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.... It's starting to get really quiet out there


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Maybe it's just me...


...but I'm noticing less and less PvPers. Not just the ranked players, but regstars too. 


Seems like interest in PvP Season 2 is at an all time low after people realized that its a meaningless grind with no actual competition.

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Bring back rated warzones and the PvP community will explode. Removing them was the single worst thing ever done in the development of this game and restoring them would bring back a lot of people, including those who haven't played in 10 years. 

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last couple nights have been slower than the rest of S2.

most noticeable is that it seems like the same 8 ppl in arenas with another 8 or 10 randoms.

my original account got deleted in a fit of rage, so I'll stick it out to get my furious weapons again. and arenas are still decent. I find myself avoiding WZs more and more though. iunno.

overall, I like the player pool in 7.2 arenas. I wish the same would have entered rated. then there would have been enough population to get mostly good games for the middle tier players.

biggest issue to prum's point is that it's totally frustrating to think that now that there's a dedicated arena queue that could feed into the rated arenas, BW killed the rated arenas. the grind issue comes in second for me (as I don't really care even about getting replicas of my old weapons again. they don't mean anything anymore except for looking/sounding cool).

Edited by krackcommando
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1 hour ago, Skolops said:

Bring back rated warzones and the PvP community will explode. Removing them was the single worst thing ever done in the development of this game and restoring them would bring back a lot of people, including those who haven't played in 10 years. 

probably need to do more aggressive pruning. instead of making hard choices, BW would simply have to remove certain abilities. many are just too good for some of the maps. and the second wind package would prolly need to go too. I'm skeptical about it making a big population difference, but I'd welcome both arena and wz rated honestly.

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2 hours ago, septru said:

Maybe it's just me...


...but I'm noticing less and less PvPers. Not just the ranked players, but regstars too. 


Seems like interest in PvP Season 2 is at an all time low after people realized that its a meaningless grind with no actual competition.

Yes Prum we're all wanting to see ranked come back, i can't wait to see how many flairs and leaderboard spots you wintrade to again. Can't wait buddy!!!

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6 hours ago, septru said:

Maybe it's just me...


...but I'm noticing less and less PvPers. Not just the ranked players, but regstars too. 


Seems like interest in PvP Season 2 is at an all time low after people realized that its a meaningless grind with no actual competition.

There are a few of reasons I have not been out there...

  • Gearing (yes, I am still gearing) because I only play a couple of hours a week for a variety of reasons (too long to explain). 
  • Then there is the deserter debuff, which, if I have not been clear, I aboslutely effing loathe. 
  • Then there are the 8man premades.  Obviously, we have discussed the last point.  When I get fully geared I MAY try given some of the things read on the forums.  But, I am not hopeful. 
  • Of course lastly, there is the "rust" that will need to be shaken if I am to perform well enough to have fun. 

(How can you be so vociferously against 8mans if you have not been playing?  Because I have seen what 4mans can do.  I have been on 8mans in the almost a decade ago when you could arrange such things with two four man teams.  Takes too long to explain (or I am too lazy to bother) but it was possible.  It felt concomitantly good and bad.  But this was prior to factionless queues, when Republic seldom ever won.)

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9 hours ago, septru said:

Maybe it's just me...


...but I'm noticing less and less PvPers. Not just the ranked players, but regstars too. 


Seems like interest in PvP Season 2 is at an all time low after people realized that its a meaningless grind with no actual competition.

I’ll give you a hint… it’s the premades turning people away 😉

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I used to hate the 1000 weekly limit for the Season - why limit the amount of time I can advance? But thanks to the frequency of premades in WZ recently, that 1000 weekly limit seems like a blessing.  Dont get me wrong, facing premade sometimes is ok, but match after match is riddiculous.  The above reason couples with the 7.0 class change made me PvP less and less. 

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2 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I’ll give you a hint… it’s the premades turning people away 😉

Uh... all the reg stars are quitting because of premades?


Not sure about that one chief. 

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6 hours ago, Fynnlagh said:

You queue solo and get a 50% chance of a "getting farmed" match.

6 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve been saying this was going to happen & it seems like it is… 


Maybe I'm not making myself clear. For me, the regstars are the people with the premades.


I'm saying that there are fewer premades in que these days. And you're saying that they are quitting because they are getting farmed by premades? 🤔 

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52 minutes ago, septru said:


Maybe I'm not making myself clear. For me, the regstars are the people with the premades.


I'm saying that there are fewer premades in que these days. And you're saying that they are quitting because they are getting farmed by premades? 🤔 

If that’s what you meant, why not just say you’re seeing less premades 🤷🏻‍♀️ Instead your OP said :

“...but I'm noticing less and less PvPers. Not just the ranked players, but regstars too”

From my perspective you weren’t only talking about Premades, you meant you were seeing less players in general. So what is it? 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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1 hour ago, septru said:

I'm saying that there are fewer premades in que these days. And you're saying that they are quitting because they are getting farmed by premades? 🤔 

this much is true. if you were to actually play on SF and complain about premades in arenas, I'd have to consider you mentally challenged, willfully ignorant, or lying through your proverbial teeth.

