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We're honestly being trolled by the devs


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I honestly think the developers are just trolling us at this point. Who in their right mind would release an update that literally makes it IMPOSSIBLE to obtain gear? I did multiple weeklies already and haven't obtained a single loot crate. And I'm not the only person who is isn't getting loot Go check bug reports, there's multiple people having the same exact problem.


So here's what game update 7.0 brings us:

1. An extremely short story

2. A horrendous new gearing system that is grindy and bugged, making it impossible to obtain gear.

3. A new user interface which is waaaay worse than the old one for multiple reasons:

  • It is so big and ugly that you can't even view your character from multiple angles when changing outfits.
  • We used to be able to see other player's outfits but now we can't
  • The inventory blinds you with ugly blue boxes
  • Purchasing a new slot in outfit designer doesn't update until you close and reopen it.
  • Moving an item from your cargo bay to your inventory sometimes causes that item to completely disappear unless you close and reopen your inventory
  • Dragging the window around with your mouse cursor will sometimes cause that window to "stick" to your mouse cursor.


And those are just SOME of the bugs that I have personally experienced. Imagine how many bugs thousands of other players experienced.


Speaking of bugs:

  • Infinite loading screens
  • Crashes
  • Loot crates not giving people gear
  • Loot crates not appearing in inventories
  • Launcher corrupting the entire installation during patching. Yup, I had to reinstall the entire 40 GB + game on launch day.


4. Dumb changes

  • Ability Pruning
  • Combat Styles
  • Can't change specs in group finder unless you /leave the group. Nope, exiting instances doesn't work either. You have to /leave and get a 15 minute lockout.


I can literally go on and on all night, but I think I'll just stop there...

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cut them some slack.


I would cut them some slack if they stopped being so silent all the time and actually listened to us. When I first subscribed to this game I was thinking the same thing you are now, "cut them some slack. Why is everyone so rude to the devs?" But I was ignorant and didn't see how they constantly ignore all the feedback they get back then. Trust me, they deserve to be called out for their wrongdoings.

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cut them some slack.


We cut them slack in 4.0 when they took away our ability to gear our companions, then mailed our companions' pants back to us while they stood naked on our ships.


We cut them slack when they created Command and then it broke the game.


We cut them slack when they introduced Iokath with the worst systems ever for doing dailies.


We cut them slack when they took Command away right as we were getting used to it, taking the achievements away that many of us didn't get - nor had any time to complete before it was ripped away from us - and gave us Renown.


We cut them slack when they gave us Ossus with so many bugs (pun not intended) that certain missions didn't work right.


We cut them slack when they took PvP gear away saying it was locking people out of the experience, only to put other gear in that was still gated behind experiences most people don't do. We gave them slack when they claimed said gear wouldn't be effective in PvP but then watched players on opposing teams faceroll us after gaining better gear.


We cut them slack when they took regular gearing out of the picture and put in gearing 6.0 style, where you have sixteen gazillion different combinations you could muddle through to try to put them in the right set for your class and specialization.


There are so many other things I could fill in here...


How much more slack is there in this rope we're holding onto before we finally reach the end and have to let them tumble with our "WE TOLD YOU SO'S" echoing behind them???

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We cut them slack in 4.0 when they took away our ability to gear our companions, then mailed our companions' pants back to us while they stood naked on our ships.


We cut them slack when they created Command and then it broke the game.


We cut them slack when they introduced Iokath with the worst systems ever for doing dailies.


We cut them slack when they took Command away right as we were getting used to it, taking the achievements away that many of us didn't get - nor had any time to complete before it was ripped away from us - and gave us Renown.


We cut them slack when they gave us Ossus with so many bugs (pun not intended) that certain missions didn't work right.


We cut them slack when they took PvP gear away saying it was locking people out of the experience, only to put other gear in that was still gated behind experiences most people don't do. We gave them slack when they claimed said gear wouldn't be effective in PvP but then watched players on opposing teams faceroll us after gaining better gear.


We cut them slack when they took regular gearing out of the picture and put in gearing 6.0 style, where you have sixteen gazillion different combinations you could muddle through to try to put them in the right set for your class and specialization.


There are so many other things I could fill in here...


