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Game Update 7.0 - Legacy of the Sith Known Issues


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Tionese gear for Jedi Consulars is not existent, every Jedi Consular gets Sith Inquisitor armor sets in SM Operations instead of their original Jedi Consular sets.


Can we please get that added to the front page of [iTEMS]?

Also Tionese gear for Consulars which already got looted needs to get fixed too please.

Edited by Jesseriah
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yea sucks i didn't see this post till after i re-subbed, got to the Malgus fight and he just pulls me into the floor and the game auto resets me :mad::mad::mad: still in the beta phase- back to un-subbed for 2 more years Edited by xPhixius
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Cannot complete Echoes of Oblivion. When I get to the point in the quest where I am to confront Tenebrae and it goes to the cut scene where Tenebrae, Valkorion and Vitiate knock everyone away, the cutscene freezes and I cannot progress past that point.


I am literally stuck and cannot do any other story quests at all because of the fact that this one quest is required to be completed to move onto other quests.

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Hi Devs, can we get an update on the Solid Resource Matrix being missing from the vendor?


Seems like it should be an easy fix, but its been 10 days and the lack of a way to get these is causing the price to skyrocket as the existing supply dries up...

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You might as well add that some Hard/Master mode Flashpoints are almost impossible to complete because of rampant and utterly insane over-tuning, especially at the final bosses. As in, the bosses basic attack two-shooting you in full 322 blue gear --And if that's indeed not geared well enough, then:


A) Why is there no visible gearscore warning/requirement? For that matter there isn't any visible implication that this might even be a thing?


A(a) Is gear-score gating actually a thing for 7.xx? Or is it just more of the usual BioWare "if we can't see it, then it's not real"?


B) Why is even halfway-decent gear still dependent on RNG to get (plenty of duplicate trousers I won't be using anytime soon or even Soon)?


Most, if not all of these bugs, and indeed this whole thread's worth of of bugs --many flat out game-breaking-- were known on the PTS for going on three months.


They acknowledged none of them, and fixed none of them. They actually shipped this whilst barely-into-Beta at best quality like this, and it would seem that, in the usual BioWare manner, they refuse to even acknowledge that they even could have done wrong, let alone that they did.


You lot might want to remember that before you click the ADD CARTEL COINS button, for once.

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I don't think that's a bug, though.


Sure, it's not great and it's a hassle, but I think it's working as intended.


It is! Someone bumped a thread from years ago before LotS was released and they said they would put it on the list to fix it... 9 years ago.


Either way, it's the reason I don't bother with pets. Such a waste of potential revenue for them too.

Edited by Pricia
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Might just be blind, but didn't see the bug where your ship just ceases to exist. Legacy transport drops you at the shuttle exit on your faction's capital planet, and going to the landing area on Odessen reveals all three faction ships clipped into each other on the ground. None of the ship are accessible, as they cut off each other's entrances.
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Is it me or after 7.0. All my companions healing and tanking is not effective anymore. Please fix it! :(

Nope, it's not just you. I have at least one Level 50 companion on each of my toons and when doing heroics I'm too often too close to dying because they aren't healing properly. It's almost laughable, if it wasn't so sad. Why even bother having a Level 50 companion if you can die as fast with a Level 10 comp. Needs to be fixed ASAP.


And I'm having another bug with the new flashpoint: I can fight and defeat Malgus now without any problems and/or workarounds, but the obelisks for the bonus bosses are suddenly missing. Can't do them anymore. Is anyone else having this problem?

Edited by xxSphinx
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And I'm having another bug with the new flashpoint: I can fight and defeat Malgus now without any problems and/or workarounds, but the obelisks for the bonus bosses are suddenly missing. Can't do them anymore. Is anyone else having this problem?


They disabled the bonus boss. They did not add this to the Known Issues list for some unfathomable reason, but there is a post. Of course since they didn't make it a sticky it's fallen off the front page: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=1003002

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Any ETA of fixing the gear problems? Two weeks in, and still powertech offhands never drop (just drop nothing when it should drop an OH) and we can't upgrade force lord MH and OH. This is a major issue for your new gear progression system.
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I've encountered another bug in Preferences -> User Interface. It is that the option to enable and disable the "Cover bar" a Sniper has is gone from that section in Preferences.


The Cover Bar for Snipers and Gunslingers was actually removed, so that's an intended change and not a bug.

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I was doing group missions with a friend on Makeb and Republic Planetary Surgery got desynced. I'm on the objective Disengage Platform Keeta Safeties, but I have literally no objectives marked on the map, and the computers that should have been my objective are not interactable. We tried resetting local phases and logging out to no avail. Something has gone seriously wrong with all group missions - planetary missions on Voss and Alderaan also desynced, to the point of being completely unable to be completed, forcing either I or my partner to entirely abandon them. How? How could you take functional content and completely break it like this?


This is literally unplayable on a fundamental level. Like, I'm completely astounded by the extent of the damage done to this game. I do not understand how this could have happened.

Edited by Tressith
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Makeb dailies confirmed, we couldn't finish one of them, we had to leave group, reset the quest to progress it. Quest was the one where you disable the landing platforms. After finishing it we couldn't group anymore because of conflicting phases!!!! No phases on us lol since the dailies were finished....logging out and in did nothing, we both had to shut the game down and start it new. This thing happened yesterday again with a Belsavis heroic (!). something's fishy here.
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[*]Dispatcher Package Legendary Implant for Sith Marauder/Jedi Sentinel is not affecting Massacre/Blade Rush causing one discipline to not get full effect of the Implant.



Actually as a Combat Sentinel, don't fix this one. Having out auto crit for Our Hand of Justice Dispatch is very valued. I can see a lot of Combat sentinel's accidently using blade rush or worst being forced to choose optimal force generation but wasting the free crit on a blade rush when we can't ID when Dispatch will be free again in our rotation. If anything make hand of justice more clear so we can get our crits off that

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Makes me wonder if they saw my ticket in regards to the PTS ordeal. There are some players who have gone to beyond what BW has required for both log mounts and titles, and yet to receive any of it, then there are some people who didn't do any of them and got literally everything. I fall in the lines of doing everything that BW required and I am missing two titles and a holo mount. I even have photo evidence too and a thread that has been going on for some time now.
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kai zykken keeps taking my money for the unidentified onslaught set gear and gives me nothing. about every 4th purchase I actually get something so thats 75% of the time I get nothing but it takes my money and frags each time


I submited tickets on this issue a week or so back. Was told it's a bug, but then they didnt return my credits or tech fragments. I asked specifically for the refund because of the bug only to be told the game is working as intended, but that I should post it as a bug, which last time I checked was sitting on about page 4 here, with no response or acknowledgment.


Please let me know if you have any better luck since CS now just closes my tickets with no reply at all.

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