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Arena objective changes coming to PvP Season 3


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Hey Community!

I wanted to touch on some changes to Arena objectives coming in PvP Season 3. When we were building out the Seasonal Objectives for Arenas, to keep it simple we made it require double the amount of Warzones given their relative time commitment in theory. However, in practice we know that the time it takes in many cases for Arenas isn’t exactly half a Warzone. In season 3 we’ll be lowering Arena objective requirements to be closer in alignment with our goals and feel a bit more in line with Warzone Objectives in their time to complete.
The updated objective requirements will be:

  • Arenas: Decorated
    • Earn at least 7 medals in 6 Arena matches (down from 8 matches)
  • Arenas: Combatant
    • Play 12 Arena matches (down from 16 matches)
  • Arenas: Domination
    • Win 4 Arena matches (down from 6 matches)

Update: We also reduced the requirements for PvP Arena Weekly Missions:

  • [DAILY] My Kind of Scum
    • Now requires 4 Arena Matches (Wins count x3) - down from 6
  • [DAILY] Arena of Death!
    • Now requires 4 Arena Matches (Wins count x3) - down from 6
  • [WEEKLY] Time for Pain!
    • Now requires 16 Arena Matches (Wins count x3) - down from 24
  • [WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
    • Now requires 16 Arena Matches (Wins count x3)  - down from 24

Please keep the constructive feedback coming, as we look to improve our PvP Seasons system. We hope you enjoy the upcoming PvP Season 3!

Gotta run, I guess Kai Zykken needs help crafting a… tiny Mawvorr net?

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can you do something about the weekly quests for the same reasons?

The regular weekly grind is way out of balance as well. 24 matches (arena) vs. 12 (WZs). or 8 wins vs. 4 wins. that 2:1 ratio should be reduced across the board for the same reasons the seasonal objectives were, yes?


Edited by krackcommando
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11 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

can you do something about the weekly quests for the same reasons?

The regular weekly grind is way out of balance as well. 24 matches (arena) vs. 12 (WZs). or 8 wins vs. 4 wins. that 2:1 ratio should be reduced across the board for the same reasons the seasonal objectives were, yes?


Yes please!

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2 hours ago, krackcommando said:

can you do something about the weekly quests for the same reasons?

The regular weekly grind is way out of balance as well. 24 matches (arena) vs. 12 (WZs). or 8 wins vs. 4 wins. that 2:1 ratio should be reduced across the board for the same reasons the seasonal objectives were, yes?


^ This 100%

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2 hours ago, krackcommando said:

can you do something about the weekly quests for the same reasons?

The regular weekly grind is way out of balance as well. 24 matches (arena) vs. 12 (WZs). or 8 wins vs. 4 wins. that 2:1 ratio should be reduced across the board for the same reasons the seasonal objectives were, yes?


This please, if not a reduction, why not just combine it into one achievement, where you can do say 25 weeklies of either/or. This way if people don’t actually want to do arenas, they can do all 8v8 and still get the achievement. I know this might hurt arena pops, but it would also reduce people in arenas who just afk or don’t try. Just an idea. 😀

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10 minutes ago, JowyyKazza said:

This please, if not a reduction, why not just combine it into one achievement, where you can do say 25 weeklies of either/or. This way if people don’t actually want to do arenas, they can do all 8v8 and still get the achievement. I know this might hurt arena pops, but it would also reduce people in arenas who just afk or don’t try. Just an idea. 😀

wut? no. that's not what I wrote at all.

do not combine them. if a player wants all the extra tokens, he should complete all the extra achievements.

the problem is that arenas are NOT half the time consuming activity that WZs are. That ratio was concocted in a theoretical vacuum where both queues pop the same amount of time 24/7. that's why they've adjusted the achievements, and that's why all of the arena quests should be reduced equivalently to the pvp cheevos.


likewise to the person who wants GSF, I say that's fine. but it should not affect the other two systems. create a new set of cheevos and tokens for GSF? sure. fine. w/e. have fun. don't play this substitution game. one is not like the other.  /2cents

Edited by krackcommando
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3 hours ago, krackcommando said:

can you do something about the weekly quests for the same reasons?