How much more slack is there in this rope we're holding onto before we finally reach the end and have to let them tumble with our "WE TOLD YOU SO'S" echoing behind them???


you're blowing this way out of proportion. the expansion is fine.

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We cut them slack in 4.0 when they took away our ability to gear our companions, then mailed our companions' pants back to us while they stood naked on our ships.


We cut them slack when they created Command and then it broke the game.


We cut them slack when they introduced Iokath with the worst systems ever for doing dailies.


We cut them slack when they took Command away right as we were getting used to it, taking the achievements away that many of us didn't get - nor had any time to complete before it was ripped away from us - and gave us Renown.


We cut them slack when they gave us Ossus with so many bugs (pun not intended) that certain missions didn't work right.


We cut them slack when they took PvP gear away saying it was locking people out of the experience, only to put other gear in that was still gated behind experiences most people don't do. We gave them slack when they claimed said gear wouldn't be effective in PvP but then watched players on opposing teams faceroll us after gaining better gear.


We cut them slack when they took regular gearing out of the picture and put in gearing 6.0 style, where you have sixteen gazillion different combinations you could muddle through to try to put them in the right set for your class and specialization.


There are so many other things I could fill in here...


How much more slack is there in this rope we're holding onto before we finally reach the end and have to let them tumble with our "WE TOLD YOU SO'S" echoing behind them???



Ya, ever since 5.0 and the galactic command stuff they seem to be afraid to just go back to what worked. Its like they feel compelled to reinvent the wheel over and over again for some reason. They need to stop wasting resources on pointless crap and just go back to things that worked. PvE had pretty good progression systems in 2.x and 3.x with the token system and 4.x had the best pvp progression. Just do a mix of those systems and we'd be golden with gear progression.

Edited by Raansu
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4. Dumb changes

  • Combat Styles


That's a dumb change?


SWTOR has the best customization of any game I know of, and this strengthens it even further. The only other games I can think of would be car games; perhaps Grand Turismo 7, as an example.


Every other MMO has some sort of tedious process involving customization, but in SWTOR, you can fully customize your characters right out of the box. Physical appearance, attire, dyes, mounts, and even their starfighters. They're even voiced, and the dialogue system is almost as dynamic as Deus Ex. And now, with Combat Styles, you can have the graphical effects of a mirror class.


The only downside I can think of is the removal of various cosmetics, however few, from vendors and such. I would very much like to reclaim my 4.0 PvP set that I had stamped, and thus lost when I transferred servers, as I didn't keep the actual armor pieces in my possession.


Not disagreeing with your post, OP, just this one thing.


@Raansu @bncsmom You two raised some good points, and illustrate exactly how I feel in most of what you brought up!


There are so many other things I could fill in here...

One of which, at least for me, was increasing our GCD in 6.0. I was weaker and slower. Combat was more boring and tedious. Yes, one second does make a notable difference. I want to feel like I am in Star Wars, not a Chess game. I have no idea why they did that.


I also wasn't too thrilled about the changes to exploration quests, heroics, and bonus series quests and whatnot. Turning them into dailies, weeklies, etc. I don't even bother doing those missions anymore when taking my characters through the story, since they don't matter anymore, or at least feel that they do.

Edited by ForfiniteStories
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Theyre destroying the game because they want people to jump to the next SW mmo


Doubtful. SWTOR is the one thing pre Disney canon reboot that is still kicking, but once its gone I doubt we will see another mmo for starwars. The target audience will be console FPS games and maybe a single player open world game, but very unlikely we will get more starwars MMOs

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even if i really don't like the actual gearing system and i think it is really bad design,

it is not true that it will be an endless grind. the first players are already fully 330,

exept legendaries.


the issue is, that you need to combine the different ways to maximize your gearing

and like in the past, you can speed things up very fast, by using tons of alts. so if

you don't just do casual stuff, you can gear up fast, even with the empty crates.


and again. i really don't like the changes. but we should be fair, too.

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Yes, they did. In 5.0, my GCD was one-point-three seconds. In 6.0, it was one-point-four seconds.


The base GCD is 1.5s and it has been 1.5s since launch. The only way to lower it is with alacrity which means you equipped something in 6.0 that had less or no alacrity on it.

