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Game Update 7.0 - Legacy of the Sith Known Issues


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I encountered a weird bug.


During the mission "Fortification", after you drop the mines out of the underwater airlock, you're transported back into the room with the droid, but can't leave to go back to the console through the doors, as there are invisible walls.


Fix: Simply leaving the instance (like going to your home or somewhere else) and coming back puts you back in the correct spot.

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Every single time I change classes from commando (second class) to mercenary (primary and original), it keeps on changing my proficiency to DPS even though I am a healer on it. I haven't found a fix for it.


Every time I change my class from one back to the other, my keybinds completely reset, even if I try to lock it. Every. Single. Time.


Also, why do my weapons for one class have to become unequipped when I switch to my second class? That literally makes no sense. It also doesn't help that they don't auto-equip back when I change.


This update is absolutely awful and it doesn't feel like anything came of it when they pushed the release back by 2 months. You need to get these issues fixed stat since it's bound to make people quit because it makes the game almost unplayable. Especially when I take 10 minutes to setup my quickbars and then if I have to change a class, all that work is gone.

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Logged in and two bugs for me:


Character Creator: Two main issues. One is that in the old one you could hear the various voicelines by moving around your character, letting you get a feel for the personality and sound before you decided. Now you can only hear the voice when you switch male/female? Unsure if this is intentional but if not I hope it is changed. And also when you click on male/female, it randomizes basically everything even when you have certain things like hair/face/scars/etc locked. The only thing that stayed the same for me was body type. Tested this on cathar females and male cyborgs and sith.


First mission: No spoilers! But in the first cutscene/mission, there appears to be a bug where special effects (laser fire, explosions, etc) aren't appearing. Sound and motions work okay, just no special effects. I *do* notice a little square up in the left corner though so I think there's an overlay issue or something.


Hope this helps, thanks for your work devs. \o


EDIT: Fixed the latter bug, it appears the AMD "anti-aliasing can't be higher than medium" bug is still in effect, I'm nostalgic.

Edited by crawlerette
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Every time I start the game through Steam, it insists on installing the Microsoft VC ReDist package. Every single time.


Upon further inspection, it appears to be something related to an installscript. Clicking no when Steam asks for administrative privileges goes straight to the launcher.

Edited by Elendryst
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So, are lower level characters intended to be able to enter Ruins of Nul? My level 25 BH had it available in the Story FP section, and was then able to fly to Odessen and enter the FP. It bolsters up to 80, so I could maybe functionally finish the FP, but considering literally no other story FP works this way, I get the impression it's unintentional.
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Unify colors appears to be broken in several ways.

On player characters, it cannot be undone once selected.

On companions, it cannot be activated at all, seemingly. The little square in the corner of items equipped to them will toggle on/off, but it performs no color change on the equipped item, and does not stay toggled on if you exit/re-enter the companion screen.

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The main Issue I am having that I have not saw mentioned yet is that the game client is locking up for me when I open the Legacy screen.


I was going to purchase a new legacy ability, but twice now, when I open the page, the game client locks up.

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Just adding on here:


Secrets of the Enclave has a major glitch on the first fight; when the "Horror of the Swarm" starts messing with your character, it auto-dismisses your companion and causes your side-kick to disappear as well. Can't access the new content because I haven't beaten this, so I'm stuck at this horrible fight.


Really considering trying to fight for a refund and cancelling my subscription...

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I'm in the new storyline with Major Anri. The mission is called Fortification. Supposed to get in a loader droid, grab containers and do whatever with them. I was in the loader, clicked container, and moved towards where the mini map showed, clicked door, before i realized it said airlock door. I got booted out of the loader and put back in the warehouse place. now i'm stuck and can't get out or do anything... since it's a main storyline mission, unable to reset.


However, I did discover I was able to go to fleet, then come back and get past that, now in the submersible.

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Seconding the keybind changes after zone changes. Did a client restart and it's still happening.


Also not sure if bug or intended, but completed achievement sections are no longer green, making it harder to find things IMO.


