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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Shae Vizla Launch Updates


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17 hours ago, SoontirMorillo said:

Let me get this straight....

10 years of "i want apac servers back" and finally... "sry, i afk".

But we don't have it "back" do we, with have a new one without the ability to transfer our 10 years of playtime/work/money.
I find it funny though how now we have it "back" when all other posts are saying we don't, its a new server...

If we truly had it back they would have allowed us to transfer from day one, and this would have been a far more accurate metric for them

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16 hours ago, Daviee said:

but more importantly the fresh server experience without decked out toons and legacies

Despite the fact that many people in this thread has said they are already 80 and geared?
I fail to see how legacies and our gear we can no longer get, and our achievements we can no longer get can hurt the server, I am not talking about credits.
An influx of geared players at maximum will increase raid/high level PVP involvement, that's hardly damage to the server.

17 hours ago, Daviee said:

fresh server experience

I need to ask are you an APAC player, or someone that wants the fresh start server from a different region?

17 hours ago, Daviee said:

 I do wonder if the number of people actually wanting to bring toons is relatively smal

As you said the boards are a small section of the player base, many that want to transfer will not bother here, as will many that don't, but bear in mind in the email that went out they said no transfers at the start, so how many are waiting for that to change I wonder, the ones here are more passionate about the game after all, but I agree there is no way to know how many either way, so which is the smaller? no one can know, if they had transfers at the start for displaced players then they would have a far more accurate idea on which to base decisions on. Once again a poor decision I am not overly surprised.

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On 1/18/2024 at 8:39 AM, Nommaz said:

This, if the devs want to see if its actually working they need to open transfers and then see, because as mentioned in this thread several time people are waiting.
Not everyone wants to make new characters and what have you, if the devs are counting metrics based on the current population they are doing it wrong.
IF they had transfers open from the start I 100% believe this would e a totally different population.
I mean its not rocket science 

Yup, I, like my mates have moved on once again, back to ffxiv for myself and a few, where the others are going back to wow or waiting for another game, where we are at least treated with respect.

I am the only one watching the forums and with an active sub out of the 12 that were excited about oceanic here, but without transfers, as we have grown and our lives have gotten busy, we do not wish to waste our time leveling and earning the stuff we already have, we are not retired, we have families now and work hard. It's a slap in the face, and feels like a white lie, to just say "transfers are not available but will be eventually" and then after letting us come back and buy credits, spend our cash to say "Oh, may just limit you on the transfers" .... trust is lost.... without that, you lose your player base.

Sorry Nommaz, I think if/when they open the transfers, ppl will have given up, as BS has lost its chance to hold the apac players here with this move...

They should have let us all know from the start, instead we are treated like the bottom of the **** pile, my money is better spent elsewhere. I'll look back in 6 months maybe. Good Luck I was hoping to pvp and raid with my mates again here, but I guess alot of mmo's are coming out, we'll try them together, as why would we put the effort in again, for a story we already know, when we could play something ACTUALLY fresh.


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17 hours ago, Nommaz said:

Despite the fact that many people in this thread has said they are already 80 and geared?
I fail to see how legacies and our gear we can no longer get, and our achievements we can no longer get can hurt the server, I am not talking about credits.
An influx of geared players at maximum will increase raid/high level PVP involvement, that's hardly damage to the server.

I need to ask are you an APAC player, or someone that wants the fresh start server from a different region?

As you said the boards are a small section of the player base, many that want to transfer will not bother here, as will many that don't, but bear in mind in the email that went out they said no transfers at the start, so how many are waiting for that to change I wonder, the ones here are more passionate about the game after all, but I agree there is no way to know how many either way, so which is the smaller? no one can know, if they had transfers at the start for displaced players then they would have a far more accurate idea on which to base decisions on. Once again a poor decision I am not overly surprised.

Maybe a number of people on this thread are geared and are at 80, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's true for the whole server. Server's just 2 months old, so I would think majority of the players haven't even reached 80 yet, or 60 for that matter. Not all people will have the time to be on the game as most also have lives outside of it. With that in mind, a sudden influx of geared transfers will shift the balance in favor of those people of course--to the detriment of the rest of the server. And time and again as I've seen happen in other games, once you have players who can afford to have such gear go up against most of the people in a server or game, it spells the quick demise of the game.

