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Server Transfers to Shae Vizla


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12 hours ago, SeedlesS said:

Will server transfers be available anytime soon, or do we have to do 10 years worth of achievements all over again?

you know that achievements and your legacy are not going to tranfer to the new server since you only can tranfer you character between servers.

and like i told before on a other thread all there is a big chance there will never become a option to tranfer you character to the new shae vizla server at all.

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17 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

you know that achievements and your legacy are not going to tranfer to the new server since you only can tranfer you character between servers.

When you transfer a character to another server it merges the legacy from the origin server meaning if you have achievements and unlocks on the origin server they will become unlocked on the destination server.

I've switched server a couple of times over the years and always transfer a toon to bring my legacy and achievements with me. 

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1 minute ago, khamseen_air said:

When you transfer a character to another server it merges the legacy from the origin server meaning if you have achievements and unlocks on the origin server they will become unlocked on the destination server.

I've switched server a couple of times over the years and always transfer a toon to bring my legacy and achievements with me. 

then there have chance it seems.

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I would like to see Free whole Legacy transfers for geolocated APAC players in the next week. Or at least a few free character transfers & heavily discounted ones after that. 

We are already seeing player numbers dropping off because people don’t want to grind out a whole new legacy.

But I hope they restrict how many credits can be transferred per legacy or the economy will face the same hyperinflation fate as the other servers have.


Edited by TrixxieTriss
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7 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

can't we transfer once the server has been open for 90 days?

That criteria was only necessary during the 1.0/2.0 era, where servers were added/deleted. It no longer applies. And if they seriously wait 90 days, the APAC server will be dead.

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The novelty of playing on a new server has mostly worn off for most non APAC located people.

They are already returning to the US & EU servers. Without transfers soon & unless Broadsword starts doing some “actual” marketing to non playing APAC players, then Shae Vizla is going to die a very quick death 😔😢

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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19 hours ago, SoontirMorillo said:

What are your expectations for this server? Population wise? Do you expect a second Star Forge or Darth Malgus? I lean more to a second Satele Shan or Tulak Hord? Not as bad as Leviathan surely. But as Satele Shan clearly nearer to death, than to thriving. Even under ideal circumstances.

It will lean more towards Satele. Whether it thrives or not is dependant on BroadSword. @TrixxieTriss stated multiple times, and myself, proper marketing needs to be done to reach the old APAC players that left. However, that is only part of the equation, the rest relies on BroadSword delivery good patches with EndGame content. 

The old/returning APAC players have some content to catch up on, but realistically this content can easily be caught up probably in 3-4 months time, maybe longer (depends on how frequent a player plays). However, after this period, BroadSword better be realising content that is targeted towards endgame, otherwise the efforts put into Shae Vizla will be undone quite easily.

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This is absolutely horrible. I originally played on APAC - I was forced to transfer twice since then. Now if I want to play with decent latency I have to lose my legendary flourish, all my server only unlocks (so many of which are paid for with CC), and my strongholds. I don't have much in the way of credits in game - not the hundreds of millions most people seem to have these days, so I'm not worried about that - I just want my unlocks and I shouldn't be made to pay to transfer, or have to pay more CC to unlock the same things again on this new server. Rolled a new character tonight - thought oh yeah, I'll try playing as a Chiss - I have those unlocked and never played before... oops, nope not unlocked on the new server. Feel absolutely screwed over.

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It's Broadswords way of saying "Welcome back."

The SV server was the perfect opportunity for Broadsword to show their true intentions towards the player base and separate themselves in a positive way from the longstanding negative Bioware legacy. Instead they chose to give blatant proof that nothing has changed since the move over to them. APAC wanted a server, APAC got a server. The least amount of effort given which created another mess that may or may not get sorted out before 7.4 hits.