The regular weekly grind is way out of balance as well. 24 matches (arena) vs. 12 (WZs). or 8 wins vs. 4 wins. that 2:1 ratio should be reduced across the board for the same reasons the seasonal objectives were, yes?


This please! While finishing the WZ weekly quest was super easy, The Arena Weekly quest is VERY grindy, and led to me feeling burnt out, and not wanting to do Arena's. Playing/winning 24 Arena's compared to the 12 WZ's, is a pain, especially when getting an Arena win is rarer than getting an WZ win. This is kind of why I didn't really bother with PVP S2.

Also, it would be great if PVP seasons were longer, like 17 weeks, instead of 12. Players could take their time, and play other parts of the game, instead of trying to focus and grind PVP.

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36 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

wut? no. that's not what I wrote at all.

do not combine them. if a player wants all the extra tokens, he should complete all the extra achievements.

the problem is that arenas are NOT half the time consuming activity that WZs are. That ratio was concocted in a theoretical vacuum where both queues pop the same amount of time 24/7. that's why they've adjusted the achievements, and that's why all of the arena quests should be reduced equivalently to the pvp cheevos.


likewise to the person who wants GSF, I say that's fine. but it should not affect the other two systems. create a new set of cheevos and tokens for GSF? sure. fine. w/e. have fun. don't play this substitution game. one is not like the other.  /2cents

I didn’t say it’s what you wrote, I just said I liked your suggestion, but if they didn’t want to change the ratio, what about a combination as an alternative, just trying to provide ideas and hope one sticks.

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1 hour ago, LtGeneralGezlin said:

This please! While finishing the WZ weekly quest was super easy, The Arena Weekly quest is VERY grindy, and led to me feeling burnt out, and not wanting to do Arena's. Playing/winning 24 Arena's compared to the 12 WZ's, is a pain, especially when getting an Arena win is rarer than getting an WZ win. This is kind of why I didn't really bother with PVP S2.

Also, it would be great if PVP seasons were longer, like 17 weeks, instead of 12. Players could take their time, and play other parts of the game, instead of trying to focus and grind PVP.

100% agree.  Great change with season 3. That is the perfect amount.  Yes, we should match that with the PvP weekly.  And as stated abovr the season is too short. It's not possible for a casual player to hit it. You really have to grind. God forbid you miss a week or two.  Please make this change to 17 weeks.  That is about 412 points per week without missing a week, which is about 3 of 4 of the weekly objectives. Said this is more  fair. Too hardcore right now. 

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6 hours ago, BryantWood said:

Hey Community!

I wanted to touch on some changes to Arena objectives coming in PvP Season 3. When we were building out the Seasonal Objectives for Arenas, to keep it simple we made it require double the amount of Warzones given their relative time commitment in theory. However, in practice we know that the time it takes in many cases for Arenas isn’t exactly half a Warzone. In season 3 we’ll be lowering Arena objective requirements to be closer in alignment with our goals and feel a bit more in line with Warzone Objectives in their time to complete.
The updated objective requirements will be:

  • Arenas: Decorated
    • Earn at least 7 medals in 6 Arena matches (down from 8 matches)
  • Arenas: Combatant
    • Play 12 Arena matches (down from 16 matches)
  • Arenas: Domination
    • Win 4 Arena matches (down from 6 matches)

Please keep the constructive feedback coming, as we look to improve our PvP Seasons system. We hope you enjoy the upcoming PvP Season 3!

Gotta run, I guess Kai Zykken needs help crafting a… tiny Mawvorr net?

wow thanks so much jackie for listening to players , really appreciate this !! love YOU

Edited by KumbayaGOD
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8 hours ago, BryantWood said:

Hey Community!