Now I'm not sure how this would apply to SWTOR, but it shows what happens when you let high gear be available for a select few. When I was playing Scarlet Blade over at Aeria Games, gear there can be enhanced to +12 (later raised to +15), and it wasn't easy to enhance gear. It takes a few tries to enhance past +6, and more often enhancement can fail. Only very few have a complete +12 armor and weapon set, so more or less that leveled the playing field. UNTIL Aeria Games decided to sell already enhanced armor and weapon in the item mall. Many of us Game Sages (I was a Game Sage or GS there--GS are assistants to the Game Masters, basically a volunteer position) and even the Game Masters opposed the idea, as it would readily make these items available for only a select few--aka the game whales. But Aeria didn't relent, and that spelled the quick decline of the game. Many players quit as they were face rolled by the whales, who were naturally totally geared.

Why do I bring this up? Well once transfer is allowed and with it gear and equipment are also allowed to transfer, it will create the same scenario as I described above--such high level gear would only be available to already established characters transferred from other servers, to the detriment of many who started from scratch on SV and are still building up their gear and equipment. It's not hard to see that the transfers will simply face roll all those players, and I've seen many rage quit because of it. That's what I DON'T want to happen on SV. Remember that SV, for better or worse, started out as a fresh start server (I know some would say it's a regional server and not a fresh start server, but because of BS' decision not to allow transfer at launch it effectively made SV into such) and as such many who have decided to come there since launch started with nothing, and are still building their characters. Now I don't know how many of those have characters from other servers or what level their characters are in those servers, or if they're even willing to transfer those to SV. For myself I'm not transferring characters from other servers, foremost because it cost to do so and even if I wanted to would only transfer one anyway. 

My point is that transfers with their full, high gear will have a very big advantage over those who have been in the server since the beginning and have already built their legacy over at SV. Maybe BS should poll current SV players on how many of them have characters in other servers, what level they are, and if they're going to transfer those to SV? I don't know--it's just a thought as that might also help BS/EA on how transfer would be handled (no credit? Limited credit? No gear and equipment? Limited gear and equipment transfer? Or a combination of such...I'm rambling here now as it's 3:40am and I haven't slept yet lol)

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I'm extremely disappointed that:

"For transfers specifically to Shae Vizla, we are looking to provide free transfers, for a specific period, of time to players who have been a Subscriber for at least 90 consecutive days"

I'm the kind of person who plays daily, and basically have done so for years with only small breaks from the game, but I never run a sub for 90+ days consecutively; I usually do 30 or 60 days at a time with an unspecified break time in between, partially to extend my finances, partially because my life can get busy and I can't justify being subbed when I know I can't play much for a bit, and partially because sub benefits aren't something I NEED 24/7/365.  So, this basically just looks like a penalty to loyal players who don't always have a sub active.  I'm really only looking to transfer one character to get my legacy/achievements/perks to copy over to Shae Vizla and just continuing my SV journey with that "fresh server" feel.  Maybe consider a "first transfer free" regardless of sub time?

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1 hour ago, Jarcen said:

Maybe a number of people on this thread are geared and are at 80, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's true for the whole server. Server's just 2 months old, so I would think majority of the players haven't even reached 80 yet, or 60 for that matter. Not all people will have the time to be on the game as most also have lives outside of it. With that in mind, a sudden influx of geared transfers will shift the balance in favor of those people of course--to the detriment of the rest of the server. And time and again as I've seen happen in other games, once you have players who can afford to have such gear go up against most of the people in a server or game, it spells the quick demise of the game.

Now I'm not sure how this would apply to SWTOR, but it shows what happens when you let high gear be available for a select few. When I was playing Scarlet Blade over at Aeria Games, gear there can be enhanced to +12 (later raised to +15), and it wasn't easy to enhance gear. It takes a few tries to enhance past +6, and more often enhancement can fail. Only very few have a complete +12 armor and weapon set, so more or less that leveled the playing field. UNTIL Aeria Games decided to sell already enhanced armor and weapon in the item mall. Many of us Game Sages (I was a Game Sage or GS there--GS are assistants to the Game Masters, basically a volunteer position) and even the Game Masters opposed the idea, as it would readily make these items available for only a select few--aka the game whales. But Aeria didn't relent, and that spelled the quick decline of the game. Many players quit as they were face rolled by the whales, who were naturally totally geared.