Edited by Lord_Malganus
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On 11/28/2023 at 10:49 PM, ThA_ReV said:

This is absolutely horrible. I originally played on APAC - I was forced to transfer twice since then. Now if I want to play with decent latency I have to lose my legendary flourish, all my server only unlocks (so many of which are paid for with CC), and my strongholds. I don't have much in the way of credits in game - not the hundreds of millions most people seem to have these days, so I'm not worried about that - I just want my unlocks and I shouldn't be made to pay to transfer, or have to pay more CC to unlock the same things again on this new server. Rolled a new character tonight - thought oh yeah, I'll try playing as a Chiss - I have those unlocked and never played before... oops, nope not unlocked on the new server. Feel absolutely screwed over.

You will be able to transfer your Legacy and retain all your achievement; and unlocks will transfer too; and I look forward to running into you I hope! I am loving Shae Vizla so far. Nice guild, awesome latency (7-10ms), and all the rest. Sure, when it comes time I will transfer a character from my old server and max out my legacy, but that doesn't stop me playing now and having a great time.

Edit: Strongholds do transfer.

In fact, I am enjoying running with so few achieves and unlocks, although I did cheat and spent CC on Rocket Boost and the Mount Flourish for me new Legacy

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On 11/28/2023 at 10:49 PM, ThA_ReV said:

This is absolutely horrible. I originally played on APAC - I was forced to transfer twice since then. Now if I want to play with decent latency I have to lose my legendary flourish, all my server only unlocks (so many of which are paid for with CC), and my strongholds. I don't have much in the way of credits in game - not the hundreds of millions most people seem to have these days, so I'm not worried about that - I just want my unlocks and I shouldn't be made to pay to transfer, or have to pay more CC to unlock the same things again on this new server. Rolled a new character tonight - thought oh yeah, I'll try playing as a Chiss - I have those unlocked and never played before... oops, nope not unlocked on the new server. Feel absolutely screwed over.

Feeling the same, I and most of my friends from the Dalborra server have come back to support an Oceanic server, but I don't want a fresh start, I want to pick up from where I was, where they forced us to be migrated too. We stopped playing because of the US server latency. 

We lobbied and offered to pay more to keep Oceanic servers, why should I lose all my toons with maxed crew skills, all legacy unlocks and start again. I have years of money and time spent on collections, unlocks and achievements.

We have people not playing until transfers become available. I don't want to lose this window for my friends to come back to this game we all loved when it had Aus servers. Pops are slow as right now that people will think this is dead may as well go back to WoW and ESO.

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Many people don't seem to mind not having any transfers, as the server is a fresh start for many and everyone is on equal footing there. Economy would be more balanced and new players won't be intimidated in joining in, as everyone starts equally. Hopefully transfers won't be anytime soon in order to give the server time to grow at its own pace.

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6 hours ago, Jarcen said:

Many people don't seem to mind not having any transfers, as the server is a fresh start for many and everyone is on equal footing there. Economy would be more balanced and new players won't be intimidated in joining in, as everyone starts equally. Hopefully transfers won't be anytime soon in order to give the server time to grow at its own pace.

Many people do mind not having access to their characters or legacy. Please don’t try & speak for all of us. 

But I do agree that I don’t miss having billions of credits. And I do hope that when they open up transfers, that they limit how many credits can be transferred per legacy. 

What I would like is to be able to transfer my characters, legacy & CM dyes & items from the US servers. I don’t need the credits. 

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45 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Many people do mind not having access to their characters or legacy. Please don’t try & speak for all of us. 

But I do agree that I don’t miss having billions of credits. And I do hope that when they open up transfers, that they limit how many credits can be transferred per legacy. 

What I would like is to be able to transfer my characters, legacy & CM dyes & items from the US servers. I don’t need the credits. 