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We cut them slack in 4.0 when they took away our ability to gear our companions, then mailed our companions' pants back to us while they stood naked on our ships.


We cut them slack when they created Command and then it broke the game.


We cut them slack when they introduced Iokath with the worst systems ever for doing dailies.


We cut them slack when they took Command away right as we were getting used to it, taking the achievements away that many of us didn't get - nor had any time to complete before it was ripped away from us - and gave us Renown.


We cut them slack when they gave us Ossus with so many bugs (pun not intended) that certain missions didn't work right.


We cut them slack when they took PvP gear away saying it was locking people out of the experience, only to put other gear in that was still gated behind experiences most people don't do. We gave them slack when they claimed said gear wouldn't be effective in PvP but then watched players on opposing teams faceroll us after gaining better gear.


We cut them slack when they took regular gearing out of the picture and put in gearing 6.0 style, where you have sixteen gazillion different combinations you could muddle through to try to put them in the right set for your class and specialization.


There are so many other things I could fill in here...


How much more slack is there in this rope we're holding onto before we finally reach the end and have to let them tumble with our "WE TOLD YOU SO'S" echoing behind them???


Perfectly said


That's the problem with cutting them slack Every time you do, they keep repeating the same things over and over again.

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Theyre destroying the game because they want people to jump to the next SW mmo


That is not necessary, i have no idea when the ubisoft MMO is slated to release. My first guess is that swtor will be shut down by late 2023. If history repeats itself and this game last until the new MMO is ready. SWTOR will shutdown 5 days before release, Just like SWG shutdown 5 days before release of SWTOR.

Edited by Deamandred
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I think I've come to terms with the most likely explanation as being that the same institutional rot that created Anthem has come to destroy what's left of SWTOR and it will prob continue to plague this company until its last studio finally gets shut down from too many failures. None of the other explanations people come up with really hold together all that well on closer examination, but if you look at what happened with Anthem and imagine that same environment applied to this game, it starts making sense how we got 7.0. Just imagine management that is head in the clouds ambitious + can't make up their minds about what they want, tech that is very hard to work with, workers crunched til they have breakdowns, "BW magic" belief from higher ups that it will all work out in the end. If you think about what could possibly produce this charlie foxtrot of an update, that seems like a clear fit.


It would also fit with the radio silence about the whole thing, despite so much ire. If management couldn't make up their minds and was head in the clouds ambitious, then naturally, they wouldn't want to stand by this update because they prob think it's awful too (tho maybe not for all the same reasons). And falling on the sword of their massive failure in such a way might put their career at risk, so they'd rather hide, keep schmoozing, and see how they can leverage it to fail upwards.

Edited by Rolodome
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That's a dumb change?


SWTOR has the best customization of any game I know of, and this strengthens it even further. The only other games I can think of would be car games; perhaps Grand Turismo 7, as an example.


Every other MMO has some sort of tedious process involving customization, but in SWTOR, you can fully customize your characters right out of the box. Physical appearance, attire, dyes, mounts, and even their starfighters. They're even voiced, and the dialogue system is almost as dynamic as Deus Ex. And now, with Combat Styles, you can have the graphical effects of a mirror class.


The only downside I can think of is the removal of various cosmetics, however few, from vendors and such. I would very much like to reclaim my 4.0 PvP set that I had stamped, and thus lost when I transferred servers, as I didn't keep the actual armor pieces in my possession.


Not disagreeing with your post, OP, just this one thing.


@Raansu @bncsmom You two raised some good points, and illustrate exactly how I feel in most of what you brought up!


One of which, at least for me, was increasing our GCD in 6.0. I was weaker and slower. Combat was more boring and tedious. Yes, one second does make a notable difference. I want to feel like I am in Star Wars, not a Chess game. I have no idea why they did that.


I also wasn't too thrilled about the changes to exploration quests, heroics, and bonus series quests and whatnot. Turning them into dailies, weeklies, etc. I don't even bother doing those missions anymore when taking my characters through the story, since they don't matter anymore, or at least feel that they do.


SWTOR comes no where near its competitor in Japan in customization for an MMO. Its competitor lets your 1 Character play 19 different classes.. Not just 2.... but you are right... you can customize it to an extent.

