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Level sync is making me quit


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Hi guys!! I want it to try this game so a pay the sub for this month. I am gonna say i left wow because of the level sync and i dind't know this game has it too. At first is was ok but now no. Let me explain. I was lv 51 on quesh and i level up great! i wanted to check my stats before applying the new mods to my gear and improbe the accesories, so i took pictures of my stats before upgrade ui.

I upgraded my gear i went back to quesh and get what? the mobs got harder and then i open my character panel to see my stats and guess what? i was weaker than before using better gear what the f...???

Level sync should be optional the same way than buying CC to get convenient items are. Should be my choise if a want to destroy everything or no in one hit when you play solo.

After my sub ends i am out, It is sad because i love the rest of the game but i don't tolerate having stat and leveling system to be meanigless. Sorry i needed the rant.

Everyone has a nice day!

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That particular problem has been known for some time now. Many people have reported their stats going down when they gain that level to go beyond the planet's synced level. To some extent it's gear related. If you are using only the planetary leveling gear you get from the missions, it occurs rarely. If you are upgrading your gear as it drops, it is more of an issue because you are further above the "gear cap" so the synced reduction is greater. Note that there are no longer hard caps on any stats, all adjustments are a percent reduction in the stat.
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That particular problem has been known for some time now. Many people have reported their stats going down when they gain that level to go beyond the planet's synced level. To some extent it's gear related. If you are using only the planetary leveling gear you get from the missions, it occurs rarely. If you are upgrading your gear as it drops, it is more of an issue because you are further above the "gear cap" so the synced reduction is greater. Note that there are no longer hard caps on any stats, all adjustments are a percent reduction in the stat.


That is the thing. There is no point in stats and levels. Your are punish when you get better. They will lose people this way. Sadly is the only bad thing for me in the game. There are small bugs but nothing game breaking.

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They will lose people this way.

For as long as level sync has been around, there's been people advocating as well as denigrating the feature. At this point, the conversation just goes around in circles with both sides weighing in. All I can say is, if you left WoW because it has level sync, and now you're leaving this MMO because of level sync, if the feature is that distasteful for you, Google around a bit before jumping into a new game and save yourself some angst.

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For as long as level sync has been around, there's been people advocating as well as denigrating the feature. At this point, the conversation just goes around in circles with both sides weighing in. All I can say is, if you left WoW because it has level sync, and now you're leaving this MMO because of level sync, if the feature is that distasteful for you, Google around a bit before jumping into a new game and save yourself some angst.


Level sync in itself is a great thing. It's SWTOR 7.0's level sync that's simply atrocious.

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before 7.0, it wasn't that bad.

Now, since they lowered XP from GSF, I don't level as fast, great I'll just start a New character, so I can keep not getting level sync, but guess what .. I'm still out leveling the planets, and getting weaker. I'm not doing side or planet missions, actually doing less, even less GSF, but I did start WZ. I just do the one class mission per planet.

the new level sync that came with 7.0 is bad.

it wouldn't bug me if I could pause leveling up, because if your above the planet level now, you're going to be weaker, then being the same level.


It used to be level sync, but not your gear, which made you much stronger, but that was taking care of I think 5.0, I really don;t recall when, that was more a guess.

no matter how hard I been trying to keep leveling too fast, I'm going to be over level. By the time I reach Nar Shaddar, I'm over level, and have to deal with 7.0's level sync from there on.

heck, your over level before leaving the starter planets, but will say the first 20 levels are on Par, if you just do class missions.

The planets need to have their levels increased, I can't make it to Ilum at 50-52, if I try (which I'm doing now) I might be just above level 60 once I get there.

Till then you're going to be level sync before finishing chapter 1 is done

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I will never understand the fascination with being overleveled on any given planet.




Planet, as in PvE. Planet, as in things already die fast. Planet, as in, you're killing things just fine regardless.


I've spent 8 years playing in fleet-bought green mods and the occasional nice drop from a story mode op, and all the while growing all my toons, ever since level sync was first incorporated up to and including today, I cannot at all feel that I'm any weaker on any planet because my stats have been knocked down a bit. If it takes 2 more hits to kill a mob than the level before because level sync hit, cry me a river, that's not bad.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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For as long as level sync has been around, there's been people advocating as well as denigrating the feature. At this point, the conversation just goes around in circles with both sides weighing in. All I can say is, if you left WoW because it has level sync, and now you're leaving this MMO because of level sync, if the feature is that distasteful for you, Google around a bit before jumping into a new game and save yourself some angst.


I am not an online player in fact i am a single player gamer (i said lets try some online) and the only ones that shows are very few that are "good or popular". Why i need to know about level sync before trying it??? Beside how is alright that you get weaker than before when you get better gear. That is NOT OK, isn't good desing no matter what you say.

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I will never understand the fascination with being overleveled on any given planet.




Planet, as in PvE. Planet, as in things already die fast. Planet, as in, you're killing things just fine regardless.


