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Credit Economy Feedback Thread


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I don't want to presume anybody's motivations but it seems like some comments about how great this will be might not be made in good faith. Hyperinflation seems to be exacerbated by a growing wealth disparity. All travel being made more expensive will disproportionately target newer players and make things more inaccessible for them. This seems like it will cause more issues... I also think some acknowledgment of who is more likely to post feedback would not go amiss because those who have been participating for about a decade are probably more likely to respond to things about the game more often. 


Some potential alternate ideas to look at in the future (if I'm correct- which I might not be ofc): Taxation on in-game trade, since people seem to "exploit" this feature for getting past caps on the GTN. Speaking of the GTN, taxation on more valuable/more popular/more expensive "luxury" items would likely not go amiss.


Another thing that has been bugging me in game for quite a long time now is the expendability of things like armor. Items have a higher demand because they lack re-sale value due to the fact that (in my experience) most all armor items bind to one character. Dialing back the amount of armor this happens with could create a more balanced supply and demand market (again, in theory). Even having things more transferable between legacy characters would be nice, though may not contribute much economically. 



I already found 2,000 credits to get my republic character to my imperial stronghold to be outrageous. A small fee is nice and fine and w/e but I cannot say I am at all thrilled with this.


Speaking of strongholds... More craftable decorations to be circulated within the economy with price diversity blah blah blah, maybe good idea in theory , maybe bad in practice, etc. This applies to mounts, pets, etc. There is a pretty big gap I have observed between the number of crafters for amormech/atrifice and ones like cybertech. This translates into products available and inevitably prices on the GTN. Evidence of this is the observable gap between the price of schematics and missions for different disciplines, as well as the gap in mount prices (crafted vs. purchased).

Anyway... thanks for coming to my tedtalk lol. 

Edited by captainlobotomy
bad* in practice, not ban... typo
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I am a returning player, having pre-ordered back in 2010 but just returned a couple months ago. I fall under the category of "new player" though with how much has changed since the original launch. 

The changes to add costs to quick travel are extremely disheartening. I do not have the billions of credits that the people your devs are targeting do. I even just paid to unlock no cooldown to quick travel in my legacy and now wish I had not done so. 

There has to be a way you can take money from established players without penalizing newer, much poorer players like us. If you don't, I cannot see how you will attract new people or get people to come back. I am honestly so bummed about the change that it's turning me off of playing, which sucks because I was finding a lot of joy in returning to this game. 

Edit: Also, I re-subbed, and I fail to see why I should continue to pay real money and still have to pay an exorbitant credit cost to use a quick travel that I already paid cartel points to buff...

Edited by DMBslave
added info
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1 hour ago, DMBslave said:

I am a returning player, having pre-ordered back in 2010 but just returned a couple months ago. I fall under the category of "new player" though with how much has changed since the original launch. 

The changes to add costs to quick travel are extremely disheartening. I do not have the billions of credits that the people your devs are targeting do. I even just paid to unlock no cooldown to quick travel in my legacy and now wish I had not done so. 

There has to be a way you can take money from established players without penalizing newer, much poorer players like us. If you don't, I cannot see how you will attract new people or get people to come back. I am honestly so bummed about the change that it's turning me off of playing, which sucks because I was finding a lot of joy in returning to this game. 

Edit: Also, I re-subbed, and I fail to see why I should continue to pay real money and still have to pay an exorbitant credit cost to use a quick travel that I already paid cartel points to buff...

This 100%

I have not played since the original release. I fired up the game the other day for the first time in 10 years, and started having a blast. I love the way classes / specs works now and the updates seemed so great I resubbed almost immediately. Now today I log in and find its going to cost me 1k to fast travel when my recent character has 20k to their name at the moment. This change absolutely took the wind out of my sales to some degree. If I am going to run across a map or fast travel shouldn't be an economic decision that forces me to stop and think about it. This change does next to nothing to create the sort of credit sinks you need to get the hyperinflation under control. The travel cost changes directly impact newer and poor players disproportionately, those with millions and billions won't even consider or notice them. 

Please take some time to rethink these costs and how this solution to the problem has created more problems. You want new players to stick around, and not feel discouraged for being new to the game and broke. 

