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Server Transfers to Shae Vizla


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10 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

you are the one (and only) that has said free transfers should be limited but paid can bring all their credits.

just admit that was stupid and we will move on.

I won't admit it is stupid since it isn't. It is a good compromise between unlimited free transfers and limited restricted transfers. The people who want to move billions on to the server for personal gain (you really only need a couple billion credits to play the game forever) to do so but at a cost. Best of both worlds. Someone dead set on bringing all his credits over can, while those only interested in bringing over their legacies can do so for free.

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16 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

A character can have 4b plus change, not hundreds of billions. You are being disingenuous.

Each character can bring 4 billion, so one can create multiple mule characters to bring across 4b credits with each transfer (then deleting the character to free up the character slot). If there is no limit on how many free transfers can be made, anyone can bring 100b or more over easily.

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18 hours ago, DarthAdder said:

All this economy discussion is frankly garbage.  

I started on Harbinger and Dalborra - OG APAC servers. I got punted around multiple servers, and now an APAC server is launched, but everyone wants me to forget about what I have done for the last 13 years in the game and be so grateful that an APAC server is opened that I shouldn't care about the progress made on the characters that were already OG APAC characters.  Why am I, as a consumer, treated with so much contempt that neither my characters nor guild that were created prior to the games original 2011 launch can't automatically be transferred back to an APAC server now that it's here because "of the economy"?

All I see from the economy wingers are non-APAC players wanting a fresh server.  All APAC players want is to play our existing characters on an APAC server.  You want the server populated and alive - let us come home!

I just want a decision either way. I was happily playing on this server I thought wouldn't be having transfers for a very long time. I appreciate having the opportunity for a fresh start even having 8 completed characters. I was happy to play every storyline again! The second they posted that transfers would be coming soon PVP stopped popping and I noticed a dramatic drop in population I too went back to my characters on US servers and started doing dailies and content on them as I have a connection to My 12 year old characters on US serves! I played for almost a year in beta then a year on US servers and moved to AU servers and back to US servers.... I am way less concerned about the possibility of restrictions and just want to know the future of my characters either way. I want to know where I should put my focus.. Why slowly level my new characters without buffs When I could be doing dailies on my original characters while I wait for my legacy to be transferred? , levelling is way faster with a complete Legacy and booster Rockets, and all the extra buffs.. I will be levelling all 8 classes again Either way but doing it without buffs today when transfers might be just around the corner Just seems like an inefficient use of my limited gaming time. Not to mention Paying for Legacy unlocks on this server that I already have on my original characters... 

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5 hours ago, FrontLineFodder said:
  • those who would accept limits if they were enforced, "Just get players on with their characters"
  • those who do not want limits / want generous limits, "don't give a damn about the GTN, it is not a consideration"

I’m somewhere between 2 & 3. I can see both positions well & agree with both of them. Obviously this is probably made it harder for the devs to work out too. 

I just wish they’d give us more information on when it’s going to happen. This continued silence is making things worse.

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4 hours ago, FrontLineFodder said:

Transfers are Transfers, don't do Pay to win

There is zero discussion on "Paid transfers are unrestricted" vs "Free transfers are crippled"

Free transfers are about getting critical mass on the server playing, not restricting credits to preserve the GTN.

redundant point anyway, I have plenty of CC's to transfer my mains over tomorrow

We don’t even know if paid transfers are going to be offered? 

Jackie didn’t mention paid transfers at all. And when I asked her to clarify, she’s continued to ignore mine & other people requests for information. 

Honestly, this communication black out is causing more community issues than answering our questions would. I have a bad feeling they are going to close the server. 

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41 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Honestly, this communication black out is causing more community issues than answering our questions would. I have a bad feeling they are going to close the server. 

