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Game Update 7.0 - Legacy of the Sith Known Issues


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Bug for ruins of Nul.


When Maglus using his skill that pulls the player in, the game thinks you have been thrown off the cliff and kills you. All he is doing is pulling you in, from one part of the area to another but the game acts like he drops you off the cliff, means I can't beat him on the Republic side.

Edited by Ausstig
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When I toggle to my 5th quickbar it's completely blank although there are skills in quickbar 5 that's locked in the UI. Also all my toons quickbar 5 became QB6, and the UI's QB5 skills were moved over to that QB6 section. Even the keybinds moved to 6. You guys seriously messed the game up. Edited by JianSarys
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Hitting <ESC> doesn't always close character menu, sometimes you have to press the keybind for the menu to get it to close. Repeated <ESC> will make the game menu pop up over the character screen without closing the character screen.


Sometimes this also affects the new inventory window as well.

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So I'll now give you a couple of bugs that haven't been mentioned yet:



1: Falshpoints from manaan no longer playable with the equipment that is available.


2. Secrets of the Enclave Captain Golah. Can no longer be defeated by clipping the robots (players with 300,000/400,000 HP are partially killed in one hit)


3. Ruins of Nul 1.Boss debuff cannot be avoided and cannot be counter-healed. He is no longer defeatable for every group. The party must necessarily have an Inquisitor or Emissary, (both can purify it)


4. There are now 5 implants with speed but none with precision at the dealer on the fleet.


5. The revival probe which should be unlimited for subscribers is only available once in hero areas.


6. Cartel Market Weapons can no longer be customized to match the current Equipp.


7. Datacron Ossus Frontline Reconnaissance Post is no longer viable due to speed changes on glider navigation (distance to last platform can no longer be bridged).


8. Unable to change game style in Flashpoints.


9. Access to Apartment Carrick Station / Vaiken Space Dock. If you get the message you have to be a subscriber even though you have a subscription and have bought the necessary certificate from the dealer.


10. Activities are not recognized for Season or Conquests!


11. Companions cannot be sent away in certain areas such as Mek-sha.


12. In the interface, the texts for the skills are sometimes displayed incorrectly.


13. Current equip doesn't seem to scale properly.


14. Icon in character screen (left side class icons) Who are the new ones made by, kids? We want the old icons



15. For the gunslinger and the agent: if the opponents come under 1 meter, he can no longer take cover or the cover is broken, this was not the case before 7.0.


The best thing would probably be to undo 7.0 and then bring it if it works. It is cheeky to offer an alpha version as the official game version. 1000,0000,000,000 bugs is just too much.

Those are just the ones that really caught my eye.

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Still pending for me:


1) Character pane always appears behind anything else


2) Loadouts are currently useless - they take into account only gear in your inventory and not in cargo hold as well.


3) Deconstructed materials pane is shadowed

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FIXED ON 02/17 - Players with a Character booster with a Character's Command Token cannot choose a second Combat Style.


This is NOT true. Mine still says complete Act 3 which was the original issue!


Same for me, just used a masters datacron and I am unable to pick a second combat style, says I have to complete Chapter 3

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Here are the current known issues for GAME UPDATE 7.0 - Legacy of the Sith:



  • FIXED ON 02/15 - Players who purchased the Digital Collector's Edition on Steam should have now received all their rewards and subscription.
    • Those who didn't receive their subscription yet should contact our Support Team by mail or phone with the information and screenshots listed in this article ("I subscribed, but the game still thinks I’m not a subscriber" section): SW:TOR on Steam.

    [*]FIXED ON 02/16 - Some players who are opening Decurion Gear Containers are not receiving rewards from them.

    • Current workaround to fix this issue is for the players to set a loot Discipline.

    [*][*]FIXED ON 02/16 - Keybindings will reset for some players when changing instance. Thread.

    [*]FIXED ON 02/17 - Players with a Character booster with a Character's Command Token cannot choose a second Combat Style.

    [*]HOTFIX DEPLOYED ON 02/17 - Companions became unavailable in the Secrets of the Enclave after "The horror of the Swarm overwhelms you" dialogue - Graul boss fight. Thread.




---------- KNOWN ISSUES GAME UPDATE 7.0 ----------


  • Use Ctrl+F and keyword to check if the bug you encounter is a known issue.
  • The list is actively updated with new issues reported.