premades in WZs are more common. not the kind of premades that dominate matches and blow you away. more like premades that just DM and make trying to play the game (i.e. map) as intended either impossible or hollow in victory and therefore pointless. that being said, about half the solo players also knowingly or unwittingly (b/c they don't know how to play) ignore objectives. WZs (at least on SF) really are a poop show. that's not a premade issue. that's a "most ppl don't care" issue, and certainly the majority of skilled players really and truly do not care. fwiw, the better players never really cared in my experience. they'd never guard a node or even cap it, but they would come to calls and clear the node for you...most of the time.

that said, even I have stopped guarding most of the time. it's just not fun, especially when most of the players (on both teams) aren't playing the same game (or are hopelessly incompetent). I know I use this example a lot, but when one (sometimes more than one!) person announces that he'll be in the EZ all game for HB, it feels like I'm fighting down bile in the back of my throat. like...honestly, how hard is it the fight for ball control and then once we get it, run ahead and stealth in the EZ? instead of just sitting there all game while the rest of the match is payed 7v8 (as if that many ppl would actually try but you get the idea). and god forbid you suggest the person not do that. then 3 other bots will shout you down. 🤨

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3 hours ago, septru said:


Maybe I'm not making myself clear. For me, the regstars are the people with the premades.


I'm saying that there are fewer premades in que these days. And you're saying that they are quitting because they are getting farmed by premades? 🤔 

Premades make all their weeklies on Tuesday. There is no incentive to play beyond that. 

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1 hour ago, Screaming_Ziva said:

PvP queues seem to pop quicker on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. After that I think most of the people playing the PvP seasons have their 1k points for the week and don't queue anymore.


So PvP is now just a race to see who can finish their weekly faster? That sounds fun. 

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Pretty sure most people have just gone to WoW, New World and Overwatch. This game has nothing left to offer to pvpers and raiders so what's even the point of playing it for end game content. The only reason I still play it is for nastalgia and I like playing with my friends. But let's stop kidding ourselves this game will NEVER be as good as we all remember it. This is as good as it's gonna get. Just grindy bullsh*t in place of fun competition because swtor is slowly but surely being abandoned by bioware for micro transactions. 

Edited by Prapcaster
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2 hours ago, Screaming_Ziva said:

PvP queues seem to pop quicker on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.  After that I think most of the people playing the PvP seasons have their 1k points for the week and don't queue anymore.

In other words people play swtor to kill time after work and play funner games on the weekend since none of their friends play this anymore.

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2 hours ago, StrikePrice said:

The natural progression is small group of people playing against each other. PvP will descend to that. BW will say "not enough people to continue to support". I mean, how many people would quit if PvP went away? <100?

well actually based on the current population in swtor 100 would be a big part of it :D joke aside.... i am pretty sure its much more than 100, because i play against more than 100 players daily on a single server. Also i would be very curious how many PvE operation instances going on simultaneously in HM or NIM, i know most of the ppl play it with team and scheduled times, but fleet is kinda dead even on imp side if you want to do any non SM ops, not to mention rep side on DM. How many players play starfighter? Or how many players do dailies? How many of them doing events? Or how many players do any activities besides story and sm\vm FPs? Well i dont see too many instances for any end game activity. Based on that PvP population isnt much smaller than those. In SWTOR i beleive all end game activites has quite small player base and i think they need to care of each of those activities because they need all of those players, and pvpers are one of them, endgame players make money for them consistently.

Its a bit boring ppl always come with that PvP population is so small in SWTOR, well, i think maybe there are some other endgame activites that a bit more popular but not much. Generally not so many players playing since 7.0. that can be seen in population charts too, and most of the online players playing space barbie and trying to buy or sell ugly cosmetic items or doing jedi knigh and sith inqusitor story for the 32148761238756 th times, or just running up and down on fleet then log off.

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I have no issue getting pops on Satele Shan any day of the week for regs or arenas.  Never really have to wait more than a few minutes.  I have no issue with premades either since they aren't always a guaranteed loss if people know what they are doing.  What I am seeing is a lot of people that don't know what they're doing in PVP.  I guess it will always be an issue that has no solution.  

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7 hours ago, krackcommando said:

I know I use this example a lot, but when one (sometimes more than one!) person announces that he'll be in the EZ all game for HB, it feels like I'm fighting down bile in the back of my throat. like...honestly, how hard is it the fight for ball control and then once we get it, run ahead and stealth in the EZ? instead of just sitting there all game while the rest of the match is payed 7v8 (as if that many ppl would actually try but you get the idea). and god forbid you suggest the person not do that. then 3 other bots will shout you down. 🤨

When I'm the carrier, I do appreciate a person in the EZ. The time for them to get there if I'm already by the pit is often too long. And if I'm the stealth in the end zone, often all I need is one player on my team who knows how to grab the spawn and bring it over, so they can either pass, or use me as a bridge to score (can't always count on the enemy to be clueless enough to provide that bridge instead). But having more than one stealth in the EZ is an over-kill except in very rare situations. It seems, many players don't use the overlay map in PVP (or can't read it for some reason). These days, it always makes me smile when I join a wz and see familiar names since it tells me that at least few people will know what they are doing. And it makes me chuckle when sometimes some smug noob starts giving instructions to a known vet in chat.

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