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Everything posted by IIHawkerII

  1. It's so rare to get a set that dyes well these days, either you have massive parts of it that just won't be affected by dyes, the dyes are assigned poorly (Metal and cloth dying the same color) or the ugly new texture sets wash the dye out so they won't match with any other gear piece. It's really frustrating. Below is an example of the 'washed out' effect that the new textures give when using a dye, you can see it doesn't match up well at all with any other piece of armor that doesn't have the new texture sets. (Frankly I prefer the old ones anyway, at least they don't look ridiculously shiny like they're made of plastic.) Please go back to the old textures, right now I've just killed any motivation I had to play this season. =/
  2. How about Vandin? We've got one Kotfe chapter and a Huttball map there, I wanna run around and do underworldy things there!
  3. It's been a... Tough trend lately in Cartel market outfits lately that's really put me off spending in the CM. If an outfit has metal and cloth elements, please make sure they're on separate dye slots and not the same. It's really, really hard to make a good looking outfit if you go to dye your jacket brown and it dyes the metal brown as well. Please be smarter with the dye slots and adjust them to cover 'just metal' or 'just cloth', not both in random places across the outfit.
  4. Actually, there's more evidence to say Rattataki /do/ have hair than don't. If anything, it's implied that they maybe shave it ritualistically - But in the Dark Horse Ventress comics pretty much every Rattataki dude she has in her employ (Yes, they're definitively Rattataki) are sporting beards and moustaches while still maintaining their bald heads.
  5. - You've got one day off this week, time to start grinding so you can even have a chance at completing the season. - Spend forty minutes waiting in a warzone queue. - Finally join a match, you play objective, trying to stall the other team from capping in Hypergate. You end up with like... One medal? - Constantly playing at 900+ ping because you're from APAC. - Random spikes into the 20000+ range. - You somehow win anyway - Doesn't really matter, your PvP season bar barely moves at all. - Time to wait another forty minutes for another pop. - Sure love how I'm wasting my only time off on this infuriating, Sisyphean task.
  6. Hey there Bioware, long time player here - I just have to say that I've been really put off by the new texturing that's being used on some of the latest cartel market sets. I understand the idea of creating something 'high quality' for the price premium, but most of the sets using the higher end textures are borderline unusable for me in my outfits because they for one, don't match well with any of the hundreds of base game outfits we already have - And two, they usually dye horribly, having this washed out grainy texture to them that's a completely different color than the dye used. Also on the topic of dyes, please think harder about what areas of different outfits dye. Often some places won't dye that absolutely should and often times two parts dye together that absolutely shouldn't. Sincerely, someone that spends way too much money on virtual clothing but is being turned away by a lack of cohesion and consistency.
  7. @EricMusco Specifically in regards to new species, has the team considered giving us 'alien masks' instead of full blown new races? As an RP'er, I don't much mind if my 'mask' has to be removed in cutscenes for animation / story reasons, the game is already programmed to do that with helmets of a certain type anyway. But I really want to be able to roleplay outside of that as my favorite star wars species. Setting them up as helmets (Possibly with different variations similar to the latest batch of mando helmets) would be an ideal fix to the issue of species that can't feasibly be accomplished through the character creator and would massively open up our possibilities in the RP community. Giving us masks for Wookiees, Kel'Dor, Trandoshans, etc, etc, etc... I'd be more than happy to buy into something like that, honestly. And the effort in this case isn't any greater than creating your standard Cartel Market helmets ala the previously mentioned mandalorian helmet bundle that just hit the CM.
  8. Very nice! Glad to see the initiatives are paying off I don't suppose we could get a cheeky look into the rewards for the upcoming season or the new Cartel Market items? =o
  9. Stop punishing me for success by stacking the teams, it's annoying and unfair. I swear - I'll do amazingly in the first couple of hours, then all of a sudden I'll be exclusively matched with the same lowbie players in level 10 cosmetic shells that've never played PvP before in their lives and don't know how in the world to complete the objectives. It's not even as if the lowbies are spread out evenly - They're just all lumped together in one team. Kindly stop that kind of matchmaking, I only have one day a week to work on the season - I don't want to waste hours in obviously losing games where there's no point in even participating and I might as well sit it out and AFK.