Shae Vizla is made this way not just because it's a new server, but to entice new players into the game. It can be daunting for new players to start on an established server. Playing catch-up isn't exactly fun for new players. With Shae Vizla the playing field is evened out so that new players are on an equal footing with veteran ones--practically there is no advantage given to older players other than how often you are in getting back to level. In less than 2 weeks I was able to get to level 60 without the help of exp boosters and others. It was just sticking to the Consular storyline. Older players can easily get back to their levels and even credits. The thing is that it's not just the credits--established players have the gear and advantage over new players. Bringing those into Shae Vizla would only make new players get into the game. I feel that this is the intention of Broadsword in opening up the new server--as a way of enticing new players into the game.

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8 minutes ago, Jarcen said:

Shae Vizla is made this way not just because it's a new server, but to entice new players into the game. It can be daunting for new players to start on an established server. Playing catch-up isn't exactly fun for new players. With Shae Vizla the playing field is evened out so that new players are on an equal footing with veteran ones--practically there is no advantage given to older players other than how often you are in getting back to level. In less than 2 weeks I was able to get to level 60 without the help of exp boosters and others. It was just sticking to the Consular storyline. Older players can easily get back to their levels and even credits. The thing is that it's not just the credits--established players have the gear and advantage over new players. Bringing those into Shae Vizla would only make new players get into the game. I feel that this is the intention of Broadsword in opening up the new server--as a way of enticing new players into the game.

That’s not true though. Because people are able to buy lvl 70 & lvl 80 tokens that by pass most of the games story. And those players already unlock most stuff with CC too. And are earning millions of credits because they are playing higher lvl content instantly. 

Plus, no one is taking anything from new players if they allow players to transfer old characters over. This literally doesn’t affect any new player what so ever. So I’m not sure what your issue is with people getting their legacy & characters transferred. It makes no logical sense.

If you’re worried about the credits, then that’s a different situation altogether. And I agree, there should be a cap on how many can be transferred per legacy. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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3 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

That’s not true though. Because people are able to buy lvl 70 & lvl 80 tokens that by pass most of the games story. And those players already unlock most stuff with CC too. And are earning millions of credits because they are playing higher lvl content instantly. 

Plus, no one is taking anything from new players if they allow players to transfer old characters over. This literally doesn’t affect any new player what so ever. So I’m not sure what your issue is with people getting their legacy & characters transferred. It makes no logical sense.

If you’re worried about the credits, then that’s a different situation altogether. And I agree, there should be a cap on how many can be transferred per legacy. 

Yeah I know people can buy. I've seen lvl 80 people already and I suspect they did that. My point is I didn't go that route and stuck to pure grinding, sticking to the main missions and a couple of side quests. I think that if I do the side quests I skipped I could get to lvl 70. 

Well the thing with character transfers is that you bring in your gear and other things with you. That's already a huge advantage for veteran players. New players will have to catch up to them especially in PvP, and facing a well-geared player in PvP is never fun. Most newbies in any game quit after being face rolled by high level, high geared veterans. With a new server with an even playing field, that's mitigated, at least for some time.

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57 minutes ago, Jarcen said:

Yeah I know people can buy. I've seen lvl 80 people already and I suspect they did that. My point is I didn't go that route and stuck to pure grinding, sticking to the main missions and a couple of side quests. I think that if I do the side quests I skipped I could get to lvl 70. 

Well the thing with character transfers is that you bring in your gear and other things with you. That's already a huge advantage for veteran players. New players will have to catch up to them especially in PvP, and facing a well-geared player in PvP is never fun. Most newbies in any game quit after being face rolled by high level, high geared veterans. With a new server with an even playing field, that's mitigated, at least for some time.

Honestly, by the time there are enough lvl 80 players for proper end game PvP, most will be geared enough.

You must realise, that even if they don’t do transfers, there will still be some who know the most efficient & fastest ways to gear up. This has always been the case & why there are gear gaps. Transfers themselves won’t really add to this situation. If anything, they’ll allow some slower people to not have to go through it all again for 2 years while the fast people are already geared up in a month. So while I understand your dislike for gear gaps (I do too), that’s not really a reason or an issue to prevent transfers. 

