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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I have a Star Ship but NOT a Mount? ***


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Cause you dont need a mount prior to Tatooine to get around, but you do need a star ship to get from one planet to the next.



Well this has to be one of the dumbest comments I have read on here. Seriously dude? You get speeder training at level 25. You should be able to get a speeder at level 25. If they didn’t want us to have one until Tatooine then doesn’t make speeder training available until level 30.


The reason he and many other do not have speeders at level 25 is because the economy is so out of whack it isn’t even funny. Skill training is way too expensive after level 15. And it gets far more expensive as you progress. This has been a big issue during the beta and Bioware did nothing to really address it.


And their constant nerfing of skills like Slicing is a big part of the reason.


So your comment is way off base

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Well this has to be one of the dumbest comments I have read on here. Seriously dude? You get speeder training at level 25. You should be able to get a speeder at level 25. If they didn’t want us to have one until Tatooine then doesn’t make speeder training available until level 30.


The reason he and many other do not have speeders at level 25 is because the economy is so out of whack it isn’t even funny. Skill training is way too expensive after level 15. And it gets far more expensive as you progress. This has been a big issue during the beta and Bioware did nothing to really address it.


And their constant nerfing of skills like Slicing is a big part of the reason.


So your comment is way off base


Um, you can have speeders at 25. And I had the credits available for the training by the time I hit as well. Even with spending most of it on crafting missions. And that was all in beta.


I think you may want to consider who you are calling stupid, prior to making stupid statements based on your personal experience.

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Well this has to be one of the dumbest comments I have read on here. Seriously dude? You get speeder training at level 25. You should be able to get a speeder at level 25. If they didn’t want us to have one until Tatooine then doesn’t make speeder training available until level 30.


The reason he and many other do not have speeders at level 25 is because the economy is so out of whack it isn’t even funny. Skill training is way too expensive after level 15. And it gets far more expensive as you progress. This has been a big issue during the beta and Bioware did nothing to really address it.


And their constant nerfing of skills like Slicing is a big part of the reason.


So your comment is way off base


:rolleyes: Anyone with a brain has plenty of credits by 25 to purchase the training. That isn't the issue they're talking about. They're wondering why you get a spaceship at 15, which by all rights should cost millions upon millions of credits, but you can't buy a scooter till 25.

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Well this has to be one of the dumbest comments I have read on here. Seriously dude? You get speeder training at level 25. You should be able to get a speeder at level 25. If they didn’t want us to have one until Tatooine then doesn’t make speeder training available until level 30.


The reason he and many other do not have speeders at level 25 is because the economy is so out of whack it isn’t even funny. Skill training is way too expensive after level 15. And it gets far more expensive as you progress. This has been a big issue during the beta and Bioware did nothing to really address it.


And their constant nerfing of skills like Slicing is a big part of the reason.


So your comment is way off base

At lvl 23 I have enough credits for the skill, and the speeder.


Skills are Artificing, Archeology, and Treasure hunting, and I've barely done anything with all three of them.


Speeder cost is fine.

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s. This has been a big issue during the beta and Bioware did nothing to really address it.


And their constant nerfing of skills like Slicing is a big part of the reason.


So your comment is way off base


...You mean the one "nerf"? The only one they've done in the only real patch they've done...yeah, I'd say that's pretty constant, too

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Well this has to be one of the dumbest comments I have read on here. Seriously dude? You get speeder training at level 25. You should be able to get a speeder at level 25. If they didn’t want us to have one until Tatooine then doesn’t make speeder training available until level 30.


The reason he and many other do not have speeders at level 25 is because the economy is so out of whack it isn’t even funny. Skill training is way too expensive after level 15. And it gets far more expensive as you progress. This has been a big issue during the beta and Bioware did nothing to really address it.


And their constant nerfing of skills like Slicing is a big part of the reason.


So your comment is way off base


Your first sentence made your post 100% invalid. Nice work!

