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Everything posted by Telden

  1. It would be nice if Notes of Reflection were sold on the Seasons vendor. Something useful to spend Seasons tokens on.
  2. AWS performance issues might have a larger impact on population than a delay in deploying 7.3.1.
  3. "The Launcher is looking for available updates..." ... and looking... ... and looking... ... and looking... ... and looking... Really, how long does it take to look for an update? Will it finish by tomorrow morning? Why?
  4. T7 is a Republic model astromech, and looks different from an Imperial model. Hopefully the upcoming Season will offer an Imperial customization for T7.
  5. I'm a little confused. You can't raid in 336, you have to have 340? But the only way to get 340 is by raiding? But you can't raid to get 340 if you don't have 340? Um, what?
  6. I wonder how this will affect performance. Well, I guess we're going to find out, like it or not.
  7. My playtime is somewhat limited, since I have other things to do too. So, no, I don't do much non-Season content while a Season is running.
  8. Honestly, I'm not in a rush for Galactic Season 5. I'd like there to be some downtime between Seasons, to prevent burnout and to give more time to do non-Season content.
  9. It's been a long time since I last recruited Pierce and 4X, but I don't see how the PvP changes in 7.2 will affect them. They didn't require Ranked PvP to recruit. Rather, you had to grind Unranked PvP until your eyeballs fall out in dispair for humanity. So, they should still be recruitable (depending on your endurance for misery).
  10. Honestly, I'd prefer it if Assassin/Shadow could use a regular 1h saber, rather than being limited to only a double-bladed saber. At this point in the game though, there's no way they'd devote the time and resources to do such a thing.
  11. Crafting? What makes you think anything in this expansion will ever be craftable?
  12. Don't you mean "They settle for a few very small parts are not broken from new bugs we just created because we have no clue how to *not* break things that have been working for 10 years"?
  13. Where are the objectives for May 3rd through May 31st?
  14. Holy Thread Necro, Batman!! This dates back to 2012...
  15. I want rainbow vomit colored gear!
  16. You're not actually asking the current Dev team to think, are you? That's asking too much of them.
  17. Hrmph, this is EA. If they do anything, they will sell single-use "I Win!" buttons on the Cartel Market, which give a 200X stat boost for 1 PvP match.
  18. This doesn't even take into account how ludicrously grindy it is to get the gold augment schematic to begin with.
  19. In 6.0+, there was an armor set named "Amplified Champion" which had better Amplifiers instead of a set bonus. It is a business rule in EA/Bioware that when a new expansion launches, last expansion's gear, that everyone needed to grind for, must become obsolete. But the only way to make Amplified Champion obsolete is to remove Amplifiers. So, Amplifiers were removed.
  20. Oh come on, that's a really mean thing to say about Admiral Ozzel.
  21. I agree as well. However, I have no expectation of it happening. The current Dev team has shown that they hate our guts.
  22. Personally, I think the current Dev team is amazing! They have the uncanny ability to break anything they touch. What other Dev team can release a bug patch that makes things even buggier? For corporations that want to deliberately lose their customers, this is one of the best Dev teams ever!
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