Let’s be completely frank here, the only real issue with transfers is people flooding a pristine server economy with credits. If Broadsword can prevent that & allow players to transfer legacy characters with everything else, it’s not going to negatively impact a new server or new players anymore than people buying lvl up boosts or speed grinding gear. 

If you want to discuss gear gaps & implementing a better gearing system for PvP. I’m all for that in another thread in the PvP section. 


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2 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Honestly, by the time there are enough lvl 80 players for proper end game PvP, most will be geared enough.

You must realise, that even if they don’t do transfers, there will still be some who know the most efficient & fastest ways to gear up. This has always been the case & why there are gear gaps. Transfers themselves won’t really add to this situation. If anything, they’ll allow some slower people to not have to go through it all again for 2 years while the fast people are already geared up in a month. So while I understand your dislike for gear gaps (I do too), that’s not really a reason or an issue to prevent transfers. 

Let’s be completely frank here, the only real issue with transfers is people flooding a pristine server economy with credits. If Broadsword can prevent that & allow players to transfer legacy characters with everything else, it’s not going to negatively impact a new server or new players anymore than people buying lvl up boosts or speed grinding gear. 

If you want to discuss gear gaps & implementing a better gearing system for PvP. I’m all for that in another thread in the PvP section. 


At least with how things are now, new players would be able to catch up, that's why they're letting the server grow at its own pace. Of course eventually veteran players would be geared up again--but by then hopefully newbies would be as well. If vets were to have their gear now, that is a big advantage already for them. Again I think that Broadsword is trying to get new players into the game with a new, clean server. Why APAC though and not in NA I have no idea, though it might be to get the Japanese market since that has always been a big market for SW. 

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15 minutes ago, Jarcen said:

At least with how things are now, new players would be able to catch up, that's why they're letting the server grow at its own pace. Of course eventually veteran players would be geared up again--but by then hopefully newbies would be as well. If vets were to have their gear now, that is a big advantage already for them. Again I think that Broadsword is trying to get new players into the game with a new, clean server. Why APAC though and not in NA I have no idea, though it might be to get the Japanese market since that has always been a big market for SW. 

I think your viewpoint is wishfully naive. People with time and intelligence would corrupt your vision in a week.

A new server isn't going to have the affect your hoping for, but who knows if my concern is valid or yours, only with the analytics could we know.

But I do know alot of my friends aren't starting on SV until they can transfer, they see it as a waste of time and I don't blame them, many people play an MMO for collections, completionism and achievements. I share your concerns about the economy but we need to he more specific about protecting the economy and not this ideal of a fresh start server.

People want their stuff and by stuff I mean achievements, story progress, companions, crew skills and legacy unlocks. No one I've spoken to has cared for credits to come over they share your view about protecting the economy also, but don't want the fresh start you value.

Agree with everything Triss has said so far.

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4 hours ago, Aignox said:


(...) But I do know alot of my friends aren't starting on SV until they can transfer, they see it as a waste of time and I don't blame them, many people play an MMO for collections, completionism and achievements. I share your concerns about the economy but we need to he more specific about protecting the economy and not this ideal of a fresh start server.


Many events and achievements require groups to complete or complete efficiently. (Fleet Datacom, WBs Gree mission you can only complete once per legacy, Rakghoul operation etc) I've been playing for several year and haven't found enough people willing to help complete most if not all of these. Hell I just completed the fleet Datacon on this server, unfortunately I had to do it solo. Not gonna lie, this has been the least friendly server I've ever played on. If making veteran wait 90 days before allowing transfers will help new players accomplish group achievements I'm all for it.

Transferring without credits is bias and unfair. Just like players have worked hard for their achievement and items, I've worked hard for the billions I have and would love to use them on this server instead of trying to reacquire them. I think the most logical option is to not allow transferring of any kind or the current level of transfer after +90 day. 

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