  • Opening the Galaxy Map is showing the player’s character or companion for a few frames.
  • Values in tooltips for Abilities do not update to their level-synced values.
  • Creating a boosted character using a Commander’s Character Token will result in having only a couple abilities in the hotbar.
  • The unsheathe weapon animation in the Combat Style does not reflect the selected Combat Style faction.
  • Droids on Manaan cannot be harvested with the Scavenging Crew skill.
  • Kai Zykken didn’t update his inventory and during certain weeks, he still offers schematics for deprecated tacticals.
  • Before looting, if a group member is out of range of a Group Loot, the loot will be distributed to another group member in the loot window. Returning to within range will cause the loot to be properly redistributed to the correct member in the loot window.
  • Legs do not drop for the Combat Style selected for Loot Discipline.
  • Offhands and/or Mainhands do not drop when the secondary Combat Style is selected in Loot Discipline.
  • The opening text crawl (prologue cinematic) is missing for new characters.



  • A relic slot disappears when changing Gear Tab with Companion Tab.
  • The Activity window tab hotkey shortcut is missing.
  • There is an empty box next to the Customization Appearance slot for some companions in the Companion window.
  • The Activity Finder window doesn’t display Guaranteed Rewards and Choice Rewards properly. They are displayed properly in the Mission Log and Mission Reward panels, however.
  • The Malgus’ Command Chamber is not centered when viewed in the Preview window.
  • Sorting the items in the inventory window is not working as intended. Ex.: Sorting by "Quality" in descending order or by “Value” is not sorting properly or sorting by "Compact" is sorting by "Quality". Thread.
  • The Unify color option in Outfitter is not working as intended. Thread.
  • Vehicles don't appear in the drop-down menu of the Abilities window.
    • Players need to put their mouse over the drop-down menu and scroll down, vehicles will appear under pets.



  • Companions are shown with weapons in the Companion window even if there is no weapon equipped.
  • Companion’s stats don’t change when selecting another role on the Ship.



  • Currencies cannot be linked in Chat.
  • The currencies’ Icons disappear and placeholder text is shown (2/1000000000 FPO) if the Inventory window is reopened while the Materials window is active. Thread.



  • Players can encounter visual issues in the Character Sheet resulting in blocks of randomly colored pixels.
  • The outfit is not maintained when navigating through the Character Sheet.
  • The character camera in the Preview window cannot be dragged.
  • When unlocking outfit slots in the Character Sheet with credits, the additional outfits slots (third, fourth, or further) appear to be hidden until the sheet is closed and reopened.
    • Players need to close and reopen their Character Sheet each time they unlock an outfit slot to make it appear.

    [*]Iokath polymorphs are clipping with the character in the Character Sheet.



  • Upgrading gear with Augments or Dyes via vendor trade-in destroys those gear mods if they are not removed prior to upgrading.
  • The Alacrity percentage is incorrectly displayed in the Details window.
  • Players who still own Command Crates in their inventory cannot open those anymore due to the removal of Renown Stash. Players can destroy those crates to empty their inventory as they will be removed with a future patch.
  • Some Legendary Items do not mention the discipline required for some (or all) of the abilities they affect.
  • Dispatcher Package Legendary Implant for Sith Marauder/Jedi Sentinel is not affecting Massacre/Blade Rush causing one discipline to not get full effect of the Implant.
  • The proc indicators (glowing borders) of the following Abilities: “Rail Shot”, “Mag Shot”, and “Emergency Scan” are not present after activating Supercharged Gas.
  • The Solid Resource Matrix is missing from the Jawa vendor's inventory. Thread.
  • Tionese Requisition Cache and Noble Decurion Distribution Chest contains no loot.



  • The requirement of the CZ-198 Weekly Mission on the Mission Terminal is incorrectly listing Flashpoints. The following Flashpoints are not required to complete this Weekly Mission:
    • Flashpoint: Czerka Corporate Labs
    • Flashpoint: Czerka Core Meltdown

    [*]The Anti-rad Injector is removed from the Mission inventory when the "Black Hole" Daily Mission is auto-completing. This bug is preventing players from completing the Mission without taking damage unless they use Quick Travel.

    [*]There is a typo in the Mission tracker steps of the "Deep Trouble" Bonus Mission.

    [*]Technological Advancements Mission does not specify what PvP Modes grant completion points.

    • Galactic Starfighter PvP Mode is not granting completion points.

