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Thanks for the new world drops in 7.4.1

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4 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Many of these have been difficult to acquire due to requiring specific levels or planets or various other rules. These new ones can drop in any world drop. World drops will be single pieces of armor or a weapon. You can still get the normal randomized stat world drops, these drop in addition to them! However, because we’re adding all of these new items to the normal drop pool, they have no vendor value, so if you want credits for them you’ll need to do some trading. If you don’t want to bother with all of that, you can always destroy them (though they will not disassemble).

Is it possible to give them a vendor value of 1 credit instead? This would not lead to any meaningful inflation, but would make dealing with them simpler; destroying several items at a go is cumbersome at best, but being able to unload them at a vendor is much faster.

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5 hours ago, Traceguy said:

I'm dying with maxed out 7 tabs of legacy storage. I couldn't handle it. (Please give us more tabs BSword.)

I don't know if it was their intention, but adding 2,000 pieces of cosmetic gear to the loot tables that's not legacy-bound is really going to increase interest in grinding loot.


This could be addressed by increasing the size of the bays themselves instead of adding more tabs. Something like the size our Guild Bank tabs would be large enough. 

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Hundreds of weapons, over 2,000 armor pieces ... and we can only keep as many of them as our Cargo Holds can handle because they're not in Collections.

Personally, I don't see much reason to get too excited about this new feature.

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6 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Hello folks!

Just wanted to pop in real quick and give you some more info about these since we haven’t released all of the details.

What are these exactly?

So these Armors and Weapons are new versions of existing ones that had randomized stats and that there was no other way to acquire their appearance in the game aside from existing world drops. These were no longer available to trade on the Galactic Trade Network due to the backend changes, but there are others that may not have been tradeable at all. There are a lot of them! Hundreds of weapons and over 2000 armor pieces. The sheer amount is why we didn’t post a detailed list.

Ancient Armaments Login Reward Calendar

This reward calendar will operate very similar to our 3 existing reward calendars, complete with Achievements and various items available on the track. This has been added to the rotation of login calendars so it might not show up right away. The big change to this one is it will include a chance to get some of these new versions of previous appearances. There will be a Weapons Pack and an Armors Pack on the calendar, the weapon pack will give you a Fitted Weapon from the list of new Weapons. The Armor Pack will give you one complete set of one of these armor sets. The packs will be legacy bound but the contents will be Bind on Equip!

World Drops

Many of these have been difficult to acquire due to requiring specific levels or planets or various other rules. These new ones can drop in any world drop. World drops will be single pieces of armor or a weapon. You can still get the normal randomized stat world drops, these drop in addition to them! However, because we’re adding all of these new items to the normal drop pool, they have no vendor value, so if you want credits for them you’ll need to do some trading. If you don’t want to bother with all of that, you can always destroy them (though they will not disassemble).


In both cases of the packs as well as the world drops higher quality items will be rarer. Premium is the most common, followed by Prototype, and then Artifact. Because they can drop at any level they should appear a bit more frequently than many of our other armor world drops.


These items will not be in collections. They will however be Bind on Equip! This means they can be traded or sold on the GTN. A big part of why I wanted to get these into the game was to make up for the random stat appearance items no longer being tradeable on the GTN due to our backend changes.

I hope that answers many of your questions but if you have anything that I wasn’t able to answer with regards to these new items feel free to ask!

May the Force Serve You

Hi there! It would be really helpful  to have a small list of some of the sets being added. Though there are 2000 pieces, I have to assume that many of these are reskins of each other much like many armor sets in the game correct? So having just a small list of maybe 10-30 of these different sets would be nice so we know what to expect❤️

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3 hours ago, GeneralGyro said:

nice so the rare world weapons will be available

maybe. It might just be the random stat weapons that drop now, the rare items like the D-200 has set stats and it can still be sold on the GTN.

I'm hoping all the rare equipment drops as these new outfit items but I wouldn't hold your breath.