I wanted to touch on some changes to Arena objectives coming in PvP Season 3. When we were building out the Seasonal Objectives for Arenas, to keep it simple we made it require double the amount of Warzones given their relative time commitment in theory. However, in practice we know that the time it takes in many cases for Arenas isn’t exactly half a Warzone. In season 3 we’ll be lowering Arena objective requirements to be closer in alignment with our goals and feel a bit more in line with Warzone Objectives in their time to complete.
The updated objective requirements will be:

  • Arenas: Decorated
    • Earn at least 7 medals in 6 Arena matches (down from 8 matches)
  • Arenas: Combatant
    • Play 12 Arena matches (down from 16 matches)
  • Arenas: Domination
    • Win 4 Arena matches (down from 6 matches)

Please keep the constructive feedback coming, as we look to improve our PvP Seasons system. We hope you enjoy the upcoming PvP Season 3!

Gotta run, I guess Kai Zykken needs help crafting a… tiny Mawvorr net?

How is the Broken Queue system still not a major focus?  or is 1v4 still the vision for this game?  Still no spectator mode for down dead characters?  No scoreboard fixes?  

Best you can do is medals changes. Thanks for showing that you don't even play your game. 

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Normally I don't log in to comment on these news posts - But honestly, this is a great change. I was just thinking that the number for arenas is disproportionately high compared to warzones. (Not just in the season objectives though, also in the weekly mission - 24 is a /lot/, especially if you're not winning.) Accounting for the time taken to complete a warzone versus an arena is good - But I think the time /between/ matches should also be taken into account. A lot of the time, it can feel like warzones pop more often than arenas - Meaning the wait added on top for Arenas makes those objectives feel twice as long. 

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actually these are good changes, but please don't stop half way.

1.) arena weekly:
set it to 12 point, down from 24. 
especially on smaller servers it takes at least 3x the time of warzones to finish a match. 
not because of the matches, but the waiting times. 
the changes, that there are extra delays for premades just mad it worse. they need even more
time until a new match starts. so even with 12 points, it will take longer.

2.) scoreboard:
please fix it. if you can't, don't let it refresh every 2 seconds. 

3.) bugs & exploits:
please fix the maps. 
there are still instant kill zones in arena maps.
you still can instant-plant the bomb on voidstar
you still can capture the objectives on novare coast through walls
you often don't get the item in odessen playgrounds (no ping issue)

4.) matchmaking:
please rework the matchmaker. it's not seldom to get into a team with 2 healers,
while the other team has 2 tanks and nobody is teamed up. 

5.) queue:
please fix the queue issues. if somebody won't join a match and the following player
joins before the match starts, don't kill em. let him play. as long as the match didn't starts
even as long as the first hit isn't made, they should be able to join a match.

6.) disconnects:
if you are having connection issues, even a small lag will kick you out of the match
in give you a time penalty, even if you are just thrown back to the login screen and
relog in seconds, or have a lag spike. it's a way harder penalty to kick the player out
of the match directly than waiting for the end of the match. just use the break between matches
to fill up the group. 

7.) penalties:
it's fine to have penalties for leavers, even if i can understand, that it is frustrating sometimes.
but there are a lot of players /stuck after the first round is lost, or even within a match. so disable
the /stuck in arenas and even warzones or give these players a penalty.
also bring back the votekick. especially in warzones there are often players doing nothing then
hiding. so adept the mechanic like you have in gsf to the warzones and arena. 

8.) changing setups:
in arena you can change a lot before the match starts, even if it is the same playstyle over an over again.
just killing the other team. i mean it's fine to adjust things to the enemy constellation, but i don't get,
why it is not possible in warzones. i mean just before the match starts, it should be possible to change
gear, tacticals and skillpoints to get the right setup for the fight. 
if you are going with a premade group, you can, by sending one to look what match you are playing and
changing everything before you join the match. 