I've spent 8 years playing in fleet-bought green mods and the occasional nice drop from a story mode op, and all the while growing all my toons, ever since level sync was first incorporated up to and including today, I cannot at all feel that I'm any weaker on any planet because my stats have been knocked down a bit. If it takes 2 more hits to kill a mob than the level before because level sync hit, cry me a river, that's not bad.

If was true it takes 1 or two hits then i would be alright. Normal mobs take me 5 to 6 hits when i am sync. That isn't fun, speacially when you just want to grind crafting nodes

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I am not an online player in fact i am a single player gamer (i said lets try some online) and the only ones that shows are very few that are "good or popular". Why i need to know about level sync before trying it??? Beside how is alright that you get weaker than before when you get better gear. That is NOT OK, isn't good desing no matter what you say.


A reason they added level sync is for those of us in guild that like to go play with their guild members and some of them are lower level than we are, and they were getting penalized for us being there with us. Did they need the help, not, but they liked playing with guild members so level sync helps for those of us that are in guilds that like to play together.


Now in this expansion, they have seemed to mess up the level sync that what it was before and that is causing problems but level sync is nice for the reason it was added, and that was playing with guild/friends that are lower than you.

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A reason they added level sync is for those of us in guild that like to go play with their guild members and some of them are lower level than we are, and they were getting penalized for us being there with us. Did they need the help, not, but they liked playing with guild members so level sync helps for those of us that are in guilds that like to play together.


Now in this expansion, they have seemed to mess up the level sync that what it was before and that is causing problems but level sync is nice for the reason it was added, and that was playing with guild/friends that are lower than you.


I agree that when you play in groups are two solutions: level sync or only allow players around your level. But when you play solo should be optional because you don't have repercutions on others people gameplay. But in case you impose level sync you should do it carefully because errors like when you get better gear you get weaker is not alright. Beside is you need level sync remove stats they are pointless

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The problem is not level sync but how wonky level sync is through 7.x


Before a patch I had to use a full opener to take out mobs on DK, but I can take the same mobs out with 1 aoe after a patch. I think bioware is still "working" on balance (lol) but that really isn't a big issue to me since I'm still pretty op when I overleveling a toon.

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The problem is not level sync but how wonky level sync is through 7.x


Before a patch I had to use a full opener to take out mobs on DK, but I can take the same mobs out with 1 aoe after a patch. I think bioware is still "working" on balance (lol) but that really isn't a big issue to me since I'm still pretty op when I overleveling a toon.


The problem with the balance is they keep changing level sync every expansion, requiring that they rebalance it every time. 5.0 had a hard cap, no matter what your item level. 6.0 had a hard cap except 272-306 when you could get up to 30 stacks of bonus stats. 7.0 has no hard cap, but heavy percentage reduction. They should just stick with one and polish it. No need to reinvent it every expansion.

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But when you play solo should be optional because you don't have repercutions on others people gameplay.

Yes, you do, indeed have repercussions (note spelling) on other players' gameplay. It was a recurring complaint that on lower-level planets, lower level people would be gathering to prep a world boss takedown, and two or three max-level players (number dependent on the planet) would come in and wipe out the boss without bothering to join the group.


With level sync, that doesn't happen any more.


EDIT: *but* the current structure of level sync is incorrect. Well, the previous structure was *also* incorrect, but less incorrect, despite the endless series of "Uberdarth Megapower killed by a K'lor Slug on Korriban" memes.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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Yes, you do, indeed have repercussions (note spelling) on other players' gameplay. It was a recurring complaint that on lower-level planets, lower level people would be gathering to prep a world boss takedown, and two or three max-level players (number dependent on the planet) would come in and wipe out the boss without bothering to join the group.


With level sync, that doesn't happen any more.


EDIT: *but* the current structure of level sync is incorrect. Well, the previous structure was *also* incorrect, but less incorrect, despite the endless series of "Uberdarth Megapower killed by a K'lor Slug on Korriban" memes.


English is not my natural language so spell errors can happen, even for people who speak english. But you have a point on the second part of your argument. The solution for that is removing stats else live with the consecuences. There is no porpouse is having a progession system that do not allow you to pregress, is a backward logic.

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The thread is ironic, given that before level sync, it was very possible to die to trash if you were underleveled. I remember dying all the time in 2.0 and 3.0. I died so often that I had usually maxed the 5 free respawns F2P get by Voss, and I had to be careful not to die anymore or I'd have to respawn from the nearest med-droid. Champs and elites were actually hard and would kill you if you aggroed more than a couple at a time.


Companion strength was boosted around the same time that level sync was created. Before that they were fairly ineffective healbots, and couldn't switch roles.


Knowing what I do now, and being bored by faceroll content in vanilla, I would actually prefer to keep level sync but return the game to its previous difficulty. If you're overleveled, level sync puts you at max planetary and you're fine. If you're at level or below level, you have to be more careful. That would satisfy everyone except OP and others who miss the days of one-shotting WBs.


oh and


I am not an online player in fact i am a single player gamer (i said lets try some online) and the only ones that shows are very few that are "good or popular". Why i need to know about level sync before trying it??? Beside how is alright that you get weaker than before when you get better gear. That is NOT OK, isn't good desing no matter what you say.


