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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will we get any new SH during 7.0?


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I like the idea of a space station (NOT just an apartment in a station). Nothing wrong with the apartment ... BUT my preference would have been for a much larger scale ... a station!!


Her's a couple of ideas to go with that:


I'd prefer a space station. One that could be moved to a few select places in space. One location might include a secluded place on the outer rim. There could even be a special price (or token) charged for moving said station to its "new" location.

(It should be noted that this is NOT the same thing as a penthouse location on a LARGE station such as we have right now.)



Included might some of the following points of interest:

** Three observation decks / rooms: one with special breath-taking view of space.

** Three docking ports (preferably) and one shuttle bay (with functional door).

** Defensive platforms: possibly mobile and not attached to said station (unlocked separately from station).

** Smaller than Rishi ...

** Larger than Mannan (the inside rooms)

** Initially I would suggest 1000 - 1200 hooks to decorate (possibly more)

** Several floors ... some with windows .. some without.

(just a few thoughts!)



and then there's this suggestion as well:



Soooo ... Yeah ... it's crossed my mind a time or two.


It's not a major outpost or military installation ... (Like this one: http://area51.alienmedia.net/OutPostTradersJunction.jpg )

but affective. I would probably see it more like a place for a weekend retreat (in some cases) .. or perhaps a great hideout on the outer rim somewhere (for others).


I any case.. yeah. I've kind a been wanting one for a good while now!

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I'm still hoping for my icehouse on Hoth.

And a chiss-themed SH, hey, they did a train on Umbara, they can do one for Irokini or whatever the name :D


I tell ya what, when Copero came out I was blown away. It had elements of both Makeb and Alderaan. I wouldn't mind an estate over looking the ocean with mountains in the background.

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I personally would love to get one of those:

- Zakuul Spire

- Iokath "something"

- Vandin Station + Ship like Gilded Star (Kotfet)

- Terminus/Thranta moving SH or Imperial/Republic Transport ship (like from Alderaan Warzone map with turrets)

- Space Station like Abandoned Station from Traitor arc.

- Ziost (New Adasta)

- Odessen

- Eternal Fleet either Warship or Flagship

- Space Station within Asteroid

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personally I don't need a new stronghold - I have already 11, and this are already ~8 more than I regularly use. What I really want at this point is an increased deco/usable hook limit. Edited by Xhuuyaa
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What I really want at this point is an increased deco/usable hook limit.


Hear, hear!

I am very adamant over Strongholds, particularly some of their shortcomings. Coming from SWG, where the Housing system/Force Shui, in my opinion, was leaps and bounds over this Hook System but nonetheless I feel, for the most part, that these Strongholds are all great. Not perfect! Just great. Seems like the concepts start off very strong then for whatever reason(money, time, data etc) they are only 80% done. Like as if the small details get omitted or the finishing touches are left out to meet a deadline. Of course, what do I know? This is mere speculation on my end, so.... Some are better than others in practicality. Some are more aesthetic but fall flat on usability. I can go on and on and I have in years past in our truly neglected sub forum Galactic Strongholds. The running joke is that we are so low on the Devs radar that we don't even warrant a forum icon, lol!


I wish they would do a nice thorough pass over all the current strongholds. I'd like for more freedom of options. They should always start with the largest most appropriate hook that can fit and have it be able to be broken down into smaller hooks while still keeping the larger hook as a base. For example, A Starship Hook should have smaller sized hooks(centerpiece, large, medium, narrow, small) inside so you can add personnel, shipping crates, vehicles, or what ever your heart's desire.

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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No matter if new new like Alderaan SH or related to Galactic Season like Fleet SH.


But in general new SH would be great.


Hey there,


Ah yes, new Stronghold! So, this is something we have been chatting about recently as well so I can speak a bit to what is and isn't planned. First off, you should not expect a new Stronghold this year. I know there was another thread a couple of weeks asking about a possible new SH with Galactic Season 3, we will be talking in the coming weeks about the GS3 rewards but a new SH is not one of them.


That said, we are tentatively looking to add a new SH with GS4 next year. Take that statement with dump trucks of salt as we are still early in reward planning for GS4 and a lot can change between now and then. There has also been some chatter about a new non-GS Stronghold but nothing concrete on the schedule right now. I know you will be very curious regarding possible locations but since this all early days and tentative I am not gonna speak to that now.


Thanks all.



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First off, you should not expect a new Stronghold this year.


Super. So, what can we expect this year, aside from the usual vague hints? Say, a roadmap? :rak_02: Any chance y'all plan to actually make good on your promise that the anniversary year will be epic? :rolleyes:

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Hey there,


Ah yes, new Stronghold! So, this is something we have been chatting about recently as well so I can speak a bit to what is and isn't planned. First off, you should not expect a new Stronghold this year. I know there was another thread a couple of weeks asking about a possible new SH with Galactic Season 3, we will be talking in the coming weeks about the GS3 rewards but a new SH is not one of them.


That said, we are tentatively looking to add a new SH with GS4 next year. Take that statement with dump trucks of salt as we are still early in reward planning for GS4 and a lot can change between now and then. There has also been some chatter about a new non-GS Stronghold but nothing concrete on the schedule right now. I know you will be very curious regarding possible locations but since this all early days and tentative I am not gonna speak to that now.


Thanks all.




If we get a new SH, can it please be a ship or something unconventional? It'd be nice to have a cruiser or something, or even just to make a ship for solo players like the guild flagships.