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6 hours ago, fabsus said:

but there are a lot of players /stuck after the first round is lost, or even within a match. so disable
the /stuck in arenas and even warzones or give these players a penalty.
also bring back the votekick. especially in warzones there are often players doing nothing then

lolno. just...no. /stuck is a tool. /stucking doesn't affect the outcome of the match whatsoever. the person who uses /stuck isn't suddenly going to start trying just because he can't /stuck. furthermore, the best arena players in the world use /stuck.

as for vote to kick, I hate to break it to you, but more players avoid objectives altogether or are so impossibly bad that they're convinced that their terrible strategies for WZs is correct. now those ppl will have power to kick ppl who aren't bots and actually are trying to win. lastly, vote to kick has been proven to be a tool grps use to abuse/harass individuals. I'm sorry, but players cannot be trusted to have that kind of power. you'll just have to live with the doofus stealthed in the corner of WZs.

your heart may be in the right place, but it assumes way too much altruism/integrity than exists in the random swtor player hiding anonymously behind a bunch of pixels.

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This will save pvp, haha as always 

13 hours ago, Kazjan said:

How is the Broken Queue system still not a major focus?  or is 1v4 still the vision for this game?  Still no spectator mode for down dead characters?  No scoreboard fixes?  

Best you can do is medals changes. Thanks for showing that you don't even play your game. 

Because fixing broken queue requires real work this way they act like they are doing something without doing anything. Change 4 numbers and dont worry guys we do care about pvp, pathetic.

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On 5/17/2023 at 6:14 AM, BryantWood said:

Hey Community!

I wanted to touch on some changes to Arena objectives coming in PvP Season 3. When we were building out the Seasonal Objectives for Arenas, to keep it simple we made it require double the amount of Warzones given their relative time commitment in theory. However, in practice we know that the time it takes in many cases for Arenas isn’t exactly half a Warzone. In season 3 we’ll be lowering Arena objective requirements to be closer in alignment with our goals and feel a bit more in line with Warzone Objectives in their time to complete.
The updated objective requirements will be:

  • Arenas: Decorated
    • Earn at least 7 medals in 6 Arena matches (down from 8 matches)
  • Arenas: Combatant
    • Play 12 Arena matches (down from 16 matches)
  • Arenas: Domination
    • Win 4 Arena matches (down from 6 matches)

Please keep the constructive feedback coming, as we look to improve our PvP Seasons system. We hope you enjoy the upcoming PvP Season 3!

Gotta run, I guess Kai Zykken needs help crafting a… tiny Mawvorr net?

Have you considered properly linking rewards to the medals too? So that players have an incentive to improve their skills & aren’t just there for the grind rewards. 

Ie, player X might be on the losing team, but gets more medals than anyone in the match. So player X should get more match rewards than player Y on the winning team who hardy did anything & only got a few medals. 

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For seaons 3 it would be appreciated if the rewards for completing the season achievment were a lot better. If there's no rated pvp we need to be rewarded with more then a couple tokens and a title that looks like it was gotten through a flashpoint.

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  • Dev Post

Hi all!

Poking back in to respond, thanks so much for the comments and feedback so far. A common question is if we’ll be reducing the Weekly Arena Missions similar to the Arena Objectives. The answer is we will! I’ll update the initial post as well as list the information below.

Reduced the requirements for PvP Arena Weekly Missions:

  • [DAILY] My Kind of Scum
    • Now requires 4 Arena Matches (Wins count x3) - down from 6
  • [DAILY] Arena of Death!
    • Now requires 4 Arena Matches (Wins count x3) - down from 6
  • [WEEKLY] Time for Pain!
    • Now requires 16 Arena Matches (Wins count x3) - down from 24
  • [WEEKLY] Go Berserk!
    • Now requires 16 Arena Matches (Wins count x3)  - down from 24

As always, please keep the constructive feedback coming to make PvP Season the best experience yet!

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