There needs to be a credit sink that attracts those with the millions and billions. Like the black market AH in WOW. Something equal to the task. A 5k debit on 5,000,000,000 is nothing at all. A 5k debit on 20,000 is much more regressive. Travel costs should be progressive, not the opposite. 

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So despite all the feedback against this quick travel charge, EA Bioware is going ahead with it?  Please tell me this was a mistake in the patch notes. 

New and casual players who actually play through the storylines, rather than just running group content on repeat to level up as quickly as possible, cannot afford these charges (on top of increased repair costs now).  These costs are trivial to the players with millions+ credits, but are debilitating to newer/casual players.  Well, can't afford crew skills, so much for crafting.  Oh, and can't afford the legacy perk-unlocked quick travel, so will have to slog through zones even more slowly until quitting the time sink out of boredom and frustration.  I'll see how it goes for a few days, but can't really foresee continuing to also pay a subscription.  Really seem like a lack of respect from EA-BW on this.

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What is the point of asking for our feedback if you don't take any of it? If you really wanted to implement it, you would have delayed this part of being the release and made changes. If you weren't, you would have followed up with fast follow enhancements or changes if you wanted to keep to schedule. Neither of that happened as all there was, was a post defending the reasoning and just push it out live. At least take a better product operations approach rather than waste the player base's time.

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Charging for QT is punitive to new players and won't impact long-standing accounts in the slightest. It's a half-cocked idea which kills the viability of a useful tool for pre-mount toons which already has a cooldown cost.

The best ideas in this thread follow a common theme - give players content that they'll want to sink credits into, especially if that results in prestigious items which they can show-off to the rest of the community. New toys, mounts and decorations, reforged old gear and exciting new collections, only available from Cartel Bazar vendors with a high credit and rep cost.

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guys, no devs have read this post since it was made.. it's obvious they didn't care about our feedback and had their own plan in mind.. let them shoot themselves in the head by killing off their new/returning player base.. no subs = no money = no swtor.. but they don't think that far ahead obviously

Edited by EzzyShade
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quick travel tax should be lower, scaled, dependent on map, and its broken in rise of hutt ive needed to paid over 5k, in economy where u get 20k for mission and u lose 5k for travel its dumb, u just forcing player to always choose closest travel point to later travel via travel route, so this tax is ok for old players who have milions on their account, but what about casuals, noobs and newbies?

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While the QT cost isn't bankrupting me by any stretch of the imagination, sometimes it feels a bit out there sometimes, QT from Works to Senate Tower on Coruscant is 5k, but the speeder that's not 250 yds from the trooper story mission down there only cost 25 credits

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With respect to the questions asked:

Adjustments to repairing: 

  • Do you find yourself having to repair more or less often? I make it a habit when questing to regularly repair, so I am not noticing a difference because I do this constantly anyway.
  • When you repair, does the cost increase seem significant or fair? Because I do this on a regular basis and do not wait until it is absolutely required I have not noticed a significant difference, so I would say that the increases are fair.

Adjustments to travel:

  • Do the Quick Travel costs seem fair? Do you think this will affect your usage of Quick Travel? As a subscriber, who saw this as a perk of subscribing to the game (I have held a subscription since the game launched), I find this annoying, and am not certain how this will significantly contribute to balancing the economy. However, I do not think the costs are overly high, and it will not affect my use of Quick Travel for the most part.
  • Are there travel costs that you currently find to be too little or too much? I do not find these costs too much, however, I have been playing the game since launch and can afford these changes, for someone just beginning the game, they may feel an impact on their in game credits.
  • Are there methods of travel that have no cost that you would expect to have a cost? No.

These changes seem to me that they would not have a significant impact on the economy, but rather pose an annoyance for some players. However, I do not understand the game mechanics as well as some, and my opinion may be unfounded.