If they can't collect the economy data they want because no one is playing there and the server population stays as low as it is now, that is a distinct possibility. APAC players refusing to play on the server is doing more harm than good at this point. The low population may be why they are holding back on transfers. The last thing they will want to do is open transfers only to have to merge the server with one of the others because a sustainable population doesn't develop. People who play content that needs a low ping should be playing on the server to show Broadsword there is an interest. Everyone should be done playing the minuscule amount of story from the last update and GS is over, so why people not coming back would be concerning.

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2 hours ago, DWho said:

If they can't collect the economy data they want because no one is playing there and the server population stays as low as it is now, that is a distinct possibility. APAC players refusing to play on the server is doing more harm than good at this point. The low population may be why they are holding back on transfers. The last thing they will want to do is open transfers only to have to merge the server with one of the others because a sustainable population doesn't develop. People who play content that needs a low ping should be playing on the server to show Broadsword there is an interest. Everyone should be done playing the minuscule amount of story from the last update and GS is over, so why people not coming back would be concerning.

Except the problem is a chicken & egg situation. I can’t play my preferred content on the server. So why would I waste 10’s hours of my limited play time doing stuff I’m bored with? 

Group content just isn’t popping. So unless you only want to do old story content, you’re stuck going back to the other servers. 

You can’t even play the new story content yet either because you’ll have to grind through all the old story first. So you once again, if you want to play new story, your stuck having to go back to the other servers.

Now, because PvP isn’t popping, if you want to finish the PvP seasons, you have to go back to the other servers. And the same goes for galactic seasons too because most people don’t have 20-40 hours a week to play on multiple servers. So they are also going back to the other servers. 

What I would like to point out, is where have all the “fresh start server” players gone? You know the ones who were demanding BS not open up transfers or when they do, don’t allow players to transfer anything. Did they all get bored with the fresh start? Honestly where are they now? BS accommodate them above regional players & they all left the server. Just like I said they would once the novelty wore off. 

That is why BS should never have put a fresh start economy / experience ahead of regional players needs. If theyd just opened the server & allowed transfers from day one, we’d probably have a healthy APAC server now. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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29 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

What I would like to point out, is where have all the “fresh start server” players gone?

They're the ones still playing there (there is no reason for them not too if they really are "fresh start" players). It's the boycotting of the server by APAC players that has caused the drop in population. There never were as many "fresh start" players (favoring everyone starting from scratch for an "even" playing field) there as many believed and the EU/US players weren't playing PVP because of the ping issues so the PVP drop off is all APAC players not playing.

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29 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

What I would like to point out, is where have all the “fresh start server” players gone?

They're the ones still playing there (there is no reason for them not too if they really are "fresh start" players). It's the boycotting of the server by APAC players that has caused the drop in population. There never were as many "fresh start" players (favoring everyone starting from scratch for an "even" playing field) there as many believed and the EU/US players weren't playing PVP because of the ping issues so the PVP drop off is all APAC players not playing.

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7 hours ago, DWho said:

They're the ones still playing there (there is no reason for them not too if they really are "fresh start" players). It's the boycotting of the server by APAC players that has caused the drop in population. There never were as many "fresh start" players (favoring everyone starting from scratch for an "even" playing field) there as many believed and the EU/US players weren't playing PVP because of the ping issues so the PVP drop off is all APAC players not playing.

I'm not boycotting it I will be here 100 percent of my time as soon as I transfer my toons or if they said no transfers for a year!  I'm not paying for Convenience unlocks like boosters if I'm going to get to transfer my legacy across which already has all the unlocks for all my characters in three weeks. Levelling tunes with all the buffs and speed boosts is a lot faster The only reason I went back and started playing some of the newer content on my original characters was because they told us transfers were coming and made it sound like they are currently working on how to implement them soon.    

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Regardless of credit limit or not just reading this thread as well as seeing the current state of Shae Vizla server is just sad to me. I will admit I was a player that think transfer shouldn't have happened right away when the server first open but I didn't think they would restrict transfers that long I would've thought transfers would be opened less then 2 weeks after the server have opened. But yeah transfers shouldn't have been limited this long.