    [*]UI is flashing on the screen during the cinematic where Z0-OM is scanning in the Shroud of Memory Mission.

    [*]Player is transported on a ship with no exit after defeating Aries in Chapter V: Ascension.

    [*]The VO of the Female Sith Warrior on Manaan is not matching the subtitles in one scen - Imperial Side.

    [*]The “Technological Advancements” Mission is not scaled with the character’s level - Imperial characters.

    [*]World Boss Mission "Priority Targets" have incorrect first bosses for Imperial and Republic: "The First (Dromund Kaas)" incorrectly appears in the World Bosses list for Republic instead of "SD-0". Thread.

    • Because of that, defeating "the first" and "SD-0" is not counting in the progression of this Weekly Priority Target.

    [*]Players can't use their ability bar after being polymorphed into a Droid during the Manaan Storyline - Imperial. Preventing them from progressing in the Mission storyline. Thread.

    • Current workaround: Click on CTRL+U twice to reload the Interface.

    [*]Players are teleported to the wrong location after being polymorphed into a Cargo Loader Droid in the Manaan storyline - Imperial. Preventing them from progressing in the storyline. Thread.

    • Current workaround: Transport to the Fleet and launch the Mission again.

    [*]Players can't defeat Darth Malgus in Ruins of Nul Flashpoint - Story Mode. Thread.

    • Our team is currently investigating the issue. Current workaround: Stick to the outer perimeter of the fight (by the stone path but not beyond the pillars) when Malgus uses the Relentless Assault Ability.

    [*]Darth Malgus' (Companion) health is too low when fighting Master Medeen in Desecration Mission - Imperial.

    • Current workaround: As Darth Malgus is not healing enough at level 75, it is advised to enter the fight at level 80.



  • The Proximity Blaster Ability in Ruins of Nul Flashpoint is missing its visual effect.
  • One player receives Isotopes Stabilizers twice after defeating the final boss in Depths of Manaan Flashpoint - Master Mode.
  • The [Weekly] Veteran Flashpoint is not progressing after completing all the requirements. Thread.



  • Isotope Stabilizers unintentionally drop the same quantity for Operations in Story, Veteran, and Master Modes.
  • The same amount of Isotope Stabilizers is dropped for 16p and 8p difficulties.



  • Season Objectives appear as Conquest Objectives in chat.
  • The season timer disappears when the “Galactic Seasons” window is displayed.
  • Receiving Galactic Seasons Tokens makes the Underworld Syndicate Plans disappear.
    • Reopening the window makes the Underworld Syndicate Plans reappear.s

    [*]The Story and Veteran mode of some flashpoints does not progress the 'Legacies of the Force' Season Objective for republic players. Thread.



  • Level 39 Abilities for Vigilance Guardians are granted at Level 38.
  • Guard and Shatter Slug Abilities appear twice in the quickbar when the “Heavy Flamethrower” ability is selected.
  • Coordination buff shows up with the Force Might buff icon when characters with Agent or Smuggler Origin Story group with another character.



  • There is no warning message when attempting to sell items saved in a Loadout.
  • The Character Model in the preview does not update/refresh to reflect the correct Outfitter appearance when switching between Loadouts in the Loadout tab of the Character Sheet.
  • The following discipline names are not fully displayed on the left side of the Loadouts window:
    • Innovative Ordnance (Mercenary Combat Style)
    • Advanced Prototype (Powertech Combat Style)
    • Assault Specialist (Commando Combat Style)
    • Shield Specialist (Vanguard Combat Style)

    [*]The following discipline names are overlapping with the Item Rating displayed for each Loadout in the Loadouts window:

    • Innovative Ordnance (Mercenary Combat Style)
    • Advanced Prototype (Powertech Combat Style)

    [*]When changing Discipline, a warning dialogue does not specify the name of the Loadout affected.

    [*]Closing the Loadout Naming window with “X” when creating a new Loadout creates a new Loadout instead of simply closing the window.

    [*]Activating a Loadout with saved broken gear will fail to equip it on the character and no warning message will be displayed.



  • Players on Steam and Bitraider will not be able to see SWTOR's new trailer "Disorder" in-game. It will be made available in our next build.
    • In the meantime, you can watch it


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





  • The visual effect of the High Roller Shades (Nar Shaddaa Nightlife reward) disappears after certain cinematics.
  • When interacting with the Carrick Station or Vaiken Spacedock Stronghold Directory, players will receive a "subscribe" message even if they are Subscribers.
  • Players with a full inventory will not be able to claim Cartel Coins Rewards Level.