One thing I have noticed over the years, since the introduction of Cartel Credits and the Cartel Store is the very high price of new gear and items in game on the galactic trade network. Before Cartel Credits and the Cartel Store, buying/selling/trading was more balanced, prices were reasonable. Now prices on the Galactic Trade Network are ridiculously high - multi-millions for one piece of coveted armor. WHY NOT REMOVE THE ABILITY TO RE-SELL ITEMS ON THE GTN THAT WERE INITIALLY PURCHASED USING CARTEL COINS THROUGH THE CARTEL MARKET STORE? Just a thought/suggestion.

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QT Cost changes
So testing on the new Shae Vizla Cloud based server.  Went to QT back to temple because it was a long run from the forge to get there.  It was going to cost me 4,667 credits to Quick Travel.  I only had about 7500 credits to my name.   

On a character for an established account on an established server, it is an insulting and annoying cost but when you have a billion+ credits not really a huge deal, just a nuisance.

However, as first character on a new server, I felt like this cost was excessively expensive.  If I had been a new player, I very well might have quit the game right there.  

Maybe have the costs much lower on the earlier planets, or cap the cost based on the total money the account has on that server.  Seems it would be simpler to just lower the cost on starting planets, home worlds or key it to planet level cap so it stays similar to speeder costs.  


Do I find myself repairing more often.

No, but I tend to repair every time I hit a vendor.   I have noticed the increased cost.  I am OK with the increased cost for repairs.


Overall Thoughts:

Not every player is a multi-billionaire in the game.  I know several people that are always struggling to have credits.  The increase in QT costs and repair are regressive.  The wealthy player will barely notice it while the poor players will feel like they don't get a chance to get ahead.  

I feel there are some very easy things that could be done to help remove money from the economy without making the lives more difficult for the players that are not billionaires.  

Remove Credit cap from FTP.  I get that you want to encourage subscriptions, but with these changes to repairs and QT they are going to need to have more money.

Allow purchasing a subscription using credits or Cartel coins.  World of Warcraft does this.  It allows someone poor in game, but with RL disposable income to get in game credits for the cost of buying someone else a subscription.  Since you control the exchange rates you can remove money from the game this way.  

Allow purchasing Cartel Coins Using In game money.  You control the Exchange rate.

I'm not willing to spend Cartel Coins to change my appearance, but I would spend in game credits to do this.  Why not have an option to use Credits or Cartel coins with the appearance Modification Station.

I know that in the short term this may reduce money coming to you, but if you are serious about fixing the in game economy then these types of steps need to be taken and none of this will cause players to quit the game.  Just the opposite you may end up with more subscribers.  

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After playing the game and experiencing the changes, I stand by the prediction I had made on how it will impact the economy. It has made it worse by punishing the players that actually play the game, especially with the charges to using the quick travel ability. After spending many credits to unlock the ability to reduce the cooldown, now I have to pay every time that I use it, defeating the purpose of unlocking it in the first place.

The changes will not impact the "players" that benefit from trading, gold-farming and gold-selling, since they spend most of their time on the fleet. These changes are just boosting their profits (especially if new players feel they have no choice but to buy credits from them in order to be able to afford the items on the GTN) and encouraging others to exploit the current market. After all, if you can't beat them, then join them.

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On 2/11/2023 at 2:54 PM, SilentMagician said:

The only real changes that will properly drain credits are providing things people want to buy with credits, and I fully agree with all the ideas I've seen so far:

- Place old decs, outfits, mounts, emotes, pets, etc., with vendors for credits ... at least ones that are not permanently available on the Cartel Market. If you tie them to reputation, which is not a bad idea, make any special currencies easy to get. If I have to buy cartel packs to get special currencies, I'm not paying credits to buy stuff.

- Increase the decoration limit for strongholds and have a credit cost for buying those dec increases. It's been years; there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to add more stuff to my strongholds when I still have oodles of physical space left.

This is what needs to be done.  Like others have said, those of us that have billions of credits floating around aren't bothered at all by paying for quick travel or repair, that just hurts new and returning players, which isn't going to be helpful to the game.  

There are so many cool decorations, outfits, mounts, pets, etc. you see out in the world, let us buy those for millions of credits after doing a line of quests to gain max faction or something, make it part of the end game.  I also agree with expanding the hooks available in the strongholds if possible as there is a ton of empty space in a lot of them.  Adding more strongholds is another good choice as there are so many planets without them, or letting us decorate our ships. 