Every single player CRPG I play is extremely difficult. Mass Effect is very hard to me on veteran. DAO was also extremely difficult even on the easiest mode, I was constantly dying no matter how long I played or set the AI tactics. And those are relatively new games, don't even get me started on BG2 and other isometric-based tactical games. idk what it means when people keep saying they're "single player gamers", you ought to have no trouble in that case.

Edited by Ardrossan
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I personally do not have a problem with the concept of level sync. However, a few nights back I ran "Balmorra" "Heroics" (all of them) teamed up with someone that was a level 28. They could take damage and do more damage than I could.



Say what you want to ... but something is messed up! I have no idea what the technobabble is to back that up ... all I can tell you is what happened!


Note: I was using a level 80 Smuggler Gunslinger i-rating of 324 (at that time). The other player was using a JK level 28 IIRC. He had invited me into the group .. and I accepted. I had to be a LOT more careful when we got into a larger group of enemy targets to fight (whether dealing with the Colicoids or anything else for that matter.) IMO the level 28 doesn't need to be nerfed. BUT there is something clearly wrong with the current stats that are driving how level sync is currently working. It just needs to be fixed .. tweaked ... something.


Just my own observations of what happened just a couple days ago!

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I upgraded my gear i went back to quesh and get what? the mobs got harder and then i open my character panel to see my stats and guess what? i was weaker than before using better gear what the f...???....


Hi GoldenApolo,


To help us better understand your experience, can you tell us what your item rating was at the time?



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I personally do not have a problem with the concept of level sync. However, a few nights back I ran "Balmorra" "Heroics" (all of them) teamed up with someone that was a level 28. They could take damage and do more damage than I could.



Say what you want to ... but something is messed up! I have no idea what the technobabble is to back that up ... all I can tell you is what happened!


Note: I was using a level 80 Smuggler Gunslinger i-rating of 324 (at that time). The other player was using a JK level 28 IIRC. He had invited me into the group .. and I accepted. I had to be a LOT more careful when we got into a larger group of enemy targets to fight (whether dealing with the Colicoids or anything else for that matter.) IMO the level 28 doesn't need to be nerfed. BUT there is something clearly wrong with the current stats that are driving how level sync is currently working. It just needs to be fixed .. tweaked ... something.


Just my own observations of what happened just a couple days ago!


Agree wirh this. Something is definitely off for sure. I'm grinding my gunslinger right now. Currently lvl 80 and at SoV. I hate how awful it feels. Out of all my classes, it feels the worst to me. Not sure if it's just me, or if slinger is that bad right now. Going from lvl 80 to a lvl 75 activity and loosng half health and damage for just 5 levels doesn't feel right.

I mean it happens on every class, but slinger is not fun anymore. Once I finish Ruins of Nul, I'm never touching this class till something changes.


I've played other level synced games and so far Swtor is the worst.

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Hi GoldenApolo,


To help us better understand your experience, can you tell us what your item rating was at the time?




Probably best for some of us to wait until the next expansion, for when and if your dev team decides to stop beating around the bush and actually fix some of these problems with level sync and the atrocious gearing system we have. It's just as bad as World of Warcraft Shadowlands was, the only thing some of us find fun right now Jackie is leveling new toons up to a certain point and stop playing when we reach the new expansion.


P.S. Shadows of Revan had the best systems.

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I liked old version more, I like new version (much) less, I have every right to complain.


The old version had very weird minmax effects in endgame.

Tho changing it is overkill (for the moment) since they removed the endgame gearing liberty we enjoyed in 6.X, it is also more future proof once the %ages are properly done.

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Probably best for some of us to wait until the next expansion, for when and if your dev team decides to stop beating around the bush and actually fix some of these problems with level sync and the atrocious gearing system we have. It's just as bad as World of Warcraft Shadowlands was, the only thing some of us find fun right now Jackie is leveling new toons up to a certain point and stop playing when we reach the new expansion.


P.S. Shadows of Revan had the best systems.


TF you mean, this gearing system is objectively one of the best they did.

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Agree wirh this. Something is definitely off for sure. I'm grinding my gunslinger right now. Currently lvl 80 and at SoV. I hate how awful it feels. Out of all my classes, it feels the worst to me. Not sure if it's just me, or if slinger is that bad right now. Going from lvl 80 to a lvl 75 activity and loosng half health and damage for just 5 levels doesn't feel right.

I mean it happens on every class, but slinger is not fun anymore. Once I finish Ruins of Nul, I'm never touching this class till something changes.


I've played other level synced games and so far Swtor is the worst.


Well, the increase in stats from 75 to 80 was arround 60-65% so losing half of it when going back is almost accurate (should be arround 40%)

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