  10. Normally I don't log in to comment on these news posts - But honestly, this is a great change. I was just thinking that the number for arenas is disproportionately high compared to warzones. (Not just in the season objectives though, also in the weekly mission - 24 is a /lot/, especially if you're not winning.) Accounting for the time taken to complete a warzone versus an arena is good - But I think the time /between/ matches should also be taken into account. A lot of the time, it can feel like warzones pop more often than arenas - Meaning the wait added on top for Arenas makes those objectives feel twice as long.
  11. That's an amazing idea - They updated the feast event a couple of times, why can't they update old events? Especially when we wheel them out every month. Bounty Contract Week and Pirate Incursion seriously need new / better rewards.
  12. The info so far is sparse and somewhat confusing. What we know for sure if that they're a spear wielding pacifist companion (Former Republic Military) that's part of a secret order that witnesses and documents strange phenomenon in the force (And guides force sensitives that aren't part of the Jedi or Sith) called 'The Messengers of the Cold Moon'. They're very Zen and Monk-like. There's some concern about his look though as what's in the files now is incredibly underwhelming compared to previous seasonal companions. (Though it might just be a placeholder)
  13. Go easy on the hero worship stuff, Avellone has plenty of problems. Not least of which was the whole fiasco a couple of years ago where it was revealed that 90% of the projects he was working on weren't having him write anything and were just using his name for it's 'brand power'. That was hilarious to see at the time, with all of the projects he was attached to dropping him on twitter and admitting that he hadn't actually done any work on them. The guy routinely gets over-credited or credited for work that wasn't his, don't be part of the problem.
  14. What? I'm talking about what you can get for your money, not for credits. A basic armor set on the Cartel market is 1440 Cartel coins. Meaning with three months of subscription you can buy /ONE/ for your money. And even with the security key ontop you only get 1800 cartel coins in three months, which... Wait for it... Isn't even enough to unlock that armor set you just bought. I'm not talking about credits, that's completely outside of the conversation of 'What you get for your money as a subscriber'. But back on topic, yes - For three months of subscribing, that's 45 US Dollars... You can get /one/ outfit. ONE. One that you can't even afford to unlock until next month, which will bring things up to 60 USD. The Cartel Coin reward for subs is an absolute joke, and not a good one.
  15. Are you joking? The pitiful 500 CC we get each month that isn't even enough for a single armor set? Nonono, you've gotta wait three months for that one mid tier armor set and then you can't even unlock it unless you have the security key going too. Hell, you only have to look at other games to see how hard SWTOR screws you on the cartel market. Let's take Fallout 76 for instance... Each month you get 1650 Atoms, that's enough for a whole bundle of items, multiple armor sets, weapon skins, whatever you want.