  • Steadfast Master's Robes bug:
    • The fingers of the Steadfast Master's gloves are rendering black when previewed or during cutscenes. Thread
    • There is a thin line on the right leg of the Steadfast Master's Leggings. Thread
    • The character's hands disappear when wearing the Steadfast Master's Gloves with the Revered Master's Robes. Thread



  • After defeating the first boss, players that are in a party are unable to interact with the terminal making them unable to progress through “The Eternal Championship: Solo+” Flashpoint.



  • The camera shake persists during the last cinematic of Echoes of Oblivion.
  • There are discrepancies in Zenith's outfits in the Relentless Ambitions Mission. Thread



    • It is not possible to complete the Blatant Beks, Horizon’s Razors, and Pit Screamers Perfection Achievement on Tatooine and Onderon. Thread


    • The claim button is missing in the Collections for all unlocked Event Emotes making Legacy characters unable to use the Emotes unless they are bought again.
    • When throwing the Nexy Tongue on the grill in the Cooking Mini-game, players need to throw it below the indicator instead of onto the grill. Thread



  • There are several issues in the Voidstar Warzone:
    • The round timer is ending before it runs out resulting in an early end of the match.
    • Defenders can be pulled back over the bridge after respawning on the other side.

    [*]Characters that use Phase Walk (Sith Sorcerer/Jedi Sage) are sent back to the cast position if Force Push (Sith Juggernaut/Jedi Guardian) reaches them in-between the cast and the teleport of Phase Walk.



  • Players are able to go through textures by using the “Charging In” Ability on an enemy close to a texture in Shroud of Memory.
  • The Dye module slot tooltip is reversed with the Amplifier slot in the Modification window.


some of us still have problems and can not change combat style, we are stack with wrong combat style, and blocked loadouts

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Class: Vanguard


Level 35 passive of Static Field contains Pulse Engine which makes Ion Wave, Ion Storm and Pulse Cannon free.


Pulse Cannon still has full cost during a Pulse Engine proc while Ion Storm is free during a Pulse Engine proc.


This makes using the Pulse Cannon upgrade to Ion Storm (level 23 perk choice) extremely suspect despite it being nice to see an original ability return.

Edited by Gyronamics
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This +1


Edit: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9990255

Known issue from PTS it seems


keybinds haven't reset for me since starting the expansion, (I did have an ability bar that I wasn't using show but I just went into interface to fix it) Have you tried saving the bindings to a name? (third tab when you go into preferences. It saves it to a local file I believe so this should be a viable workaround)

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Really BW- You couldn't fix the combat styles for the ability bars:


As expected when you switch your combat style, and go back to your original be prepared to have to spend 10-30 minutes again setting it up like you want, which is one of the major complaints from PTS and it shows they did not listen to that complaint which means the use of combat styles is almost null and void because of that.


How many times did we complain on the PTS about this and yet you didn't fix or change this. It makes the combat styles useless because I doubt anyone is going to spend 10-30 minutes everytime they want to use another combat style so what were you thinking or maybe that's the problem, you didn't think.


Did you try using loadouts? When I picked my second style I created a loadout specifically for that class. Now I can switch back and forth. It doesn't keep the gear equipped if it is new, or if it is a different weapon (such as saber vs dualsaber) but it is so quick I could do part of the flashpoint as shadow go to my stronghold and change to sage then jump back in where I left off and run sage.

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Here are the current known issues for GAME UPDATE 7.0 - Legacy of the Sith:



  • FIXED ON 02/15 - Players who purchased the Digital Collector's Edition on Steam should have now received all their rewards and subscription.
    • Those who didn't receive their subscription yet should contact our Support Team by mail or phone with the information and screenshots listed in this article ("I subscribed, but the game still thinks I’m not a subscriber" section): SW:TOR on Steam.

    [*]FIXED ON 02/16 - Some players who are opening Decurion Gear Containers are not receiving rewards from them.

    • Current workaround to fix this issue is for the players to set a loot Discipline.

    [*][*]FIXED ON 02/16 - Keybindings will reset for some players when changing instance. Thread.

    [*]FIXED ON 02/17 - Players with a Character booster with a Character's Command Token cannot choose a second Combat Style.

