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PLEASE let me mute my companions!


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Especially C2-N2. Or stuff him into a garbage compactor, feed him to a Sarlacc, then fire the Sarlacc out of a cannon into a star.


The companions are very nice, I like having them, but -- to put it very kindly, mildly, and courteously -- it simply isn't terribly interesting to hear the same catch phrase for the eight thousandth time. To hear Kira say, "Eat lightsaber, jerk!" over and over makes me want to use the Force in very Dark Side ways, indeed.


C2-N2 is the worst. I find myself disliking my starship, because any time I move he's bound to tell me he's reserved the best escape pod for me (there's only one), or that my crew is getting fat, or that he's the best there is at what he does. I loathe C2-N2. I want him gone. I want him gone, painfully -- even though droids don't feel pain. If I fall to the Dark Side, it will be because of this ghastly shiny pile of lickspittle hatefulness that lurks in a doorway on my ship and WILL NOT SHUT UP.


In case I've been anything less than clear, I don't like having to hear my companions all the time. Please let me mute them. Or kill them. Thank you.

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I agree the companion "catch phases" should be toned down a bit.


Maybe change the coding to only trigger one out of 5 times instead of everytime. I say their "catch phases" only because Kira does say interesting things upon enter a new zone sometimes.

Edited by Rialth
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Especially C2-N2. Or stuff him into a garbage compactor, feed him to a Sarlacc, then fire the Sarlacc out of a cannon into a star.


The companions are very nice, I like having them, but -- to put it very kindly, mildly, and courteously -- it simply isn't terribly interesting to hear the same catch phrase for the eight thousandth time. To hear Kira say, "Eat lightsaber, jerk!" over and over makes me want to use the Force in very Dark Side ways, indeed.


C2-N2 is the worst. I find myself disliking my starship, because any time I move he's bound to tell me he's reserved the best escape pod for me (there's only one), or that my crew is getting fat, or that he's the best there is at what he does. I loathe C2-N2. I want him gone. I want him gone, painfully -- even though droids don't feel pain. If I fall to the Dark Side, it will be because of this ghastly shiny pile of lickspittle hatefulness that lurks in a doorway on my ship and WILL NOT SHUT UP.


In case I've been anything less than clear, I don't like having to hear my companions all the time. Please let me mute them. Or kill them. Thank you.



The droid angers me in ways i cannot describe. infact when i have to use him i mute the game and put music on. Thats the only way he is tolerable, which if you think about it, isn't something i should have to do.

Next annoying thign is being told "master you will be pleased! i gained such epic success!" only to look at your crew skills box and find that the droid fumbled his task and didn't come back with anything... I would be happy about this why?!

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But they add comedy to the game. I don't mind them at all. You could just roll Consular and use Q. No idea what he is saying anyway. :D


Not the robot. He says the same line literally after every action you use on your command bar. You'll hear him say the same line 5+ times in a single fight.

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  • 1 month later...
The reason everyone hates C2-N2 is that he not only sounds very much like C-3PO, he is voiced by Anthony Daniels as well. After having to endure that droid through 6 movies, I am ready to send him to the spices mines of Kessel to be melted into who-knows-what.
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Most of my companions don't really bother me in combat. But that damn ship droid is really starting to piss me off. Every time I enter ship, or run past him he starts saying the same crap. It's so damn annoying that you have to wait for him to finish every time as if you start some story line convesation you still hear him talking in the background and he is very loud. For such an advanced droid you would think they would have a mute button.
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  • 11 months later...

Okay I know this issue has been toned down dramatically since launch when companions seemed to be saying something on every global cool down.


However, using the Healers Malavai and Talos on my Marauder and Sorcerer is driving me nuts. Why can't they be a bit more manly like Mako or Doctor Lokin. Or preferably just shut up and heal!


A global mute option would be a godsend at this moment in time ;)

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Really mute them?


HK says nothing compared to the HK from the KOTOR series. I believe this is one of the main reasons many players went thru' the trouble to get him. I wanted to hear him talk and come up with his style of humor.


Unfortunately, he's rather mute.

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Some people find companion comments irritating? Are you perhaps stressed, hungry and/or tired?


I for example still grin at ship droids (especially 2V-R8) comments.


But the option shouldn't be big job, so why not.

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Especially C2-N2. Or stuff him into a garbage compactor, feed him to a Sarlacc, then fire the Sarlacc out of a cannon into a star.


The companions are very nice, I like having them, but -- to put it very kindly, mildly, and courteously -- it simply isn't terribly interesting to hear the same catch phrase for the eight thousandth time. To hear Kira say, "Eat lightsaber, jerk!" over and over makes me want to use the Force in very Dark Side ways, indeed.


C2-N2 is the worst. I find myself disliking my starship, because any time I move he's bound to tell me he's reserved the best escape pod for me (there's only one), or that my crew is getting fat, or that he's the best there is at what he does. I loathe C2-N2. I want him gone. I want him gone, painfully -- even though droids don't feel pain. If I fall to the Dark Side, it will be because of this ghastly shiny pile of lickspittle hatefulness that lurks in a doorway on my ship and WILL NOT SHUT UP.


In case I've been anything less than clear, I don't like having to hear my companions all the time. Please let me mute them. Or kill them. Thank you.


While I TOTALLY disagree with your post (I love my companions, tho the ship droid can become a wee bit tedious), you expressed your opinion in such a charming and witty manner that I am compelled to endorse this thread.


HUZZAH, to you, sir!



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