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On 3/8/2024 at 2:41 PM, Nee-Elder said:

hi  @JoeStramaglia,  THANKS so much for the info and obviously it's always nice to see actual DEV ( coder ) posting here on these official forums;  especially nowadays with SWTOR's current  perplexing  EAxistence.

Anyways, please could you ( or someone at BioSword )  offer us   GSF pilots  some semblance of  *hope*  that u guys might actually spend one dev cycle on GSF expansion?  ( it hasn't been paid any significant attention since around 2018  :(  , which means one half of  'STAR Wars'  is totally ignored in a game about  Star Wars.  )

hmm, i've never heard anyone say that ^ with the word  "Serve"  instead of the traditional  "BE with"  version.   Any particular reason for the change?  :confused:


"May the force serve you well" Is the Sith version of the traditional version of that phrase.


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4 hours ago, xmarcusprimex said:

"May the force serve you well" Is the Sith version of the traditional version of that phrase.

uhh  LOL  your post is redundantly lacking value, since you didn't read subsequent posts and therefore you're way  late to the party dude!

We.... https://forums.swtor.com/topic/933986-thanks-for-the-new-world-drops-in-741/?do=findComment&comment=9802989

Already.... https://forums.swtor.com/topic/933986-thanks-for-the-new-world-drops-in-741/?do=findComment&comment=9802991

Know....  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/933986-thanks-for-the-new-world-drops-in-741/?do=findComment&comment=9802994


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I've not logged into the game for a while and honestly, and I *sort of* don't like admitting this, but Galactic Seasons does give me purpose to play the game. I'm really looking forward to it anyway but the addition of Out In The World loot drops is very appealing. I'd love more cosmetic loot drops too, mounts/pets/drip (drip...I believe this is what the Young People Say...it's also the most brilliant expression so I want to say it.) Drip.

On top of that, devs taking the time to address the community directly on the forum is fantastic, and so welcome. It's a risk, and a bit scary I imagine, and I properly appreciate the time and thought, as I would if anyone on the forum responded to a post in a considered and kind way. But devs putting their heads above the parapet is particularly great. Thank you @JoeStramaglia :)

Roll On GS6. Um...and Date Night. Ahem *blush*.

Edited by Jazulfi
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12 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

"Redundantly lacking value" is amusingly also redundant in itself.   Well done. 👍

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11 hours ago, xmarcusprimex said:

"Redundantly lacking value" is amusingly also redundant in itself.   Well done.

aw thanks.   i chose those words intentionally/ironically, since it was best way i could say what needed to be said without getting a  forum *warning* . ;)

Sure would be nice if  humans didn't deflect and could instead just simply read entire threads ( at least the shorter ones ) for contextual awareness before posting,  but oh well it  does keep things more interesting for snarky jerks like myself.  :csw_jabbapet:

15 hours ago, Jazulfi said:

 devs taking the time to address the community directly on the forum is fantastic, and so welcome. It's a risk, and a bit scary I imagine, 

Roll On GS6. Um...and Date Night. Ahem *blush*.

Being truthful & transparent can be  sorta risky & scary sometimes, but it's also a far more rewarding ( and respectful ) method of interacting with your customer$  imo.

Heck for bored beta vets like me,  just seeing JoeS's  rare dev reply made me actually look forward to what was otherwise a very lackluster SWTOR  patch. :hope_07:

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On 3/8/2024 at 7:18 PM, darienkd said:

Is it possible to give them a vendor value of 1 credit instead? This would not lead to any meaningful inflation, but would make dealing with them simpler; destroying several items at a go is cumbersome at best, but being able to unload them at a vendor is much faster.

Truthfully, I don't see a big difference in destroying and selling these days. Are you using the Deconstruct/Destroy UI? Basically "sell" a bunch of unsellable stuff into the boxes, and it "deconstructs" them into oblivion. Granted, it's limited to about 25-30 items, I think.