    [*]HOTFIX DEPLOYED ON 02/17 - Companions became unavailable in the Secrets of the Enclave after "The horror of the Swarm overwhelms you" dialogue - Graul boss fight. Thread.




---------- KNOWN ISSUES GAME UPDATE 7.0 ----------


  • Use Ctrl+F and keyword to check if the bug you encounter is a known issue.
  • The list is actively updated with new issues reported.



  • Opening the Galaxy Map is showing the player’s character or companion for a few frames.
  • Values in tooltips for Abilities do not update to their level-synced values.
  • Creating a boosted character using a Commander’s Character Token will result in having only a couple abilities in the hotbar.
  • The unsheathe weapon animation in the Combat Style does not reflect the selected Combat Style faction.
  • Droids on Manaan cannot be harvested with the Scavenging Crew skill.
  • Kai Zykken didn’t update his inventory and during certain weeks, he still offers schematics for deprecated tacticals.
  • Before looting, if a group member is out of range of a Group Loot, the loot will be distributed to another group member in the loot window. Returning to within range will cause the loot to be properly redistributed to the correct member in the loot window.
  • Legs do not drop for the Combat Style selected for Loot Discipline.
  • Offhands and/or Mainhands do not drop when the secondary Combat Style is selected in Loot Discipline.
  • The opening text crawl (prologue cinematic) is missing for new characters.



  • A relic slot disappears when changing Gear Tab with Companion Tab.
  • The Activity window tab hotkey shortcut is missing.
  • There is an empty box next to the Customization Appearance slot for some companions in the Companion window.
  • The Activity Finder window doesn’t display Guaranteed Rewards and Choice Rewards properly. They are displayed properly in the Mission Log and Mission Reward panels, however.
  • The Malgus’ Command Chamber is not centered when viewed in the Preview window.
  • Sorting the items in the inventory window is not working as intended. Ex.: Sorting by "Quality" in descending order or by “Value” is not sorting properly or sorting by "Compact" is sorting by "Quality". Thread.
  • The Unify color option in Outfitter is not working as intended. Thread.
  • Vehicles don't appear in the drop-down menu of the Abilities window.
    • Players need to put their mouse over the drop-down menu and scroll down, vehicles will appear under pets.



  • Companions are shown with weapons in the Companion window even if there is no weapon equipped.
  • Companion’s stats don’t change when selecting another role on the Ship.



  • Currencies cannot be linked in Chat.
  • The currencies’ Icons disappear and placeholder text is shown (2/1000000000 FPO) if the Inventory window is reopened while the Materials window is active. Thread.



  • Players can encounter visual issues in the Character Sheet resulting in blocks of randomly colored pixels.
  • The outfit is not maintained when navigating through the Character Sheet.
  • The character camera in the Preview window cannot be dragged.
  • When unlocking outfit slots in the Character Sheet with credits, the additional outfits slots (third, fourth, or further) appear to be hidden until the sheet is closed and reopened.
    • Players need to close and reopen their Character Sheet each time they unlock an outfit slot to make it appear.

    [*]Iokath polymorphs are clipping with the character in the Character Sheet.



  • Upgrading gear with Augments or Dyes via vendor trade-in destroys those gear mods if they are not removed prior to upgrading.
  • The Alacrity percentage is incorrectly displayed in the Details window.
  • Players who still own Command Crates in their inventory cannot open those anymore due to the removal of Renown Stash. Players can destroy those crates to empty their inventory as they will be removed with a future patch.
  • Some Legendary Items do not mention the discipline required for some (or all) of the abilities they affect.
  • Dispatcher Package Legendary Implant for Sith Marauder/Jedi Sentinel is not affecting Massacre/Blade Rush causing one discipline to not get full effect of the Implant.
  • The proc indicators (glowing borders) of the following Abilities: “Rail Shot”, “Mag Shot”, and “Emergency Scan” are not present after activating Supercharged Gas.
  • The Solid Resource Matrix is missing from the Jawa vendor's inventory. Thread.
  • Tionese Requisition Cache and Noble Decurion Distribution Chest contains no loot.



  • The requirement of the CZ-198 Weekly Mission on the Mission Terminal is incorrectly listing Flashpoints. The following Flashpoints are not required to complete this Weekly Mission:
    • Flashpoint: Czerka Corporate Labs
    • Flashpoint: Czerka Core Meltdown

    [*]The Anti-rad Injector is removed from the Mission inventory when the "Black Hole" Daily Mission is auto-completing. This bug is preventing players from completing the Mission without taking damage unless they use Quick Travel.