Edited by Eneriango
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19 hours ago, DWho said:

They're the ones still playing there (there is no reason for them not too if they really are "fresh start" players). It's the boycotting of the server by APAC players that has caused the drop in population. There never were as many "fresh start" players (favoring everyone starting from scratch for an "even" playing field) there as many believed and the EU/US players weren't playing PVP because of the ping issues so the PVP drop off is all APAC players not playing.

How do you know that? Because if there were really so many of them at the start, that they needed preferential treatment over regional players, then the server should be as active as it was before 7.4 was released in December. So where did they all go? 

The reason is there were never that many dedicated fresh start players in the first place. Most were regional tourists or APAC players wanting to secure names & hoping transfers would happen soon. 

Sure there are probably some still playing, but the majority have returned to their own regional servers once the novelty ran out. Because no one wants to play with excessive ping if they can help it. And because most people don’t really want to have to start from scratch with no legacy unlocks. Once that novelty ran its course & they realised how much of a grind it was going to be, they all left. 

Add that you couldn’t play the newest content yet on the server because of the fresh start situation & people had to go back to the other servers to play 7.4 content. Plus having less time to complete galactic & PvP seasons. It’s all added to why the issues. 

The server should have had transfers from day one. Then it could have been treated the same as every other server. 

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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

How do you know that?

From talking to people when I am playing on the server (I did go back after GS ended just to see how things were going). I was generally curious about the distribution of APAC to non-APAC players based on all the posts in the SV threads. At the start, there were a lot of people from the APAC that I ran into. Lately those players have not been logged in for quite awhile (and the ratio of non-APAC to APAC I've been encountering has increased). The EU and US players I ran into are still there and I see them when I'm playing.

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32 minutes ago, DWho said:

From talking to people when I am playing on the server (I did go back after GS ended just to see how things were going). I was generally curious about the distribution of APAC to non-APAC players based on all the posts in the SV threads. At the start, there were a lot of people from the APAC that I ran into. Lately those players have not been logged in for quite awhile (and the ratio of non-APAC to APAC I've been encountering has increased). The EU and US players I ran into are still there and I see them when I'm playing.

And why do you think that is happening? I can tell you it’s because of all the reasons I’ve previously listed. Most of the APAC players have had to go back to the other servers to play 7.4 content, to finish PvP seasons or GS. And because they don’t want to have to grind out everything again for their legacy. Unfortunately the way the devs have handle this has also driven away many returning or new players too. The whole thing has been handled badly & BS’s lack of communication & engagement with the community is only making things worse. 

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Hey, who wants to spend three hours on a balloon to get a Tatooine datacron a second time and have to repeat when you miss the jump at the end and get super frustrated as you have already done this once?  There is therapy for things like that.

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These talks are pointless if the restrict the transfer's all the people that have been playing since launch or close to that where forced to move to a us server will stay at a us server then dont worry your precious little GTN will be kept low but there wont be anything on it or any players if like me you like pvp it will die and then you will be forced to a us server and you can complain there about how unfair the GTN prices are and how bad the ping is honestly like a lot of people that have been here since the start i just wont to know when and what the terms are if i dont like them i will just deleate the charecters on shae vizlar its no biggey i have not invested anything meaningful into shae vizlar and i wont until i know it will actually have players.

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who wants to make a bet if we see any updates from BroadSword tonight ?

It will be 3 weeks from the last bombshell on the 20th, but we are less than a week away from the livestream (Thursday morning our time) 

:classic_sad: Sad Face for No Update

:classic_laugh: HaHa for we get an update

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14 hours ago, RikuvonDrake said:

you can still easily transfer billions per character transfer, just gotta do the sneaky tricks

Care to elaborate? 

Because if there is a way to transfer billions of credits with "sneaky tricks", I'd rather have the players have the information than credit sellers. 

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