  16. 1. How are you enjoying the Galactic Season system overall? Seasons have really revitalized my interest in SWTOR and gotten me to play a lot more between updates, ontop of the new PvP seasons I have a nice variety of things to work toward in between the larger content / CM updates. 2. Do you like the Companions offered through a Galactic Season? Is there any way you think the Companions can be improved? What companion has been your favorite so far? So far the companions have been pretty good, I think. The fact that they don't speak basic is an annoying but understandable limitation of VA costs. Overall, I'm a fan of creative direction that they continue to move in and absolutely love that they have unique appearances and aren't just retextured or repurposed NPCs. Overall Altuur has been my favorite GS companion so far due to his appearance and personality. ( Please allow players to obtain a version of Altuur's outfit that we can wear! His little cape is so good! ) 3. Do you like the rewards offered from Galactic Seasons? Are there rewards you wish were included in the reward track? As a fan of the criminal underworld I feel like I've been spoiled so far with Galactic Seasons, haven't had any real complaints about any of the rewards offered so far and Season 2 has been far and away my favorite due to how versatile and adaptable it's armor sets, mounts and decorations were. Overall, I'm seeing a lot of grumbling in the community at the moment about GS throwing out three underworld themed seasons back to back and even though they're my preferred theme - I think it's high time we did a theme that catered more to our force-using friends. ( Throw in a plain hood as one of the armor rewards that can be worn separately from it's chestpiece and you'd make all of us underworld players happy anyway. ) I should mention, in regards to Cartel Coins that you guys are already charging us out the nose for everything on the Cartel Market and give us basically nothing for our monthly grant. (Three months of subscribing for a single mid tier armor set? Are you insane?) No offense, but you guys don't really have an ethical leg to stand on when it comes to stripping back 2000 cartel coins from us, which is in itself not a whole lot of value in SWTOR's overpriced cartel market store. 4. Do you enjoy the content used in Season Objectives? Are there parts of the game you wish you saw more, or less? Not a huge amount to say here, I don't tend to pay much attention to the season objectives themselves unless I'm really looking to grind out some levels. I do remember Starfighter coming up a lot, which was a bit of a pain considering how hard it can be to get matches going and how long they take on average (And how much I suck at that mode). Overall I wouldn't want it to be taken out of the rotation, maybe just have it appear a bit less. 5. Have you been able to complete Galactic Seasons? Do you feel the season requires too much effort, or is too easy to complete? Haven't personally had any trouble completing any of the seasons yet - I don't play every day but I'm a fairly regular player and tend to complete seasons a month or two ahead of their respective ends. 6. How does completing a Galactic Season fit into your desired play session? Are you able to progress the Season while doing your normal activities, or do you feel Galactic Seasons prevent you from completing the content you enjoy? Pretty seamlessly I must say, if there are any season objectives that don't fall into my regular player habits I don't mind going a bit out of my way and find it fun to mess with other game systems or mechanics I don't normally touch. 7. Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for Galactic Seasons? Next season suggestions: - A seasoned themed around one of Star Wars' many force using cults like the Baran Do (Kel'Dor Monk Companion) or Sorcerers of Tund (Crazy Wizard Companion) - A seasoned themed around the Kaleesh, a rather slept on Race that doesn't get much play in SWTOR outside of poor Xalek. Would make for some nice tribal looking rewards. - A season themed around the Rakata? Honestly, you guys could do anything and I've been impressed with the creativity so far. Rakatan stuff could be pretty neat, lord knows there's plenty of inspiration for Rakatan rewards in the old Dark Horse comics. Here's looking at you Xesh. Feedback: Overall, my experience with seasons has been overwhelmingly positive and I think it's done a tremendous favor to SWTOR. But there are a couple of things that I don't really get or think could be improved. Personally, I find the reputation element introduced in season 2 to be pretty useless and unnecessary - When it comes to recent reputation grinds like Makeb or Ruhnuk, there's always some big prize at the end that you're gunning for like an outfit or decoration - But with Season 2 and 3, all you were grinding for was a couple of titles and some achievements. Other than that, I think Galactic Seasons could benefit from some kind of post completion reward system, similar to what's done in games like Fallout 76 - Where once you complete the season, you'll be able to continue grinding objectives indefinitely as long as the season is running to earn consumable / currency rewards like dye satchels, tech fragments, conquest boosts, etc, etc.
  17. It's also got some clipping issues with the player's arms / shoulders when running - Can this please be fixed as well while the other faults with it are being looked at?
  18. Right now I can jump into the game in lowbie PvP and tell straight away if we're going to win or lose before the match even starts. Match-making will frequently stick experienced PvP'ers together on one team and completely new first timers on the other. If you happen to get thrown onto the noob team, there's scarcely little point in even participating because you won't be able to win and will get so swamped by the experienced team that you won't get any medals. Meaning the best thing to do if you don't want to waste your time is to leave the match, which in itself warrants an extremely harsh timeout punishment. That just leaves AFK'ing, which a lot of people seem to do when they get stuck on a poorly balanced noob team and can't get anything done.