Edit: Just did some more testing and it's after any load screen. So logging out to character select and logging back in triggers it too.


Additional note if it's helpful. I just logged into a different character for the first time today and keybindings are fine. So this seems to be a character by character issue rather than an account issue which seems bizarre.

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Issue i have been having is not being able to switch between advanced classes.... i can run the mission to select one and can change to it... but i am unable to change back to my primary class... I have completed all the stories but the glitch i am getting is that is says it is locked until i complete chapter 3... so either it erased my legendary status or its some other bug... if anyone else is experiencing this please chime in as to what you have done to fix it...
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I did the flashpoint Assault on Tython, but it didn't count for the Galactic Seasons flashpoint objective (Legacies of the Force or whatever). My count is still at zero. It didn't progress the weekly flashpoint mission either. :(


Edit: Also, weren't recovered relics supposed to be added back to the loot tables? I didn't get a single one of those either.

Edited by Ruvalie
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I see many people already complained about non-working auto-loot and area loot, but don't forget about non-working Auto-targeting and inability to clear target by ground-click. It's especially bad when you have a group of enemies around and cannot use an AoE ability because it requires to target at least one enemy in the group. Need to click or use Tab key any time, this seriously changes all previous (well memorised) sequence of combat actions. Add the reset of keybindings, which makes the game almost unplayable.
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So detailed patchnotes, great.


Oh... wait.


Emberassing that you are still holding this wonderful licence.


Your lack of competence is disturbing.


(But the marketing department ofc, which made a "great new expansion with 5 new levels" out of this travesty of a small content patch where you hit maxlevel after 3 small questlines.

But everything ever had to be said about marketing, Bill Hicks did many years ago.)

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HI folks.

Those frustrated with the right-click/auto loot/area loot settings bug, if you go into preferences and unset all of the settings that aren't working (top section of the window) and click apply and ok, then re-open the window and set them again, the click apply/ok again, they will work.


I know it's frustrating having to do this every time your changes zones, but it's better than manually looting everything


Also, similar with key bindings. if you set up all of your key bindings, then 'export' them using that function, next time you load an area and don't have them, you can go into the key bindings import and have them back again.

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Either I am dumb or something is fishy...I was not able to find anyone else with this problem, but I boosted a character to start with Jedi Under Siege. Now I am in the Jedi-Library with Malgus, but I am constantly dying to the mobs. I am playing a Sorcerer and I just can't heal the damage and Malgus prefers attacking the Mobs instead of healing.

My gear level is 231 and a few weeks prior I could do the quest with no problem whatsoever.

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Everytime I was supposed to load into a different area on Manaan, it left me where I started the cutscene. For example, the load into the republic gunship would actually keep you in the shipping docks, despite the entire cutscene playing without error.



Leave the planet and then relaunch the mission. Would prefer it if you didn't have to leave the area because the load triggers are screwed.

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Not sure if it's a bug or if the feature was willingly removed for some obscure reason but the Cover Bar went missing. Going into cover with a sniper doesn't make the hotkey bar switch automatically anymore. This was a nice QoL feature so ut being bugged or removed is a massive pain.
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I lose the setup of my abilities bars!


What I did:


I set my loadout and abilities in bars, for my Vanguard Tank. Then create a new loadout for Merc Heal and set it all, and last I create a new loadout for Vanguard Plasmatech.


Then I got back to Vanguard and all abilities missplaced and some missing. I fix it. And change to merc, plasmatech and back to Vanguard tank. All fine.


Suddenly a while later do the round again to test, and my vanguard loses all again.

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Haven't seen commented, but it happens and it's annoying:


Currency tab randomly messes up and becomes a list of text all in white with wrong spacing that makes it mostly unreadable. Opening and closing it again may fix it (or not, it's random), but it's super inconvenient, ofc.


PLEASE add a arrow-scrollbar to the abilities list so people will FIND the vehicles option. Seriously, this is such a PRIMARY UI/UX issue that I don't even know how it wasn't refined before.

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