That being said, I do wish these were in Collections. Then again, I wish everything was in Collections. ;)

Edited by WHTJunior
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Wow! That's crazy! Over 2,000 pieces means over 285 sets if each set has 7 pieces, not to mention not all sets probably have their belts and bracers.

@JoeStramaglia What a the chances of getting these in collections? I love collecting "all armors" in the game. With collections, I don't mind deleting random sets I collect because I know if I really want them back I can pay CC to get them - I love the 10 CC Remnant sets that were added a while ago.

Also, what are the chances of them instead being Bind-to-Equip-to-legacy? So they are not bound to start, but when you do bind them they become legacy bound? There was a few items like that introduced in 6.0 like some of the crafted endgame armors/tacticals. But I know they were funky and didn't always work as expected lol.

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2 hours ago, LadyAdmiral said:

 question, are the versions that drop in the open world (not the login rewards) specific to planet or specific types of enemies? Or literally the entire pool of 2,000+ pieces are random drop from any enemy anywhere?

Your question(s) appear to be moot, since the pieces are apparently ALL from same crop--> https://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/31124/game-update-7.4.1

re: "The armor pieces that are available inside of Ancient Armaments are now also available as random world drops."

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On 3/8/2024 at 3:19 PM, JoeStramaglia said:

This means they can be traded or sold on the GTN.

Yeah. About that. Can we assume this will be fixed, then? At present you can not in fact list them on the GTN, or at least I haven't been able to. 




Considering this was listed as a core feature I do wonder how this went live without anyone catching that. You did test it, right? 

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29 minutes ago, DakhathKilrathi said:

Yeah. About that. Can we assume this will be fixed, then? At present you can not in fact list them on the GTN, or at least I haven't been able to. 




Considering this was listed as a core feature I do wonder how this went live without anyone catching that. You did test it, right? 

don't worry it's just that one 😅

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No new sets that I've seen. They are the same "world drops" we had before just set to 0 vendor value and not saleable on the GTN. Sleheyron Sector Rangers Jacket, Sleheyron Sector Rangers Helm, etc (from Alderaan chests prior to this update). They just threw "Fitted" onto them to make it sound like they were something different. The only bonus is you don't have to be the "right" level for them to drop in world, it appears completely random and the high level set drop rate for level 80 characters seems to have been reduced by 90% or more in world drops.


After hitting a few security chests on Alderaan to see if these are new or just replacements, the fact is that they are replacements. The gear you used to get from security chests, which was tied to the planet level, is now no longer available in any guaranteed manner. The contents of the chests are entirely random now so there is no way to focus on a specific set.

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I guess it's too early to make a judgement, but I'd really hoped they added some really cool stuff... like the old flashpoint items from back when SWTOR launched, some NPC armor sets that weren't collectable before or old PvP sets :S

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31 minutes ago, Jesseriah said:

I guess it's too early to make a judgement, but I'd really hoped they added some really cool stuff... like the old flashpoint items from back when SWTOR launched, some NPC armor sets that weren't collectable before or old PvP sets :S

I'm hoping yet that the old flashpoint gear is available.

As for NPC armor. In the agent story, there is a character with a really neat top that we can't get. I want this top!



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On 3/8/2024 at 9:19 PM, JoeStramaglia said:

They will however be Bind on Equip! This means they can be traded or sold on the GTN.

Dear JoeStramaglia,
thank you very much for the announcement of your vision.
Do you chat with your development team from time to time? And/or play the game? I can't imagine how you came to your personal conclusion that "Bind on Equip" would mean that an item can be "sold on the GTN". Surely it couldn't be sold if it's "Bind on Pickup" or "Bind to legacy on Pickup", but you surely know there are more criteria relevant to sell it on the GTN?
Broadsword recently even took great care of DISABLING a HUGE amount of previously tradeable "Bind on Equip" stuff (all the "unnamed" gear drops). An extremely unpopular decision, as you all know, but Broadsword obviously doesn't care.