Why do I bring this up? Well once transfer is allowed and with it gear and equipment are also allowed to transfer, it will create the same scenario as I described above--such high level gear would only be available to already established characters transferred from other servers, to the detriment of many who started from scratch on SV and are still building up their gear and equipment. It's not hard to see that the transfers will simply face roll all those players, and I've seen many rage quit because of it. That's what I DON'T want to happen on SV. Remember that SV, for better or worse, started out as a fresh start server (I know some would say it's a regional server and not a fresh start server, but because of BS' decision not to allow transfer at launch it effectively made SV into such) and as such many who have decided to come there since launch started with nothing, and are still building their characters. Now I don't know how many of those have characters from other servers or what level their characters are in those servers, or if they're even willing to transfer those to SV. For myself I'm not transferring characters from other servers, foremost because it cost to do so and even if I wanted to would only transfer one anyway. 

My point is that transfers with their full, high gear will have a very big advantage over those who have been in the server since the beginning and have already built their legacy over at SV. Maybe BS should poll current SV players on how many of them have characters in other servers, what level they are, and if they're going to transfer those to SV? I don't know--it's just a thought as that might also help BS/EA on how transfer would be handled (no credit? Limited credit? No gear and equipment? Limited gear and equipment transfer? Or a combination of such...I'm rambling here now as it's 3:40am and I haven't slept yet lol)

I don't see how having gear will change things. I'm full 344 on 2 classes, with gold augs (bar about 4 pieces). My guildies are fully geared. I'm better geared on this server then SS. As a PVEr I use the gear for raids. Having people transfer with their gear from SS/SF will increase the end game community so content will be easier to group for. 

Regardless of gear, as many people have said over this forums the last few weeks, why restrict transfers at all. I've played this game for 10 years and now they're telling me I can't bring my gear and credits over to an APAC server. 

Oh well. They've just announced that there will be a credit cap so hopefully it's something worth while considering I go through hundreds of thousands of credits most days due to raid. Either no restrictions, or something needs to be done to reduce repair costs. I aint running heroics every other hour just to maintain my repair cost.

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5 hours ago, Gabriaye said:

Sorry Nommaz, I think if/when they open the transfers, ppl will have given up, as BS has lost its chance to hold the apac players here with this move...

That has been my fear & something I was trying to get across to the Devs back in Nov/Dec. I kept saying if they missed the critical launch window / critical mass of the release as well as the Xmas holidays, then returning/new people would just leave & not come back if the server population died off all because they delayed the transfers.

Now that they’ve announced transfers. There are a whole lot of other issues to go with it. How smoothly they do that & how quickly & fairly they roll it out will determine if it’s too little too late.


Edited by TrixxieTriss
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For transfers specifically to Shae Vizla, we are looking to provide free transfers, for a specific period, of time to players who have been a Subscriber for at least 90 consecutive days.

I feel this is a little unfair, however is that 90 days anytime or 90 days now, if it is 90 days now, I do hope your allowed transfer dates will allow for it.. 
Great news though @JackieKo Thank you for listening!

There will be a minimum character level requirement. Specific level TBD.

Whilst I don't have an issue with this I am curious why it is a thing, especially if you are trying to bring back old APAC players, I would hope it would be set to the level that it was when the servers were taken away, rather than 70 or 80 now.
Anyway As I said great news, will be re-subbing now.


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20 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

For transfers specifically to Shae Vizla, we are looking to provide free transfers, for a specific period, of time to players who have been a Subscriber for at least 90 consecutive days.

I feel this is a little unfair, however is that 90 days anytime or 90 days now, if it is 90 days now, I do hope your allowed transfer dates will allow for it.. 
Great news though @JackieKo Thank you for listening!

There will be a minimum character level requirement. Specific level TBD.

Whilst I don't have an issue with this I am curious why it is a thing, especially if you are trying to bring back old APAC players, I would hope it would be set to the level that it was when the servers were taken away, rather than 70 or 80 now.
Anyway As I said great news, will be re-subbing now.


I agree.

@JackieKo 90 days is a little unfair for returning players. Also, People don’t always have their account on a subscription model either. They buy 30-60 days at a time & sometimes there maybe a few days or a week or a month between those 30-60 days. Ie, Someone could have basically payed for 11-12 months worth of play time in 2023 but miss out on your 90 day requirements because life delayed them buying more game time for a week or two in the last 90 days. 

