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Bioware points out that "MAJORITY of the players are in the sub level 30 range."


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i've been playing 3-4 hours a day and got my first toon to 50 in about 2 1/2 weeks. I have a job so your statement is a fail.


Do you have a girlfriend telling you to get off your derriere? If no, then his statement = truth.

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I play a lot, it's what I do. I am not in a big rush to hit 50. I could have taken 1 character and easily been 50, but I wanted to try out all of the classes. In every MMO I play, I have one of everything. It's just what I like to do. I have each class to 19, just so they all have their ships, and the one I have decided to take to 50 first at 27.


The fact that there is very little end game content is not a concern for me... yet. I don't really like to raid or pvp, so I guess I'll try and find something to do. The problem that concerns me is that all Bioware has planned is raids and pvp at 50. Believe it or not, some people don't want to do that sort of thing. I'd like to work on developing my players more without grinding raids and pvp. I was hoping to see some sort of AA system like in EQ or even some sort of fairly lame achievements system such as WoW, which i didn't really like that much, but it was SOMETHING to do.


Ok.. sorry, getting off topic there.


As for the lack of content again, I am still more concerned with the horrid UI and bugs that keep popping up all over the place. If BUGs exist that cause players to lose items or causes them to lose credit for something they spent time doing, that's sort of unacceptable. How most of these issues made it past beta into a live game are beyond me. There's no way 750k people could have played for a few days in the final beta and NOT had these problems and reported them.


Hey Bioware, I have time on my hands. I was a technical engineer at one of the largest software companies in the world. If you had hired me, in just 2 or 3 days of playing I could have helped you find a lot of problems. You have my account info.. feel free to contact me when you want the help. *wink*

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My main is 38 right now. Haven't played that hardcore but had the full 7 days of early access. I actually decided to hang around on Taris for almost 2 extra levels finishing EVERY quest and playing with lower level players just to have people to play with.


Rushing to cap is definitely not the best idea, IMO. Of course, everyone likes to play the way they like to play. But it'll probably suck to get all the way up to 50 and then have nothing to do or no one to play with.


I'll probably start leveling my Merc up until some more of my guildies catch up to me.

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Hey Bioware, I have time on my hands. I was a technical engineer at one of the largest software companies in the world. If you had hired me, in just 2 or 3 days of playing I could have helped you find a lot of problems. You have my account info.. feel free to contact me when you want the help. *wink*


As I'm sure you're aware, my technical engineering friend, there's a difference between finding problems and fixing them. Nearly all the issues people are complaining about currently were reported in beta, Bioware knows about them. Fixes will be coming, it's just a matter of time and triage.

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A lose fact at best. How did they determine what a "player" is? Myself I have 6 toons on a few servers, only one is over level 30. when they came up with their total numbers did they count the level 1s people made to reserve names? Or did they take each account, find the highest level character and say that the highest level represents the account?


See statistics can lie. Election year coming up, got to learn to work out facts and numbers for yourself, the politicians love to spout "facts" and numbers because they know people will believe whatever they want to believe and there is no need to back it up. Those same people will then repeat what they have heard further making it "fact".

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A lot of players may be sub 30 because they are also trying out different classes concurrently to see what they want to take to level 50.


Myself I have already leveled two Bounty Hunters (both ACs) to level 20. I have also leveled a Sith War to 25 and a Operative to 22. I did this to get a feeling for them before I make a decision on what to get to 50.


I also have 4 RL buddies playing the game and they are all doing the same thing. All of them have a couple of toons with none over 30.


So I think I wouldn't be wrong in saying that large % of the pop is doing something similar.

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I'm republic :p




Well not really, it is kinda nice playing with a friend and having no competetion for any quest / chest / node >.>


A lot of players may be sub 30 because they are also trying out different classes concurrently to see what they want to take to level 50.


Myself I have already leveled two Bounty Hunters (both ACs) to level 20. I have also leveled a Sith War to 25 and a Operative to 22. I did this to get a feeling for them before I make a decision on what to get to 50.


I also have 4 RL buddies playing the game and they are all doing the same thing. All of them have a couple of toons with none over 30.


So I think I wouldn't be wrong in saying that large % of the pop is doing something similar.

I agree with this thought and think my server shares it.

Thers loads of people on our newbie area / tatooine / nar hutta.

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As I'm sure you're aware, my technical engineering friend, there's a difference between finding problems and fixing them. Nearly all the issues people are complaining about currently were reported in beta, Bioware knows about them. Fixes will be coming, it's just a matter of time and triage.


Yes, I do know that.


I guess my point was, if you knew these problems, you would have fixed them before releasing a game and saying it was ready to go live. We aren't talking about getting stuck in the environment now and then, or an item color changing. We are talking about people wasting time and credits on things, with ZERO feedback from the company about these issues. Adding the ability to sell back an item to a vendor? Not having your companion return from a mission and close all your other windows? Come on man, this isn't innovative coding that needs to be done. This seems to me to be a lot of simple oversight or a plain lack of concern for customer satisfaction.


I've said it before, I like the game. I am not a "hater", but I do hate the fact that every time someone points out that the game is not the ******* and end all be all to the MMO world, some fanboi calls them a whiner, or complainer, or uses the dreaded QQ MOAR! Really, this has nothing to do with the content, it has to do with what I think most people expect from a game they pay for, such as a working customizable UI etc..

Edited by Flyjedi
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Yes, I do know that.


