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Are you still having fun in SWTOR or ?


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With the release of 7.0 and having to run all that old content again are you still having a blast or has the game burned it self out keep the comments positive please.


In response to your signature 7.0 is not the worst expansion in history. WoW's WOD was. Yet to see anything worse


With that said I will be having fun once they fix companions

Edited by Zergnaut
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With the release of 7.0 and having to run all that old content again are you still having a blast or has the game burned it self out keep the comments positive please.


Ofc I'm having a blast. Who wouldn't be excited to get nerfed a lot while doing the same old s**t. This "expansion" is such fun. Tx BW... Not

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Probably would be if they hadn't made the game such a slog. Only thing to do once you finish the 30 minutes of story is grind for gear. Four different paths with four different currencies is just silly. Not to mention the companion nerfs which made even the slightly enjoyable activity of doing different heroics each day somewhat enjoyable. Now its just the same ones (shortest ones I can find) over and over to minimize the torment. I've had a continuous sub with this game for 10 years and cancelled it yesterday. Just living on the borrowed time of what remains of my 6 month sub (2 months left)
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Yes. I still play with friends, we have fun raiding. Laughing about having to actually do mechanics in HM KP, having to relearn all the stuff we forgot, getting all excited for seeing a purple piece we actually need drop, etc. I'm not a big fan of most of the changes 7.0 brought, I feel BW could do some tweaking....but still having fun because of the people
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Absolutely not. Need to force myself to launch the game and sometimes


No you dont. Thats just silly. Its a game not a job. Its not something you have to do. If you are not having fun just walk away

Edited by Zergnaut
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Well, I've been in and out for over 10 years now. The downsides of 7.0 probably aren't enough for me to never have fun in SWTOR again. I still have ideas for characters I want to level, and milestones I want to reach.


However, whether I lose interest over time and gradually fade away for good remains to be seen. WoW certainly ruined itself beyond any possibility of me ever returning to it, a game I invested far more of my time into. I pray the same isn't happening to SWTOR.


I'm still having fun for now, but also waiting to see where this is going, what changes will be brought about in the coming weeks and months, and whether or not I'm renewing my sub soon or need another break.

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7.0 is not fun so rather than waste sub money doing nothing at all, I'm levelling yet another alt and pretending 7.0 doesn't exist. Not impressed with the update at all; I have more fun doing Wordle as a Brit trying to get a word with an American spelling (if you've seen the UK Twitter discourse when this happens, you'll understand :D).
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Yes, i am. If i wasnt i wouldnt be here. There is a lot im not happy with but also very much that i am.

I wont bother listing it we all have our agendas on what that means.

90% of the issues could be solved by simply adding modable gear back.

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With the release of 7.0 and having to run all that old content again are you still having a blast or has the game burned it self out keep the comments positive please.


No. doing one conquest on my 8 toons. And that all. Doing 100k on same content is not fun.


Spending time for personal conquest could as 6.0 take 30 min, 1 hours. Viewing the poor reward, more time is no sense.

Edited by Syal
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No Theron, no fun. :(



And that goes for all the other companions too except for Lana. Not her. :mad:


I used to love logging in, I played through with my JK...I can't bring myself to log my Sith in to do their part. I probably will, maybe before my time lapses, but yeah, it's not the giddy excitement I had years ago when I got time to sit down and play or couldn't wait to sit down and play when stuck doing something else.


PS. I don't 'get' the armor situation either, it used to be easy to understand and gear decently because even as a story player, I had some pride and wanted good things...

Edited by Lunafox
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Nope. Went from an every day player who spent a couple hours logged in to spending more time reading forums and lamenting my loss. Not enjoying the game anymore as of two weeks ago... I wish I could say it was burnout but it's all 7.0. Yet to be seen if what little time I spend in the game going forward will be enough to hold my interest at all.


I was having a moderate amount of fun with GS objectives because I still find those rewarding but probably not going to bother with those once my sub is up... which is literally any minute now (not even sure this post will go through until it does).


Everything else feels like work, not fun. My toons aren't as fun... I can Mad Dash but I can't Force Choke. I lost my Spike opener on Sin. I no longer have a smile on my face every time I activate Shatter Slug on my Pyrotech because it's gone. Every time I log into an alt I have to rearrange my bars and sort out my ability tree while looking at an awful eyesore of an interface (and still literally getting headaches from inventory but at least a fix for that is in the works, although it should have never made it live).


I enjoyed heroics but now many of them are too much of a hassle and with the conquest changes there's no incentive to bother anyway. Heroics were the primary activity for me daily so that's the game right there, for me. The changes to Conquest (and I put Renown removal under that umbrella), the various nerfs, the ability reduction... it all just saps my reason to play away overnight. Perfect storm of changes which were undesirable to me, killing incentive on multiple fronts.


I can't be bothered to level or gear up as it seems like a waste of time and effort... that aspect is burnout to a point, I've never been a fan of the "expansion" grind and always get there slowly, but that means I'm not participating in group activity as much until I do get there so another lost incentive to play. To each their own, some love farming to get max levels asap but it's not for me. Now with the more complex system and multiple currencies, I'm even less interested in trying to sort it all out again. Too much change at once is a thing.


I still enjoy GSF but it seems odd to log into a game just to play what amounts to a side game.. I should probably give Squadrons a shake.

Edited by red_onion
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Yes, enjoying alot. I'm about to renew my subscription, but I'll probably add a month or two. I'd be happy to add another 180 days at once, but after the mass hysteria of the players and the lack of communication from EA I'm not confident that they will maintain the game for an amount of time that makes it worth my investment of time and money.
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With the release of 7.0 and having to run all that old content again are you still having a blast or has the game burned it self out keep the comments positive please.


Given your signature, I wonder if there is an agenda behind this. However, will assume you are open minded to people that don't think 7.0 is the worst expansion in history. I think it was SWG as a game and NGO finally killed off that zombie with a gunshot to the head.


I am having fun. Once I got over the lack of explanations on where everything is and why changes were needed, I focused on the stories. For me, I agree it seemed more like "that it?" but then again I am not paying $20 for the expansion and know there are things that go on in the background. That said, I am hoping there is a cadence of like 6 sub-expansions this year (like one every 1-2 months or so) but suspect we will get 2 or 3 in the celebration year. But 7.1 I could give two flips about another Op (haven't really done Ops in 7 years) and dislike the "gear progression cadence as well. However, suspect that will get changed and likely expedited where it will become more like 4.0 (i think that was the popular gearing version - apologies in advance if wrong).


All said I would give the expansion 6.5 / 10 simply because of the delay, lack of a lot of content, and a mediocre rollout and the removal of renown and alignment without explanations other than "we are taking a different direction". I don't think it was a "DOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!" event but also will acknowledge it could have gone better.


I do think if asked in December 2022, I am hoping to have the score more a 8.5 / 9.5 overall with the half point drop due to the initial rollout hit.

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