How about making it 60 days in the last 3 months? Or 90 days in the last 6 months?

Also how long are you going to have Free transfers open for? If it’s only for a week or a month, many people will miss out. Especially if you don’t mail people to give them time. So I’m hoping you will keep this open for at least the next 3 - 6 months. 

Also hoping the minimum character lvl won’t be something silly like lvl 60-80. Because most returning old players who left in the first server closure, may not have even had all lvl 50’s at that stage because lvl 50 was the max lvl. Could I suggest you just make the minimum lvl 10 or 20. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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9 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I agree.

@JackieKo 90 days is a little unfair for returning players. Also, People don’t always have their account on a subscription model either. They buy 30-60 days at a time & sometimes there maybe a few days or a week or a month between those 30-60 days. Ie, Someone could have basically payed for 11-12 months worth of play time in 2023 but miss out on your 90 day requirements because life delayed them buying more game time for a week or two in the last 90 days. 

How about making it 60 days in the last 3 months? Or 90 days in the last 6 months?

Also how long are you going to have Free transfers open for? If it’s only for a week or a month, many people will miss out. Especially if you don’t mail people to give them time. So I’m hoping you will keep this open for at least the next 3 - 6 months. 

Also hoping the minimum character lvl won’t be something silly like lvl 60-80. Because most returning old players who left in the first server closure, may not have even had all lvl 50’s at that stage because lvl 50 was the max lvl. Could I suggest you just make the minimum lvl 10 or 20. 

25, that way it will carry your Legacy, assuming Legacy transfer is allowed. I know they were talking about that, and no information was provided regarding Legacy, but should that be allowed, you need to be a minimum of level 25 anyway, so......

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11 minutes ago, Anhkriva said:

Is the minimum transferable character level combined with the credit cap intended to limit the creation of credit mules?

That and to prevent most sellers from transferring to SV as well. The goal is to prevent credit mules so my guess is that transfers will be free for the timeframe it would take for an average player to grind from 1 to the required character level :')

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So I just wanted to check my subscription status to make sure I qualify for the transfers & noticed Broadsword have updated the accounts section since November when I last used it. 

@JackieKo the new accounts section is easier to use, but it’s slightly broken (at least it is on my iPhone) and it doesn’t show how many days we have till our paid time runs out or when out subscription renewal date is.

I tried to check the “view payments history” button, but when I click on it, nothing happens. The screen just times out or freezes. So all I know for sure is I have an active subscription, but that’s it.


I do like how you’ve added what country we play from. That should make it easier for you to determine a players regional location when assessing feedback for APAC. Hopefully the devs have access to that info too. 


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Sorry @JackieKo, this is my last ping for the day (I hope 😉)

I noticed you haven’t mentioned discounted paid transfers in your other thread. What about people who are from APAC, but don’t meet your 90 day requirements. Are you going to provide discounted transfers as well for these people? Because some returning players may not qualify yet & they don’t want to or can’t pay 90 days of sub time right now.

You also have players who have 50-100 paid for character slots on the servers. Seeing as the Free transfers will be limited, people who want to transfer their remaining characters they already paid for, won’t be able to afford full price transfers. 

So will you offer discounted transfers moving forward for everyone? 

Maybe you could add one Free transfer every month a player subscribes? 

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39 minutes ago, NeoBlakkrstal said:

25, that way it will carry your Legacy, assuming Legacy transfer is allowed. I know they were talking about that, and no information was provided regarding Legacy, but should that be allowed, you need to be a minimum of level 25 anyway, so......

But you can have done your legacy on other characters to open it up for others that are sub lvl 25. Im also not saying no to making it lvl 25, just that opening the legacy at character  lvl 25 shouldnt matter. 

Personally, I would look at what the normal player transfer restrictions are between the other servers. If I remember correctly, the minimum lvl is lvl 10 to transfer. 

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I just hope the credit limit is very, very low. Being able to afford items that you can grind for makes SV the only server worth playing on as of now. 500k per character sounds like plenty to me though I would be more happy with no credit transfers at all. You also have to bind people's stuff to them so they can't be added to the GTN after being transferred.