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Well this has to be one of the dumbest comments I have read on here. Seriously dude? You get speeder training at level 25. You should be able to get a speeder at level 25. If they didn’t want us to have one until Tatooine then doesn’t make speeder training available until level 30.


The reason he and many other do not have speeders at level 25 is because the economy is so out of whack it isn’t even funny. Skill training is way too expensive after level 15. And it gets far more expensive as you progress. This has been a big issue during the beta and Bioware did nothing to really address it.


And their constant nerfing of skills like Slicing is a big part of the reason.


So your comment is way off base


*** are you talking about? Im level 26 on Tatooine. How about you actually research *** your talking about before making an idiotic post.


Level 15 you find that its time to leave the current planet your at, and at the same time space missions open up for you. Level 25 you are sent to much larger zones where you need a speeder. The training is 40k (which you can make on Nar Shaddaa just doing the side quests, which arent that many) the speeder at level 25 is only 8k..Something you should be able to make in no more then two quests. Im not sure what game your playing. But as long as you work for the credits, they come in in waves.



Regardless of what you play in game. Being able to get from planet A to planet B is essential but zipping across the zone itself is a luxury. Obviously your gonna get necessities with little to no problem compared to having to work for a luxury.

Edited by Foxtrotmikelima
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Well this has to be one of the dumbest comments I have read on here. Seriously dude? You get speeder training at level 25. You should be able to get a speeder at level 25. If they didn’t want us to have one until Tatooine then doesn’t make speeder training available until level 30.


The reason he and many other do not have speeders at level 25 is because the economy is so out of whack it isn’t even funny. Skill training is way too expensive after level 15. And it gets far more expensive as you progress. This has been a big issue during the beta and Bioware did nothing to really address it.


And their constant nerfing of skills like Slicing is a big part of the reason.


So your comment is way off base


You can get mounts at 25, there is a vendor on Fleet.

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At lvl 23 I have enough credits for the skill, and the speeder.


Skills are Artificing, Archeology, and Treasure hunting, and I've barely done anything with all three of them.


Speeder cost is fine.


I had far more than enough for my speeder as well. But I just wanted to point out that not doing anything with your tradeskills would mean you have more money than someone who did do tradeskills. They are pretty much massive money sinks unless you're a slicer or selling underworld metals on the market (not much else sells).

Edited by Shillen
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Well this has to be one of the dumbest comments I have read on here. Seriously dude? You get speeder training at level 25. You should be able to get a speeder at level 25. If they didn’t want us to have one until Tatooine then doesn’t make speeder training available until level 30.


The reason he and many other do not have speeders at level 25 is because the economy is so out of whack it isn’t even funny. Skill training is way too expensive after level 15. And it gets far more expensive as you progress. This has been a big issue during the beta and Bioware did nothing to really address it.


And their constant nerfing of skills like Slicing is a big part of the reason.


So your comment is way off base


your comment is just as bad. I had plenty of money for my mount training, trained all my skills and leveled cybertech to 150 to make my own speeder (including buying the recipe off the GTN) all without slicing or even selling stuff, all that was just from questing and vendoring. The economy is not screwed and the slicing nerf did nothing but bring slicing in line with the other proffs. i'm getting so sick of this "they ruined the economy" crap



it is 10 days after launch THERE IS NO ECONOMY YET!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Those, and the Alliance's Boats are public transport, not something owned by the player


It's a little silly to have the means to achieve inter-planetary travel, but not own the day's equivelent of a car


again, ship = necessity / speeder = luxury.


You need a ship to get around, you dont need a speeder to get around.

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Well this has to be one of the dumbest comments I have read on here. Seriously dude? You get speeder training at level 25. You should be able to get a speeder at level 25. If they didn’t want us to have one until Tatooine then doesn’t make speeder training available until level 30.


Tattooine is a level 25 area. With speeders and speeder training available at 25.


Alderaan is the level 30 planet.

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