see why it even matters though; even if it was beating GSF and PVP (which it can't). You get it once per day. Reputation is limited. Once you are max rep you are max rep. You eventually run out of it as a resource. It punishes newer players more than established ones. This makes zero sense as a reason to me.

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17 minutes ago, septru said:

I'm very confused by all of the people who are suddenly now dissatisfied with the Galactic Seasons grind. 


Hasn't always been a grind? What changed recently to make it "too much" of a grind?

It's because in previous seasons you could do the seasons objectives and through osmosis also attain your conquest goals mainly because the reputation you gained from seasons as a daily objective was a large chunk of conquest on one toon. With this change it feels like the devs are purposely trying to seperate the conquest and seasons goals to manufacture more play time out of the players. Wouldn't be a bad thing except what's required is playing 10 year old content. People can put up with that in small doses for the rewards but when you increase the time on the grind ppl start to question if playing old content for less rewards is even worth their time. 

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Just now, TheFiveOhFirst said:

I don't see why it even matters though; even if it was beating GSF and PVP (which it can't). You get it once per day. Reputation is limited. Once you are max rep you are max rep. You eventually run out of it as a resource. It punishes newer players more than established ones. This makes zero sense as a reason to me.

That's exactly my point, the excuse to nerf the rep CP as I understand it was that it was giving too much CPs, but it's nowhere near the CPs one can get from the PVP and GSF. So if they wanted to limit the "abuse" of CPs gained they should've nerfed the PVP and GSF. The rep CPS as it was would give you 45k*7=315K, give or take the guild buffs. The PVP and GSF are way over that but they didn't touch it.

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54 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Reputation Conquest Objective
The amount of Conquest points earned for the Reputation Conquest Objective was reduced. This particular objective was over-represented in objectives completed and needed to be balanced. We've added new objectives to help offset the loss that encourage you to play Galactic Seasons in the same manner that the Reputation one did but lowered the effect that the Reputation objective gave in its place. 

These changes will be reflected in future Seasons as well, however, we know they can have an outsized effect on smaller guilds and will be keeping a close eye on the data over time and make adjustments as needed. 

So you freely admit it will have an "outsized effect" on smaller guilds and will be reflected in "future Seasons as well" -- that's code for there will be no changes for at least 18 months.

Thanks, but no thanks. It is mind-boggling you would make such a statement with such callous disregard to smaller guilds with members who play alts.  

Consider recent history: In 7.0, then-Bioware tried to incentivize people to play particular types of content through draconian gating / archaic gearing and it was a collosal failure. So much so, the changes to gearing were dramatically revised (essentially completely reversed by the time 7.3 was released).

Your contention that you've "added new objectives to help offset the loss" rings completely hollow. You are not going to get people to engage in content they don't want to play. 

The only thing this change accomplishes is that an alpha percentage of the population will stop playing. We'll see how significant of decline in population results. My prediction is it will be significant. 

FYI, I predicted correctly that 7.0 gearing changes would be quickly revised / reversed and they were. But you telling me any changes won't occur until "future Seasons" tells me all I need to know. Just as I went on hiatus in 7.0 until 7.1 (intro of Hyde and Zeek), I will do so again now and occasionally hop in on preferred status to complete the story for 7.5 and 7.6.

Translation: That's code for Broadsword won't be getting any money from me.

Fortunately, 2023 was a very good year for gaming and other games and MMORPGs are releasing new content (e.g., ESO just yesterday) and making their games alt-friendly. 




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5 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

Past seasons offered reputation, which was something to look forward to every season.

So if I understand correctly, at least some players such as yourself grind CQP through daily reputation missions because the achievement of reaching reputation rankings lessens the "grind" associated with Galactic Seasons?


I'm genuinely curious. I've never done any Galactic Seasons ever. 

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12 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

It's because in previous seasons you could do the seasons objectives and through osmosis also attain your conquest goals

Ok this makes sense. Do most people not consider conquest a grind? IMO it's always been as bad as GS. 

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1 minute ago, septru said:

So if I understand correctly, at least some players such as yourself grind CQP through daily reputation missions because the achievement of reaching reputation rankings lessens the "grind" associated with Galactic Seasons?

One thing has nothing to do with the other. The nerf of the conquest points from the reputation hurts having multiple alts in general, the only effect it has on the seasons is that it's harder to reach the 200k CPs season objective but there are plenty other objectives to accomplish.

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1 hour ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Reputation Conquest Objective
The amount of Conquest points earned for the Reputation Conquest Objective was reduced. This particular objective was over-represented in objectives completed and needed to be balanced. We've added new objectives to help offset the loss that encourage you to play Galactic Seasons in the same manner that the Reputation one did but lowered the effect that the Reputation objective gave in its place. 

Of course it was. You had to complete it to advance your reputation track for the season achievement, to keep from losing the Rep currency because of extremely low limits on how much you could store, and one out of every 4 weeks (or was it more) one of the GS objectives was to accumulate Rep Points.

Edit: Not to mention the weekly limits on Rep.

Edited by DWho
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9 minutes ago, septru said:

So if I understand correctly, at least some players such as yourself grind CQP through daily reputation missions because the achievement of reaching reputation rankings lessens the "grind" associated with Galactic Seasons?


I'm genuinely curious. I've never done any Galactic Seasons ever. 

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. But to be clear, me earning of reputation points and my earning of conquest points are and never were directly related to seasons, nor did it have any effect on me completing seasons. I earn conquest points to hit the 100,000 personal goal on multiple characters, and carry 1 guild to 5,000,000 point victory per week.

Reputation tracks are finite. The CQP you get for rep towards them will run dry after after you hit max rank. In case you have never done that, I can tell you, once you hit max rank, you are no longer able to use rep tokens. They have to be discarded or sold. I've been playing so long I've hit this for numerous places. I maxed rep for places like Section X, CZ-198 and KDY before conquest points were even a thing. I'm nearly out of places to get reputation. So that's why I said was Seasons rep was something to look forward to. It was a new source of rep.


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They really seem to be trying to push people to have maybe 1 or 2 toons at most. And they also continue to seem to push people to do pvp and gsf. They have an outsized value compared to other content. And the 7.0 nerf of making flashpoint conquest once per day is still very frustrating 2 years later. In addition, they should have taskmaster as an objective every week for all levels.

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1 hour ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Reputation Conquest Objective
The amount of Conquest points earned for the Reputation Conquest Objective was reduced.

80% is not a reduction, it is practically an elimination And, it was ironically never communicated. This decision needs to be reconsidered. @JackieKo please do right by the community and escalate this matter. It will turn people away from playing, and greatly impact the alt-friendly game SWTOR is. Thank you!

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7 minutes ago, tsteenburg said:

And they also continue to seem to push people to do pvp and gsf. They have an outsized value compared to other content. And the 7.0 nerf of making flashpoint conquest once per day is still very frustrating 2 years later

That's the trend they started with 7.0, PVP and GSF became so toxic that people didn't want to play it any more but instead of addressing the toxicity they decided to nerf the PVE conquest and buff the others

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I have a one-man guild and was dependent on the CQ Reputation points to reach 500k a week. I am a casual player who play what I enjoy when I feel like it. GS with reputation made me log in and play more content. I accepted the grind of recycled content during GS1-5, but the new update requires me to grind four times more content to reach 500k to get guild rewards. However, I won't do it. Personally, doing GS6 has completely lost its purpose because you removed CQ reputation. I won't unsub, but play less because of this change, which I assume is the opposite of what you intended with this update.

Edited by Lirtoo
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