    [*]There is a typo in the Mission tracker steps of the "Deep Trouble" Bonus Mission.

    [*]Technological Advancements Mission does not specify what PvP Modes grant completion points.

    • Galactic Starfighter PvP Mode is not granting completion points.

    [*]UI is flashing on the screen during the cinematic where Z0-OM is scanning in the Shroud of Memory Mission.

    [*]Player is transported on a ship with no exit after defeating Aries in Chapter V: Ascension.

    [*]The VO of the Female Sith Warrior on Manaan is not matching the subtitles in one scen - Imperial Side.

    [*]The “Technological Advancements” Mission is not scaled with the character’s level - Imperial characters.

    [*]World Boss Mission "Priority Targets" have incorrect first bosses for Imperial and Republic: "The First (Dromund Kaas)" incorrectly appears in the World Bosses list for Republic instead of "SD-0". Thread.

    • Because of that, defeating "the first" and "SD-0" is not counting in the progression of this Weekly Priority Target.

    [*]Players can't use their ability bar after being polymorphed into a Droid during the Manaan Storyline - Imperial. Preventing them from progressing in the Mission storyline. Thread.

    • Current workaround: Click on CTRL+U twice to reload the Interface.

    [*]Players are teleported to the wrong location after being polymorphed into a Cargo Loader Droid in the Manaan storyline - Imperial. Preventing them from progressing in the storyline. Thread.

    • Current workaround: Transport to the Fleet and launch the Mission again.

    [*]Players can't defeat Darth Malgus in Ruins of Nul Flashpoint - Story Mode. Thread.

    • Our team is currently investigating the issue. Current workaround: Stick to the outer perimeter of the fight (by the stone path but not beyond the pillars) when Malgus uses the Relentless Assault Ability.

    [*]Darth Malgus' (Companion) health is too low when fighting Master Medeen in Desecration Mission - Imperial.

    • Current workaround: As Darth Malgus is not healing enough at level 75, it is advised to enter the fight at level 80.



  • The Proximity Blaster Ability in Ruins of Nul Flashpoint is missing its visual effect.
  • One player receives Isotopes Stabilizers twice after defeating the final boss in Depths of Manaan Flashpoint - Master Mode.
  • The [Weekly] Veteran Flashpoint is not progressing after completing all the requirements. Thread.



  • Isotope Stabilizers unintentionally drop the same quantity for Operations in Story, Veteran, and Master Modes.
  • The same amount of Isotope Stabilizers is dropped for 16p and 8p difficulties.



  • Season Objectives appear as Conquest Objectives in chat.
  • The season timer disappears when the “Galactic Seasons” window is displayed.
  • Receiving Galactic Seasons Tokens makes the Underworld Syndicate Plans disappear.
    • Reopening the window makes the Underworld Syndicate Plans reappear.s

    [*]The Story and Veteran mode of some flashpoints does not progress the 'Legacies of the Force' Season Objective for republic players. Thread.



  • Level 39 Abilities for Vigilance Guardians are granted at Level 38.
  • Guard and Shatter Slug Abilities appear twice in the quickbar when the “Heavy Flamethrower” ability is selected.
  • Coordination buff shows up with the Force Might buff icon when characters with Agent or Smuggler Origin Story group with another character.



  • There is no warning message when attempting to sell items saved in a Loadout.
  • The Character Model in the preview does not update/refresh to reflect the correct Outfitter appearance when switching between Loadouts in the Loadout tab of the Character Sheet.
  • The following discipline names are not fully displayed on the left side of the Loadouts window:
    • Innovative Ordnance (Mercenary Combat Style)
    • Advanced Prototype (Powertech Combat Style)
    • Assault Specialist (Commando Combat Style)
    • Shield Specialist (Vanguard Combat Style)

    [*]The following discipline names are overlapping with the Item Rating displayed for each Loadout in the Loadouts window:

    • Innovative Ordnance (Mercenary Combat Style)
    • Advanced Prototype (Powertech Combat Style)

    [*]When changing Discipline, a warning dialogue does not specify the name of the Loadout affected.

    [*]Closing the Loadout Naming window with “X” when creating a new Loadout creates a new Loadout instead of simply closing the window.