I guess my point was, if you knew these problems, you would have fixed them before releasing a game and saying it was ready to go live. We aren't talking about getting stuck in the environment now and then, or an item color changing. We are talking about people wasting time and credits on things, with ZERO feedback from the company about these issues. Adding the ability to sell back an item to a vendor? Not having your companion return from a mission and close all your other windows? Come on man, this isn't innovative coding that needs to be done. This seems to me to be a lot of simple oversight or a plain lack of concern for customer satisfaction.


I've said it before, I like the game. I am not a "hater", but I do hate the fact that every time someone points out that the game is not the ******* and end all be all to the MMO world, some fanboi calls them a whiner, or complainer, or uses the dreaded QQ MOAR! Really, this has nothing to do with the content, it has to do with what I think most people expect from a game they pay for, such as a working customizable UI etc..


I totally agree!

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Personally, when I read the article linked, I took it for what it is, that at the top there are far less characters running around than in the low-mid zones.


I am 44 and not 50 yet and over the last few planets I have noticed a severe drop in people in zone to group for Heroics, etc, with. I don't see this as a problem as I am one of those that has not begun leveling an alt much less multiple alts.


I don't feel like this was a spin by Bioware to provide biased facts, etc. To me it doesn't matter how the statistics were gained, whether it was one char per account or all characters across an account. The simple fact is that there are more sub level 30 characters than there are post level 30 characters, whether it's due to people having lots of alts or just not able to play often, or enjoying the environment and immersion of the worlds.

Edited by Helanar
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Well not really, it is kinda nice playing with a friend and having no competetion for any quest / chest / node >.>



I assure you you would not be jealous of the 6 hour queues we had at the start of Early Access. :p

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Took me 128hrs of /played time to get to 50. It was my first time leveling and I only messd around in the 2 open betas. I did not use the pvp exploit. I did not use the companion rewrds trick. Straight missions and some pvp. Started playing on the 15th and got 50 by the 19th. Looking back..Im ashamed I spent 10 days of vacation to level to 50 in game where no one cares about achievements or server 1sts.
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I'm currently level 35, but that's because my office is closed for the holidays all this week. If not, I would probably be just around 30 or so - and that's with me having day 1 early access.


And it's been incredibly difficult for me to find groups for flashpoints lately. So I believe Bioware.

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One of the paradoxes of all MMOs is it's common knowledge that the fondest memories come from earlier levels, but we still rush to 50. Even hardcore power gamers will catch themselves admitting it. I've been pretty hardcore in my time, and even though I know that the journey is the best part, I can't help myself. The nature of MMOs is to push forward.


Anyway, my point is, especially at launch, try to resist the urge to blast forward. Even more so in SWTOR, which is very much about story. It's a Bioware game after all. Even though I fully understand the leveling imperative, it's still strange that we rush to 50 in a game that's fully voice-acted, has elaborate cutscenes, etc. Basically you aren't getting your money's worth if you're full-speed ahead. I have mostly solved the problem by rolling 4 separate characters. Just hours upon hours of entertainment in this game. By the time I have multiple toons to 50 I'm confident the endgame will have been enriched.

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One of the paradoxes of all MMOs is it's common knowledge that the fondest memories come from earlier levels, but we still rush to 50. Even hardcore power gamers will catch themselves admitting it. I've been pretty hardcore in my time, and even though I know that the journey is the best part, I can't help myself. The nature of MMOs is to push forward.


Anyway, my point is, especially at launch, try to resist the urge to blast forward. Even more so in SWTOR, which is very much about story. It's a Bioware game after all. Even though I fully understand the leveling imperative, it's still strange that we rush to 50 in a game that's fully voice-acted, has elaborate cutscenes, etc. Basically you aren't getting your money's worth if you're full-speed ahead. I have mostly solved the problem by rolling 4 separate characters. Just hours upon hours of entertainment in this game. By the time I have multiple toons to 50 I'm confident the endgame will have been enriched.


I still have fond memories from WAR from before the first round of sorc nerfs and aoe hit caps. Taking out a full warband in Shadowlands solo by sneaking up from behind and aoeing the keep walls, or defending a tabbyland keep with 1 tank holding the ramp and me and another sorc farming the enemy for 20 minutes before they gave up.


But my best memories from any MMO are still from max level, fighting in massive battles with 500 people attacking a keep. Or plowing through a 200 strong zerg coming out from a keep with just 1 warband. Or killing greenscale and akylios for the first time in Rift as rather distant second/thirds.

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I do not know if this was posted already, but according to Bioware, majority of the players subscribed are in the sub level 30 range and that if you rush to level 50, you will be lonely for a few months.


Ok? Good thing my friends all hit 50 at around the same time I did. Already been clearing all of the hard mode flashpoints on a daily basis + EV/Karagga.


I don't understand why people would rush to 50 unless they have a group of friends/guildmates that are also going to hit the level cap quickly.

Edited by Exertim
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I made a Bounty Hunter and levelled him to late 15 then I knew it wasn't for me since it didn't represent me well enough so I decided to play as an Inquisitor Assassin and almost level 12 and haven't even landed on Dromund Kaas yet. I go at my pace while others go at their own. This is still week 2 of release and we should not be in a hurry to hit level 50.


Enjoy the game for what it's worth and you will feel more comfortable. :)

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I have a friend who got to 50 in less than 3 and a half days /played. He said he and 3 other guildies constantly ran Flashpoints in while waiting for WZ queue pops.


But on the flip side, he barely has his spaceship and only his first companion. Granted, the story content should be a walk in the park for him when he goes back and does it.

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