We know it doesn't generate instant real-world cash for the company, but it might entice more people to stay if they can begin playing a game on a more even playing field where everyone else around them isn't a multi-billionaire. 

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Hi, I'm a returning player after many years, and feel the need to post here for the first time because the changes to quick travel costs are killing the new player experience.

Recently subscribed again but feel totally discouraged to continue playing because even as a subscriber the game punishes you for being new. I had just bought the Legacy upgrades to reduce the quick travel cooldown about a month ago, unaware that the upcoming changes would render those perks useless.

I had leveled up a character BEFORE the changes, and leveling up another current one with the changes, and the experience is atrocious this time. You LOSE more credits than you are capable of MAKING in the early game because these changes weren't properly thought before implementation. For instance, a quest gives you at most 700 credits, using the quick travel to get back to an outpost to finish said quest costs 1900 credits, this is ridiculous. Without realizing I got to a point where I didn't have any money to even move from one section of Nar Shadaa to another. The changes should have accounted for the player's level and adjust proportionally before ever being implemented.

Currently, the only way for a new player to actually make more credits than they spend, is to NOT USE quick travel at all. And that barely gets you through since there are other credits sinks now. I hope the changes get reverted soon, because leveling up right now is either unsustainable or extremely tedious, and both are not fun.

I hate to be this harsh, but this was a very poorly thought-out system that only punishes new/poor players.


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The QT costs tied to distance is a bad system.  There's discrepencies between pub/imp, and it's kinda stupid that walking across a room before using QT can drop the cost by 100creds or more sometimes.

Tython: from the forge to the Jedi Temple Cantina was cheaper then the forge to the Jedi Temple Taxi point.  Just ... why?  Costs should at least be stable within the same zone.

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Not sure how trying to curb the inflation within the game starts with raising gamers travel costs as an almost immediate type fix all it will do is add to inflation by players WANTING MORE credits to cover costs.

1)Limit the amount of items that can be sold NOT 9999 or anywhere near

2)Sales in many cases make no sense the lowest price articles can mean I need 34,000,0000cr to buy it but then receive a lifetime of Alloy.

3)Making Exclusive crafting materials only obtainable through guilds, who in turn seize the opportunity to add to inflation by charging high fees or low fees depending on the amount they are selling.

4)I propose a capping level on prices, starting with newbies (NOT alternate chars) levels 2 to 8 of say 10,000 to a max of 20,000cr per item on GTN NOT 1,000,000 as is often seen and gradually work the maximum sales prices up over the levels.

5)Cost is always relative in any game, a new player (off the street) seeing prices in the Millions, would ask "who has that amount of credits" and add comments from the in game chat re a quick travel ride for 1,000cr +, but a Starship flight to Fleet or Coruscant 100cr - travel is built into the game, even the old taxis have remained the same since I last played in about 2010/11. A wealthy gamer will buy all and everything and not blink an eye off the cartel, but ingame that hardly matters as his levels and earnings/rewards are the same as any player

6) The SALE of credits in game carries on and on, same in 2010 as now 2023 to the best of my knowledge purchasing these coins goes against gaming policy so how come these people selling don't get KICKED???

enough said


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am coming back from a very long absence. I was not regularly an active SWTOR player, but the influx of good Star Wars inspired me to immerse myself in this world more (and the performance failure of Jedi Survivor on PC steered me to SWTOR instead.)

I was going to start new subscription, buy a 70 boost to lift some of the grind but still allow myself to enjoy the excellent backstories and role play my character, and do all that post-Rise-of-the-Hutt-Cartel content that I never really got into. So I bought a sub. $30 for two months. Start a new character: Fine. The flexibility of class/playstyle choice is a good one. Look in the cartel market and see the boost went from 2000 credits (yeah, I get it, it was always "on sale") to 3200 credits. Nope! That went from what could've been a $20 real money sale to a $0 sale. So I picked up an old but incomplete already-boosted smuggler on Nar Shadaa and started to play him. I met up with a Hutt, crossed the map, and decided to fast travel back. 5,000 credits. Five. Thousand. I never played enough to amass billions as long-time fans have but I am not poor. Still, fast travel was an essential use of my play time and now I have to choose between "having credits to participate in the player economy" and "spending half my play time on a speeder instead of playing the quests."

