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Everything posted by DrDestiny

  1. Right clicking and dismissing a class boost zaps it, and there appears to be no way of getting it back now. Re-logging makes no difference.
  2. I'm just finishing the 'Thin Blue Line' quest, and trying to talk to Darth Tormen to finish out this quest, but the conversation just stalls. Have tried resetting the quest, using different conversation options, Space skipping as much as I can, but never get past the first part of the conversation. Is there a work around or am I doomed?
  3. At least with that one, people always team up! I usually get my requests ignored on the Face Merchants one.
  4. I most certainly DID report them.
  5. Interestingly, from the Terms & Conditions: Rules of Conduct: "Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed." So, let's see if they can enforce their own rules.
  6. In-action is an action, and in-action here means my cash is going to provide a platform for this filth, which is something I find unacceptable.
  7. Ignore cannot and must not be the only option. We hear hate-speech and all we're supposed to do is stick our fingers in our ears and shout 'la-la-la I can't hear you'? Your argument seems to be that so long as you can no longer hear it, then it's no longer a problem (" I really don't care as along as I can block them and don't see it anymore."). That is not a solution, that's hiding. I'm not having a go at you, but rather seeing this crap spewed out unopposed in General Chat really did make me sick to my stomach, and has certainly made me consider ending my Sub., since I don't want to contribute cash to anything that acts as a platform for this.
  8. I was just playing my Juggernaut and was in DK when I had to quit out because of the astonishing level of crude racism in General Chat. When did this bollocks become OK? This simple-minded vile idiocy is now OK on General Chat? Is anything being done about it? I reported it and complained about it in General, but there were 100+ others there too, and there was silence from them. Is this OK Bioware? Is this OK EA? Is this OK for us Players? If it is, then it's not my game anymore.
  9. As the title says. Server Status page say's it's OK, but can't connect to it.
  10. As the title says really. My smuggler has been pottering about, and I finally decided to take him though KofFE, but now the Mission Console on my ship won't let me play, saying I'm Not Eligible. He has recently hit lvl 70 - does this act as a bar to starting the Prelude?
  11. I'd like at least some sort of hint as to whether we're getting the rest of our Companions back, at least the LI ones.
  12. I have, and have had for a while, level 65 characters in every class, but this is not being recognised in the Class Achievements.
  13. This. We all appear to be showing no interest in the whereabouts of our loved ones. Bad characterization.
  14. Re-logging fixed it (and Mail) for about 30 seconds. I now have my Coruscent Stronghold but none of the other three... wheeeeee!
  15. Thanks - it wasn't that, but it did return after a re-log
  16. My Coruscent Stronghold has vanished. Can no longer see or access. (can't access Mail either, but am less concerned about that)
  17. The thing that actually disappointed me about this Chapter was the lack of interaction. My Trooper can't even ask Jorgen 'Hey, by the way, do you know where Elara, the woman I'm engaged to is?' or 'Hey look, I have another couple of ex-Havok members here, let's catch up in the Cantina'. Nothing personal what-so-ever. It just demonstrated a lack of care when putting the Chapter together.
  18. Well, because it was a known issue, created when the Crafting limit went up. I did, I'm afraid, expect facetious remarks, so at least I was not disappointed on that account. I do apologize if my question annoyed you enough to be snippy however.
  19. So, post patch, I still need Armstech Bonded materials to produce Artifice items. I'd assumed this was going into this patch, but as it hasn't. is there an eta on a fix?
  20. This is nothing. I'm still waiting for the darn City of Heroes servers to come back up.
  21. Me too. Was directed to the forums, but obviously no official word yet.
  22. Same problem for me. Don't make me carry on working, I need some play-time!
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