  19. After a solid couple of hours of PvP, my season one bar hasn't moved at all. And that's after I had my hard fought first level stripped away from me. It'd be a different story if I could see it moving at all, but it still looks like it's empty, major buzzkill to be honest. Especially compared to the fairly paced galactic seasons. If the idea was to get casuals invested in PVP through these PVP seasons, it's really not doing it.
  20. The fact that weeklies only offer a miniscule amount of progress on the PvP season doesn't really feel great from a player perspective. It's not the worst thing in the world, but completing four weeklies to barely clear one level on the pass seems a bit... I don't know, unmotivating?
  21. Just logged in this morning and discovered the same thing, had almost cleared rank 2. Now everything's back to zero. I still have the rank one helmet in my legacy storage.
  22. Yeah, but you put quotes around it, man. I'm not sure where you're getting preaching from either. I said I'm happy I'm being given the chance to get ranked rewards because they're cool. And people are acting like I'm supposed to turn my nose up at them out of solidarity or something. Or that I'm some no good filthy scrublord that moans and badgers on the forums all day asking for ranked to be removed. I don't get it. I gave up getting them, then Bioware said 'Hey, you can get them now'. That's cool for me. It sucks for you, again, I get it. But I've got two cents here, might as well throw them in. I'm sorry for what it's worth, if I'd grinded them out in ranked I'd be pissed too probably.
  23. I don't know where you got 'Victory' from, it doesn't appear once in my post. If you slowed down for even a wee little moment there, you'd realize 'should' never factored into the equation at all. I don't deserve diddly here and I'm not asking for diddly. So what is happening? You might ask - Well, about two years ago I tried to get into ranked for the first time, I thought the rewards looked cool. Long story short, it sucked bigtime so I never went back. "Hey the rewards are cool, but they're behind ranked so I'll never get 'em. Ah well, too bad.' Afford your attention to the 'Ah well, too bad' part, that's me accepting the cost of said rewards, something that a lot of people seem to have a real hard time acknowledging here. Anyway, I went about my business - Content that they'd never be available for someone like me that doesn't do ranked. Then this development happens a couple of years later 'Oh cool, they're gonna be made available to unranked players, sweet'. That's it - That's as far as the situation goes, mate. Of course if a stranger approached me on the streets and gave me the keys to a brand new sports car I'd say I did nothing to deserve it - But of course I'm not gonna turn down a free sports car. It's cool, that's it. I don't know what y'all are expecting? "Ew, keep those cool rewards away from me - I didn't earn them so I shouldn't want them ever"?
  24. I know it's not going to happen this time around, but next time the Pirate Incursion event comes around could it please get some new rewards? Both the Homesteader and Nova Blade outfits are extremely low quality asset flips when compared to the brand new weapons and outfits the feast event got. As it stands right now, I've never bothered playing the event because the rewards are so lackluster.
  25. Mate, I never disputed any of that. Aside from the 'You have no character part', but my honesty wipes that away, so I'm just gonna assume that was a misunderstanding. I understand I would've never gotten these rewards if not the upcoming change, I still want them of course but that doesn't mean I deserve or am entitled to them. It does suck big time for people that actually put in the hard work and grinded for them - But at the end of the day, it is a win for me because I never would've been able to get 'em, never would've touched ranked. That's not gloating, that's me acknowledging that I didn't earn 'em, but I'm being given a gimme all the same which I appreciate. I'm a casual, I've only tried ranked like... Twice ever. But half of the conversation here is to do with casuals, so I figured it'd be a good idea to provide that perspective. Like I said, I haven't earned diddly, and frankly I never would've seriously engaged in ranked to even try earning them because from what I observed the community was terrible and the gameplay looked too sweaty to be fun for someone with bad ping. That does suck as someone that did work through ranked, but as a casual PvP'er, I'm happy there's some incentive and happier still that I get a crack at the past rewards, even if I frankly don't deserve them.
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