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Game Update 7.0 - Legacy of the Sith Known Issues


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quote from known issues


Some Legendary Items do not mention the discipline required for some (or all) of the abilities they affect.

Dispatcher Package Legendary Implant for Sith Marauder/Jedi Sentinel is not affecting Massacre/Blade Rush causing one discipline to not get full effect of the Implant.


these 2 are mentioned but not this one mentioned on vullk - id assume its known and this one is important to me and id like to know its being worked on


here is the quote from Vullk website


"Improved Targeting [bugged] – Reduces the cooldown of Laze Target, Viral Targeting, and Targeting Systems by 15 seconds. (currently bugged, does not appear to provide the cooldown reduction)" *


*Vullk marksman sniper guide

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Mentioning in a comment here instead of making a new thread because I feel it's been mentioned a number of times before in various forms:


I made a new character a couple of days ago, a sith warrior with the sentinel combat style because why not. Played a tiny bit, logged in today and noticed that the 'training in the force' mission was now available. As far as I know, it should only become available after chapter 3, right? I did not go through with the mission for fear of experiencing further bugs.

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Group missions with phases are still bugged - During the Imperial Alderaan planetary story, on the Traitor mission, only one person would get progress for interacting with the objectives, making it entirely possible for the mission to be permanently unable to be completed; the "finished" objectives would become entirely un-interactable for everyone even though your mission doesn't record their progress. This is atrocious and merits a rollback on its own. It breaks a significant fraction of group content in the base game. And for what? This system wasn't supposed to be *********** touched in the update. It hasn't been touched in literal years, even for basic bug fixes and polish.


And still 0 acknowledgement from Bioware. Multiply reported, not on the known issues list. I'm not even sure I trust them to handle this -- with their incompetent track record and utter deafness in regard to player feedback, I suspect their "bug fix" would be turning planetary stories into a version of the terrible SOR system, where group progression is impossible and everyone has to play the stories on their own. Which would make the game objectively worse, but maybe that's their goal.


This is, for the record, the *same* bug that's impacting heroic mission group phases. It has broken literally every group phase in the game, save perhaps flashpoints. And we have no idea why they were screwing with this system to begin with, because again, no updates or improvements were announced or planned. The transparency in this most recent "expansion" is a travesty. How can anyone be excited about the "renewed development focus" on SWTOR if this is what it looks like? A game that's literally unable to be played with friends?

Edited by Tressith
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Group missions with phases are still bugged - During the Imperial Alderaan planetary story, on the Traitor mission, only one person would get progress for interacting with the objectives, making it entirely possible for the mission to be permanently unable to be completed; the "finished" objectives would become entirely un-interactable for everyone even though your mission doesn't record their progress.


This is not universally true, but there is a bug here and it should be on the list.


For instance, I was in a full guild group doing heroics on Hoth last week and even on the same planet, interactive objectives did not behave the same way from heroic to heroic. The clickies for Signal Jam (open world) gave credit for everyone in the group when the first person clicked. The Ortolan cages in Humanitarian Aid (instance) likewise gave credit to the entire group when someone opened them. However, the prisoners in Prisoner Extraction (instance) only gave credit to the person who clicked on the prisoner. Since there are not enough prisoners in the instance for four people to each click enough, this is obviously frustrating.


Since it's so erratic, it's going to be hard to pin down. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't acknowledge it.

Edited by Lyriel
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Star fortresses are not counting towards Technological Advancements, at least the story mode ones. Story mode fps are supposed to award 2 points but I got zero.


Also, the Nathema Conspiracy flashpoint is bugged - on the platform where the final two boss fights occur, my companion keeps randomly dying due to "fall damage" just from walking around. Makes completing the fp on story mode nearly impossible.


The number of bugs in this update is insane. Game is barely functional.

Edited by Ruvalie
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I see this often but whoever is in charge of adding to the main part of this thread, doesn't add it. ALL companion tech or force abilities do not hit(AOE attack of a tank stance companion, and sundering periodic attach of dps companion stance). Any yellow damage text abilities companions have always generates a miss. 100% of the time. This is problematic as dps output of dps companions is horrible, and aoe aggro of tank companions doesn't happen.


Please add so those of us who dont just always use a healing companion, can get peace of mind that it is actually an issue that is acknowledged.

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This is not universally true, but there is a bug here and it should be on the list.


For instance, I was in a full guild group doing heroics on Hoth last week and even on the same planet, interactive objectives did not behave the same way from heroic to heroic. The clickies for Signal Jam (open world) gave credit for everyone in the group when the first person clicked. The Ortolan cages in Humanitarian Aid (instance) likewise gave credit to the entire group when someone opened them. However, the prisoners in Prisoner Extraction (instance) only gave credit to the person who clicked on the prisoner. Since there are not enough prisoners in the instance for four people to each click enough, this is obviously frustrating.