I don't have unlimited play time but do wish to participate in the game economy if I choose to make SWTOR my game of choice. This change in fast travel disadvantages returning players who have not amassed fortunes. One other player suggested I buy something with real money on the market and sell it to get all the credits I need. Sorry - that means I'm paying real money for fast travel. That's not the kind of game I want to support.


tl;dr: These changes and others are costing Bioware/EA real money by pushing away returning players. Without any incentive for returning players, I plan to play some during my remaining subscription, spend zero dollars on the cartel market, then let my characters collect dust again.

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I put some more thought into this after the last comment and considered the problems with the current economy.

The problem with this implementation is that it disproportionately punishes poorer players because 1: it does not consider the player's progress through the game and ability to pay for expensive travel. 2: it has the biggest impact on characters who would be doing the most quick traveling: Those leveling through planets. 3: It does not target the problem that excessive credits in the economy creates.


From a socioeconomic point of view, there should be some tweaks.

Problem: This fast travel change is disadvantaging people who are leveling characters or don't have a lot of money. Solution: Scale cost of quick travel based on the level range of the planet, the relative reward for quests on that planet, and the active "act" for the player. Characters in Acts 1-3 shouldn't pay the same amount as characters in Legacy of the Sith who are zooming through on daily quests since those new characters haven't had the opportunity to earn those credits on that character.

Problem: It doesn't take enough money out of the economy if we reduce the cost of quick travel. Solution: Implement new systems where players can enjoy content from their massive credits. Imagine putting up a million-credit fee to pick up a bounty on a mission that rewards unique cosmetics, decorations, or even new strongholds. Put in some optional recurring costs, like hiring bodyguards to defend a stronghold or special servants (bartenders, dancers musicians, entertainers) for parties at guild strongholds. This is all optional and expensive, so it's just a way for people to enjoy and flaunt their wealth.

Problem: All of that is optional and cosmetic, so people won't do it. The massive GTN inflation and private trade are still terrible. Solution: Raise the cap on GTN transactions, but also limit the amount of credits one individual can trade to another individual via COD or direct trade. For example: I can buy a 1 billion credit item on GTN, but I can't send more than 2M credits from one character to another per day. That will force high-credit direct sales to the GTN, where the GTN gets to take their cut and remove that currency from the economy. It won't stop a player from giving their friend a money boost for their new character so they can buy their first speeder and set of crafting materials.

Problem: People with huge credit stockpiles aren't doing much fast travel anyway. Ops and Flashpoints don't take advantage of this credit sink. Solution: Throw away the tax on fast travel and find other places to remove money from the economy. Look at the behavior of the wealthiest players and give them unique opportunities to spend those credits. Maybe put in optional credit sinks INSIDE ops. For example: Groups can a slicer for 10M credits to open up a door t a unique optional boss that offers unique cosmetic rewards, titles, reputation tokens, alternate currencies, or flair.

I hope some of these ideas inspire others who can develop a better solution. When implementing inflation reduction, just remember 1: who has the money 2: how can we reduce that without hurting those without money 3: how can we encourage (not force) users to take advantage of these new credit sinks.

(FYI I'm one of those out-of-work tech workers in the SF Bay, so if you want someone to come in and work on your game...)

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17 hours ago, thoughtfix said:

I put some more thought into this after the last comment and considered the problems with the current economy.

The problem with this implementation is that it disproportionately punishes poorer players because 1: it does not consider the player's progress through the game and ability to pay for expensive travel. 2: it has the biggest impact on characters who would be doing the most quick traveling: Those leveling through planets. 3: It does not target the problem that excessive credits in the economy creates.


From a socioeconomic point of view, there should be some tweaks.

Problem: This fast travel change is disadvantaging people who are leveling characters or don't have a lot of money. Solution: Scale cost of quick travel based on the level range of the planet, the relative reward for quests on that planet, and the active "act" for the player. Characters in Acts 1-3 shouldn't pay the same amount as characters in Legacy of the Sith who are zooming through on daily quests since those new characters haven't had the opportunity to earn those credits on that character.