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That's a dumb change?


SWTOR has the best customization of any game I know of, and this strengthens it even further. The only other games I can think of would be car games; perhaps Grand Turismo 7, as an example.


Every other MMO has some sort of tedious process involving customization, but in SWTOR, you can fully customize your characters right out of the box. Physical appearance, attire, dyes, mounts, and even their starfighters. They're even voiced, and the dialogue system is almost as dynamic as Deus Ex. And now, with Combat Styles, you can have the graphical effects of a mirror class.


It's apparent that you've never played FFXIV. Where one character and play every job the game has to offer. One character can play every tank job (4), every healing job (4), every magical range dps job (4), every range DPS job (3), and every melee job (5).


This is seamless changes from going from playing a Dark Knight (tank) to playing a Dancer (RDPS) simply clicking a button. What FFXIV has for changing "combat stances" has been around since 2.0 ARR. It is the benchmark for other games to try what SWTOR has now.


Note: Jobs in FFXIV equals SWTOR's "Combat Stances" they've given us.


Now, I'm not going to knock this new feature. I welcome it. It's a bit confusing at first but once you get a hang on it, it would be great to have a macro to use that would change a stance with a single button removing the current 4 step process (Open K, select load out, activate load out, then close the window).


FFXIV doesn't stop there, the very same character can due each and ever crafting job in the game (8) and gathering job (3) by clicking the button used to set up these jobs as we have for our class jobs. All of it is seamless and works perfectly each and everything time a player choose a difference "combat stance" or crafting/gathering job.


I've never played a game that allowed a single player do every aspect of the game in terms of class/jobs and all crafting/gathering jobs. In SWTOR we can have one single crafting job, one single gathering job, and a mission job related to obtaining mats that support the crafting.


You talk about how great the "outfit designer" is. FFXIV set the benchmark for doing that for the player. The glamour system. It is unique as it is intuitive. It is the real endgame for FFXIV (as most players will say!). This involves using glamour prisms and most importantly, the glamour plate. Where you can have 20 different glamour looks set up for "combat stances" and crafting/gathering jobs. You can link it to each "combat stance" that will glamour the armor with a look of your choosing that you placed in the Glamour storage box.


When you change from being a Dark Knight to a Dancer, it automatically glamours the armor of the Dancer to a totally different look. It would be like changing from Malgus' armor to that of a Dancer's outfit many people have Vette wearing. Want to play as a Bard (Archer), boom, changes to your glamoured armor giving yourself a look from an old Errol Flynn movie with a cool looking hat or just wearing a bikini if you glamoured your armor as so.


So, here's a look at the glamour system of FFXIV. This will give you a more detailed look into how this system works. Do I want SWTOR to have the same thing. No, I like what SWTOR has, it is unique in of itself. However, there are bugs in it currently I'd hope the developers would address and fix along with all the mile long list of bugs 7.0 gave us.


Why did I tell you all this? To show you there is a game developer who has perfected those very same things you tried to use as an example. Since the original Devs tried to emulate WOWs with the features of this game using the Hero engine still in Alpha they obtained, things in this game have been prone to not working properly.


Like when hats were released shortly after launch and all the hair on a character's head clipped through it. Try as they did, they were never able to fix that so they just made the hat delete the hair and/or used special wrap around covers to cover up the ears, neck side, and back of the head, attached to the hat. This engine is at the core of many problems with this game. This is why so many updates have had bug issues. Most are remedied over time. I've accepted this because of the engine their using.


Still, at this point in time, I would venture to say, as a whole, the player base is extremely upset with 7.0, especially with Weapons Outfitter not part of the original release. Each and everyone who is upset that expresses their views and opinions on the state of the game currently are within their right to do so. It is what it is.


Thus, telling someone that SWTOR's current customization is the best, is far from the truth. And the reason I replied. SWTOR's current system cannot cast any shade on FFXIV's system. And I believe the reason behind it has to do with the current extremely modified unfinished Hero engine.


Speaking about changes, this is what FFXIV is releasing come 7.0 for the game. They are dramatically improving graphics for all aspects of the game. You can see that for yourself with the link I just provided.

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