Since it's so erratic, it's going to be hard to pin down. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't acknowledge it.


Sorry, in my earlier post I said specifically it was a phase sync issue; I should have repeated it in this one, too.

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but whoever is in charge of adding to the main part of this thread, doesn't add it. .


The 'tutorial' BUG i reported way back on page 2 , as well as again on page 13 , still hasn't been added to the OP List ....and i have no idea why. ( i also have no idea why no other players haven't confirmed it yet either, but whatever)


Truly baffling. :(

Edited by Nee-Elder
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Sorry, in my earlier post I said specifically it was a phase sync issue; I should have repeated it in this one, too.


But that also doesn't entirely explain the problem. In the example of Prisoner Extraction, everyone is on the same step in the same phase. It's not one of those that depend on a variable like drops or kills to advance; the only thing that advances the mission is clicking on a prisoner to release them.

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List of bugs on my side:


  • Force Armor graphic is only placed on me, never irrespective if I place it on me or somebody else.
  • In appearance modification station, outfit appears without unified colours, so it looks ugly.
  • Show/Hide Head Slot in Outfitter: If you toggle it differently between outfits, messes its settings so if you for example have it on for outfit 5 and then turn it off for outfit 6, outfit 5 head slot will also toggle off.
  • Companion outfit colours can't be unified.
  • Customer Service ticket receipt notification not visible unless you manually enter the menu!
  • Loadouts only consider gear in the inventory. I don't know if this is a bug, I guess it should be. Otherwise the feature is useless if you have to carry all your gear for them to work.





  • Put a toggle button for the inventory part of the character pane - is too screen consuming as of now.
  • Toggle button for character and companion in character pane that will make them toggle between combat and idle stance.

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The 'tutorial' BUG i reported way back on page 2 , as well as again on page 13 , still hasn't been added to the OP List ....and i have no idea why. ( i also have no idea why no other players haven't confirmed it yet either, but whatever)


Truly baffling. :(


Yeah. In this case, there has been a few people who have reported it, but since the majority of people always use the heal stance on a companion, most people don't realize it. But these are genuine problems that i am just hoping, though it isn't included in the main thread, that it will be addressed.

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Yeah. In this case, there has been a few people who have reported it, but since the majority of people always use the heal stance on a companion, most people don't realize it. .


I'm not sure what "heal stance on companion" has to do with my post you replied to (which was about the in-game Tutorial ) , but maybe you didn't click the 2 hyperlinks within my post at all?


Regardless, there is at least SOME hope on the horizon, for both the bug i reported about the Tutorials, and for many many other reported bugs: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=10017664#edit10017664


Obviously , it would've been way better had BioWare spent the "2 months delay" on fixing those bugs, so that 7.0 would've been 7.0.1 (more polished) . Sure, players would've still complained about the lack of content, lack of new Op, and lack of 'weapon outfitter' . But still, 7.0.1 seems to be , imho, what 7.0 should've been. :cool:

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Can we get BW to confirm they are working on these PvP issues? Or at least add them to the work in process list.


Missing buffs in warzones.



Bolster is not working correctly in PvP warzones.

306 gear better the 326 gear. Augments aren't scaling.



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  • Loadouts only consider gear in the inventory. I don't know if this is a bug, I guess it should be. Otherwise the feature is useless if you have to carry all your gear for them to work.

the Preview I get when I have the Gear in my Inventory doesn't work when I'm equipping directly from the Legacy Bank,

but if I have the Legacy Bank open when switching Loadout equipping the Gear works for me and if the Bank is closed slots just become empty.


please check if the Gear that was saved in the Loadout is actually in the Legacy bank, also Upgrades are not automatically updated.

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  • The team is investigating why Companions are underperforming in level synced content.


What's there to investigate? I can tell you exactly what happened:

You broke them when you broke level scaling

You messed with stats you should never have touched


Capping presence has broken the companions, just like capping tertiary stats has broken our characters (Accuracy, GCD,..) in low level worlds, and made gear completely pointless. I might as well fight in my underpants.


Level scaling was working perfectly pre 7.0, so do a complete rollback and remember to

never touch a working system

Edited by Real_Dark_Lord
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I'm sure somebody already posted this but the Outfitter needs to include all these cool weapons we have spent so much time and money collecting and unlocking for our accounts. I didn't spend years collecting them to have them be worthless now.
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I think it's time for all this gear to just come with an augment slot. Time to retire the mk crafting. The prices for this stuff is out of control and I can craft my own so that is not why I am saying this.

If we are forced to go down this path with this upgrading gear, I feel it is a reasonable compromise.

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