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  1. So all I read was... He's been playing fresh start and enjoying it, so they aren't changing anything yet, and they really do not care about those of us who got pushed off local servers. Damn I wish I only hit a 1 month sub, not 6 because I sure would not be renewing it now! They should have launched a fresh start server in the US at the same time, and straight out said it would not have had transfers. This sucks.
  2. You wont be the only one I'm sure.. I would.. but as soon as I saw the APAC thing pop up on steam I got excited and hit a 6 month sub... wish I didn't now...
  3. I'm playing on it. But i'm not spending CC on things I've spent them on before. It feels like a punishment.
  4. Surely BS can track which of us APAC players are the ones who originally rolled on the APAC server back in the day, and roll out free transfers to us. We are the ones who have been shuffled around TWICE now due to server closures - we just want to go home! We don't want to have to PAY for things we've already paid for again.. it's not fair, and not like we asked for it in the first place! Those who don't want to transfer, or want the fresh start... can have that.. those of us who want a low ping and to have our legacy and "global" (server) unlocks should be able to. Want to limit credits for the transfer... sure, whatever - just let me have my unlocks and strongholds etc.. and don't say they can't move everything... they already did it to us.. TWICE.
  5. I just don't think I should have to pay for transfers, or pay again for things i've already purchased, when I was forced away from APAC in the first place. If I'd chosen to transfer, then no problem. But I didn't. So why should I have to pay more money again? No free transfers? ok, then just refund the CC for all the unlocks i've paid for, so I can rebuy on the new server.
  6. This is absolutely horrible. I originally played on APAC - I was forced to transfer twice since then. Now if I want to play with decent latency I have to lose my legendary flourish, all my server only unlocks (so many of which are paid for with CC), and my strongholds. I don't have much in the way of credits in game - not the hundreds of millions most people seem to have these days, so I'm not worried about that - I just want my unlocks and I shouldn't be made to pay to transfer, or have to pay more CC to unlock the same things again on this new server. Rolled a new character tonight - thought oh yeah, I'll try playing as a Chiss - I have those unlocked and never played before... oops, nope not unlocked on the new server. Feel absolutely screwed over.
  7. /sign. Merge all to Dalborra and offer the PVP'ers and RP'ers the chance to move to US if they would prefer to do so.
  8. I'll be voting with my wallet if this goes ahead. Shame too, I've really enjoyed playing this game.
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