And maybe it's this mechanism that also prevents to sell the "Fitted armor" pieces on the GTN now.

The whole "ancient armaments" idea (which should actually be called "fitted gear" btw., so there's a connection to the ingame texts) sounded good on paper, but in actual reality I personally perceive it as getting spammed with useless trash at the expanse of credits. In detail:
It seems that higher level toons will always get "fitted gear" items now in situations where we previously received random lower level gear. Example: Before 7.4.1, a lvl 80 toon on Belsavis got lvl 45 gear from time to time. This was welcome, because it could be handed down to lower level toons, or could be sold to vendors or sometimes even on the GTN. That was all fine, and is all gone now with 7.4.1, because we just get this boring and useless "Fitted gear" items now that have a value of 0 credits (and thus can't be vendorerd), have absolutely no use at all for lower level toons, can't be sold on GTN (yet?), and are FAR to random to be even remotely close to be interesting to aquire. Even if someone would be looking for a particular piece of armor or weapon because they fell in love with the design, it's nearly impossible to receive that drop (considering there are more than 2000 things to chose from, as you wrote). By the way, I for myself are very happy with all the legacy gear this game already contains, and I see no need at all to recycle old or lower gear outfits. (What's more: lower level armor often looks very plain and boring. Who wants that on lvl 80?)
My experience of this new "feature" after playing for about 2 hours was:
1) I have about 20 pieces of "Fitted gear" that are a complete waste of space, can't be sold, and are utterly ugly or just average / boring.
2) The only thing I can do with them is destroy them. No interest in investing time in them, and that won't change if they could be sold on GTN.
=> Which means, the game will keep taking space of my inventory for useless, unstackable stuff and force me to actively deal with it, meaning I have to invest additional time in destryoing items. Which gives me exactly nothing, and only wastes my time. Why oh why?
3) At the same time, the game denied me "proper loot", like actual gear drops for lower levels. These drops were welcome and easy to handle (use, or sell to vendors etc, see above).

So all in all, the new "feature" is not just a disappointment, it's even an annoyance.

Making a step back from this specific topic: The lack of testing for this new patch is astounding again, and very painful as well.
This "fitted gear" stuff can't be sold on the GTN? There is no way this has been tested! I simply cannot fathom what must be going on behind the scenes.
The worst bug so far being that the "Blueprint Fragments" are sold as "junk" to NPCs and get lost forever this way. Instead of placing this new currency in the currency tab, Broadsword decided(!) to put it in the toon's inventories. Why? Just to make handling currencies really awkward and time consuming again?
The reason why I'm sure that this was an actual decision is that a messed up thing like this would ALWAYS strike the attention of ANY actual tester, and thus to lead to a bug report, and a bug like this should be extremely easy and fast to fix. (Probably just a template thing, if you use templates for items, or a few attributes.)

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49 minutes ago, mdahm said:

The worst bug so far being that the "Blueprint Fragments" are sold as "junk" to NPCs and get lost forever this way.

Hi, it was stated that they are indeed junk. There's no harm in them getting lost forever. They are merely a cheap way to track achievement progress.

And I say cheap because as a software-developer, I know they could have tracked progress behind the scenes without fluffing the game files with a junk item. They already count things like kill counts without tying it to any other item.

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1 minute ago, Traceguy said:

Hi, it was stated that they are indeed junk. There's no harm in them getting lost forever. They are merely a cheap way to track achievement progress.

Yep, thanks, I saw the post and the edited(?) version of the patch notes now, too.

But is this really a satisfying explanation? They included a new thing in swtor, and the only use for it is to get progress at an achievement that itself has no other use than counting the new thing? and in the end, it gives us exactly ZERO achievement points? This is a very tight, self-referential logical loop: advancement just to see this advancement... = pure nonsense.
Never noticed an achievement as empty as this before!

What a fail.

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