    [*]Activating a Loadout with saved broken gear will fail to equip it on the character and no warning message will be displayed.



  • Players on Steam and Bitraider will not be able to see SWTOR's new trailer "Disorder" in-game. It will be made available in our next build.
    • In the meantime, you can watch it


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





  • The visual effect of the High Roller Shades (Nar Shaddaa Nightlife reward) disappears after certain cinematics.
  • When interacting with the Carrick Station or Vaiken Spacedock Stronghold Directory, players will receive a "subscribe" message even if they are Subscribers.
  • Players with a full inventory will not be able to claim Cartel Coins Rewards Level.



  • Steadfast Master's Robes bug:
    • The fingers of the Steadfast Master's gloves are rendering black when previewed or during cutscenes. Thread
    • There is a thin line on the right leg of the Steadfast Master's Leggings. Thread
    • The character's hands disappear when wearing the Steadfast Master's Gloves with the Revered Master's Robes. Thread



  • After defeating the first boss, players that are in a party are unable to interact with the terminal making them unable to progress through “The Eternal Championship: Solo+” Flashpoint.



  • The camera shake persists during the last cinematic of Echoes of Oblivion.
  • There are discrepancies in Zenith's outfits in the Relentless Ambitions Mission. Thread



    • It is not possible to complete the Blatant Beks, Horizon’s Razors, and Pit Screamers Perfection Achievement on Tatooine and Onderon. Thread


    • The claim button is missing in the Collections for all unlocked Event Emotes making Legacy characters unable to use the Emotes unless they are bought again.
    • When throwing the Nexy Tongue on the grill in the Cooking Mini-game, players need to throw it below the indicator instead of onto the grill. Thread



  • There are several issues in the Voidstar Warzone:
    • The round timer is ending before it runs out resulting in an early end of the match.
    • Defenders can be pulled back over the bridge after respawning on the other side.

    [*]Characters that use Phase Walk (Sith Sorcerer/Jedi Sage) are sent back to the cast position if Force Push (Sith Juggernaut/Jedi Guardian) reaches them in-between the cast and the teleport of Phase Walk.



  • Players are able to go through textures by using the “Charging In” Ability on an enemy close to a texture in Shroud of Memory.
  • The Dye module slot tooltip is reversed with the Amplifier slot in the Modification window.


wow way to CDPR it guys. Really unacceptable.

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I can't even FINISH the freaking STORY. "work around: fight on the edge!" Yeah that's not working either. I've died to this bald clown like 30 times now or had him reset about 30 times. I literally can't kill a solo-story boss because of gamebreaking bugs that YOU can't fix.

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Did you try using loadouts? When I picked my second style I created a loadout specifically for that class. Now I can switch back and forth. It doesn't keep the gear equipped if it is new, or if it is a different weapon (such as saber vs dualsaber) but it is so quick I could do part of the flashpoint as shadow go to my stronghold and change to sage then jump back in where I left off and run sage.


Yes, there are bugs in the loadouts. Sometimes it works great, sometimes you have to reset your ability bars over 4 times before it saves the loadouts. This was a bug on the PTS that was reported and you would think they would have caught it and fixed it.

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Yes, there are bugs in the loadouts. Sometimes it works great, sometimes you have to reset your ability bars over 4 times before it saves the loadouts. This was a bug on the PTS that was reported and you would think they would have caught it and fixed it.


Skyrim on release had fewer bugs than this.

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Yes, there are bugs in the loadouts. Sometimes it works great, sometimes you have to reset your ability bars over 4 times before it saves the loadouts. This was a bug on the PTS that was reported and you would think they would have caught it and fixed it.


Wow it is amazing how some people can have these issues and others can't. I mean I have the story fully completed both sides 4 times each one of each origin and with zero issues. Yet I am seeing evidence that there are people who can't even do it once. Like I said in a previous post biofail sure did manage to CDPR this expansion. I mean seriously did Cyberpunk 2077 have this many issues on launch? Heck I honestly can't remember the last launch that was botched like this one was.

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Well let's be honest, Skyrim is way less complicated than an MMO.


I am sorry, but when you have a PTS and delay the launch due to the issues in said PTS and they are still there on launch it is 100% unacceptable. But of course they don't give a flying f* so long as we sheep keep paying for a subscription, or keep buying their ridiculous "collectors editions"

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