This could all go really bad or really well as long as the restrictions are harsh. We don't want to see the only server left being destroyed. I don't think the game can afford to lose it at this point.

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Well I'll be transferring main characters with all the crafting skills. then unsubscribing.

If SV survives great, I'll have a local server to play on.

BroadSword are intent on trying to maintain the economy, which I believe is a fools errand.

I wonder how many FTP players on SV there are, given comments such as this:

1 minute ago, heeeysa said:

SV the only server worth playing on as of now.

How much is being able to buy things off the GTN as FTP players one of the main deciding factors in people wanting the economy kept down.

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I do not have time to read through all responses so this may have been said already but I'm gonna say it anyway, if it is per character then there needs to be limits to how many total characters can be transferred to a server, at least over a period of time. For instance, on my main server alone I have probably 80 characters that will most likely qualify for transfer, what is to say I don't just load up the max on those 80 characters and transfer enough credits to destroy the economy on SV. I'm not going to do that, but what is to stop people from doing that exact thing. Depending on the limit you set, you also need to set a max amount that can be transferred to SV, whether that be amount of characters you can transfer or a max amount of credits allowed to transfer needs to be enforced. 

If you limit it to say 10 characters per 30 days or something like that I think that is fine, yeah it will kill the economy eventually but will also allow you to keep an eye on it so it doesn't get abused. Unless there is a limit on how many characters can bring credits it is going to destroy the economy. The fact that you are placing a limit on how many credits says you don't want that, don't let people abuse it. I still think something along the lines of a limit per account would be better but if you can't do that I think this is the next best thing.

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51 minutes ago, heeeysa said:

500k per character sounds like plenty to me though I would be more happy with no credit transfers at all. You also have to bind people's stuff to them so they can't be added to the GTN after being transferred.

LOL no, just no, 500K is just a stupid amount, as for binding everything again no, unless you are planning on reimbursing me? 

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11 minutes ago, Engeopathichero said:

If you limit it to say 10 characters per 30 days or something like that I think that is fine

I personally think a limit on the amount of characters that are free transfers is fine, we all have a lot, well those of us being here forever, but even I find myself only playing actually a handful and then some for making stuff, I personally think 8 max free, and then as Trixie said before allow transfers at a reduced rate 1 a month for a little while to build up.

But a free for all yes I think that could cause issues, unless of course they give a stupid amount for credit transfer like 500k lol then I want all my characters here..

I feel it should be limited to the max cost of something on the GTN personally, but I can see them going lower than that, A happy medium would be the amount it costs to fully setup a new toons legacy perks IMO

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38 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

How much is being able to buy things off the GTN as FTP players one of the main deciding factors in people wanting the economy kept down.

Not just FTP, augments and other items that are over a million but are at least affordable right now, purple augs go for about 500k which is way easier to grind than 10+ million (depending on server). Gold augs are usually in the 3 million range from what I hear which again is much more affordable than 200 million or whatever they go for on inflation servers.

46 minutes ago, heeeysa said:

You also have to bind people's stuff to them so they can't be added to the GTN after being transferred.

Why? More things being available on the GTN will be a good thing, and will help the server a ton. The only people who benefit from less being available on the GTN are Broadsword. Makes more people spend cartel coins for things that aren't on the market. Mats can just be converted into things that sell so that argument doesn't work either. I have never understood why people think item transfers are a bad thing, nothing that can't be done already, if you want to spam the market with something you buy off cartel you already can, and they can't make it so any mats you transfer with are tied to you no matter what you craft. 

The only reason to not want item transfers is either to boost business in Cartel Coins for Broadsword or because you want prices to stay higher to make credits off the GTN. More competition will make prices more affordable on the GTN. More items available will mean less direct purchases off the Cartel Market.

Item transfers only help the player base, not the other way around.

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1 minute ago, Nommaz said:

I feel it should be limited to the max cost of something on the GTN personally, but I can see them going lower than that, A happy medium would be the amount it costs to fully setup a new toons legacy perks IMO

Neither of these make any sense, GTN prices are going to go up with more credits available, and transferring a character will transfer all legacy perks. Also GTN prices are set by the player, unless you are talking about something actually sold, which still is a bad idea because people who know how to make credits spend stupid amounts on stuff sometimes, and they are the minority. Basing a limit off the minority makes no sense, great for the poor but the rich are gonna be mad.

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