Problem: It doesn't take enough money out of the economy if we reduce the cost of quick travel. Solution: Implement new systems where players can enjoy content from their massive credits. Imagine putting up a million-credit fee to pick up a bounty on a mission that rewards unique cosmetics, decorations, or even new strongholds. Put in some optional recurring costs, like hiring bodyguards to defend a stronghold or special servants (bartenders, dancers musicians, entertainers) for parties at guild strongholds. This is all optional and expensive, so it's just a way for people to enjoy and flaunt their wealth.

Problem: All of that is optional and cosmetic, so people won't do it. The massive GTN inflation and private trade are still terrible. Solution: Raise the cap on GTN transactions, but also limit the amount of credits one individual can trade to another individual via COD or direct trade. For example: I can buy a 1 billion credit item on GTN, but I can't send more than 2M credits from one character to another per day. That will force high-credit direct sales to the GTN, where the GTN gets to take their cut and remove that currency from the economy. It won't stop a player from giving their friend a money boost for their new character so they can buy their first speeder and set of crafting materials.

Problem: People with huge credit stockpiles aren't doing much fast travel anyway. Ops and Flashpoints don't take advantage of this credit sink. Solution: Throw away the tax on fast travel and find other places to remove money from the economy. Look at the behavior of the wealthiest players and give them unique opportunities to spend those credits. Maybe put in optional credit sinks INSIDE ops. For example: Groups can a slicer for 10M credits to open up a door t a unique optional boss that offers unique cosmetic rewards, titles, reputation tokens, alternate currencies, or flair.

I hope some of these ideas inspire others who can develop a better solution. When implementing inflation reduction, just remember 1: who has the money 2: how can we reduce that without hurting those without money 3: how can we encourage (not force) users to take advantage of these new credit sinks.

(FYI I'm one of those out-of-work tech workers in the SF Bay, so if you want someone to come in and work on your game...)

What people aren't taking into consideration, those doing FP's, and Ops are on those characters for a decent amount of time, They're being hit by the increased repair bills they implemented when they added the QT cost. People aren't realizing that the QT cost is nothing (even for players with less credits). What's helping the economy more is the higher repair costs, and the need to repair far more often.

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On 2/9/2023 at 2:45 PM, Otowi said:

Not sure I agree on QT costing credits, seems to punish new players, or those that don't have much. And 5000 credits seems a tad OTT, so I hope that will be adjusted a bit down.


Quick Travel costs are bad, you want to calm the billions of credits per item skyjacking that goes on put the % grabbed off the GTN higher for those listed over 50 million.  Instantly targets those who are making the biggest gains.  QT costs just hurt new players, no one has even talked about the cost of creating things.  I noticed that got slipped in around January.

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  • JackieKo unpinned this topic
  • 2 weeks later...

agree with most folks, fail to see how quick travel etc costing credits will do anything to "curb the current inflation". seems more of a punishment. Pretty sure new players are gonna be angry and likely not bother with the game. for me its not that big a deal as Ive been playing since launch and have the creds, i just transfer what i need from various toons. noobs tho, not gonna have that luxury. maybe reeval these travel options. repair bills I already thought were high but I can live with this change to the system. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nickel and diming travel and repair costs to bring down inflation costs—Ridiculous.  How's that working out for you?  Prices have not come down at all on the GTN.  

If you really want to bring down inflation, you need to increase drop rates and flood the market with goods.

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On 5/29/2023 at 2:45 PM, GarionThor said:

Nickel and diming travel and repair costs to bring down inflation costs—Ridiculous.  How's that working out for you?  Prices have not come down at all on the GTN.  

If you really want to bring down inflation, you need to increase drop rates and flood the market with goods.

I've noticed the complete opposite. GTN prices have definitely come down, but I think it has less to do with the QT tax, then the fact we have to repair a lot more often.


While I may be wrong, I also think BW may have hit the credit sellers with some bans about the same time, because many items on the GTN (and in trade channel) have dropped in price by 25-50%.

Edited by Toraak
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