Also, I'm asking here because I'm not sure I'll get a response elsewhere, but weapon sound modifications; will we be seeing these sometime soon? The ability to change the sound of your weapon has been requested for years and you guys acknowledged it, but nothing has been said since.



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Hey there,


Ah yes, new Stronghold! So, this is something we have been chatting about recently as well so I can speak a bit to what is and isn't planned. First off, you should not expect a new Stronghold this year. I know there was another thread a couple of weeks asking about a possible new SH with Galactic Season 3, we will be talking in the coming weeks about the GS3 rewards but a new SH is not one of them.


That said, we are tentatively looking to add a new SH with GS4 next year. Take that statement with dump trucks of salt as we are still early in reward planning for GS4 and a lot can change between now and then. There has also been some chatter about a new non-GS Stronghold but nothing concrete on the schedule right now. I know you will be very curious regarding possible locations but since this all early days and tentative I am not gonna speak to that now.


Thanks all.





Well, I feel honored to get a reply from Eric itself! Thank you!


Well, it's okay. I can wait for new SH. No problem. Take your time to think about it and do it right.

But now I'm excited to hear about "Galactic Season 3 and in upcoming weeks!". Cannot wait what it'll be this time.

My first question would be when more or less, we'd get any hint about upcoming Galactic Season and along with it I assume 7.2 update, but I know this won't be answered like "in two weeks". Upcoming gives me hope that it won't be that long from now.


Yet, any hints what can we expect from it would be great. One word reply even hehe.


Nevertheless, thank you for direct reply and cannot wait for news!

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  • Dev Post
Well, I feel honored to get a reply from Eric itself! Thank you!


Well, it's okay. I can wait for new SH. No problem. Take your time to think about it and do it right.

But now I'm excited to hear about "Galactic Season 3 and in upcoming weeks!". Cannot wait what it'll be this time.

My first question would be when more or less, we'd get any hint about upcoming Galactic Season and along with it I assume 7.2 update, but I know this won't be answered like "in two weeks". Upcoming gives me hope that it won't be that long from now.


Yet, any hints what can we expect from it would be great. One word reply even hehe.


Nevertheless, thank you for direct reply and cannot wait for news!


Hi LanceDefender,


Galactic Season 3 will be coming in our next game update which we are calling 7.1.1. We're finalizing the details right now, so I don't have more to share at this time, but I can at least confirm that GS3 will be coming in the next update. :)



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Hey there,


Ah yes, new Stronghold! So, this is something we have been chatting about recently as well so I can speak a bit to what is and isn't planned. First off, you should not expect a new Stronghold this year. I know there was another thread a couple of weeks asking about a possible new SH with Galactic Season 3, we will be talking in the coming weeks about the GS3 rewards but a new SH is not one of them.


That said, we are tentatively looking to add a new SH with GS4 next year. Take that statement with dump trucks of salt as we are still early in reward planning for GS4 and a lot can change between now and then. There has also been some chatter about a new non-GS Stronghold but nothing concrete on the schedule right now. I know you will be very curious regarding possible locations but since this all early days and tentative I am not gonna speak to that now.


Thanks all.




OK !! You got my attention!!


I truly get the whole story board / planning thing! Been there .. done that.. got a whole collection of "hoodie" sweatshirts to prove it! :D:D:D


BTW ... I know where you can get a 3-DS format on a good station!!! ;)


(not so subtle hint!)

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Galactic Season 3 will be coming in our next game update which we are calling 7.1.1. We're finalizing the details right now, so I don't have more to share at this time, but I can at least confirm that GS3 will be coming in the next update. :)


Great... so since you can tell us it's 7.1.1 can you tell us anything ELSE about the "season"?


When are we getting more story, for example?


Remember when you guys said you'd be more transparent and would share roadmaps of what you're working on? That.

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Hey there,


Ah yes, new Stronghold! So, this is something we have been chatting about recently as well so I can speak a bit to what is and isn't planned. First off, you should not expect a new Stronghold this year. I know there was another thread a couple of weeks asking about a possible new SH with Galactic Season 3, we will be talking in the coming weeks about the GS3 rewards but a new SH is not one of them.


That said, we are tentatively looking to add a new SH with GS4 next year. Take that statement with dump trucks of salt as we are still early in reward planning for GS4 and a lot can change between now and then. There has also been some chatter about a new non-GS Stronghold but nothing concrete on the schedule right now. I know you will be very curious regarding possible locations but since this all early days and tentative I am not gonna speak to that now.


Thanks all.




Okay, no new stronghold but can you add some underwater parts to Manaan and a starship hook on ground level. There are some nice decorations from Manaan dailies and that shark interactive decoration needs to be on ground level where we can get to it. Thank you.

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Hey there,


Ah yes, new Stronghold! So, this is something we have been chatting about recently as well so I can speak a bit to what is and isn't planned. First off, you should not expect a new Stronghold this year. I know there was another thread a couple of weeks asking about a possible new SH with Galactic Season 3, we will be talking in the coming weeks about the GS3 rewards but a new SH is not one of them.


That said, we are tentatively looking to add a new SH with GS4 next year. Take that statement with dump trucks of salt as we are still early in reward planning for GS4 and a lot can change between now and then. There has also been some chatter about a new non-GS Stronghold but nothing concrete on the schedule right now. I know you will be very curious regarding possible locations but since this all early days and tentative I am not gonna speak to that now.


Thanks all.




While we're talking about strongholds, would it be possible to get strongholds based on the class ships? Some of the ships aren't the roomiest but it would definitely be something different. =)

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